To all the wankers on albion



This isn't just a problem for Scouts and Infs I've been having it at lower levels with my Sorc in Keltoi. In fact the only character I have which gets invited to groups as soon as she logs and begged to stay is my cleric. I've gotten so fed up of being in a group which felt akin to being in a teenage boys changing rooms (minus the smell) that these days I only group with the alts of people that I know, or go solo. Its taking me longer but I'm having a much more pleasant time as a result.


A lot of scouts/infils have been forced to level up solo...
so don't know how to play in groups as a scout/infil

(they might have alts in other chars... but I know I keep trying to taunt with my wizard... oops ;))

Infiltrators and scouts do good damge...

a scout is like a smite cleric, medium damage with range, but can take a hit or two...

infiltrators are like mercenaries with debuffs but less defence.

Have met a couple of people that think mercenaries can't tank... but didn't meet any mercs that thought that until a couple of nights ago :)

Had a merc that would wait for the monster to get to my wizard and start splatting before he attacked... Hopefully I managed to educate him some :)


I'll tell u something that happened to me a few weeks ago....

Was hunting in Lyonesse with a group of ppl around my lvl 42-44 ish, when someone in their early 30's (i'm not gonna mention any names, but i am fairly sure that it was an alt of someone who should know better,) asked to join. Group leader said "no sry, u r too low" which I think is fair enough considering a 10 lvl difference.

According to the group leader he was then constantly spammed with abuse and requests to "boot the 44 pally and invite me"

wtf is up with ppl????

Well I did have an incident with a group that had a 44 Pally not weeks but months ago so somehow I feel this is directed at me, if so get your facts straight before posting bullocks about a 42-44 group. The group leader was an infil lvl 39 if i recall correct and i had lvl 37 the rest of the group was lvl 40 max with the odd exeption of the 44 pally so seconds after being invited i got booted with a you are too low ... (after hours of waiting thats more bullocks you have to hear) And i did PM the guy who booted me to ask him why because the 44-39 cap would certainly be bigger then the 37-40 cap at wich point the group leader did not start to reply with pms but was yelling all kinds of profanity in main channel. Well if this is the incident you are refering to plz reply here so i can add you to my non rezz list. Surprised (if it is you) that you have the balls to come here and twist the events.

I know it doesnt have to be hard to level a rogue
but that doesnt change the facts doesnt it?
my point is dont feel surprised to get a hard time leveling thats all

I knew from the start it was hard to level a rogue thats not the point as Kedal said, the point is that they treat rogues as some kinda of outcast that you dont speak to if they ask you something. When If someone has space for me in a group I can live with a yes or a no. When a group of my level is not full and they refuse me because they are "fine" I kindly note down their names and remember not to invite em when I am "fine" When people put me up as 2nd in a que and several classes non essential to the group leave and they pass me up for others I tend to get pissed off yes, specialy after several hours of waiting. Some degenerate themselves to keep pulling with a non full group and spammnig laugh at you if you wait for someone to leave but plz go on the list is growing longer and longer hey, like I care. As for grouping myself in the lvl 39-43 range i had the luxury to level with some nice alts of players I knew for a long time unfortunately they outleveld me now. In that group that we composed for tanglers there were 3 infils in it at ALL time. To top it off, I was planning a rellic raid for the coming week but I decided not to spend hours typing to make all the arrangements cause frankly 85% of the albs don't appreciate it or don't deserve it.


i dont get it: have u no friends to group with?? 90% of the time i log on and pm a few friends to grab a spot. u need to build a rep as some1 who knows what they doing perhaps (unlike 90% of infil who are just a mana drain)


Second needs to go to DM more with his n00b guildmaster and fellow guildies :)


I've all but completely abandoned all group exping with my alts. Call me old and bitter or whatever, but I'm just not up for the hassle of dealing with both inexperienced and rude people. Soloing is at points dead slower, not to mention alot less interesting as every pull goes the same, but atleast I don't have to get upset over the way people behave.

That is, until I decided to solo in DF. Where people accidentally hit your pull, give you 3 BAFers for next pull and get you killed, and so forth. Bleh.


I deleted my scout because g the apathy towards rogues.... It's like I was a leper, to be avoided at all costs.

When I finally got a group, I was pull master... remember this one time in keloti, was with Fingo the merc , a nice wiz called True of Royal Bav's, and a kick ass friar who's anme I cant remember.... the rest we're tanks, with 1 theug.....

I got a send from the groupleader of the other group asking me to stop pulling so fast, because there' wasn't any for them.

And it's not just rogues who have problems.... getting a group with my wiz was a pain in the ass too...

I'd be asked for buffs by a group of 7, including a cleric andna friar... sure, so I buff em with EB, and ask if they have room... "It's ok, we're fine". I was stunned..... I just stopped giving EB's to people unless they gave mesomething in return.

Eventually I was forced to solo because no group would have me..... I started killing orange con goblins and initiates with no big trouble.

Suddenly, this tank wants to join.... and I think what the hell, so we team up a little, kill a few more, when a group at entrance shouts "looking for tanks"..... balablabla has just left the group.

Seems like a lot of people are treating others as disposable toilet paper.....

And that "You're too low" crap is BS.... at lvl 23 I was in a group of others , lvl 20-25, killing datmoor ponies, hitting for about 40-80 every other hit.

After the group dispanded, I try to get a group with a bunch of lvl 25-28's, only to be told I'm too low :( , despite the mobs they were fighting we're only red and orange to me

The perfect group is:
7 tanks, 1 healer
6 tanks, 2 healers

Only people playing alts seem to want wizzies or rogues in their group, depsite hitting harder than most of the tanks



Originally posted by Jiggs
i dont get it: have u no friends to group with?? 90% of the time i log on and pm a few friends to grab a spot. u need to build a rep as some1 who knows what they doing perhaps (unlike 90% of infil who are just a mana drain)

Aaah yes, the sympathetic ear.

Well, my experience was fine until ~44. I made a lot of 'friends' as levelling up, would always find certain people group spaces and everything would be going fine. Then after 44, it all went down hill, no group spaces available, get put on 5 waiting lists for groups (in space 1-3) and not get a message back in 6 hours of waiting, go up to a group consisting of 5 people who were ALL on my friends list to be told (after 5 minutes of being ignored) that they were doing fine in their tangler group (they were all AoE casters) and didn't want me there (I had fun laughing at them as they died 3 times in the next 20 minutes).

Anyways, levels 44-47 were basically a perpetual misery for levelling, just seeing more and more rude wankers with attitude problems, waiting for 5+ hours for a group while slow-loing on blues. At least at ~47 the new patch came in, Infiltrators got more spec points, better poisons and a load of bug fixes and we could then reliably kill blues :rolleyes:

The last couple of levels went fairly quick as I built a few tree groups myself and well, they were the best tree groups I had ever had (and having played a full earth Theurgist from day 1, I have seen A LOT of tree groups). 1 sorc, 1 theurgist, 1 cleric, 2 pallies and 3 infiltrators beats any other tree group composition I have seen (at level 48/49, buffed, evade 6, high dex and qui, a bubble and a shield guard and 2 damage adds, worms and trees go down FAST, and without anyone taking a hit).

All I can say now is, I can still remember who all those wankers are who I met while levelling, and I feel ever so joyful every time I see their death spam out in Emain. All those casters who instantly die to Shadowblades as soon as they step from the portal keep, or walk to amg. Well, wouldn't it be nice to have an Infiltrator friend or two to guard you? Shame you shot that pony back in Lyonesse.


People tend not to realise that, just like in RvR, assassins do more damage than just about anything.

Even Wizards don't beat them against purple mobs either - due to spell resists. (although they do put on a very pretty lightshow)

Killing trees with just pure tanks for damage is painfully slow.

Or at least it was before I gave up doing trees altogether.


I completely can recognize what you're saying Art.
In a group and buffed properly, my alt scout, is a great puller.
I pick an orange con and take it down alone or with only a little help.
All rest of the group has to do is to take on the adds.
I know scouts and infiltrators got crap armor but they also got a great damage output, that if used the right way, can become a great asset to the group.
Maybe we can take less hits but the mobs also goes down much faster. (sometimes ;) )

I once experienced a guy getting angry at me pulling nymphs near slavers. One single scout pulling aparently made him think that there wasn't enough nymphs for his group too. As I refused to stop pulling, he asked who my GM was and I told him, "I am", then he asked again and I answered the same again.
Then he left. :cool: :clap: :cool:

I'm usually not rejecting anyone in group, unless a specific class, fx. healer, mezzer, are needed or it's a guild thingy going on. :p


Some of the best groups I've been in had lots of wizards in, they rock. Sadly a lot of people think tanks are the main damage dealers of the realm. :p


Well, I think tanglers is a cursed place.
It's very hard to get a group there if you don't know a person in the group, or they are in need of your class.

I have been turned down with my cleric, because they "are fine" and next pull the get wiped.
Then I rezz'ed the healer and all of a sudden i got to join :)

My Infiltrator is just 29 and I haven't had to much trouble getting into groups yet. But I'm sure my time will come.


Beginning a level alone is boring. I usually group until at least half of my next season. I'm a Paladin so I never rest, and luckily I heal through combat :)
But it's like I'm laying on my chair looking lazy when I'm not in a group. So boring...

But then, there are guilds out there, and if you join one, they usually group with you.

Experience and gold is good, but friendship is better -Ludo


Originally posted by Pin

1 sorc, 1 theurgist, 1 cleric, 2 pallies and 3 infiltrators beats any other tree group composition I have seen (at level 48/49, buffed, evade 6, high dex and qui, a bubble and a shield guard and 2 damage adds, worms and trees go down FAST, and without anyone taking a hit).

Yup - it was nice to see what 3 GOOD infils could do :) What was good to see at that point was the infiltrators trying to get group spots for the other infils - theres nothing wrong with unconventional groups as long as it works.

And now its sad to see what 1 less-good infil can do when Im playing my cleric. However the sheer number of infils around now makes finding a group with even 1 "real" tank a welcome sight. If/when the current flood of scout/infil alts that are currently in their 20s/30s hit 40+ I expect getting a group with these classes will become even more difficult than it is now.


It sure is funny tanks are considered the main damage dealers, when they're really only big shiny tincans designed to stand there and take lots of beating :)

Madonion Slicer

I have pretty much given up trying to play my mains, a Wiz and Armsmen you would think get groups no problem, but no! , Unless you from a big guild or kiss ass you can forget it.

Don’t both now just play alts; grouping at low levels is much more fun, nicer people and nicer attitudes, it seems once you become 35+ you all of a sudden have a rod shoved up your ass and think your better than everyone else.


wow i just realized that 90% of the alb side cant get grps.... HOW ABOUT TRYING TO MAKE ONE?


Firstly i think we all need to remember that we are fighting hibs and mids not each other. It is therefore important that as many albs lvl as quickly as possible. IMO that means always having as full a group as poss (why have only 6 in a group getting good xp when u can have 8 all getting decent but slightly slower XP?)

Personally I'll let anyone join my group as long as we are not too biased already. I find the best groups are the diverse ones. Each class has something to offer no matter what people say about uber classes.

That said I have binned my scout 'cause it seems every other character is a stealther RP whore at the moment and I must admit I'm resentfull of the fact that the stealthers rock in RvR but it wont stop me letting them group with me :) Never know one day they may let me group with them in Emain for some very hard to get RP (poor poor healers:))

As an additional comment could u lovely RP whores please allow us classes that find RPs as easy to find as rocking horse shit a group now and again? like u all need XP, we all need realm abilities :) I have seen stealth only groups in e-main far to often, it cant be good for alb RvR strength can it?


Never forget a tangler group i had one time - it worked so well.

3 scouts :)
sorc (me)

Lol the gobs dropped before they got to us :)
Later the infil left and what did we get to replace him lol another scout. so we had 4 in the grp :)
omg it was great - gobs died sooooo fast.
Even worked up an audicence.
And what was even more funny, all the other groups were running around shouting "looking for scout" :)
Ahh the good old days of tanglers!


Firstly i think we all need to remember that we are fighting hibs and mids not each other. It is therefore important that as many albs lvl as quickly as possible. IMO that means always having as full a group as poss (why have only 6 in a group getting good xp when u can have 8 all getting decent but slightly slower XP?)

Personally I'll let anyone join my group as long as we are not too biased already. I find the best groups are the diverse ones. Each class has something to offer no matter what people say about uber classes.

That said I have binned my scout 'cause it seems every other character is a stealther RP whore at the moment and I must admit I'm resentfull of the fact that the stealthers rock in RvR but it wont stop me letting them group with me :) Never know one day they may let me group with them in Emain for some very hard to get RP (poor poor healers:))

As an additional comment could u lovely RP whores please allow us classes that find RPs as easy to find as rocking horse shit a group now and again? like u all need XP, we all need realm abilities :) I have seen stealth only groups in e-main far to often, it cant be good for alb RvR strength can it?

PS:- roll on high lvl kill tasking :)

oops:) fecking network slowed down at work soz for double post :(


Urion is right=)

all those stealthers go around bitching that we never grp them in PvE and when we ask them if we could grp with them in RvR they go nooooooooo dont need you or i dont want to grp.

Maby we non stealthers just dont like your attitude in rvr? hehe.

let us leech u in rvr and you can leech us in RvE

fair deal?

(now all the stealthers probably gonna come with some stupid reasons why we should not grp in rvr... but what they realy say is: we want all the cake not just a slice of it!

oooh i just love provoking peeps:p


When it comes to playing grps, ALL classes SHOULD be welcome. Ok there can be some argument when it comes to Levels and caps, but in my experience, it doesnt matter how the grp is formed, or what classes it contains.

I think the point that many of you are missing is this:

You all know your classes well, their strengths and their weaknesses, but it seems that you know dont know how to change your tactics when in, what appears to be an imbalanced grp.

Some grps work easy, e.g 1 Scout, a few Paladins/tanks and a healer. Also a grp full of casters and a healer, they rock too.

But if you are in a grp which is mixed, then you should try diffferent tactics. see what works best for your combinaton. Work together as a team, discover its potential. You can only benefit by this and then when you find yourself in RvR in a similar combination, you will know what works best.

Its all about team work at the end of the day and tactics. Thats what you should be really discussing. Once we all know how best to work a grp, every type of class would be welcome in a grp. All it takes is patience and trying.

And if the group dies a few times ? So what try again. Make it work, there is no real excuse really apart from attitude.

So why dont clerics like Infils or Scouts ? Its because they have little or no rej and have a hard time healing.

Kessica is full rej ( 48 base now ), I dont have any problems with any classes :D


I cant speak for all stealthers and I'm not to experienced in RvR but I will use my Inf to protect group-members from other stealthers in RvR, when I get abit bigger.

I think it's more fun playing in a group than solo.

A well just my thoughts...


Totally agree gawain

I do totally agree and empathise with what gawain is trying to say......A lot of ppl around my lvl are very the end of the day this is a game and in a grp u can get 8 ppl.... Many times now i have asked if a grp has room....sometimes even when i can see 5 or 6 ppl, and they have said no sorry were FINE! ....yeh sure ur fine mate but im bloody not!

I think its rude and insulting to the realm that grps cant even give rougue's a break.... I admit my player has been capped but i have not yet noticed any diff in my bow dmg...which is still sweet, the same with all other scouts/rougues out there.

So any of u greedy ass wannabe guild leaders out there....just realise that u aint the only ppl in the game ;)

thank you for reading my post! :)

now......anyone got any more stranger's news?



I don't understand why you can't just start your own group? There must be some clerics/minstrels who would be willing to help - in your guild or alliance surely.

Things must have changed a lot in the past few months because the groups I leveled up with always had at least an infl or scout. Often a scout outside the group. Maybe there are just loads of rogues about now?

There were still wankers when I was lvling up. There was this one theur who was lvl 39 - we were desperate for bt with three of us going for 50. He told us he had to go when he lvled... ok fine. So we are mid chain, MID FIGHT, and he goes DING. All the sudden our bt goes and he is running off to train. We were still fighting lol. He is one of two ppl on my do not rez list (I've seen him pull other shit like this since) :D

There is no excuse for not answering people though. People like that make me want to leave Albion.


I would like to argee with adrixavier's post . I might have been one of those scouts in a 4 scout tanger party. In our party we had a very high lvl tank, who was doing FA and was the leech this time.
In fact we were so good, all it needed was 1 CC caster, 3 scouts and thats ur uber xp party. Its was even quicker then pure aoe caster partys, as we dont use mana therefore the downtime is zero.
Problems with tanks, is they need to get into melee therefore they take hits, then u need a healer. With 3 scouts, we can take down gobbos in 1 shot or 2 without ever getting into melee.
I think if you have a group with a lot of rogues, you should be aware of the following: we are not tanks. We cannot take hits like a tank. But we will out do the tank in offensive attacks.
These groups are suited to taking down mobs/emnys quickly. The important part being QUICK. Tanks are better suited at long drawn out fights, rogues are designed to take down mobs fast. If you do not do that, you are doing someting wrong.
If that fails, you can always go to emain and laugh at all the dead ppl.......


Originally posted by Arthwyr
L50 Wizard - Inflammable Bloodlust RR3 <-------- excuse me
L42 Paladin - Pitspawn

Well I do notice that I grouped with you in Dartmoor doing ponies you being only 2 levels higher then me ... In the time that i got my scout to 43 and 11K rpoints (not much I know) You managed to get RR3+ AND lvl 50. I would love to compare my actual played time on the infil to that of yours on the wizzard and maybe then you can even start to realise what I am talking about. Its not bad enough that ppl NEVER pm you for a group unless you are asking for a personal favor, but if you ask them they simply act as if you weren't there. That is rude and the entire point of my post. Wonder how you would feel if you have to log in your character for 2 weeks in a row asking every group you see if they have spots and to be ignored and to be put on que lists without ever getting in the group. Some wankers even manage to make fun over you.

Id like to know your playtime because mine at 50 was 22 days 10 hours (If you want to really compare it i think im sitting on something like 28-30 days atm)

Secondly, we have an infiltrator in our guild called Osrim Blackhearted and he got to 50 with a lower playtime than me so shut up. If you had been bothered to read what i said rather than just flame the shit out of me, you might have written your response differently.

Obviously you've had a bad day, throwing your anger onto the forums and are looking for anyone with even the slightest resistance to what you say to beaten into a bloody pulp.

You should try playing a wizard m8. We get agro faster than paladins and we get taken down in a few hits. If there was a stat for the amount of times you had died, mine would be 5 times greater than yours (remember xp deaths puts you back)

If you have had as much time to play the game as i have you should be 50 now. Although i think very few people have as much time as I do.


tbh i dont see anything wrong with what happened to art..

5/6 ppl in a group say their fine.. well tought tbh, why should they drop their xp to group a 7th person ?

your on a list and group breaks up you cant expect your name on the list to be carried over to another group some1 joins ..

every1 who groups outside guild has spent ages sat waiting in lyon.


Ok, I'm 44.8 now... been that for a week soon, so if anyone want to make a group tangler or twees, give me a pm ingame please ;)

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