I may be late to the conversation but Middlesbrough and it's surrounding towns (Stockton, Billingham etc) have got to be the bleakest, most depressing places on the planet.
It just looks depressing, sad, dark, lonely. Like death; a building in the theme of death.
Here's part 2I was searching for high quality, atmospheric 3D pornography, as you do.
This is probably the best I've found so far, bit pervy, but that's how we like it.
NSFW! http://g.e-hentai.org/g/443574/0a6a3e6842/
Mission of the day, don't look at the boobies;
View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ri0N_ifn2iM&feature=fvwrel
Mission of the day, don't look at the boobies;
View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ri0N_ifn2iM&feature=fvwrel
PLEASE tell me she isn't wearing a push up bra! Anyone know her name?
Why do so many people still hate andy murray?
Aoami said:Why do so many people still hate andy murray?
Weren't you the guy saying he was lessening his Scottish accent when he was loosing btw G? ;oBecause he's Scottish and wouldn't be where he was without charity payments from Londoners.
They pay for the whole country don't you know? We'd be absolutely fucked without them.