It maybe just meh, but lately there has been a lot of inter realm conflicts with guilds/individuals slagging eachother. It started off with SotL and someones argument that they are too elitist a community in Albion. Right now theres a thread in Midgard regarding a certain guilds behaviour and another slagging one of the alliances.
I thought to bring this up separately because i think this is a whole new issue here. As far as i can see new people will not join the game if they read such comments on this forum <and lets face it we could do with some natural new blood, not the pop migrating "new bloods">. Realistically im starting to think that very soon players will be quiting the game as a whole/ migrating to the peacefull realm of Hibernia
This not only goes to the posters on this forum, but a request to mods as well. Please do not post<moderators please - close/delete> threads that should be solved internally, hence privately not publicly.
My two rubles worth.....
Ivan "AK"
I thought to bring this up separately because i think this is a whole new issue here. As far as i can see new people will not join the game if they read such comments on this forum <and lets face it we could do with some natural new blood, not the pop migrating "new bloods">. Realistically im starting to think that very soon players will be quiting the game as a whole/ migrating to the peacefull realm of Hibernia
This not only goes to the posters on this forum, but a request to mods as well. Please do not post<moderators please - close/delete> threads that should be solved internally, hence privately not publicly.
My two rubles worth.....
Ivan "AK"