Yup, quite informative, slowed me down and gave a framework to show me how I was taking risks, getting into confrontations for nothing, the reasons behind speed limits are explained so intelligently that you feel a fuckin moron for thinking you know better.
3 hours?! I had to do a whole day.You are a fucking moron though. And you'd have to be a colossal fucking moron to find the course in any way enlightening.
Only worth doing to keep the points off your license, otherwise a waste of 3 hours getting preached at using flawed arguments.
Accidents don't just happen
Their arguments are not flawed, they are compiled by the people who pick up the dead bodies,dig through twisted metal and have to break the news to relatives.
Your own flawed opinion of how fast you can go.and how dangerous a situation is, is based on your own bravado and lack of experience.
99% of people who total cars or mow down pedestrians thought they were doing just fine until they weren't.
Accidents don't just happen, idiots fail to appreciate the danger.
Good to see you've drunk the kool aid tho, like a good little citizen. Baa.
It is an arbitrary limit, in the case of motorways set in the 60s when cars had drum brakes and crossply tyres.
Good to see you've drunk the kool aid tho, like a good little citizen. Baa.
I think you should be able to change your mind on an agreement to mutilate another human being.No she's being punished for going back on a court agreement. Not the same thing.
I think you should be able to change your mind on an agreement to mutilate another human being.
In fact, I think it should be illegal to mutilate another human being. If, when they turn 18, they want to do so then they should be allowed to do so. But not before.
I didn't think they enforced the speed limits in 20 zones?Got done for speeding today. 29 in a 20.
No points, but have to attend a speed awareness course. Anyone been on one?
Now don't say I didn't warn you, just read this, take it in and consider the implications and the offhand way they proscribe thought crime in the UK, next will be 'retraining', then arrest and shortly camps for traitors.
I didn't think they enforced the speed limits in 20 zones?