to Azal

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i am a bit bored of your spam laughing..

the situation:

found a stealther near mmg attacked him, azal joined the fight and pa me..
i was still abel to kill his friend then he laughed at me..

how does it feel to get re pa 2 min later and 10 min later to get a dragonfang from me?
i really enjoyed to spam laugh you back

you feel kinda uber ?
you think you are the best stealther on this server?
noone can reach your skills?

my impression is that you are scared as hell of your "good" name on this server thats the reason why you are 99% grouped
rambo started 6 months later then you and he prolly got more rp atm and in my opinion he got more skills then you

you remind me a bit at pip

and i know you did this to many other peeps, after you pwned them in a not equal battle (stealth zerg or 8 vs 1)
nothing against you personal azal you are a good player and i respect you but plz stop this stupid spam laughing



think he laugh spams you cos you use buff bot, and hang around in stealther zergs


if I saw you, I'd do the same


same, i laugh spam all buffiltrators

imo if your lame enough to use a bot i'll will be lame enough to spam you


you use buffbot, he doesn't..i just think he is tired of buffwhore stealthers like the rest of us...and mid buffwhore stealthers r just as bad as any1 else in this case


Constanze you are the biggest NEWBFIL I know I have to say that cos frankly your style of play is the most pathetic I've seen in my year of daoc - and your wife Rambo's a cock aswell.

One thing I will add to this you small-minded little twit - Azal DOES NOT use a buffbot, I've played in countless groups with the guy and never have I seen his bot, or any buffs not given out by groups. Whereas you and your wife Rambo use a buffbot 24/7 and require 1fg to take Azal down, I've actualy watched him kill 3/4 infils whov'e been buffwhored and die with the last one at 10% hp. So yes, I would say IMO he is prolly the best stealther, and has the most experience as one.

Btw, your wife Rambo, hes a suicide killer, that guy must spend more on medalions back to emain than buying weapons.

Maybe he groups because of the zerges?

One last thing

Quote : nothing against you personal azal you are a good player and i respect you

If you do respect him, why are you posting?




Maybe it's because he's not an overpowered buffbotted whore?.....


Originally posted by constanze
rambo started 6 months later then you and he prolly got more rp atm and in my opinion he got more skills then you

I usually dont interfere with these kinds of discussions but comparing Azal to Rambo? get a damn grip man! Azal is NOT, NOT NOT Buffbotted, and thats one HELL OF A DIFFERENCE RP wise since you can go for a larger range of enemies. and Buffbot is not skills, so please try again.

As for the laughspam I cant comment that :p



hehe nice you call a duo stealth zerg :)

and to the point i am not the only one he loughed to i want some comments from albs or hibs or even better azal

and ofc only my buffs kills you :)


I made my SB for soloing and reason whay i dont play it much is countless alb stealthers who are camping MGs 24/7/etc and newer dont try do nothing solo.
So cut of ur camper whine and respect people who try to play it in way what4 stealthers are made.



Originally posted by constanze
i am a bit bored of your spam laughing..

the situation:

found a stealther near mmg attacked him, azal joined the fight and pa me..
i was still abel to kill his friend then he laughed at me..

how does it feel to get re pa 2 min later and 10 min later to get a dragonfang from me?
i really enjoyed to spam laugh you back

you feel kinda uber ?
you think you are the best stealther on this server?
noone can reach your skills?

my impression is that you are scared as hell of your "good" name on this server thats the reason why you are 99% grouped
rambo started 6 months later then you and he prolly got more rp atm and in my opinion he got more skills then you

you remind me a bit at pip

and i know you did this to many other peeps, after you pwned them in a not equal battle (stealth zerg or 8 vs 1)
nothing against you personal azal you are a good player and i respect you but plz stop this stupid spam laughing


jennina and me were chatting, we knew you were coming and you killed her as i hit u first. So not really a supprise you killed her first.

You pa'd me for a measly 275 dmg when I was res ill had only just been resed with 0 end and about 40% hp AFTER i killed 2 of the albs you were with and your proud of it? rofl

I /laugh at every buffwhore that I see die, that's all you deserve. You don't like it? don't be a buffwhore

You *think* im scared of the rr9 inf on the server that's too scared to run around solo even with a buffbot? where do you keep your brains? buffbot = no skills

I make a point of /laugh at ANY buffwhore i see die, whether i killed them or not. You dont like it. Read above.

Quite ironic that your saying I run in a stealth zerg, when your the one known for doing it - at least I have the guts to solo, without a buffbot. Unlike you, unlike Rambo too for that matter. I find it highly amusing that even rr3 infs have enough guts to solo without buffbots and the people that actually think they are any good are too scared to do the same.

I'm actually grouped often because I enjoy playing with the people I've been playing with since beta daoc.
Besides what exactly is the point of going solo more than once a day or so when the only people I'm going to run into is people like you and rambo with 3+ other people all camping mmg / amg that are too shit to solo and too shit to play without a buffbot?

If you really want to get detailed, count the number of times Rambo has killed me solo, unbuffed. That would be 0.

Now count the times I've killed him when im solo and unbuffed - that would be a rather large difference.

FYI - what difference does how much RP he has make exactly? anyone can get a buffbot and camp emain 24/7 to get rp. At least I gained the majority of mine through some semblence of skill.

Obviously being laughed at hit a nerve, ever stopped and thought that's exactly why I laugh at buffwhores like you?

Notice other people hold the same opinion of buffiltrators as me, I wonder why that is.

I NEVER laugh spam at anyone that isn't a buffwhore, no matter who it is. Because I those are the type of people I have some respect for. Unlike you.


why dont you try rvr`ing unbuffed for once Constanze.. maybe just maybe you`ll realise just how dependant you are on that little buffwhore you have parked in apk. you might even realise your not even that good also.

and fyi Azal is a excellent SB.. one of the better ones ive grouped with in the past. i know he has a bot but 99% of the time he cba to log it in cos he hates fighting buffed.

maybe you should have played your class during PvE when you were level`n instead of letting that cabby/theurg/wizz powerlevel you.


Originally posted by constanze
hehe nice you call a duo stealth zerg :)

Your the one that said I go around in a stealth zerg remember which even sb's know blatently is a total crock.

Your the one that's well known for doing it.


Azal have a buffbot, he used 2 use it when all albs were green cons and bluecons and not many good infils were existed, and now he doesnt use it so if someone pwns him he can say 'i wasnt buffed and he was' ofcourse he almost never solo and prefer 2 run in a fg or better 2fg so he feels safe, he is very uber when he kill someone with the FG on his back and then he laughs at him.
And dont say the bullshit that he laughs 2 those r buffed cause he laughs 2 everybody. He may be good player, but he fears so much 2 get pwned like none else does on the whole server !
I am not surprised thou, since i heard he is 14yrs old, that makes sense.
I wonder how the little boy feel when he wont be anymore the 1st stealther in server. Prolly will swicth from /laugh 2 /cry

as 4 u pudzy... your image is so bad that if u keep posting such bullshits even the water of antlantic sea wont be able 2 wash you out of the shit ! u r 2 deep man.

Generic Poster

Azal, I've seen him laugh-spamming albs whether they had buffs or not. Like one time I was jumped by three SBs, the other two left except you stand there laugh-spamming until other albs approached (Of course, SBs never work together, they swear an oath at lv5 never to group with another SB. So I probably imagined it).

I don't care if anyone laugh-spams or not, they go on my /baby list and that's the end of it. But saying you only laugh-spam buffbotters is not true.

i know he has a bot but 99% of the time he cba to log it in cos he hates fighting buffed.

99% of the time I see him he's grouped and buffed, so I doubt he hates it.



as 4 u pudzy... your image is so bad that if u keep posting such bullshits even the water of antlantic sea wont be able 2 wash you out of the shit ! u r 2 deep man.

lolol be quiet ya silly little boy, get back up Pbucks ass where you belong.

The 'greek internet cafe daoc squad' hunting me in emain?

Teh Krypt

I see all these people saying Azal dont use a buffbot, but if he dont now he certainly did...

im 99% sure of that.. tho im no way stciking up for the buffbotinfil thread starter :D


Originally posted by Rambo
Azal have a buffbot, he used 2 use it when all albs were green cons and bluecons and not many good infils were existed

ROFL biggest pile of BS i ever seen, in those days buffbots wernt even around u tard


heh, gotta love Rambo making a tit out of himself on these boards

god I love bw :D


LOLOLOL azal DOES NOT USE A BUFFBOT RAMBO YOU THICK SHIT - guess you'll never know since you never kill him and see the buff's come off.


Originally posted by Rambo
Azal have a buffbot, he used 2 use it when all albs were green cons and bluecons and not many good infils were existed, and now he doesnt use it so if someone pwns him he can say 'i wasnt buffed and he was' ofcourse he almost never solo and prefer 2 run in a fg or better 2fg so he feels safe, he is very uber when he kill someone with the FG on his back and then he laughs at him.
And dont say the bullshit that he laughs 2 those r buffed cause he laughs 2 everybody. He may be good player, but he fears so much 2 get pwned like none else does on the whole server !
I am not surprised thou, since i heard he is 14yrs old, that makes sense.
I wonder how the little boy feel when he wont be anymore the 1st stealther in server. Prolly will swicth from /laugh 2 /cry

Coming from the person that's too scared to solo even with a buffbot when he's the equal highest realm rank on the server that's quite amusing.

At least try not to exaggerate too much you might make some of it almost believable.

Btw what counts as the 1st stealther on the server? it sure isn't how much RP's someone has. For that to be a decent measure you would have to not be able to camp emain 24/7 with a buffbot to get more rp than everyone else.

You might be the highest rank infil and probably soon have more RP than me but that doesn't automatically make you better than me, or anyone else.


Originally posted by Generic Poster
Azal, I've seen him laugh-spamming albs whether they had buffs or not.

Hi brains.

I laugh at buffwhores if they happen to not be buffwhored up when they happen to die once. If you paid attention you would recognise the people I do it to being buffwhores.

Generic Poster

Originally posted by Azal
Hi brains.

I laugh at buffwhores if they happen to not be buffwhored up when they happen to die once. If you paid attention you would recognise the people I do it to being buffwhores.

I don't use a buffbot, baby.
But I've had you violating my corpse and others, who I know don't use a buffbot.


Touchy topic.

Imo, Azal, Death, Artemis, Derric, Camillo (the YMCA squad) is the only assassins that ever deserved even a slight ammount of respect. The rest is just clones, buffed or not, clones, and noobs. :)

And to stick to the topic, I can understand those who use buffbot, it's fun to have a buffbot, it's fun to be 10 times stronger than your enemy. And for those who don't have one or don't use one and cry about those who use one; I totally understand and sympathize with you too, cause it sure as hell ain't fun to be owned by someone who's 10 times stronger than you. But flaming eachother like this kinda stupid.
Stop, look at yourself, think about it. Morons. Both constanze & rambo for posting this shit and all those who /laugh spam (yes yes, I understand that you hate buffbots, but spamming with /laugh is no less lame) and Azal for /laughspamming.

I know what you're all gonna say "if you don't like it, don't use buffbot", but face it - /laughspamming someone won't make them stop using their bot, rather start a flamewar like this. Make peace dudes, its a game, try to enjoy it sometimes too!



Originally posted by ashitaka
Touchy topic.
Imo, Azal, Artemis, Derric, Camillo (the YMCA squad) is the only assassins that ever deserved even a slight ammount of respect. The rest is just clones, buffed or not, clones, and noobs. :)
And to stick to the topic, I can understand those who use buffbot, it's fun to have a buffbot, it's fun to be 10 times stronger than your enemy. And for those who don't have one or don't use one and cry about those who use one; I totally understand and sympathize with you too, cause it sure as hell ain't fun to be owned by someone who's 10 times stronger than you. But flaming eachother like this kinda stupid. Stop, look at yourself, think about it. Morons. Both constanze & rambo for posting this shit and all those who /laugh spam (yes yes, I understand that you hate buffbots, but spamming with /laugh is no less lame) and Azal for /laughspamming.

I know what you're all gonna say "if you don't like it, don't use buffbot", but face it - /laughspamming someone won't make them stop using their bot, rather start a flamewar like this. Make peace dudes, its a game, try to enjoy it sometimes too!


Death and durgi too deserve a lot of respect.


I edited my post and added Death, I accidently forgot about him, but Durgi can kiss my ass \o/
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