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Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
You wanna get that expensive East Asian coffee. Made from Cambodian weasel vomit.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
As I read the thread from the bottom up, I thought "oh you must have shagged someone on a stag do / night out!"

So I need a little bit of Advice.

This past weekend was my brother in laws Bacehlor party and I went out with him an a bunch of his friends in New York. He had said weeks before the wedding that he didn't want strippers in the hotel room because it would be too akward and for the most part I agreed. The plan had been to go to a strip club, akwardly sit around for a half hour and then leave. Fast forward to the night before the party and the groom changes his mind. One of the groomsmen orders two strippers to the hotel room for an hour and that night they come and do their thing. Now mostly they just paid attention to the groom/best man/groomsman but at one point one of em sits on my lap and grabs my hands and moves them to her rack. Being drunk and not wanting to be shown up by the boys I play along for a minute but then get up and resume the putting one dollar bills in unides act I've been doing. So the next day we're leaving the hotel and I'm told in no uncertain terms to keep shutum. My missus rings me later on that day, obviously she knew there were going to be Hijinks on the night so if I tell her there were no strippers shes not going to buy it, so I tell her that we followed the original plan and that we went to a strip club for a little while. Now I know this might sound like pussy behavior to a lot of you but this lie has been eating away at me ever since. Worse I find out today that after warning me to keep shuttum my borther in law actually told his fiance that there were strippers in the hotel room. So I could have told the truth and not felt as bad about it but now I'm dealing with this guilt that I just didn't expect.

So the question is....I tell my missus about the whole thing now right? Or is that being selfish just to get rid of the guilt?

Sorry that this was long and rambling and not very manly but it's been bothering me since yesterday morning.

What a disappointment - you got a dance with a stripper? Fuuuuuuuuuuck what's the big deal?

I went on my lunch break and gave her a call. It's actually been bothering me that much that I couldn't wait. I know I know man licence revoked. Anyways she was so cool about it I feel like both a cretin and a fool for lying about it in the first place. I reckon I got lucky with her.




FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Cerb Well now you learned an important lesson. Never lie and if she's not ok with you doing nothing, so be it. The lesson being ofcourse to next time pay the hooker to mount her and then tell your GF that she just put your hand on her boobie and it was awful.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Got to say with this and the Amphrax thread there are some soppy fuckers on here today. Whatever happened to "what goes on tour, stays on tour"?


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Whatever happened to "what goes on tour, stays on tour"?

You said it chief.

The stag do that I arranged recently had a pre night out Gentlemen's Agreement that after we finished at the casino, we went "to a club in the centre of town" when in fact we went to a titty bar and got tits stuffed in our faces all night.

None of our respective partners are any wiser and two months have passed. I feel no guilt, I still love my missus and want to marry her one day.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I just convinced like 30 people on a CSS server I breed Owls for a living.


I am a FH squatter
Jun 18, 2005
Got to say with this and the Amphrax thread there are some soppy fuckers on here today. Whatever happened to "what goes on tour, stays on tour"?
I did say sorry....

I thought I had made it clear but it was the lie that was bothering me, not the strippers.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Big G said:
You said it chief.

The stag do that I arranged recently had a pre night out Gentlemen's Agreement that after we finished at the casino, we went "to a club in the centre of town" when in fact we went to a titty bar and got tits stuffed in our faces all night.

None of our respective partners are any wiser and two months have passed. I feel no guilt, I still love my missus and want to marry her one day.

Until you let slip / she finds out you 'lied' and dumps you!

Always best to tell the truth....I certainly tell my wife everything. That way nothing can come back and bite you in the arse!


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
It's a white lie, if your missus walks because you told a non-impacting lie about being around strippers on a stag do, then she's clearly got a stick up her arse.

"but it's about trust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111111111"

Get the fuck out, we all think of other women when we're wanking / fucking anyway.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Big G said:
It's a white lie, if your missus walks because you told a non-impacting lie about being around strippers on a stag do, then she's clearly got a stick up her arse.

"but it's about trust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111111111"

Get the fuck out, we all think of other women when we're wanking / fucking anyway.

I was being dramatic!

But if it's not a big deal to the gf then why lie in the first place? Makes no sense to me. I think it's best to talk about stuff rather than conceal it....


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
I guess it depends on the person, I'm not planning on telling my missus I'm fucking her sister, that'd just be mean.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
You do know that freddyshouse is on the internet..don't you?

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