to Azal

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Originally posted by Rambo
all i can say 2 all mids/hibs posted here is : --- cry more n00bs ---

all i can say 2 Azal : --- the Bluecon albs u used 2 kill, r now rr7+ ...stick with the zerg or u will die ---
u r brave thou for staying in server, Death left when they took the 'pa bluecon and stay stealth' thingie. /salute kido, see ya in game.


Before, Rambo, I knew you was a dick.. I cant now think of words to describe you, your the ONLY person other than myself that has achieved 10/10 on the 'make myself look like a prat on BW' ratings - tho when I did it, it was generally on purpose, you actualy believe your good.

What alts do you have? you seem to know alot for someone with just a 50 inf and a bunch of buffers, and your about as skilled as Rolf Harris (no offence if you read this Rolf, butyou do suck.)

I read on IRC that you have TWO buffbots? is this right? If so, why?


Haha i love this thread, everything ive ever thought of Constanze seems to be an universal opinion.
I think any malmo graduate first time rvr SB would annihilate her totally if she ever soloed buffless.


quite a funny thread really

Azal is the only non-guild SB that ill have in a group because he knows his char and his role. He's one of the few people that run about solo, unbuffed and doesn't rely on stealtherpacks and a ( or two like some people ...) buffbot to kill anything more challenging then a torc

Rambo is the best example of how a skilless noob with too much spare time and a buffbot can get RR9 without any problem.

Let me just say that i'm not impressed by it and that knudden (even though he's just as big a git as you are) deserves the title more then you do

constanze , QQ, azal can't help you're gimp with a buffbot and as far as i'm concerned he's got every right in the world to /laugh or whatever spam you


Originally posted by constanze
i am a bit bored of your spam laughing..

the situation:

found a stealther near mmg attacked him, azal joined the fight and pa me..
i was still abel to kill his friend then he laughed at me..

how does it feel to get re pa 2 min later and 10 min later to get a dragonfang from me?
i really enjoyed to spam laugh you back

you feel kinda uber ?
you think you are the best stealther on this server?
noone can reach your skills?

my impression is that you are scared as hell of your "good" name on this server thats the reason why you are 99% grouped
rambo started 6 months later then you and he prolly got more rp atm and in my opinion he got more skills then you

you remind me a bit at pip

and i know you did this to many other peeps, after you pwned them in a not equal battle (stealth zerg or 8 vs 1)
nothing against you personal azal you are a good player and i respect you but plz stop this stupid spam laughing




Originally posted by Rambo
Azal have a buffbot, he used 2 use it when all albs were green cons and bluecons and not many good infils were existed, and now he doesnt use it so if someone pwns him he can say 'i wasnt buffed and he was' ofcourse he almost never solo and prefer 2 run in a fg or better 2fg so he feels safe, he is very uber when he kill someone with the FG on his back and then he laughs at him.
And dont say the bullshit that he laughs 2 those r buffed cause he laughs 2 everybody. He may be good player, but he fears so much 2 get pwned like none else does on the whole server !
I am not surprised thou, since i heard he is 14yrs old, that makes sense.
I wonder how the little boy feel when he wont be anymore the 1st stealther in server. Prolly will swicth from /laugh 2 /cry

as 4 u pudzy... your image is so bad that if u keep posting such bullshits even the water of antlantic sea wont be able 2 wash you out of the shit ! u r 2 deep man.

Are you roleplaying atm or are you for real :)?


Never seen anyone roleplay bad english, could be true tho.


Give the duels I even re open my account to have an unbuffed sb - Infil duel.



LOL what a bunch of sad geeks! This game does not take skill it takes timeing, when to do what etc.
Pride ? LOL...Ill tell you this son, once i was a great warrior in a cartoon game...No one gives a shit about pride they wanna have fun...Buhuu a blue faced kobold laughed at me....

I dont know who the bad guy was that started useing a buffbot, but i can tell you that most of us useing a buffbot now dont do it to be uber but to be able to compete. And im sure as hell not gonna stop useing it just becuase one of the "oldsk00l" sb's laugh at me.

So its confirmed that Azal has/had a second account with a char on that could what would azal use an account like that for if it wasnt for botting ? its easy enough to kill buffed untill your high rr and then quit the bot and start a parade against buffboters lol.

Let me allso remind you that this is a game mythic made and mythic put in a feature called buffs...Which is according to the developers a perfectly viable way to play..And untill mythic says ohterwise all you antibots are the lamers, flameing someone for useing a feature in mythics game.

Right now i got more respect for Rambo than anyone else. He openly stands out and tell everyone how he has chosen to play the game (which is a legal way btw) and he usually laugh at all the flames he gets and still people cant do anything but to flame him.

As i mentioned above...If i meet azal and he starts laughing at me im gonna move on and forget it again...Now on the ohterhand, had azal PM'd me or something saying, hey dude we are planning to arrange a buff free day tomorrow and see how it goes, then i would be more than happy to.

Some of you guys are fucking sad !


And to further ruin a thread that could have ended with something imformative people start to pick on rambo about his english :/ well atleast he's able to communicate in more than one language...and thats alot more than some of you perfect english guys.


Hard to work out who the biggest twat is on this thread.

Kind of sad as it totally puts me off of the game let alone playing my Inf.


my posting had nothing do to with his english-skills tho :)


heyhey let's all give people a pat on the back because they say they use a buffbot and are proud at it...

i speak 4 languages and english isnt my mother tongue, can i bitch at his english now?


Constanze: HAHA! :)

What a whiner, i will sleep SO good tonight. Next time i have smacked your buffed arse back to Camelot, i'll do a HUGE laughspam.

Oopps, since we are at it, anyone with Rambo as nick for his player must have had a terrible childhood. Or maybe never left it?


Originally posted by Litmus

Originally posted by Rambo
Azal have a buffbot, he used 2 use it when all albs were green cons and bluecons and not many good infils were existed
ROFL biggest pile of BS i ever seen, in those days buffbots wernt even around u tard
I beg to differ. Well, not with the tard part, I agree with that, but there was at least one buffbot back then. Wasn't a mid tho...


"And untill mythic says ohterwise all you antibots are the lamers, flameing someone for useing a feature in mythics game."

Riiiiiiiiiiight :)

And mannschaft, ROFL :D

EDIT: Welcome to the fray, Piffany :p


Originally posted by klavrynd
heyhey let's all give people a pat on the back because they say they use a buffbot and are proud at it...

i speak 4 languages and english isnt my mother tongue, can i bitch at his english now?

As allways Klavrynd twists peoples words into what he wants to hear...Did i say we should pat people on the back becuase they use a buffbot ? no. Did i say that people gain nothing flameing someone for useing a legal feture ingame ? yes.

And no you cannot bitch at his english becuase that just proves your unable to say anything that would gain this community.

And to pudzy.
What a fucking double standard moron you are lol!
Rambo might be Constanzes bitch but you certainly are Azal's bitch...Azal basicly says he hate all buffbot users and they have no skills etc...And guess what, that includes YOU! your one of the biggest criminals in my eyes becuase you allready had a bot when there was no real use for them...And being PA'd for 1000+ damage in yggdra is what made me use a bot...And even tho Azal said all those things indirectly to you, you still stand up for him...LOL....Where are you guys sleeping tonight ? azal's or your house ?


You weren't a real buffbot Piffy,you grouped and healed too!
(and removed my buffs in Lyonesse you evil person you) :p


last time i meet you solo azal, you dropped 8 or 9 buffs.

You also used a bot?

all SB's,NS's and Infs do :/


Killing with a buffbot is like using performance boosters in sport events. You think you're cool because you won, but everyone else knows you're a git that relies on external factors rather then ability.

You did state that you respect Rambo, because he openly says that he uses a buffbot and gets flamed at. I like to pick my "heroes" on other criteria ...


Azal _did_ have a buffbot, think he was one of the first buffbotters (think del was first tho?), but after a bunch of us started whining about it he stopped using it and i haven't seen him buffed for a looooooong time. Respect to that, must be like quitting smoking or something (and i know that's hard :p)

As for you buffbotted stealtherzergs, try relying on skills/luck instead of your buffbot and buffbotted friends.. I've seen Rambo and constanze in action and i'm very far from impressed. Same goes for most buffbotted sbs..

Only sbs that i'm truly afraid are both unbuffed and they are Azal and Durgi, they rely on timing, knowledge of the game and on LANDING PAs :p


Originally posted by klavrynd
Killing with a buffbot is like using performance boosters in sport events. You think you're cool because you won, but everyone else knows you're a git that relies on external factors rather then ability.

You did state that you respect Rambo, because he openly says that he uses a buffbot and gets flamed at. I like to pick my "heroes" on other criteria ...
We can agree on some of that, except as you have said yourself buffbots is all over the fucking place now, so we are left with 2 choices we can either leave the game which some of you talk about or we can relax and remember why we play the game and be apart of the problem untill mythic finds out what a fuckup it is and fixes it.
So some of us dont do it to be cool.

And i really hate when you exagerate (cant spell that) i didnt chose rambo as my hero i said that i got more respect for him than many of the ohters who replied to this thread, simply becuase rambo is able to step forward and still be a calm person.
Im sure if people would have been alittle more open, Rambo would have been a nice guy who actually listend to what you said.

We are ruining our own fun here...We all know that its the community that runs this game and people keep acting like dicks in every thread, like the Pwned replies or cry more noob...That is the reason i stay away from BW except when i think people are totally wrong....If we actually started talking....Who knows.


I like Rambo but mostly cos he stood up for what he believed in with the first film, then the dramatic rescue of the POW's in the second, although he was a bit of a let down in the third film.

The infiltrator is a joke tho, not only crap at what he does but he needs Rambotina and Constanze to help him be that crap.

Also I think his shift button is broken, it seems to have gone a bit skewiff when he chose his /lastname.


iiiiiiiiiiiih~~~~ teh funneeh!

Originally posted by Rambo
Azal have a buffbot, he used 2 use it when all albs were green cons and bluecons

Back then Azal's cute little shaman alt was not even grey (to the greencon albs), so your theory does not hold i'm afraid :(

Even when i group with Azal in real groups* he goes like "just get me a baseline con please, and i'll be fine".

Just go away Rambo. Nobody outside your internet cafe likes you.

And seriously, get over the '2' and 'r' and 'u' thing for your own good.

* The kind of group that has a healer class who serve other purposes than baiting (like healing) and maybe a couple of nukers. Simply put: a group with less than 100% stealtherscum. You have probably never seen such a group but that's ok, nobody expect you to actually know anything about Dark Age of Camelot.


Well this sure has brought a smile to an old smurfs face.

Matt me and Death luwbs you too /kiss

As for constanze challenge Az.. hell shall we? ;)

De Smurf!


4.00 am gmt

Had a cracking night on the town. Those very few ppl that know me will possibly appreciate the drunken crap I'm about to lay down....

Firsty, Azal was and is the original Shadowblade on Prydwen. I've known him for over 2 years and afaik he has always had one a/c only and hence NO buffbot (only this week has he finally got round to xping a second character - healer - to level 50) So any talk about seeing him 'dropping' buffs after dieing is down to other players ingame providing buffs and not his own personal need to be buffed.

Personally (and I hope/assume Azal to accept these sort of comment from me) I consider Az a very good 'gamer' although he does have a tendency to be easily aggrivated. Purely down to a lack of patience of others incompetence (imo). Sure this can be considered as a weakness personally, and lots of people dont 'get on with him'. As far as I'm concerned I cba, as I too in real life have a tendency to have very little patience for people I consider dont give a flying **** about honesty and what not. As such I totally understand why many ppl might not 'like' Azal, fortunately for me I'm far more relaxed and dont think Ive ever had an online 'argument' with Az.

That said, Azal is not a 'buffblade', sure he can come across as arrogant, but at the end of the day its acceptable since he has a lot more experience than most 'stealthers' in the world of DAoC, and has and will continue to 'own' all the (respectively) new stealthers on Prydwen today. Imo, any new stealthers could do far worse than ask Az for advice.

Relatively, Rambo is a newcomer, and everyone on the server knows he is ALWAYS buffed and very rarely found soloing. Anyone giving him crap for his English on the forum needs a good slapping, but regardless, he is nowhere in the league of any (regardless of relam rank or reputation) stealther that has the courage to RvR without a buffbot (after all the stealther nerfs, especially any archer class). Any honest individual KNOWS this to be true.

As for the, I'm sure, many people Azal has /laugh spammed as they died due to several buffs being 'dropped', imo this is fair enough due to the unfortunate nature of 'buff whores' ingame. For those of you that this has happened to, and were legitimately buffed by another player ingame, just accept it as an unfortunate side affect of the evolution of the game. Personally I dont think I've ever insultingly emote 'spammed' another player. If I do or have done this, come on forum and abuse ,because imo, anyone doing this deserves anthing they get.

Anyways, I think I have unsuprisingly talked on for far too long. Enjoy the game. And most imprtantly be real and honest.

[edit] Personally I have always enjoyed seeing the deathspam of, or being in a group that has steam rolled Rambo in Emain. In the year and however months I have played DAoC, he has been the most obvious buffwhore.

Admittedly I myself dont consider my personal knowledge of the many many players ingame to be good (as I'm sure many have no knowledge of my characters, as I'm such a PvE whore). But such a distinct impression of another player cannot be denied and as such I have little respect for Rambo and any other players (fair enough let them play the game as they want to) dependant on 'buffbots', they know who they are. Make what comments you will on my own characters (ie. I too have a shaman, unfortuantely named 'twobuff') but again, those that know me, know I have very very rarely used my Shaman a/c as buffbot in RvR (I have and, still do so regularly, in PvE, but after xping so many characters who is really gonna blame me for wanting to speed up the monotony of xping ingame, even Mythic has accepted this fact give their development of the /level 20 feature in upcoming patches)

Again, good luck, have fun.


Originally posted by SilverHood
heh, gotta love Rambo making a tit out of himself on these boards

god I love bw :D

LMAO - 'plied - was just thinking the same hahaha


btw 0pin has a point imo - everyone whining, so much hate etc, who gives a fuck if someone uses a buffbot - its a game etc ;/ let ppl enjoy it in the way they want to

care less, live longer



Rambo ... heck, I dunno what to say ... are you for real? I mean, seriously, is it possible to be as full of oneself as you give off the impression of being? Get a grip, learn to play the game, and then come to the boards and try to act like a wise ass :)


Originally posted by thorungla
Make what comments you will on my own characters (ie. I too have a shaman, unfortuantely named 'twobuff') but again, those that know me, know I have very very rarely used my Shaman a/c as buffbot in RvR (I have and, still do so regularly, in PvE, but after xping so many characters who is really gonna blame me for wanting to speed up the monotony of xping ingame, even Mythic has accepted this fact give their development of the /level 20 feature in upcoming patches)

I took you and your buffbot on at the Gress Room in DF, when you also had 2 other mids with you. First time I made a right pig of my PA, but when I returned I got my revenge :) That's a lot of buffs that dropped off you:

The other albs killed the other 2 mids who had finished me off, but I was pleased to kill a yellow and a green out of 4 mids before going down.

Thanks for the RPs :)

My inf is a solo fun character. I play my friar and wiz far more in RvR. I don't run around buffed unless some kind soul has given me some. Ruffting will vouch for the fact that you don't see buff ending spam when I drop :rolleyes:

So I consider myself one worthy of no laugh spam by Azal. But here's a thought: I'm a Master Alchemist and I could go to the trouble of making buff potions for myself. This is quite different from having a full enhance cleric parked somewhere to buff me. I would say this far more "acceptable" as I'm not resorting to getting uber buffs from a bot, but no doubt IF I did this I might conceivably get the spammage. Not sure that's fair but that's my opinion. Anyway, can't be arsed to go to that trouble as my inf is not my main and is just for fun.

IMO it's best not to laugh because you cannot differentiate between buffbot users and those lucky enough to be given buffs. I personally only laugh spam at ppl who do that to me, chief offender being the SM Kneckehexan. Funnily enough, if I see him I go out of my way to kill him first :)

The only ppl who deserve the laugh spam are the ones who go about bragging how uber they are (whether they use buffbots or not), or people who spam others (live by the sword).
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