To all the wankers on albion



a no rez list in RvR?

when visur gets on the pad any grudge i got against any Albion player goes out the window.

i thought the enemy was hibernia and midgard, seems some people think different.

a sad day for Albion when people feel they need comments like that.


PS i find a friar combined with 2 shield spec pally guarding him/her make a great combo. Have had this on a few diamond hunts and it works fine: you generate more than enough aggro to let the casters go to work (same holds true for a merc instead of friar)

work together and you are more know the rest :)


Originally posted by old.Ramas

hmmm, well I'd say this depends a lot on the specific infil.

A bad infil (normally one who can't find his or her detaunt style) can be a real problem for my cleric; but in most cases, the extra damage being done to the mob outweighs the healing concern easily.

What really makes a rejuv cleric run out of mana is taking too damn long to kill stuff.

I sometimes drew aggro with detaunts in treegroups... Granted, not many times (maybe 2 or 3), but weird anyway. It's not always the infiltrators fault if he's taking too much damage, could be the tanks also - using low con weapons (both condition and dps-wise), detaunting (of all things as a tank, unless you're near death and another tank isn't), etc. I've even seen lvl49 tanks use the lvl38 otd from Tusker and other sub-par weapons :( Also, guard the infiltrators, you tanks, not that other shield user, neither of you will have aggro if the infil knows what he/she's doing... Ofcourse you get the dumb infils that don't know jack-shit also. Beats me how some have gotten to 40+.


Originally posted by Arthwyr

And whats your obsession with the guild anyhow ? Jealous of its initial success in RvR ?
Originally posted by Arthwyr

Oh and btw northstar you are one of the players on that no rezz list, actualy you're the 3rd name i took down
grow up


Originally posted by belth

I sometimes drew aggro with detaunts in treegroups... Granted, not many times (maybe 2 or 3), but weird anyway.

You can't beat the critical hit detaunt :) What's that all about, totally defeats the point of the style ;)



Just read last page and I must agree with Jiggs VERY VERY wholeheartedly. The day a thing as a 'non-rezz list' comes into this game is the day you have to stick your head out of the window, get some of that late summer fresh air into it and get a grip on yourself :(

Whats the next step ? Nuking someone's PC if he/she doesnt agree with a certain opinion ? Play the game as in 'game equals fun, game does not equal frustration or life-staking competition' :)


Originally posted by Talifer

You can't beat the critical hit detaunt :) What's that all about, totally defeats the point of the style ;)


Or a double-hit on detaunt, double-crit and double-proc... Ok, never had double proc with double-hit & double-crit, but had the other weapon proc once with both hitting & critting :(


hihi :) no wonder most of you suck in rvr with this attitude against your fellow realmm8tes.

rouges vs puretanks


High evade(2) vs boardtank(1) mainly coz boards can guard there fellow groupm8ts

High evade(1) vs pole/2handedtank(about 10) coz albs cant specc parry and still have dmg

dmg output:

is that realy needed ? isnt up to the casters to dish out dmg or is this a hibernian fashion only.


rouge (1/2) vs boardtank(1/2) exactly the same dmg

rouge (2) vs pole/2handedtank (1)


rouge (1) vs boardtank (2) about the same but rouges have WAY higher repair chance of dual misses

rouge (1) vs pole/2handedtank (10) coz mostly those misfits uses 5.+ weapons for uber dmg .. and a fumbel miss = 10 secs of none agro taking

conclusion :

rouges in a group with 1 boardtank and pbt is way better tank then a 2handed mofo coz they have way higher self guard evade+boardtank guarding them and pbt = rouge wil get hit about 1/10 of the time a pole/2handedtank does .. this means that the lower hppool rouges has have have no real buisniss in this discussion at the first place .. coz most likely youll atleast have 1 boardtank.

just make aoe groups and exp and youll have faster exp then you have ever imagined ....

2 casters(meaning all types that have an aoe spell)
3 tanks atleast 1 boardtank .(have been done with rouges only and worked)
one MR char in your realm i guess its minstrels
1 pbt theurg i think you have .. in 40+ expgroups you need atleast 8 sec bub
1 healer

last spot can be used how ever you want .. this is ofted a leechspot(get someone here that need exp supose you have 3 puretanks get a rouge here)

with this group you can chainpull and kill 3-4 purp mobs for lvl 50 with a lvl 42-50 group (dont make a pure lvl 42 group it can be very high danger thou)

the higher lvl the group is the faster but lower exp youll get and the lvl of the one on the leech spot will not make your exp drop noticable

PS. you can only use my advice for lvling alts dont wanna see way to many new ppl in emain we are to busy as it is atm


Well...after reading most of this post, I went off to tanglers and made a group.

Eventually, I had six people including myself. So the group was 1 sorc, 1 cleric, 1 arms, 1 merc and...2 infs!

All six of us stayed with the group for SEVEN HOURS. This included tangler pulls of immense proportions with no deaths most of the time. We then went to Barrows after picking up a scout, another cleric, and another inf to replace the arms.


Barrows went very well too with very few deaths (Two inf deaths on the Shade though. Doh.) and after seven hours we were wiped out because I AoE mezzed and didn't see the stupid Templar Avenger. Doh.

During the time in tanglers, I was asked by a lot of people if they could join. With the six of us doing well, some paladins still just couldn't accept that it is NOT OBLIGATORY to have a group of eight people. ~rolls eyes~ Pain in the ass...

The way I see it, most infs have to work twice as hard to get their levels. So a lvl 40 inf is like a lvl 80 inf really. :p And any decent person, regardless of their class, is a benefit to a group that has a space.

Two people sitting around looking for people to invite and rejecting infs of their level is just wrong.

A group of six doing well in battle and rejecting people is perfectly fine. You just have to bite your lip and move on if you are the one they don't need.

And as for "no rez" lists...don't you need the RA "Big Cry Baby" before you can use those?

"Paladin stomps his feet! Paladin does 8000 damage! Your group disbands!"



And as for "no rez" lists...don't you need the RA "Big Cry Baby" before you can use those?

No actualy I am saving for the RA "Ignore wanker" wich is pretty expensive in albion


Originally posted by old.Elfslayer
Its not just rogues that have this problem, think the whole of the guild of shadows does. As a cabi I found it real hard getting grps outside of my guildies. In the end I just solod the gobos, then when people see you makeing exp then they ask you for an invite (lame).

No problems with mercs bud:)try 1.
P.S. to any of you infils ,scouts out there look for me, you will always be welcome in my group, wether im gl or not (max doing his bit to help albion reign supreme in rvr):)


Originally posted by Arthwyr
Decided today to lvl my alt a bit and ended up to be online for about 8 hours with 2.5 bubs gained thats 0.3125 an hour. ANd yes I know its hard to level rogues, they don't group easy etc etc but here is a rant anyhow about respect and manners.

1: I walk into lyo and ask a group for a spot, there were 6 of them pulling tanglers, all around my level. Me asking resulted in them acting as mutes till one of the kinder members pmed me saying there were only 6 but they were fine and did not want to group me. Personaly I never did not invite someone of my level if the group wasnt full. The sorc was even using his pet, guess its too hard to drop the pet for a player.

2: After running around Lyo lfgs for a little while longer I decided to get myself on a que, asked a sorc of one of the groups if they had a que and he replied: "yes one person on it" he agreed to add me to the list on the 2nd spot. 4 Hours later that sorc ran by me, when I asked him if he still had no room he said "this is another group, sorry" Very amusing.

3: Between 1 and 2 we kinda started our own group with a sorc we found (lucky us) after an hour or so the sorc decided he had to log mid pull for a Tfc match. Sweet anotehr albion hero.

4: I saw 3 ppl pulling gobos, a sorc a wiz and a cleric. I walked over and asked if they would happen to have a spot for me ...5 minutes later no reply. Asked again ... no reply (they were there cause one of em was running around a bit) So up walks this wizard and to my surprise his "Hi" was anwsered with a "Hi" Now this was a major breakthough for me since it proved those ppl spoke english. after saying "sorry, i think its rude to ignore ppl who ask you for a group, the least thing you can do is say yes or no (to wich i got no anwser again) I decided to leave those friendly ppl behind me as well.

Final result at the end of the day i managed to get in 4 groups wich averagely lasted 20 mins before either the sorc or the cleric left making it invaluable and i sat on my ass for the rest of the time, listening to lame excuses or getting completely ignored. Well i got news for all you inconsiderate wankers: WELCOME TO MY NO REZZ LIST when I'm in emain (and i'm there alot lately) You can wait a long long time before you get rezzed. Learn some manners before you play a game like this.

Just a thought bud ,why dont you group with guildies if you are having probs:)????????


not quite true but FC is an RvR guild so we generally hang around camelot / sauvage / emain ...lyonesse is a long way away :)

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