To the person who gained access to my account



I can spare a plat or 2 for you m8, my SCd outfit can wait a little longer thats all. Let me know how much you need.



Originally posted by spankya Not sure what lvl your chars are or how long u have played, but assuming u have been playing for a long time and have a lvl50 or 2 or more, I'm sure u would be very pissed off if they got totally deleted and all the time u spent making the chars turned out to be for nothing.
Either way it’s all for nothing, that’s the thing you need to realize at the very creation of you first character. If you take an in game loss that harshly, you really should reconsider playing at all.

And posting this on the Bw’s have without a doubt further encouraged them, and notified them on a operation success. Further I for one would never name my toons to satisfy my ego(here), as I believe the quick login option to be hazardous. Does it even have a lock account feature? after ‘x’ amount of tries?


Mageling, if you bother to think that you spend money on an account that you EXPECT to be backed up, otherwise you might as well piss the money down the toilet


Re: Note

Originally posted by Mageling
Either way it’s all for nothing, that’s the thing you need to realize at the very creation of you first character. If you take an in game loss that harshly, you really should reconsider playing at all.


I think you need help mate. Or take your own advice because you've obviously never experienced the friendships that can be made through MMORPG. Stick to the SP experience - try Neverwinter Nights, ok its multiplayer too, but their are plenty of SP Nihilistic mods out there that you can play with yourself with.



Originally posted by Exiled
Mageling, if you bother to think that you spend money on an account that you EXPECT to be backed up, otherwise you might as well piss the money down the toilet

We're talking about Goa, I rest my case.

Originally posted by elath
I think you need help mate. Or take your own advice because you've obviously never experienced the friendships that can be made through MMORPG. Stick to the SP experience - try Neverwinter Nights, ok its multiplayer too, but their are plenty of SP Nihilistic mods out there that you can play with yourself with.
So he lost his friends with the items then?


well dont tell people to grow up and its only a game when they are paying a frigging service


Too much hibby grass

Originally posted by Exiled
well dont tell people to grow up and its only a game when they are paying a frigging service
I didn’t you did, I said get real.


Re: ...

Originally posted by Mageling

So he lost his friends with the items then?


Originally posted by Mageling

Either way it’s all for nothing, that’s the thing you need to realize at the very creation of you first character.

I was just commenting on your, seemingly, lack of understanding of the MMORPG.

old.Cruel Heart

Damn that sucks :(

Best way to keep this from happening again:
Dont use IRC (its very easy to hack into your computer via irc)
If you use IRC make sure you have a good firewall protection
Dont keep your password on your comp (for example in a notepad at desktop)
Write down the contents of the email GOA sends you (sub acc and pass etc) on paper and delete the email (prevents ppl from getting to your account by hacking your email).

Good luck in the future.


Guess he's friends got deleted too.

Originally posted by Mageling
Common people, this is just a game!
Originally posted by Exiled
well dont tell people to grow up and its only a game when they are paying a frigging service
Originally posted by elath
I was just commenting on your, seemingly, lack of understanding of the MMORPG.
(1) What I said (wrote).
(2) What I didn’t say (write).
(3) And I was simply referring to your obvious negligence of life experience.


Then let people get that experience, don't experience it for them, or try to give it to them.

Ofcourse people get sad when things like this happen, what's the reason to not let people post about it when it bothers them?

This is things people spend alot of time with, when it suddenly is gone by someones elses actions it will bother people.

After all this is a place to talk about DAoC and their experiences and thoughts.



Originally posted by Tranquil-
Then let people get that experience, don't experience it for them, or try to give it to them.

Ofcourse people get sad when things like this happen, what's the reason to not let people post about it when it bothers them?

This is things people spend alot of time with, when it suddenly is gone by someones elses actions it will bother people.

After all this is a place to talk about DAoC and their experiences and thoughts.
I said it before, if anything that post encourages further attempts of hacking.

However, threats of banning etc on Goa's official home page that 'might' make a difference. Dtoc ahum...


Kindly fuck off and die of scrotal mange Mageling.


Nova, shave ya legs.

Originally posted by Novamir
Kindly fuck off and die of scrotal mange Mageling.
If you like being gay, that's your sexual statement, I however don’t want any of your diseases sexually transmittable or not (you’re know for spreading yourself all over these boards). So keep yourself at the recommend distance, and ‘kindly’ wait in line ‘til my spokesman find the time to address you.


I'll just make a few corrections for you!

"If you like being gay, that's your sexual persuasion, I however don’t want any of your diseases sexually transmittable or not (you’re known for spreading yourself all over these boards). So keep yourself at the recommended distance, and ‘kindly’ wait in line ‘til my spokesman finds the time to address you."

Your spokesperson can contact my accountant to agree my fee. :rolleyes:

Ps. Owning a level 13 Enchanter on Camlann doesn't qualify you for an opinion, sorry :(


You need any armour making mate, u know who to ask, and I'm sure Ort would spend some time making weapons.

This is one of the suckiest things I've read and some of the comments on this thread have been worse than the actual deed.


Originally posted by Novamir
I'll just make a few corrections for you!

"If you like being gay, that's your sexual persuasion, I however don’t want any of your diseases sexually transmittable or not (you’re known for spreading yourself all over these boards). So keep yourself at the recommended distance, and ‘kindly’ wait in line ‘til my spokesman finds the time to address you."

Your spokesperson can contact my accountant to agree my fee. :rolleyes:

Ps. Owning a level 13 Enchanter on Camlann doesn't qualify you for an opinion, sorry :(

Your spokesperson can contact my accountant to agree my fee
Keyword would be 'ON my fee', and you should know that. But hey, that's your job not mine, further onwards my brave gray gay stallion.

Boy I will have to lower your fee accordingly as you missed at least one correction. And you’re in fact flaunting your sexuality, etc making a sexual statement out of it, not just sharing your sexual ‘persuasion’. Furthermore my in-game-manager tells me you have switched to LW to benefit from the rear positional styles. It's also being reported throughout the whole Hibernia nation that Torcs have been spotted walking in an awkward manner.

And as you already seem to fit into correcting (keep it fresh ya), you might as well help the people who do my laundry. One has fallen ill at the moment, so your hard labor should be most welcome.

Ps, Camlann yeh I have to roll a rm and keep killing grays for that.


Re: Tsk

Originally posted by Mageling
Common people, this is just a game!

it may be a game. but when we put some effort and time in to it we get attached to our chars. it so bloody easy to say its just a game. and I am 10000% sure you would have been very angry if your little chars would have been deleted. I think everyone would be, no matter how much you play.

its kinda normal to be angry when someone destroys something you have put effort and time in to. it can be a painting, a company, something in school, and so on.

as I said, dont think you would have been too happy if someone deleted those 5 pages you had wroted down for school.


Originally posted by Mageling
And you’re in fact flaunting your sexuality, etc making a sexual statement out of it, not just sharing your sexual ‘persuasion’.

Fascinating. Your obsession with my sexuality is highly bizarre. I feel you are a Novamir fan who is afraid to admit this. I'd go so far as to suggest that you are gay, and fantasise about me!

Well sorry pal, going to have to disappoint ya ;) But! Excellent reply, really good. You still have a long way to go, however, before being able to communicate coherently and argue with a modicum of sense and direction. I can definitely recommend that you study english some more so as not to look like a complete idiot making mistakes whilst flaming a decent guy!

Back to the original point- what has happened to Verata is indeed terrible, and though you can't understand it, it's a lot to lose.


Originally posted by Mageling

Your spokesperson can contact my accountant to agree my fee
Keyword would be 'ON my fee', and you should know that. But hey, that's your job not mine, further onwards my brave gray gay stallion.

Boy I will have to lower your fee accordingly as you missed at least one correction. And you’re in fact flaunting your sexuality, etc making a sexual statement out of it, not just sharing your sexual ‘persuasion’. Furthermore my in-game-manager tells me you have switched to LW to benefit from the rear positional styles. It's also being reported throughout the whole Hibernia nation that Torcs have been spotted walking in an awkward manner.

And as you already seem to fit into correcting (keep it fresh ya), you might as well help the people who do my laundry. One has fallen ill at the moment, so your hard labor should be most welcome.

Ps, Camlann yeh I have to roll a rm and keep killing grays for that.

you missed a u in labour didnt ya? and im sure thats a hyphen too many in in-game manager. generally its also not nice to start a sentence with an and. <sigh> :)

(and yes i know, no capitalisation blahblahblah)


OMFG Mageling. Go play chicken with the lorries on the motorway or something. U r making yourself look pathetic on the forums here and most people don’t want to read your sad immature nova fantasising posts!


Re: Re: Tsk

Originally posted by spankya

I'm sure u would be very pissed off if they got totally deleted and all the time u spent making the chars turned out to be for nothing.

You do realize that what ever happens (except in a rare case of selling your char for a small-ish amount of money) your time spent playing this game has been a total waste and means nothing in lets say, 2 years? However hacking accs is totally gay and its even more gay to delete the chars, 2 months ago I would have been VERY pissed off if it happened to me ;/


Re: Re: Re: Tsk

Originally posted by Eleasias
You do realize that what ever happens (except in a rare case of selling your char for a small-ish amount of money) your time spent playing this game has been a total waste and means nothing in lets say, 2 years? However hacking accs is totally gay and its even more gay to delete the chars, 2 months ago I would have been VERY pissed off if it happened to me ;/

Yeah have to agree that daoc is pretty meaningless at the end of the day and u dont get anything of rl value from it apart from some fun. Which is the main reason I dont play anymore, because I dont want to waste my time playing some game when I should be out doing stuff like pubing, clubing, drinking, shagging exercising etc :) But still, it really sucks when someone just wipes away all the work and time u put into the game. Well if someone deleted my chars now I wouldnt care, but thats only coz I dont play and they would have to pay for the account anyways to get access :)


Winner of best speller 2003 is...

Originally posted by Novamir

Fascinating. Your obsession with my sexuality is highly bizarre. I feel you are a Novamir fan who is afraid to admit this. I'd go so far as to suggest that you are gay, and fantasise about me!

Well sorry pal, going to have to disappoint ya ;) But! Excellent reply, really good. You still have a long way to go, however, before being able to communicate coherently and argue with a modicum of sense and direction. I can definitely recommend that you study english some more so as not to look like a complete idiot making mistakes whilst flaming a decent guy!

Back to the original point- what has happened to Verata is indeed terrible, and though you can't understand it, it's a lot to lose.

Don't go to bed watching gay pr0n, makes you illusionary etc. And ffs stop sending me private pics.

You should put the second paragraph under *note to self* I mean after jumping me such a small mistake kind of looked silly. But at least your logical mind admitted defeat; one step forward two steps back, aye.

You are aware that stating you're a decent guy kind of contradicts itself. But never mind...sureeee you are, as much as the water flushes down the toilet clockwise in Australia.

It is fantasize.
And btw're not in Sweden b0y, ask Aeiedil about capitalization.

Originally posted by Aeiedil

you missed a u in labour didnt ya? and im sure thats a hyphen too many in in-game manager. generally its also not nice to start a sentence with an and. <sigh> :)

(and yes i know, no capitalisation blahblahblah)

Actually that was an advertisement for more laborers. And you need to check up on your American English…
And it's not nice to start with ‘and’, (and) I guess I’m just not that nice then.

Btw, it is capitalization. And do look up labor and laborer, ah yeah 'Labor Day'.

Originally posted by spankya
OMFG Mageling. Go play chicken with the lorries on the motorway or something. U r making yourself look pathetic on the forums here and most people don’t want to read your sad immature nova fantasising posts!

Guess your not one of them, btw you can have nova, for free I might add.



thats just wrong, Verata is like one of the most desent fellas ive known ingame msg me ingame as i just got my sc don i have alot of my old jewlery laying around and can proly spare a bit of cash to.

to you Mageling yeah its a game but sum people actualy like it alot and have used alot of time on their chars caus they think its funn and enjoy doing it and with the comments you posted you should just go back to sum shoot em up game instead of showing a total lack of sympathy and understanding for another player like you just did.


Originally posted by spankya
OMFG Mageling. Go play chicken with the lorries on the motorway or something. U r making yourself look pathetic on the forums here and most people don?t want to read your sad immature nova fantasising posts!

There is a reason for the 'ignore' feature :)
(and I already had Mageling on ignore, I remember why now)

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