To Hibs the lamest realm on the server...



Yep, it all looking good next patch for us pallys :)


Once again I would like to point out that my dad, is much much bigger then yours...

I can distictly recall owning you last week wednesday at about 11:30, you were throwing flowers at grey cons from behind a rock, I ran up to you and wappity bam fizzy pop got you to around 3%...I am a bard, without an iota in battlespecs...pretty sure a lvl 5 void eld, specced in mana could own you with a rake and some chopstix secondhand. I've taken harder hits from my gran, etc.


Originally posted by Nol
Once again I would like to point out that my dad, is much much bigger then yours...

I can distictly recall owning you last week wednesday at about 11:30, you were throwing flowers at grey cons from behind a rock, I ran up to you and wappity bam fizzy pop got you to around 3%...I am a bard, without an iota in battlespecs...pretty sure a lvl 5 void eld, specced in mana could own you with a rake and some chopstix secondhand. I've taken harder hits from my gran, etc.




Sorry, I thought we were comparing nob sizes, you know, my nob is way bigger then your nob (mythic told me so)?

Hate to rain on your parade, 'cos my parade was much more fun, your parade had no elephants, blah, blah, ownz0red your mom last week at the mid telly etc

hmmmm elephants



I wish my dear friend, but its not like that.

Armsman and Mercenarys are on the same dmg/hp-table and both can use ranged weapons.

Paladins gives up dmg and hp for our chants, who are useless in RvR - tho the dmg.buff is the only decent one in RvR.
Chants are good in PvE but sux in RvR (quick battles etc).

My str is capped at 163!? yes, sad but true - our primary skill is constitution(but our hp is approx 200-300hp less than an armsman's)

Our secondary stat is Piety, who is TOTALLY useless since we dont use power except for rez (who is lvl-based)

And our dmg is about 60-70% of what an armsman/merc does, so thats kinda sad too - but hey we can rez </sarcasm>

So, imho paladins need a fix.

And according to most ppl on US, heroes are the most lethal main-tank.

Tilde you cheater my str is capped at 160 :eek:

But seriously now, to add to the post, The only nice chant in RvR is damage add wich again is useless when there is a high level caster in the group who buffs the damage because at this point the damage from the chant does NOT stack on other damage buffs :( Again something thats gonna change in 1.48 :clap:
Heal chants on the other hand are nice in keep sieges because the entire group gets a free 46 Hp heal every 6.5 seconds for each pala in the group so as a shield specced pala can virtiualy go whack a keep door on his own without the Risk of dying.
And yes wuren ... paladins ARE on the damage table of a cleric so a crush specced paladin would do roughly the same damage in an unstyled attack as a cleric.
Off to level my scout now, this pala thing got me addicted to damage output :D
If i wasnt so tired of leveling a tank class I would start a hero on prydwen after this to test damage/Hp but i'll settle for 2 chars atm.

LvL 50 GIMPadin
GM <Exiled>


well no the cleric would have his damage between 25%-125% damage while the crush specced paladin would hit for 125% all the time with a unstyled attacked? or?


Clerics cant spec in a damage style they get crush by default (if not mistaking) Being on the same damage table means the base damage is the same and ofcourse you hit harder the more points you put in it

a correct explenation should be:
damage by cleric = same as damage by paladin not trained in crush while they would both be outdamaged by an armsman not specced in crush since his damage table is different

nuff about this though, bring us the patch, see whats next and forget about the past.

LvL 50 Paladin

"What is understood need not be discussed" or as my scout would say: "You can run but you will only die tired"


Okay, for those 'people' saying Hib Hero's have even close to the same dmg output as a polearm armsman, i got myself some proof tonight :)

an ORANGE, yes ORANGE hero, came up to me in a huge fight (40 hibs v 6 albs, we nearly won:p) and i thought sod it... i'll give him a whack, so i do, and he hits back, unfortunatly by now i've been nuked to buggery by his fellow tree huggers, however when i scroll back i make a startling discovery...

You perform Poleaxe perfectly (+190)
You attack Zarko with your Bardiche and hit for 439 (-14) damage!

Zarko attacks you with his spear!
You are hit for 332 damage!

on the 'you perform poleaxe perfectly' bit, unfortunatly i cut that out of the screenshot i took, However, thats roughly accurate, it wouldnt be lower than that, if anything it'd be higher.

But anyway, that just proves my point, Hero's just dont even come close to the dmg output of a polearm, i hit him for almost double the damage he hit me.

Also, do alb armsmen get insta heal in next patch!? you sure about that??? jesus, if we do...... lol oh dear.


You just cant take one instance there as proof that one weapon hits harder than the other. I have just logged out having been in emain for the last 2 hours. For more than half that time I was completly unbuffed which makes a huge diffrence to damage (str 190 odd unbuffed 300ish with good buffs). And also for a good 15 mins I was running around hitting stuff while still rez sick. Zarko is a Spear Hero and spear takes a penalty against ur tin armour too.

I mean have u never been in a battle in emain to suddenly notice ur grp healers are dead, ur buffs have just disappeared and u got 3 angry tanks hitting on u?

The best Hib weapon against Alb plate is blunt LW. The 2 hardest hitting LW moves are very positional, and getting that wrong makes a huge diffrence in damage variation.

To my knowledge the hardest I have been hit by any Alb was about a month ago, a poelarm guy called Willis hit me for almost 800 damage. Nobody has come even close to that since. He was orange con to me at the time (think I was about level 46 then). I've hit Blue Armsmen for 700ish several times and gotten off hits of 500-600 on yellow plate wearers b4 quite oftern. And Yes Karam or wutever ur name is my LW has owned u at least once, even as recently as yesterday afternoon/evening.

Whatever way u look at it, polearms sure hurt
:mad: but so do our LW and Spears too ;)


Originally posted by Karam
Okay, for those 'people' saying Hib Hero's have even close to the same dmg output as a polearm armsman, i got myself some proof tonight :)

an ORANGE, yes ORANGE hero, came up to me in a huge fight (40 hibs v 6 albs, we nearly won:p) and i thought sod it... i'll give him a whack, so i do, and he hits back, unfortunatly by now i've been nuked to buggery by his fellow tree huggers, however when i scroll back i make a startling discovery...

You perform Poleaxe perfectly (+190)
You attack Zarko with your Bardiche and hit for 439 (-14) damage!

Zarko attacks you with his spear!
You are hit for 332 damage!

on the 'you perform poleaxe perfectly' bit, unfortunatly i cut that out of the screenshot i took, However, thats roughly accurate, it wouldnt be lower than that, if anything it'd be higher.

But anyway, that just proves my point, Hero's just dont even come close to the dmg output of a polearm, i hit him for almost double the damage he hit me.

Also, do alb armsmen get insta heal in next patch!? you sure about that??? jesus, if we do...... lol oh dear.

Zarko is L48 hero, and Hybrid like me (meaning he has about 43 points in spear right now). Also zarko has low slash resist (again unlike me). If you look back to my previous point, I know spear heros are weak vs. plate, and I doubt I could beat a polearm 1v1 without an insta heal.

I RvR quite a lot, and afaik you don't. This is probably why we haven't met, but I'm really looking forward to it :)


All i know i my lvl 22 hero with 19 in spear hti purpels for 100+dmg thats what my 41 skald dose on oranges =)


Originally posted by Karam
You perform Poleaxe perfectly (+190)
You attack Zarko with your Bardiche and hit for 439 (-14) damage!

Zarko attacks you with his spear!
You are hit for 332 damage!

(...) i hit him for almost double the damage he hit me.

so 2*332=439 :rolleyes:
don't you have any schools in albion to teach your silly armsmen at least some mathematics ? :p

All damage-modifiers are allready calculated into the final 'you hit fro x damage', so you roughly hit for 100 more than him, which can be easily explained if Zarko wasn't using styles on you ( as Hibs styles generally suck big time ;) )

[Edit] Oh, and i still believe that Palas are on the same damage-table as armsmen, as they start out as a fighter, but i'm always welcome to some proof showing me it's different [/Edit]


Tell me this, when you do hit someone for a total of like 800 dmg or something, does it all go into one figure on the enemies screen?

so say, for pulling off the move 200, the move 500, crit of 200 and a proc of 100, would that say on the enemies screen, Karam attacks you with his bardiche and hits for 1000 damage! ??


Yes and no. The base hit plus style damage come under one number, then critical, damage add and proc. So it would look like:

xxx hits you for yyy. (This figure has the style bonus in it)
xxx does yyy extra damage to you. (Critical or damage add)
xxx does yyy damage to you. (Proc, if any)

All with the same second timestamp, generally.


right okay i see, thanks, always wondered that hehe.


Originally posted by Karam

You perform Poleaxe perfectly (+190)
You attack Zarko with your Bardiche and hit for 439 (-14) damage!

Just a little fyi, those 190 that come from style are already included in the 439 actual damage you make. Your damage on this hit is 439 and NOT 439+190.


Originally posted by Nol
Once again I would like to point out that my dad, is much much bigger then yours...


Btw is critical hit really showing to the one u are hitting? I always thought it is included in the msg like: Mongo_Troll hits u for 689 (ex. You hit for 5xx and you critical hit for another 1xx)


Originally posted by Trapp|Uberleech

Just a little fyi, those 190 that come from style are already included in the 439 actual damage you make. Your damage on this hit is 439 and NOT 439+190.

Hang on, that makes no sense.

I just went and hit a low grey mob, and hit for +1227, 559. So surely the main number should be like 1500 instead of 559?


Originally posted by Karam

Hang on, that makes no sense.

I just went and hit a low grey mob, and hit for +1227, 559. So surely the main number should be like 1500 instead of 559?

Nope, u hit him for 559 which is cap for that mob apparently


so whats the other 1200 dmg about? is that still included in the hit or not? if not, whats the point in even saying it?


The last posts make me think here is some kind of Kindergarten discussion. My Dad is much stronger than yourz :rolleyes:

LW/Spear Hero vs Polearm Armsman almost equal.

You have plate we have an insta heal.

Any shielder Hero/Armsman vs Large weapon user
Dead shield tank.

All about speccing.


The averege-tank who wins in duels, is s/s-users FYI - LWguys & etc are more handy in big fights tho


Argh, so much mis-information about the damage-display :(

Searched thru my chat-logs for suitable example... Came up with this and changed some of it fit RvR better.

You prepare to perform a Perforate Artery!
You perform your Perforate Artery perfectly. (+2912)
You attack the DyingHibbieMiddie with your sword and hit for 554 (+24) damage!
You critical hit for an additional 421 damage!

Let's go thru it...

+2912 - damage-bonus from style
554 - the actual damage inflicted, in this case my PA-cap at lvl39 with some weapon on a deep gray mob, on which you always hit cap.
(+24) - This is like the 15% bonus thrust weapons have on chain. It's calculated in the 554. You don't add it anywhere anymore.
Or (-24) - Like the 15% penalty thrust has on leater. Again calculated in the 554. No substracting from anything anymore.
421 - critical hit damage.

What the receiving end sees in this case is "Belthazor attacks you with his sword! You are hit for 975 damage!". The 554 and critical hit 421 are added together for showing damage. In PvE you will see the (+/-xx) modifiers, not in RvR. Damage-adds, like Earthen Burst, etc, are shown as 'BlahBlah hits you for xx extra damage!".

From the book, "Patronizing lessons on damage, RvR and other stuff" :p

Same thing with exp, you don't add the group, camp, etc bonuses to the first exp-number, as they're already calculated in it.


Originally posted by Karam
so whats the other 1200 dmg about? is that still included in the hit or not? if not, whats the point in even saying it?

It's for logging freaks, they could've made the game to not show hp on mobs and you just hit them without knowing if you're even damaging them ;)


Urr, to be honest i find it quite insulting that hib reckon they have a tank that even comes close to an armsman, they're hibs...... they're supposed to be woolie woofters, running around casting spells and stuff..

And when these realm ability things come out..... then armsmen will have an insta heal too :p meaning there will be no match. oh and we also get that polearm style fixed, which is very high bonus to dmg, and has a stun follow-on move to it.


Originally posted by Belthazor

It's for logging freaks, they could've made the game to not show hp on mobs and you just hit them without knowing if you're even damaging them ;)

Sorry im just plain confused now. So in your example above, where is the +2000 dmg for pulling off the move put??

i've seen a screenie from a US server, of a hib that just got hit by someone, and it says, xxxx hits you with his sword for 1300 damage!

So whats that all about? is that just because they've lifted the dmg cap or something..... god im confused.


Originally posted by Karam
Okay, for those 'people' saying Hib Hero's have even close to the same dmg output as a polearm armsman, i got myself some proof tonight :)

an ORANGE, yes ORANGE hero, came up to me in a huge fight (40 hibs v 6 albs, we nearly won:p) and i thought sod it... i'll give him a whack, so i do, and he hits back, unfortunatly by now i've been nuked to buggery by his fellow tree huggers, however when i scroll back i make a startling discovery...

You perform Poleaxe perfectly (+190)
You attack Zarko with your Bardiche and hit for 439 (-14) damage!

Zarko attacks you with his spear!
You are hit for 332 damage!

on the 'you perform poleaxe perfectly' bit, unfortunatly i cut that out of the screenshot i took, However, thats roughly accurate, it wouldnt be lower than that, if anything it'd be higher.

But anyway, that just proves my point, Hero's just dont even come close to the dmg output of a polearm, i hit him for almost double the damage he hit me.

Also, do alb armsmen get insta heal in next patch!? you sure about that??? jesus, if we do...... lol oh dear.

Well, even with penalty to tincans CS heroes do 400+ with moves on high yellow platemail wearers and more to low lvl yellows. (one out of twenty, you can get a hit with only 350-330, but thats not very often!!)

I can tall ya how i play; if we where 40 vs 6. i would never use endurance on you, especially if you are yellow with below 50% hp, that would be stupid allmost insane!!

So i guess that you where killed without me using any moves.

I am never afraid to take a 1vs1 with a armsman!

And i got 2% resistance to slash - but about 15%-20 in most spell-type resists = I am more afraid of a caster than a melee char!!


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