Time To Grow Up


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Trem said:
Ahh I feel bad now Sar:(

Good luck with that chum. We were trying for a baby, Samm came off the pill and became instantly preggers. We both expected it to be much harder(the getting preggers not mini-Trem:eek: ). I am sure it will happen soon though Sar, and then she has the 24 hours a day sickness to look forward to.

Exactly the same thing happened for both of ours Trems me old mate.

Mrs Wil came off the pill, we had a week of cnstant rabbit like sex, then blow me if she wasnt preggers (GTI Jiz me mate;)).

Im sure you will be a great Pops. If I can do it, Im sure you can (and I think Im doing a decent job)
Couple of things to watch for.
As Xane says, get some sleep now. You gonna need it.
Use real nappies.
Make sure Samm breast feeds.
Dont smoke.
When she/he is older, if they misbehave, dont just send them to their room. This is NOT a punishment. A bedroom has lots of toys in, also, when its bed time, they will think your cross since they have to go to "the bad place" (the bedroom). Get em sit in the conservatory/hall/on a prickly welcome mat. Worked for us :)

/fatherly advice.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
SparKeh said:
I knew a guy who had trained his 3 year old girl to put in the UT cd and load it up and stick the headphones on. She didnt know how to play at that age obviously yet but i thought it was a good start. Pity she didnt put a decent game cd in :p

My boy could use the mouse before he was 2 years old. In fact I remember a conversation when my wife phones me at work

Wife: "Charlie wants to play the Teletubbies Game"
Me: "Just put in the CD, it will start automatically"
Wife: "Okay I have the CD, where does it go"
Me: "Ask Charlie"



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Heh, I decided to endure the horrible lag my GPRS connection creates and come congratulate you both - sterling work Trem!

We're between 5 and 8 weeks from our happy arrival, Bym is well and truly waddling around house. The lack of broadband has probably been a good thing as it means she's spending far longer in bed and little or no time trawling the interwibble and playing online - both of which are quite difficult from her computer chair now she's so big (yet she's so far refused my efforts and offer to buy her something comfier).

Samm said:
I have to say though Im looking forward to the Bloomin stage at the minute instead of the constantly throwing up, generally feeling tired and crappy stage. :puke:
Samm, I really hope you do hit that blooming stage Bym kept telling me about, sadly she went from tired and sickly (1st trimester) to not so tired (2nd trimester) to semi insomniac and uber tired (right now in fact) so I guess it doesn't happen to everyone.

For most of her pregnancy she's been really involved in a bunch of online forums - baby centre and from what she tells me the community of girls there have been really helpful with all the little worries she's had along the way which midwives/doctors have been unable to answer (or in the dead of the night when any sane person should be sleeping). The forum groups are organised by the month the little sprogs are due, and there seems to be tons of info all over the pages from shopping lists of everything you'll need before the arrival to price-spotting for cheapest sources of the more expensive items such as prams, pushchairs and whatnot. Might be worth a lookie if you've 5 minutes to spare.

*makes a note of Uncle Phil's top tips (Wilier)*



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
.Wilier. said:
Use real nappies.

Mr Wilier is being a rotten bastard.

Seriously, nothing, I repeat, nothing, compares with the vile stench that comes from a day old bucket of soiled nappies when you have to load them into the washing machine - by hand.

You may think you have seen the worst shit from drunkeness or illness, but the consistancy and odour of baby poo is a different ball game altogether, it is made from cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd.

Saying all that you can save a small fortune if you stick with re-useables for anything other than going out, check out a product called "Kooshies" (make sure you spell that right :) ), who make re-useables that are shaped like a disposable.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Heh, if you do use real nappies, buy nappy liners, at least that way you don't have to scrape out the bulk of the payload. :puke:


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
If you decide to go with the disposables (and what sane person wouldnt) get a hold of something like this :


The Tommee Tippee nappy wrapper. You insert the soiled nappy and it "wraps" it up. No smells and you empty it only when its full.

We got one and it was a god send.

Heres some advice from me (personal experience)

1. First Time out of the house.
Allow PLENTY of time. For our first, I think it took us about 4 hours to get ready and go.

2. First Bath.
We decided to "capture" this special moment on camcorder and brought the overbath into the living room, filled it up and gave the littl'un the bath.
Wasnt until afterwards that we realised the plug in the bath had been "pushed up" and the bath water had been slowly but surely pishing out.

3. when putting the baby in the car DO NOT put other things on the roof of the car, to put away after strapping the baby in. 99% of the time you WILL forget and only realised when it falls off the roof and, more often than not, BREAKS.

4. You can never have enough bibs.

5. Get her to breast feed.
Why (means you get to sleep all night :D)

6. DONT used sterlising tables. Use a Steam steriliser - much easier.

7. When giving the baby a bath, test the temperature of the water with your elbow. If its too hot, add cold water. DO NOT hold the baby by the ears in the water just because its too hot.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Lazarus said:
5. Get her to breast feed.
Why (means you get to sleep all night :D)
Apparently also means she'll lose the weight she put on during pregnancy quicker... heh mention that when you suggest it and you won't sound like such a selfish ****0r.
DO NOT hold the baby by the ears in the water just because its too hot.
Is that last one speaking from personal experience? I don't know about anyone else, but I'd not even considered it :eek7:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Breastfeeding in public used to be a bit taboo but it's more than acceptable nowdays, the main advantage is you don't have to trot around all that sterile crap and warming up stuff with you everywhere, all the necessary equipment is on standby 24/7 :)

However, the major part of this exercise is down to the mother, breastfeeding is not without a lot of pain, after two weeks the nipples will be literally bleeding (even if the little bugger has no teeth yet), but once they get used to it the advantages more than compensate, takes about 2 weeks.

As to the old "breastfeeding means the bloke gets away with it", you can always express the stuff for the night feeds :)

Finally, the "sterile" lark, I honestly think can be a bit of a con as all the equipment is not cheap. Babies, despite their apparent fragility, are designed to resist the rigours of everyday shit-infested life in the wild, therefore they do need to be exposed to some degree of infection to allow their bodies to adapt, otherwise they grow up without the required resistance. We never bothered too much about absolute sterilization of feeding equipment, and my boy has grown up into quite a healthy and hardy lad, that's not to say we didn't wash things, just no obsessions with making things "sterile".


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003

Thanks alot guys, I will point Samm to this thread later tonight.

I hope all goes well Xav, personally I am shitting myself when the time comes.

You are a good bunch tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
dont shit yourself when the time comes trem :) it will make things 100 times worse, have u ever tried changing a nappy while needing your own changed too ? :p

Lap it up fella. I dunno if u know or not but Meer and his mrs had a wee girl (i think) a few weeks ago.. but hes been offline alot now so i expect we'll see less of u :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Trem said:
I hope all goes well Xav, personally I am shitting myself when the time comes.
Cheers matey - I really wouldn't start worrying just yet, you'll get plenty of opportunity to get used to the idea and you'll meet the little beggar long before they actually pop out and commence pooing/screaming. :) Samm will have one, if not two scans which you can attend and see the little Tremmster thrashing around on ultrasound, and if they're anything as lively as ours is already you'll spend most of your night sleeping whilst being kicked in the back. Heh.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Xavier said:
Cheers matey - I really wouldn't start worrying just yet, you'll get plenty of opportunity to get used to the idea and you'll meet the little beggar long before they actually pop out and commence pooing/screaming. :) Samm will have one, if not two scans which you can attend and see the little Tremmster thrashing around on ultrasound, and if they're anything as lively as ours is already you'll spend most of your night sleeping whilst being kicked in the back. Heh.

Note 1: If you get the scan printed on thermal paper, don't try laminating it to preserve it, photocopy it first :eek:

Note 2: The kicking in the back syndrome has been known to last upwards of 6 years :eek7:


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Trem said:

........., personally I am shitting myself when the time comes.

You are a good bunch tbh.

Pah, its a piece of piss. Just get Samm to have a scissor-air-rean under a GA. ;)

Its all over in half an hour and you get 3 nights to yourself at home :cheers:


Wait... whatwhat?
Dec 22, 2003
being young and single does have its advantages :D

lets just hope when my sister pops in july i wont be scheduled in for any babysitting duties :eek6:


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
... and remember, if they offer gas in the hostpital - it's for Samm not you ... and it's certainly not an invitation to fart.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
xane said:
Babies, despite their apparent fragility, are designed to resist the rigours of everyday shit-infested life in the wild, therefore they do need to be exposed to some degree of infection to allow their bodies to adapt, otherwise they grow up without the required resistance.

As I recall, there were suggestions that children growing up in too sterile an environment led to asthma and some alergies. The theory behind it being that since they hadn't been exposed to the grime of the everyday world, their body overreacts to things when they eventually do come in to contact with it.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
nath said:
As I recall, there were suggestions that children growing up in too sterile an environment led to asthma and some alergies. The theory behind it being that since they hadn't been exposed to the grime of the everyday world, their body overreacts to things when they eventually do come in to contact with it.

I must say I do subscribe to that line of thought, typically the house my son was born in and the one we live in now have wooden floors and no fitted carpet (dust ahoy!).

Remember that dirt != chemicals. Whilst I'd say that a sterile environment is not so desireable, what is important are all those nasty substances to be avoided. A lot of chemical crap comes from fumes and powders, so I'd way be more concerned about those than if his bottle fell on the floor, especially as making something sterile does not necessarily remove the chemicals (it might even add some).


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
.Wilier. said:
Exactly the same thing happened for both of ours Trems me old mate.

and me - old "One Shot Wonder" here :)

Least for the first one - second took a little longer


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Lazarus said:
and me - old "One Shot Wonder" here :)

Least for the first one - second took a little longer

20 seconds ?


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Sooooooo basically I've gotta hold my baby out the car window on the way home from the hospital?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
If you really love it, you will.

Perhaps best to pull it back in when passing busses etc. though.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 2, 2004
Its so nice that so many people posted, thanks for the link Xavier Ive had a quick scout around and I'll look more, everything has to be done in small doses at the min, just so restless and fidgety with no attention span to speak of.

I think with my level of domesticity (?) and the larger-likes-to-moult-everywhere and smaller-likes-to-dig-in-the-garden-then-bring-in-mud-boots dogs that we have there is no danger of the baby being brought up in a sterile enviroment.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
nath said:
As I recall, there were suggestions that children growing up in too sterile an environment led to asthma and some alergies. The theory behind it being that since they hadn't been exposed to the grime of the everyday world, their body overreacts to things when they eventually do come in to contact with it.

Ive heard this and can certainly agree with it. Its all part of our over-indulgence in all things nice and easy.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
the early learning centre is your friend. your child will love you forever if you take him there, i used to spend hours playing with the wooden train-sets there (bico? cant remember what they were called)

Anyway, congratulated Trems on IRC so i'll just say congrats here to Samm.



I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
throdgrain said:
Ive heard this and can certainly agree with it. Its all part of our over-indulgence in all things nice and easy.

I'll second that. I've been ill precisely one time since I left secondary school (over 15 years ago now), and that was food poisioning, from dodgy eggs in Tescos.

A bit of muck never hurt anyone. Also, where there's muck, there's money (eg domestos).


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Im 40 years old next fucking month.
So far Ive had Hepatitus and Kidney stones. One my own fault, one is just one of them things :)
As far as kids go, well we had dogs (still have) etc , and whilst our house is not dirty its not sparkly sanitised horribleness either, and my kids have grown up ok, the eldest is nearly 16 and has had no ailments at all, except an uncontrollable desire to annoy me :)


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
He also has the annoying habit of following me around on CS and shooting me EVERY SINGLE ROUND!:eek:


I am a FH squatter
FH Subscriber
Dec 23, 2003
Well played trems, although I would've thought it would be a better idea to stop the progression of your gene pool as soon as possible. ;)

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