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I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Yeah, okay, so the West isn't actively trying to do a Us vs Them sort of kinda stuff, with using Jews as the innocent dudes who we need to protect from those vile bearded Muslims.

The Armenian Genocide (Where 2 million people died) isn't recognised because they're a relatively poor peoples.

That's it.
While there is no consensus as to how many Armenians lost their lives during the Armenian Genocide, there is general agreement among western scholars that over 500,000 Armenians died between 1914 and 1918. Estimates vary between 600,000,[83] to 1,500,000 (per Western scholars,[84] Argentina,[85] and other states)

Don't know where you got your 2 million from


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
This thread;



Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
While there is no consensus as to how many Armenians lost their lives during the Armenian Genocide, there is general agreement among western scholars that over 500,000 Armenians died between 1914 and 1918. Estimates vary between 600,000,[83] to 1,500,000 (per Western scholars,[84] Argentina,[85] and other states)

Don't know where you got your 2 million from

Sorry, you're completely right, because it was less people it was alot less relevant.

I apologise.

Gonna go out paki bashing because they hate jews innit.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Sorry, you're completely right, because it was less people it was alot less relevant.

I apologise.

Gonna go out paki bashing because they hate jews innit.
There were between 12 and 14 million killed in the nazi death camps with 5-7 million Jews,but also gay people, political opponents etc etc. so it was only about 50% Jews but they were the biggest single group.

I already stated that every genocide is a tragedy and shouldn't have happened and said my reasons for why I think the ww2 one was highlighted more than others.

I was just picking you up on the so called facts you were quoting were inaccurate.

I got no idea why you start going on about Pakistanis. I have no particular sympathy with the Jewish people I am just a student of ww2 and I find it interesting.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Didn't want to continue this in the other thread, but;

Doesn't have to.

Pay more tax, you're rich.

Quite, i have no obligation to pay the sub though i want to. What Scouse doesn't understand is that some months the 12squids is too much, since i'm living pretty much arse-to-mouth, err, hand to mouth at the moment, but i'm still working on a way to pay without paypal. When i get a regular job i'll happily pay for all the years i've been here even.

So consider my sub "on lease" so to speak.

Scouse just pokes and prods about it so he can ride in on his smelly white horse and claim "see i made him do it!", just like with everything else. All about scouse or nothing grr grr grr *pouts* :p


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
Didn't want to continue this in the other thread, but;

Quite, i have no obligation to pay the sub though i want to. What Scouse doesn't understand is that some months the 12squids is too much, since i'm living pretty much arse-to-mouth, err, hand to mouth at the moment, but i'm still working on a way to pay without paypal. When i get a regular job i'll happily pay for all the years i've been here even.

So consider my sub "on lease" so to speak.

Scouse just pokes and prods about it so he can ride in on his smelly white horse and claim "see i made him do it!", just like with everything else. All about scouse or nothing grr grr grr *pouts* :p

Its not £12 a month, that's for a whole year

*I assume we are talking about FH subs*


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Its not £12 a month, that's for a whole year

Yeah i know, meant that i need a good month to pay it at all. £12 is basically one days budget for me atm, so if there's extra costs(like xmas travel etc) then it's even harder.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Oh yeah as a final note, just a heads up, anyone who isn't subbing right now and i mean three years ago! is a "freeloading sponging twat" according to Scouse.

Just the kind of loveletters he likes to send me in PM ;)

I'm assuming he means everyone currently not subbed since, well.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Currently no, last month it was. Read up you Scouse lapdog. I'll make it really clear for you;

For my sub to work, i need A: a good month and B: a payment method that isn't paypal and doesn't invole me sending Scouse my money(no matter how he likes to think it is :p).

Current issue isn't the money, it's getting it from here to there.

I do wonder which one of the other people currently unsubbed you two are going to start harassing once i do get it sorted out. And yes it's nearing harassment levels.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
There's trolling and then there's coming to this site every day to a ton of negative ratings(even for non-issues), to get called a twat(and worse) in PM and threads and around 6 months ago even telling me to go die.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
There's trolling and then there's coming to this site every day to a ton of negative ratings(even for non-issues), to get called a twat(and worse) in PM and threads and around 6 months ago even telling me to go die.
I been told to die recently too seems to be becoming more prevalent heh.

But I would get those in charge copied on what you been sent in pm and all if its anything like you say.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I'm not exactly "on the verge of suicide" over what Scouse says, just getting a tad irritated of the squads daily routine ;)

To be honest i think him raging at me is bothering him more. Selftrolling he is :p


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
There's trolling and then there's coming to this site every day to a ton of negative ratings(even for non-issues), to get called a twat(and worse) in PM and threads and around 6 months ago even telling me to go die.
So there's trolling and then there's trolling? :D (seeing as you just pretty much defined trolling)

I couldn't give less of a shit if you subbed or not if I tried, I just find it odd that you categorically said it wasn't the money that was a problem yesterday and today you're saying something different. You surely know *somebody* who has a paypal account so that you can just give them the cash and have them sort it out for you? I mean, if it's a problem that you genuinely wanted to find a solution for, you could find a solution without trying very hard I'm sure.

And I wouldn't waste my energy sending you a PM so my conscience is clear there. :)

Seriously though, sending people threats and stuff in PM is not on at all. I hope it's not regular folk who have done that.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yeah and you're not really insulting me either(well outside the usual banter ;)), just getting tagged in since you and Scouse tend to comment/rate the same stuff. Unknowingly or not. Or more clearly; you're trolling, scouse is stepping over the line.

As said above though, the money isn't a problem now(well, it is still a chunk, but should manage it). Today i simply explained why the money was a problem on other months.

The deathwish was on a public thread, but it's been some time now. Now it's just a daily routine of "what kind of insult will scouse pm today" :p


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I'm assuming he means everyone currently not subbed since, well.

Yeah, I do. Deebs admitted that this place was costing him a fortune. That's not fair. We all use it. Sub if you love it.

£12/year is nothing to an individual but added up will help someone who deserves it for his efforts.

Edit: Just read the rest of this thread. Stop whining Toht. You're not getting threats at all. You're just a whiner who doesn't like receiving the stuff he dishes out daily. Lets leave it at that. @caLLous is my lapdog! Lolz! :D


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Sub if you love it.

How long ago did you sub? 2-3 months ago? Just curious on when that highhorse delivery came through.

Edit: Just read the rest of this thread. Stop whining Toht. You're not getting threats at all. You're just a whiner who doesn't like receiving the stuff he dishes out daily. Lets leave it at that.

Let's not. I may troll on occasion, but you've been on an all out PM assault for a week and even longer with your rating spam/insults/etc. And now this sub thing again, just towards me. And i never said you threatened me, i sid you told me to go die(which happened a good while back, given).

As said, difference between trolling and harassment. Oh and i can take it just fine, just feel like it's good to set some facts straight and vent before i actually get annoyed.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
If ANYONE on this forum is receiving hateful PMs they should notify me, @Deebs , @MYstIC G and @TdC so we can take appropriate steps please.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
As said, difference between trolling and harassment. Oh and i can take it just fine, just feel like it's good to set some facts straight and vent before i actually get annoyed.
Will you swear uncensored when you actually get annoyed?


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Guys, enough!

I am getting fed up with the bickering, trolling call it what you want, use the ignore function or simply choose not to respond. I do not want FreddysHouse to become a toxic hole, keep the conversations civilised. Noone is forced to sub and anyone who chooses not to should not be called out on it, PERIOD. It is a personal choice to sub, nothing more.

As for hateful private messages they stop right now, it is not tolerated or wanted at FreddysHouse. If anyone has received such a message then please do as @Jupitus has requested earlier in this thread. Finally, the rules have not changed on telling people to die etc. Go reread the CoC, it is still very much valid.


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
Been told off

*hands behind back, looks at floor and shuffles feet uncomfortably*

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