Threads getting locked? Isn't it getting a bit too serious?

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
It's more a case of "If we let people talk about freeshards where will it end?" when the next freeshard pops up for Camelot Unchained is it then deemed ok to talk about them while CU is still active/just starting its lifespan? or is then a no go area just because something new comes out? you can't change the rules just to suit a minority that want to talk freely about an illegal server. As you pointed out Uthgard has an official forum, there is nothing stopping the people having a cry about it here from going to that forum and talking about it.

It's been talked about for months because there has been no one to question it or act as a mod over it, just because you've had 6 months of free Uthgard time doesn't mean the forum rules have changed in any way shape or form and that little forum agreement you agreed to when registering on Freddyshouse is just the same as it was the day you agreed to it :)

FH originally banned fresshard talk due to GMs of mythic and GOA regulary using these forums, which they wanted to keep, therefore banning the talk of freeshards would not cause any political problems between the GMS employed by GOA/Mythic and the freeshard which could have caused some problems based on legal issues as stated before.

FYI, we are now 10 years later, there are no active GMs, and noone cares anymore.
When CU is released and if freeshards develop, I would vote for shard talk bans on here, and when that game dies out, i wouldn't care.

I actually don't care - I don't play either at the moment (fh and uthgard), and just fighting for my former team. I believe the mods here just want something to mod.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Once there is no legal comeback against FH the morals of it are tbh pointless.

Lets just call Uthgard >>Jerry<< from now on and thats that sorted then.

Totes gonna go level my Ghost-Lord on the side of Vikingmans on Jerry

FH originally banned fresshard talk due to GMs of mythic and GOA regulary using these forums, which they wanted to keep, therefore banning the talk of freeshards would not cause any political problems between the GMS employed by GOA/Mythic and the freeshard which could have caused some problems based on legal issues as stated before.

FYI, we are now 10 years later, there are no active GMs, and noone cares anymore.
When CU is released and if freeshards develop, I would vote for shard talk bans on here, and when that game dies out, i wouldn't care.

This is why it's banned no other reason.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
FH originally banned fresshard talk due to GMs of mythic and GOA regulary using these forums, which they wanted to keep, therefore banning the talk of freeshards would not cause any political problems between the GMS employed by GOA/Mythic and the freeshard which could have caused some problems based on legal issues as stated before.

FYI, we are now 10 years later, there are no active GMs, and noone cares anymore.
When CU is released and if freeshards develop, I would vote for shard talk bans on here, and when that game dies out, i wouldn't care.

I actually don't care - I don't play either at the moment (fh and uthgard), and just fighting for my former team. I believe the mods here just want something to mod.

It has nothing to do with what Mythic or GOA want, it's to do with the forum rules, what you or the other people harping on about Uthgard want is completely irrelevant as far as Freeshards go.

"no unauthorised shards, servers, whatever you call them." quoted from Deebs


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
It has nothing to do with what Mythic or GOA want, it's to do with the forum rules, what you or the other people harping on about Uthgard want is completely irrelevant as far as Freeshards go.

"no unauthorised shards, servers, whatever you call them." quoted from Deebs

This literally makes no sense

Please expand on it


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
This literally makes no sense

Please expand on it

I'll simplify it for you, how does that sound?

Mythic - nothing to do with the forum stance on Uthgard (or shards)
GOA - nothing to do with the forum stance on Uthgard (or shards)

Freddyshouse does not support illegal activity

Members - just because you want to talk about Uthgard with your Uthbro's does not give you the right to do so anywhere on this forum just because you think "It's ok because the game is old"

simple enough?


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Keep locking threads then and stop being so condescending maybe ?

Honestly you are really coming across as the spoilt brat with the ball, all i was asking was for a clear explanation rather than a rant and 5-6 locked threads before we got one.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Keep locking threads then and stop being so condescending maybe ?

Honestly you are really coming across as the spoilt brat with the ball, all i was asking was for a clear explanation rather than a rant and 5-6 locked threads before we got one.

Should anyone really have to explain why illegal server threads are being locked? isn't the fact that they're illegal enough to tell you why they're being locked?


There was a warning put up before the threads started being locked about Uthgard and Freeshards which evidently no one paid any sort of notice to, it clearly says in that post if you have ANY questions or complaints you can contact TdC or Deebs yet here we are in another thread full of whine about thread closure.

The original reason that they were banned WAS because of this. I remember these discussions many years ago and they were genuinely accepted for the fact it could have had implications.
Nowadays noone gives a shit, not even the original creator of DAOC himself said he cared.

Besides the point tho? just because someone who is no longer affiliated with Mythic doesn't care about illegal private servers doesn't give you a speedway to promote them and above all of that its still against the forums rules which people keep overlooking.

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
It has nothing to do with what Mythic or GOA want, it's to do with the forum rules, what you or the other people harping on about Uthgard want is completely irrelevant as far as Freeshards go.

"no unauthorised shards, servers, whatever you call them." quoted from Deebs

The original reason that they were banned WAS because of this. I remember these discussions many years ago and they were genuinely accepted for the fact it could have had implications.
Nowadays noone gives a shit, not even the original creator of DAOC himself said he cared.

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
Besides the point tho? just because someone who is no longer affiliated with Mythic doesn't care about illegal private servers doesn't give you a speedway to promote them and above all of that its still against the forums rules which people keep overlooking.

He could perhaps see that they brought alot of interest back to DAOC and people often subscribed again (such as myself many times) after playing on a shard and wanting to experience the real thing.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I think Deebs would have a think about it if he wasn't told it was illegal and therefore his knee-jerk reaction is nononono, but I'm not entirely sure he's fully aware of what Freeshards are, and as Jim (Not the Irish one) said before, there were DAOC GMs on the forums, and I can totally see why you'd want to be anti-freeshards, but as said before, hardly anyone plays Ywain, and you're basically scaring of the remainder of the DAOC community (that now play on Uthgard) because of what he's been told by those who are so anti-Uthgard, I seriously do not see the harm to the Forums in anyway shape or form, I can't see the police knocking at Deebs' door at 3 in the morning.

Anyway, this thread has been going on for too long now, and I think it's a good time to have a re-think about the whole subject and either way, I suppose we'll have to find someplace to discuss the server that cannot be named for legal reasons.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
I think Deebs would have a think about it if he wasn't told it was illegal and therefore his knee-jerk reaction is nononono, but I'm not entirely sure he's fully aware of what Freeshards are, and as Jim (Not the Irish one) said before, there were DAOC GMs on the forums, and I can totally see why you'd want to be anti-freeshards, but as said before, hardly anyone plays Ywain, and you're basically scaring of the remainder of the DAOC community (that now play on Uthgard) because of what he's been told by those who are so anti-Uthgard, I seriously do not see the harm to the Forums in anyway shape or form, I can't see the police knocking at Deebs' door at 3 in the morning.

Anyway, this thread has been going on for too long now, and I think it's a good time to have a re-think about the whole subject and either way, I suppose we'll have to find someplace to discuss the server that cannot be named for legal reasons.

As said previously - prove Freeshards are 100% legal and we'll probably even give you your own section (subject to higher mods approval of course) the amount of people wanting Freeshards you should have no problem putting all your heads down together and working out if they are legal or not.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
not even the original creator of DAOC himself said he cared.

He doesn't care because he's not with Mythic any more, he doesn't have a financial interest in the GAME any more.

That's why he doesn't care about DaoC freeshards, but Mythic and EA still cares.

But they just can't close them because the servers aren't located in the states, and it would cost to much and take to long to go to an international court.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
It's a fairly simple concept. Deebs, the guy that runs these forums has said that he does not want freeshard talk on here. You, the user do not own these forums and have little to no say in how they are run. Deebs and Co were good enough to run a DAOC sub forum for the euro servers, when DAOC needed it. BW/FH were around long before DAOC and will be around long after the servers shut down. They are good enough to have a section long after the euro servers shut down.

Regardless of what you think about the legality of freeshards (I happen to think they are perfectly legal based on my layman's knowledge of copyright law!) Deebs has said he does not want them discussed here, so don't. Also, don't have a pop at the mods for enforcing the forum rules, you agreed to the terms of use for these forums when you set up your forum account and I am fairly sure there have been reminders since.

So in short, if you want to discuss them, do it somewhere else (maybe the freeshard forums might be a good start?!). If you don't want to use FH, bye bye now.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
"You acknowledge and agree that Mythic is the sole and exclusive owner of the System, and that Mythic or its suppliers are the sole and exclusive owner(s) of all right, title and interest (including, without limitation, all intellectual property rights), code, programs, routines, subroutines, objects, files, data, characters (including all items, currency, objects and attributes comprising or associated with a character and an Account), and information uploaded to, downloaded from, and accessible through the System, including, without limitation, graphics, sound effects, music, animation-style video and text, some of which may be provided to Mythic under license from independent content providers (collectively, "Game Content"). You further acknowledge the Game and the Game Content is protected by copyrights, trademarks, and other proprietary rights owned by Mythic or its suppliers, title to all of which is expressly reserved, and that you acquire no rights in any of the same, express or implied, beyond those granted specifically in the current version of the EUALA."

"This EUALA grants you the non-exclusive, revocable rights to access and use the System, to exchange, to download from, and to access and use Game Content and User Content exclusively via an authorized, fully paid Account, for purposes permitted by, and in a manner consistent with, the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Any and all rights not specifically and expressly granted by Mythic herein are reserved, and no license, permission or right of access or use not granted expressly herein shall be implied. Specifically, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing reservation, except as expressly permitted by the EUALA then in effect, you may not copy, distribute, rent, lease, loan, modify or create derivative works, adapt, translate, perform, display, sublicense or transfer any information accessible through the System, including without limitation, any part of the Game Content or User Content, or any item, object, or character associated with your Account, or your rights to access and/or use the System. You may not reverse engineer, disassemble or decompile, or otherwise reverse engineer or attempt to reverse engineer or derive code from any information accessible through the System (including, without limitation, data packets transmitted to and from the System over the Internet), or analyze, decipher, "sniff," derive code from, or attempt to analyze, decipher, "sniff," or derive code from any packet stream transmitted to or from the System, whether encrypted or not, or permit any third party to do any of the same, and you hereby expressly waive any legal rights you may have to do so."

There you go Gwadien did the work for you to save you some time.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 30, 2003
I agree with Raven tbh. It does not matter about what the topic is..

If FH say you cannot talk about something on THEIR boards then you cant.

Now stop stirring the hornets nest before they ban GNMP and we will all be upset!

...Ginger Ninja Midget Pron.

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
I think its actually all besides the point though now. We get "Deebs" does not wish for it to be discussed here, we get it is "illegal".
For a long period of time a blind eye was turned on discussing them. Suddenly a power hungry bored mod wants to come take his ball home.

FH used to have a community, it was the DAOC sections. In the last 5 years it has become a playground for the same bunch of asslickers who want to suck Deeb's cock to gain mod rights.
When part of that old community returns to DAOC, they first get to see what state the game is in, and when they check FH to try find old friends and guildies, they get to read sad little posts on why threads are being locked.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
You do realise there is more to FH than the DAOC sub-section...right?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Don't know how it is in UK but in Holland the legal status of shrink wrap EULA's is at least dubious.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I think most of the regulars are ex-DAOC'ers really, that have grown up.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 30, 2003
No growing up here I will always be young ;)


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
I never played anything else than live and done that since beta! Been on BW and FH since the beginning! This is just a big LOL! Ppl have talked about uthgard for a very long time! Good to see you lock it now! But its silly u have accepted it for over 6 months, when u have had a rule about freeshards to follow! Goodbye FH i believe postcount is the only active live daoc forum anyways


freddies house is supported by Ywain players, and if they left the roof would cave in


No, I support FreddysHouse along with the very few who subscribe to pay the bills. As long as 1 person (not me) posts on here then I will try to keep it running.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
I think Deebs would have a think about it if he wasn't told it was illegal and therefore his knee-jerk reaction is nononono, but I'm not entirely sure he's fully aware of what Freeshards are, and as Jim (Not the Irish one) said before, there were DAOC GMs on the forums, and I can totally see why you'd want to be anti-freeshards, but as said before, hardly anyone plays Ywain, and you're basically scaring of the remainder of the DAOC community (that now play on Uthgard) because of what he's been told by those who are so anti-Uthgard, I seriously do not see the harm to the Forums in anyway shape or form, I can't see the police knocking at Deebs' door at 3 in the morning.

Anyway, this thread has been going on for too long now, and I think it's a good time to have a re-think about the whole subject and either way, I suppose we'll have to find someplace to discuss the server that cannot be named for legal reasons.

I do not understand freeshards and never have done. Like I said in previous posts I have to trust the views of my admins/moderators in things I am totally newb to. If running a gameserver (reverse engineered or however) is legal in the eyes of the developer/publisher then I am educated.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Just want to add, feel free to create a thread/PC with myself if you wish to discuss my views/rules and how I decide on things. Happy to discuss, disagree, change and call people names :)

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