this game is just shit now



Originally posted by Karam_gruul

and SWG will be great. no doubt about it. same people that made EQ are making it (in other words sony),

verant made EQ.
verant/lucasarts = swg

sony = publisher or whatever its called with games.

and since sw/lucasarts suck, swg will most likely suck.


Karam you have taken the time and effort to tell us all how you feel, more than once.
Fine, np, great, stop playing and you will never have to wory about it again... Now that wasn't too hard was it?..


Originally posted by Karam_gruul

SWG will be HUGE aswell which is a good thing. its based on 3 planets (i think)

9 actually ;)

each one looks sweet in its own

/em wishes it was december now so i could sitting on the beach on tatooine (thats BIG beach) drinking beer and getting a nice tan


Originally posted by lamus Yuatja
lamus Yuatja Thinks someone is still getting owned...

poor lamus...not the center of attention...

and :p


why do you have to come here to spread ur boring opinion to others hoping more will get depressed and quit? if u dont like it then piss off frankly i dont think ppl give a fuck what u think mate.Also ur saying alb is under populated? ROFLMAO ur a joke i could count all the hibs in emain and theres normaly less then 20 alb? well what can i say u come in numbers that reach over 50 and thats normaly every night.ok my rant over so quit alredy


ive been lvl 50 for 1 and a half months and i admit some days i have been bored but things have spiced up - we are raiding you guys so BE WARNED WE ARE NOW LATE NIGHT RAID PPLS TOO :D

btw karam you still havent replyed to my request for a duel from you. Only could figure out 1 reason though you are scared.

DUEL ME (for the 5th time)


People are gonna have to face why they get bored, DAOC is an amazing online game, the interactivity between players and mobs is almost faultless, twenty years ago this would have been voted the greatest game in gaming history, but the bar always climbs higher.
Anyone bored of their girlfriend/car/motorbike/latest gadget which seemed so exciting for the first week, it's a human condition.
'show me the best looking girl in the world and I'll find you a guy who's sick of sh@ggin her' :)


Originally posted by old.job
show me the best looking girl in the world and I'll find you a guy who's sick of sh@ggin her' :)

Britney Spears..... :p


I agree with Karam, this game can be boring. Like all mmopgs. RPG- or not. Seen quite a many, none has kept me playing more than couple of years.

The point is; what did you expect?


Karam...some people may find the game boring - others don't. It's the same as this forum. If peeps blame Mythic for designing Daoc in a way that it takes people with a higher attention span than that of a goldfish to enjoy it once they pop 50 (a lot of the old UO people appear Piscatorially related in this respect) can those of us who by the same token enjoy the game and this forum bitch at you for your boring attempts at "attention seeking"?

If you want to leave...please do. Or stay. Either is cool (although I do get the impression your realm mates may prefer the former rather than the latter ;)). But please stop the incessant whining. Call the game shit if you want, but once you have, do us all a favour and leave out the "broken record" ranting.


Originally posted by Killgorde
If peeps blame Mythic for designing Daoc in a way that it takes people with a higher attention span than that of a goldfish to enjoy it once they pop 50 (a lot of the old UO people appear Piscatorially related in this respect) can those of us who by the same token enjoy the game and this forum bitch at you for your boring attempts at "attention seeking"?

10/10 for getting piscatorial into a BW thread :clap:

And you are a right, Karam is just a troll of the worst kind. He has decided after getting pwned so much that the game is rubbish. Pot, kettle, black ?

cya karam. NEXT!


sort of skim read some of the posts, anyone thats saying anything in any way against me is rubbish by default, and anyone thats agreeing is also rubbish by default. coz i rock.

anyway, i've noticed most of the NOOBS replying to this thread are below lvl 50 :/ meaning they havnt got a clue what this game is. anyone that IS lvl 50 and thinks the game is still fun (novamir) is just kidding themselves.

if your below lvl 50 dont bother commenting, the only way you could possibly know what im talking about is if your a) lvl 50 or b) some kind of deity like myself.


anyway, i've noticed most of the NOOBS replying to this thread are below lvl 50 :/ meaning they havnt got a clue what this game is. anyone that IS lvl 50 and thinks the game is still fun (novamir) is just kidding themselves.


Hehe, if Karam is getting bored of the game at 50 he might consider to find out _really_ why he isn't having fun anymore. Since it's obvious that so many still are enjoying it at 50, it can't be that bad. Try to make it fun, Karam, instead of starting arguements you can't win, or continuing discussions you clearly see are heading the wrong direction considering your opinion.
Maybe you like to get the crowd against you, I wouldn't know.
A game is just about enjoying yourself, not the opposite. A sane(some will disagree on this, but I'm sure you are sane) person doesn't sit and bounce a ball to the wall and continues to do it if it bores him. He moves on, for the sake of human survival at excalibur, do it Karam. <cough>


Originally posted by Tranquil-


Hehe, if Karam is getting bored of the game at 50 he might consider to find out _really_ why he isn't having fun anymore. Since it's obvious that so many still are enjoying it at 50, it can't be that bad. Try to make it fun, Karam, instead of starting arguements you can't win, or continuing discussions you clearly see are heading the wrong direction considering your opinion.
Maybe you like to get the crowd against you, I wouldn't know.
A game is just about enjoying yourself, not the opposite. A sane(some will disagree on this, but I'm sure you are sane) person doesn't sit and bounce a ball to the wall and continues to do it if it bores him. He moves on, for the sake of human survival at excalibur, do it Karam. <cough>

you shouldnt have to make your own fun in any game. the game is supposed to be naturally fun, and if you find yourself having to go around organising events etc to create fun, then theres definatly something lacking in the game itself.

you say loads of lvl 50's still enjoy the game? thats just not true. most lvl 50's i know are as bored as i am, and are just waiting for the epic armour patch to see what its like.


you shouldnt have to make your own fun in any game. the game is supposed to be naturally fun, and if you find yourself having to go around organising events etc to create fun, then theres definatly something lacking in the game itself.

-- This gameworld is huge, you can't expect yourself to sit down and then suddenly the fun comes to you. You have to move out and hunt, go rvr, make an alt(you have several character slots you know) tbh it sounds like this game is too slow for you to have any fun, go play some quake.

you say loads of lvl 50's still enjoy the game? thats just not true. most lvl 50's i know are as bored as i am, and are just waiting for the epic armour patch to see what its like.

-- Maybe you should change the guys you hang with?
Why aren't you and the other bored 50's you know out making a group, running around the frontiers, ganking stuff in rvr, forcing high level enemies out of the borderkeeps, arguing about who's uber and who's not, take a keep, take a break from the game, get wasted, come back, brag about it, mingle, roll an alt, speak with the ignorant lowbies, waste mithra.

This game consists of a shitload of people, they are people. If everyone just sits down and stops doing anything of course this game will be boring, it's not like a scripted scene in a singleplayergame. GO DO STUFF, you bored 50's. Maybe you l337 50's levelled too damn fast? I'm sure you bored 50's lost quite much of the fun in the lower levels, just blew past it, wanted to sit on that high horse and look down, but sadly you are too high up now. Who says that a lvl 50 know's the game any better? Do you know anything about the game except the uber xpspots, the so called "perfect groups" and the perfect skillpoint placement? You sir Karam, bored yourself out.


Originally posted by Tranquil-

-- This gameworld is huge, you can't expect yourself to sit down and then suddenly the fun comes to you. You have to move out and hunt, go rvr, make an alt(you have several character slots you know) tbh it sounds like this game is too slow for you to have any fun, go play some quake.

-- Maybe you should change the guys you hang with?
Why aren't you and the other bored 50's you know out making a group, running around the frontiers, ganking stuff in rvr, forcing high level enemies out of the borderkeeps, arguing about who's uber and who's not, take a keep, take a break from the game, get wasted, come back, brag about it, mingle, roll an alt, speak with the ignorant lowbies, waste mithra.

This game consists of a shitload of people, they are people. If everyone just sits down and stops doing anything of course this game will be boring, it's not like a scripted scene in a singleplayergame. GO DO STUFF, you bored 50's. Maybe you l337 50's levelled too damn fast? I'm sure you bored 50's lost quite much of the fun in the lower levels, just blew past it, wanted to sit on that high horse and look down, but sadly you are too high up now. Who says that a lvl 50 know's the game any better? Do you know anything about the game except the uber xpspots, the so called "perfect groups" and the perfect skillpoint placement? You sir Karam, bored yourself out.

trust me im not someone that gets bored easily with games. but daoc has forced me to the point of no return. i havnt even logged on for 3 days, and even when i did 3 days ago, i only stayed on for 30 seconds. you want someone that really cant hack slow pace games? my friend started this game, got to lvl 6, and quit. he said it was far FAR too boring, and he wanted a game where you can have fun straight away, without having to suffer for months till you can start rvring etc. which is true to a certain extent. i can take being bored if i know its going to be worth it. but the thing with daoc is, its NOT worth it. lvl 50 is definatly not what its cracked up to be. which is another big mistake by mythic. they made hitting 50 too easy, and too unrewarding.


trust me im not someone that gets bored easily with games. but daoc has forced me to the point of no return. i havnt even logged on for 3 days, and even when i did 3 days ago, i only stayed on for 30 seconds. you want someone that really cant hack slow pace games? my friend started this game, got to lvl 6, and quit. he said it was far FAR too boring, and he wanted a game where you can have fun straight away, without having to suffer for months till you can start rvring etc. which is true to a certain extent. i can take being bored if i know its going to be worth it. but the thing with daoc is, its NOT worth it. lvl 50 is definatly not what its cracked up to be. which is another big mistake by mythic. they made hitting 50 too easy, and too unrewarding.

-- So, this issue can't be yours then? Maybe you just need another game? So what if your friend got to lvl 6 and quit, I've played lot's of games I don't feel are fun, it doesn't mean they are bad games does it? It's about YOUR interest, not all games attract all people. This game isn't made to be to just jump into the fun, it's made to be a HUGE timewaster. If you don't like the game, I do believe you are free to do so, right? :rolleyes:

You are just disappointed that 50 wasn't what you expected it to be. Who knows? Does the game start or end at 50? :p

edit: Roll a new character, delete Karam, maybe a more rvr oriented character? Since RvR is more high level oriented as you say. Maybe one of the not so popular classes? gives you a bit more to explore instead of just plowing through the usual spec templates.


There is just not enough time in the day to do everything I want to do. I have a lvl 50 char (has been now for months). I admit, I don't play him as much now coz I play my alts, but it's great to have a lvl 50 char there. I rushed to lvl 50 and missed a lot of the quests that were available. Now I just take my time with my alts and it's great.

Level 50 is not the most important thing in the game, getting there and having fun doing it is. When u do get there make your own fun or start an alt.


Originally posted by Karam_gruul
anyway, i've noticed most of the NOOBS replying to this thread are below lvl 50 :/ meaning they havnt got a clue what this game is. anyone that IS lvl 50 and thinks the game is still fun (novamir) is just kidding themselves.

Wonder whos the noob ? don't call ppl that are lvl 40-49 noobs they might have been playing just as long as u (and maybe longer.... ONE word: US) but they have learned to enjoy the game and do some events and maybe explore the world so they can find their way to diff places without a guide (or a road) ... not saying that u can't... if u have learned the game 100% on the way to 50 good for u... but do not say that ppl below 50 are noobs, cuz that only prooves how little u know...

and YES i get offended when people call me noob... ooh and btw i DON'T get owned by a samelvl spear hero... ;)

ooh and btw (again) mid has lots of lvl 50 playing every day, almost all days... and i don't hear them complaining...and since they stay online they must have some fun.. can't just pay for the game cuz it sucks... or cuz they have to.. or maybe all lvl 50's are lying just to fool us "noobs" that are not 50 yets that it is fun... yeah thats it....

the only thing that makes this game boring right now is the fact mids have no relics :p


ok guess what this is not quake or unreal. Its a role playing game.
And like all rp games it takes time to get any where. But even at a low level I found it fun to explore the various dungeons and lands my character exsisted in.
At level 14 I was in Raumarik looking around to see what was there. The trip ended up with me being beaten to a pulp but it was fun trying to get a good luck about the place and avoiding the creatures that roam it.

Rp games have a basice structure to them after that you have to create your own fun as in role play out a character or make up events. Even the table top rp games I have played had more player input into them than the actual people that wrote the damn things. I know cause I have GMed many warhammer fantasy roleplay sessions and made up my own campaings.

The game is only limited by your imagination, and by the sounds of it you have none.


Originally posted by Tranquil-

-- So, this issue can't be yours then? Maybe you just need another game? So what if your friend got to lvl 6 and quit, I've played lot's of games I don't feel are fun, it doesn't mean they are bad games does it? It's about YOUR interest, not all games attract all people. This game isn't made to be to just jump into the fun, it's made to be a HUGE timewaster. If you don't like the game, I do believe you are free to do so, right? :rolleyes:

You are just disappointed that 50 wasn't what you expected it to be. Who knows? Does the game start or end at 50? :p

edit: Roll a new character, delete Karam, maybe a more rvr oriented character? Since RvR is more high level oriented as you say. Maybe one of the not so popular classes? gives you a bit more to explore instead of just plowing through the usual spec templates.

Must say tank and healer classes are the easiest in the game to level up, and spec on. I find them a bit boring to tell the truth so I go for the less common ones such as dwarf hunter , runemaster, spiritmaster and dwarf berserker. yeh ok I like dwarfs not everyone is perfect...... appart from me that is :)


Originally posted by Olgark
ok guess what this is not quake or unreal. Its a role playing game.
And like all rp games it takes time to get any where. But even at a low level I found it fun to explore the various dungeons and lands my character exsisted in.
At level 14 I was in Raumarik looking around to see what was there. The trip ended up with me being beaten to a pulp but it was fun trying to get a good luck about the place and avoiding the creatures that roam it.

Rp games have a basice structure to them after that you have to create your own fun as in role play out a character or make up events. Even the table top rp games I have played had more player input into them than the actual people that wrote the damn things. I know cause I have GMed many warhammer fantasy roleplay sessions and made up my own campaings.

The game is only limited by your imagination, and by the sounds of it you have none.

your saying its not like quake, its a role playing game, and takes time. so explain to me how i played UO for 3 years solid without getting bored once, and i wasnt even a 7xgm (i only had 6 skills at 100%). so thats the equivilant of playing daoc for 3 years solid and only getting to lvl 40. this game ISNT as good as UO or EQ, simply because i honestly dont think anyone will play it for 3 years solidly. when your 50 its just a matter of time before the bordem kicks in and you quit. the reason? because once you've seen it once, you dont need to see it again.


So let me get this right...if you put in the time on UO you can "own" everyone by virtue of your multi-ability? Sounds like a recipe for lamersville to me :)

At least with this game no matter who you are there is always someone out there who can wax you (or in your case Karam everyone from all the reports ;))...which is a damned sight fairer on those peeps who haven't the hours to put in that others do.


Go play EQ if you're such a Verant fanboy

I recently quit EQ after 3 years at every level except top-flight uber (I want a game, not another job). Now I’m playing DAoC and thought it was kinda funny seeing you praise EQ earlier in the thread when it has plenty of faults, just like DAoC and every other mmorpg. Believe me the grass always looks greener on the other side - but its not better, just different - and a change can be good. You see lots of pro-DAoC posts on EQ boards . . . there’s always something else to play when you get bored - I don’t see what posting here achieves unless it was a goodbye message.

i think the problem is it was just too rushed - Karam_gruul
Bit like EQ's expansions then (Luclin - hahahahah). Oh and almost all of their patches. Yes EQ gets patched more often than DAoC - that means more added content but also more nerfs and wide sweeping changes that can break classes/zones. More content = more bugs and balance issues.

its too small, not enough classes or races, not enough land to explore, not enough dungeons, not enough mobs, not enough items - Karam_gruul
More items in EQ is deceiving, cos most of them will be out of your reach, not usable by your class/level or utter crap. EQ = 15 classes, 14 races --- DAoC = 33 classes, 12 races - errr yes - if you’re bored with only 4 characters would adding more really help? Sometimes EQ just feels bigger cos you have to wait 30-60secs to zone between every area, 15-30mins for portals/boats or wait for a druid/wizard player to port you, and there are very few spires/circles (port destinations) in the expansion continents. More dungeons isn’t brilliant either because most of them are empty, with the popular few being overcrowded with groups who only want certain classes cos you’re so specialised at high level. Pre-Kunark EQ actually felt smaller to me than any realm in current DAoC (Vale of Mularn seems bigger than many EQ zones) - maybe its familiarity or the lower run-speed - but remember EQ has had 3 expansions and several free zones: Euro DAoC is still waiting for both - so its an unfair comparison.

lol piss off im not organising things. thats one of the most boring things i can possibly think of doing. its like work, in your leisure time. insanity. - Karam_gruul
You'd hate raiding in EQ then - you get nowhere without organisation - what spells you cast, what disciplines melees use, and when, is all mapped out for you. The Americans have it down to a fine art - complete heal cycles, zone/mob research, raid calendars, loot programs, group creation programs, guild management programs etc. Very dull to have to treat a game like a job/science to get anything done - if you want to go uber then its a 24/7 job. Of course you can forget organisation and guilds and go it alone - spend a few hours trying to get a group, or solo if you’re one of the few classes that can - but don’t expect to log into EQ for less than an hour and get anything useful done - just travelling can take hours. And even groups can be ineffective - many zones take multiple group raids - without organisation you just have to hit the same 3-5 grind zones that the rest of the high level server population uses.

it will STILL be based on the same dull idea. 3 realms, u lvl up, then go to rvr.
- Karam_gruul
Compared to 1 realm, you level up, then wait around for raids to start?

a well planned, well pulled off game like EQ or UO is what im looking for.
- Karam_gruul
HAHAHAHAHAHAH - ok now go and actually play EQ to top level then come back.

my friend started this game, got to lvl 6, and quit. he said it was far FAR too boring, and he wanted a game where you can have fun straight away, without having to suffer for months till you can start rvring etc.
EQ wouldn’t be a solution then - L6s can’t go on dragon raids :) It’s the journey not the destination - rewards for time/skill invested, like many games. If you didn't enjoy levelling up and grouping with people then why the hell did you do it? Are you mad? RvR from the start would kill the game too - people would get annoyed when they were ganked by higher levels (like EQ's Sullon Zek). Heck you're bored of RvR after 50 levels getting there - I fail to see how getting RvR sooner would solve that. Your friend needs Quake, you need a new mmorpg.

slow moving
- Karam_gruul
And how is any game different when you "think" you’ve done "everything"? You think EQ is fast and fun with more variety? Spending days . . . auctioning or camping for those "needed" items, waiting for "needed" spawns, killing no-xp mobs for "needed" faction, waiting hours for raids to get together (or restart), taking months to get keys for everyone in your guild just to access another dungeon, taking months or years to complete your epic etc. (clerics can spend 7 days logged in constantly waiting for an epic dragon mob for 1 step of their 20+ step epic). Levelling looks faster in DAoC too, judging by the /played times I’ve seen posted - more classes able to solo, far lower downtime etc. If DAoC wasn’t enough of a challenge to hit 60 then go play a troll/iksar SK in EQ (xp penalties, downtime, barely able to solo at top level, faction problems, nasty epic quest, not essential for raids/groups, EQ’s post-50 hell levels etc.) - should be a nice challenge - I guarantee you won’t hit top level very quickly.

Hit top level in any game and there’s not much left except raids (mobs in EQ, RvR in DAoC), grinding out advanced abilities (with more xp in EQ, RPs in DAoC), starting an alt or doing tradeskills - which EQ probably has more mileage on the latter because it takes more clicks, farming, researching spoiler sites, fighting the boredom, and you need maxed skill to make anything useful or make a profit. Haven’t done RvR yet in DAoC but surely its more fluid, with more variety, than the tried-and-tested raids in EQ - you can’t have a system to succeed every time when attacking a keep like you can vs EQ mobs - and nothing to lose when you die except the walk back. EQ raids get very dull when you’re raiding ToV for the 20th time this month, 3rd month running, because the armour is mandatory equipment at top level - and if you wipe its an hour at least to get everyone rezzed back if a cleric didn’t camp wheeee - you can’t just walk away like in DAoC cos all your gear is on your corpse.

To blast DAoC as "repetitive" then praise EQ is the dumbest think I've ever read - and that includes most of the drivel at Flamevault. All mmorpgs have the potential to be repetitive if you only focus on certain aspects - its not the game that's boring, its YOU who are bored with the game - move on, thread closed. Personally I think DAoC has potentially more variety. EQ classes are cookie-cutters with no choice in how they evolve - there’s an accepted way to play a class, and equipment you must have (like ToV armour and epics) so most classes play the same and look the same (99% of armour can’t be dyed) - your game is planned out for you from level one. If you spec classes differently in DAoC then you can potentially triple the number of available classes. Repetitive = EQ melees - no combat styles just auto-attack, maybe another attack and taunt, and disciplines once per 30+ mins. Casters are better - lack of a conc system in EQ gives them more to do, but renewing buffs isn't fun. And at least you can choose to solo in DAoC if grouping/raids get dull - not an option for most of EQ's classes if you want xp at top level.

Playing a game that bores you is very stupid - for any reason - I know, I’ve been that stupid. EQ gave me 3 years, the first two were fun then I stuck around cos of friends - believe me you can make new friends in a new game. Everyone gets bored of mmorpgs in the end if they play them too much - and this is a game, not a replacement life - I bet you can’t think of any game that’s kept you playing for half as long as mmorpgs have. Verant and Mythic must be doing something right - and it can’t be easy to make a game for over 100,000 people and still keep the majority relatively happy - you're just a speed-bump, a minority in a large player-base. And lol your level doesn't entitle you to any special privilege here - it just takes time to level up - I knew tons of L60s in EQ who knew squat compared to certain L50 friends who had less time to play.

If DAoC keeps me occupied for even a year, then I’ll be happy - Middle Earth Online or Horizons might be out by then :)

If you’re bored then go play another game - don’t post here expecting sympathy or a big pat on the back for sussing out the game.

The point is; what did you expect? - err0r

Jeez you've wound me up so much I've spent an hour typing this :p


Karam is here to wind us up ;)

he knows the score really. we enjoy the game, he's pissed that he once enjoyed it a lot, and now there's an empty hole :(

either he will make the transition to RvR, or decide to level an alt permanently, or quit!

i really couldn't give a fuck what he does so long as he leaves these boards


Uh huh

Sounds like DAoC is ruining his life so he should quit for his own good.

EQ only really ruined one thing for me - it made dragons (and killing them) seem routine and mundane - thankfully I quit before I started scratching at the walls, screaming to get out, like Karam :)


Originally posted by Karam_gruul

. lvl 50 is definatly not what its cracked up to be. which is another big mistake by mythic. they made hitting 50 too easy, and too unrewarding.

F-off karam. Lvl 50 is by no means easy. Perhaps it was for you with your uber pve class but it aint for a lot of us. I think u have now reached 50 where u don't get any reward for owning the mobs and have discovered that your class sucks at rvr and every man and his dog can gank you with ease. Perhaps the problem was picking the wrong class? Roll a stealther or a mage, might be a bit harder to get to 50, but once u do you will be having a lot more fun in rvr. Either that or shut up and take your medicine. Your class is there to take damage, not deal it. All this boasting about how your mighty stick can do oh so much damage, but compared to a mage your damage is laughable. You are there to get hit and hopefully distract the enemy long enough for the mages/other damg dealers to kill the enemy. Someone in this role dies a lot, so if you can't handle it it's your own fault for taking the easy route to 50.

- Pathfinder -

Reaching 50 is actually quite easy compared to say EQ. It all depends on your perspective ;)


Now, I know I don't post that much on these forums, hell, I don't READ these forums that much, I just don't have time.

But I have to say one thing. Karam, although a bit of a wind-up merchant, is basically a decent guy. He started out winding up people on these forums as a bit of a laugh, to have some fun. And I'm sorry but I for one am not surprised that he's not having as much fun as some of us, because all of you overreacted, flamed him left right and centre, and made damn sure he doesn't have much fun.

I think you're all being remarkably unfair to him - if you're all so certain that it is still fun, why not offer constructive suggestions (which I know some of you have so this is not directed at all of you) like for example, some of you L50 albs could suggest that he rvr's with you. He's not that bad really.. you could give him a chance. But no, with you guys, it's all about whether or not he's bowed down to your uberness on these forums. If someone makes a joke, or has an opinion you don't like, you just don't want to know. Well, quite frankly (and any flames on this simply aren't going to matter to me, because 1. I hardly play daoc anymore as I just don't have the time and 2. I don't read the forums so am not going to know what you say about me) I think you're all being pathetic. Sure, you might not want to know that Karam is not enjoying daoc. But I think you all helped contribute to that, and that in my opinion does not make for a good community. If you can't take a joke (which karam's posts are, or certainly started out being) then god help the daoc community because it will (as i have seen many other online communities) turn into a bitchfest with no-one who can't give a good insult welcomed, with little cliques (which are already forming/formed) that no-one is welcomed into unless they already know someone in that clique.

I would have liked to see daoc become a friendly community with people willing to help out new players, guilds that are interested in helping people rather than being the uberest guild around because they've got all the high levels. A friend of mine played hibernia exalibur for awhile, didn't know anyone on there, was a little bit shy about approaching any guilds, and you know what? she didn't even get ONE offer of help. Not one. Oh yeah, every so often a immensely powerful enchanter or someone would wander past and buff, but no practical help about where to hunt, how to spec. Now, I'm sure that people will say that she should have asked people, that she should have found out herself. Well, are we only wanting people who are outgoing and pushy in our ranks? What about those people who are a little shyer, but are very good team players, or nice people to know? They just don't get anywhere at all and eventually end up leaving because they can't get on in the game.

Anyway, this went a little bit off topic. I was just meaning to say that I can see Karam's point, I'm very sorry to hear that he's not enjoying daoc and I personally hope he won't leave, but I don't think it's just the game that's contributed to it, it's the attitude of some (who shall remain nameless) of the players on here as well.

I personally enjoy daoc sometimes. But then again, I've never played a high level character - and actually, I've come very close to leaving because I simply don't have the time to level up and I get frustrated because I cannot seem to level in the small time I do have. But it passed in time - although I'm more than expecting at least one reply saying I should have quit.

Well, rant over.

Nyara Falconsbane, level 25 cleric
Jaelle Stormblade, level 20 armswoman
Melodi Psyrene, level 10 minstrel
Lucira, level 10 infil
[practically retired]

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