this game is just shit now



Mids dominate the server?

Albion Relics : 3
Hibernia Relics : 3
Midgard Relics : 0

Keeps : every 1 has the same number atm

Where's the domination?


Originally posted by Jimli
Mids dominate the server?

Albion Relics : 3
Hibernia Relics : 3
Midgard Relics : 0

Keeps : every 1 has the same number atm

Where's the domination?

domination in numbers. 90% of mid is lvl 50, and they dont ever lvl alts, they just rvr constantly. so they totally dominate us on the number of lvl 50's they have in rvr at any one time. its probably about 10 mids to every 1 alb most of the time.


domination in numbers. 90% of mid is lvl 50, and they dont ever lvl alts, they just rvr constantly. so they totally dominate us on the number of lvl 50's they have in rvr at any one time. its probably about 10 mids to every 1 alb most of the time.

Total Rubbish Karam ....And Btw do you ever R v R as i do quite alot of it and have yet to see you once?..

Regards Nicky.


Karam why post it on forums? just quit. But before that u really should appoligize to all the ppl u have offended. U will never b taken seriously otherwise. To b honest... i rarely c u in emain anyway.


Originally posted by old.lewstherin
Karam why post it on forums? just quit. But before that u really should appoligize to all the ppl u have offended. U will never b taken seriously otherwise. To b honest... i rarely c u in emain anyway.

shh noob.

and no i dont rvr much. have you read this post!? thats what im talking about. i go on, kill maybe 1 person, die, then log. hense why you rarely see me in emain.


Karam appoligise(sorry bad spelling), i know him in RL, and if he every would say sorry i would personal exploded into rabbits :/

as for the server population, u n00b karam all the 3 realms are the same size/lvl roughly, u must pick the wrong time to play and RvR in emain when all the mids come out to play


Originally posted by Karam_gruul

domination in numbers. 90% of mid is lvl 50, and they dont ever lvl alts, they just rvr constantly. so they totally dominate us on the number of lvl 50's they have in rvr at any one time. its probably about 10 mids to every 1 alb most of the time.

Omg Karam, you are in the realm with the largest population by far and still whine about getting ganked due to lack of people. Try Mid or Hib and then you can comeback to the boards and whine about numbers.


Originally posted by old.Hienrich
Karam appoligise(sorry bad spelling), i know him in RL, and if he every would say sorry i would personal exploded into rabbits :/

as for the server population, u n00b karam all the 3 realms are the same size/lvl roughly, u must pick the wrong time to play and RvR in emain when all the mids come out to play

lol wonderful, wonderful spelling and grammar there hien :clap:


After 50 i enjoyed organising hunts for FUN . Helping guildies out and getting them alternative xping places, plying alts (both on exc and prydw). Then (as stated earlier) theres DF and Epic armor. Theres more to the game than "owning" in RvR. If its so boring.. dont do it, find other means of enjoyment.. go outside take 2-3 weeks of and come back , maybe with a new perspective of things. You dont have to be on DAoC 24/7. The sky isnt 16bit blue ;).

What im saying if you find it boring, the world doesnt need to know.

Do a player event (organise a epic-mob hunt, or something) OR go for a trip in RL.

See ya in SW:G isra ;)
(observe how i didnt laugh at your remark about 90% of Mid is 50, or zerging. You probably just keep on running into CE :D)


How I'd sum up Karam:

slow moving


Originally posted by old.Krusha
After 50 i enjoyed organising hunts for FUN . Helping guildies out and getting them alternative xping places, plying alts (both on exc and prydw). Then (as stated earlier) theres DF and Epic armor. Theres more to the game than "owning" in RvR. If its so boring.. dont do it, find other means of enjoyment.. go outside take 2-3 weeks of and come back , maybe with a new perspective of things. You dont have to be on DAoC 24/7. The sky isnt 16bit blue ;).

What im saying if you find it boring, the world doesnt need to know.

Do a player event (organise a epic-mob hunt, or something) OR go for a trip in RL.

See ya in SW:G isra ;)
(observe how i didnt laugh at your remark about 90% of Mid is 50, or zerging. You probably just keep on running into CE :D)

lol piss off im not organising things. thats one of the most boring things i can possibly think of doing. its like work, in your leisure time. insanity.

and what are you talking about? i dont play 24/7, i only have 30 days /played on my main char, and i literally just dont play the game any more.

and the whole world does need to know, they need to know they're playing a bad, bad game.


and you wonder why ppl dont take you seriously? Try to discuss things doesnt work for you.. instead you piss allover the place?

Ohwell i wont bother then...


Originally posted by old.Krusha
and you wonder why ppl dont take you seriously? Try to discuss things doesnt work for you.. instead you piss allover the place?

Ohwell i wont bother then...



If emain sucks that much dont go there, I'm still way off 50 (yes 40+ xping is a nightmare, not just for the slowness of it but also because of the way its done in Mid) but I'm closing in on RR3:.

Ive taken the time to organise expeditions to Alb and Hib and now have good safe routes to both realms frontier keeps and good xp spots and we have regular Guild trips out(post here if you want any of your drops back, we cant use em :( ).

We've had some great battles in these areas, much better than anything i've ever experienced in emain.

I disagree with your statement that the core of the game is poor as well. The vast majority of ppl you see complaining about it being rubbish are those who've hit 50 and thought now what..... it's not the game thats at fault there, its the person playing it.....


make a stealther theres no way you can get bored of a stealther there so much fun a lvl 30 stealther probley has more fun then any other class at lvl 50 fact im lvl 49 nightshade now and il never quit i have to much fun sneaking about.

heros/fighters are boring
mages die in 2 hits
healers just stand there and heal them classes bore me to death sorry to say it but there pants


Originally posted by Shagrat
If emain sucks that much dont go there, I'm still way off 50 (yes 40+ xping is a nightmare, not just for the slowness of it but also because of the way its done in Mid) but I'm closing in on RR3:.

Ive taken the time to organise expeditions to Alb and Hib and now have good safe routes to both realms frontier keeps and good xp spots and we have regular Guild trips out(post here if you want any of your drops back, we cant use em :( ).

We've had some great battles in these areas, much better than anything i've ever experienced in emain.

I disagree with your statement that the core of the game is poor as well. The vast majority of ppl you see complaining about it being rubbish are those who've hit 50 and thought now what..... it's not the game thats at fault there, its the person playing it.....

explain to me how i played uo for 3 years then? and im bored of daoc after 3 months?


Perhaps UO is more your thing???? I played it for 18 months too and I know damn well which of the two I enjoy playing. Im enjoying DAOC much more than I did UO.


Lost and the Damned

I'm getting fairly bored of the game too but I dont think pointing out its shortcomings helps any but then again screaming heratic like Daoc is a lifestyle or relegion is not that healthy either.

I mean no game is forever and most games I buy keep my interest for 2 or 3 weeks at most and Daoc I've play on and off for six months or so and feel it was cash and time well spent, Ive had fun and still have a little way to go to L50 but even then I'll most likely keep the account open, I mean £5-6 quid a month a nothing really, maybe a small round if you are a billy few mates or a movie ticket.

Hope you find the game your looking for, sadly I don't think SW Galaxy is going to be it, the twat factor will be stupidly high as despite all the available classes it will come down the majority of the population wanting to be Jedi and Bounty Hunters.


3x Healer and non swearing fucker (opps)


Originally posted by Shagrat
Perhaps UO is more your thing???? I played it for 18 months too and I know damn well which of the two I enjoy playing. Im enjoying DAOC much more than I did UO.

your saying you'll be playing daoc for 18 months? good luck ;)

can you honestly look at the game and say you'll be enjoying it just as much in about 15 months time? and you wont be atall bored? thats what im saying, daoc hasnt got a good game at the core, its too boring. in UO you have 7 possible skills to train all the way up to 100%, so in other words you are 7 different classes in one char, and u can have up to 8 chars! thats what made UO last so long and made it so addictive. having just one char to lvl up to 50 (50 is far to easy to get) just isnt enough.


Originally posted by Karam_gruul
EQ had no pvp

Urm how come I was always being ganked by twinked characters on Rallos Zek then?



Originally posted by cadiva

Urm how come I was always being ganked by twinked characters on Rallos Zek then?


because its a pvp server? pvp didnt work well on eq atall. pvp on uo was very good. rvr on daoc is okay.

and SWG will be great. no doubt about it. same people that made EQ are making it (in other words sony), meaning its gonna have ALOT of money/time and effort put into it. they're making it so not everyone will be jedi/dark jedi. im not 100% sure how, but they've already throught of that. they're fully aware that all the preteen kids will want to be jedi's, so they'll some how detere them from it.

SWG will be HUGE aswell which is a good thing. its based on 3 planets (i think) each one is massive. cant remember the exact sizes, but i've heard it almost makes EQ look small. its going to have loads of races/classes, you'll be able to buy your own houses, vehicles, pets, even ships in later expansion packs. its going to own.


So then....

.....why did you say EQ had no PvP?

I just don't get people who come along and post about how they are leaving because they think something is crap as if they expect the rest of the DAoC playerbase to just suddenly up sticks and quit with them.

Ah well, never mind eh. The more who don't appreciate it who leave, the better the game for the rest of us who like to go out and have fun and do a bit of RP-ing along with our levelling.


Re: So then....

Originally posted by cadiva
.....why did you say EQ had no PvP?

I just don't get people who come along and post about how they are leaving because they think something is crap as if they expect the rest of the DAoC playerbase to just suddenly up sticks and quit with them.

Ah well, never mind eh. The more who don't appreciate it who leave, the better the game for the rest of us who like to go out and have fun and do a bit of RP-ing along with our levelling.

you'll be bored of it when you hit 50. i dont expect people to quit with me, i dont care if they do or dont, im just letting everyone know they're playing a rubbish game.


Originally posted by Karam_gruul

your not lvl 50 yet you idiot. when you hit 50 trust me, you'll quit within a month. theres nothing to do at 50, its not so bad at low lvls like 40+, because when you go to rvr, and get killed, you think to yourself, i'll go lvl some more and come back much stronger. no doing that at 50, you get killed, your stuck with it. nothing you can do about being ganked by 70-80 mids every day.

and urr no, nearly every UO player thats on there at the moment is a 3-4 year veteran, you rarely see new players mainly because the game isnt sold much anymore. UO is so much better than this game, this is an ok game for the first month (as i said), but after that its just shit. boring, repetetive, dull landscape. EQ had no pvp, but what it lacked in that department, it made up for in size. EQ is about 20x the size of alb, mid and hib put together. and not only does it have huge lands, the number of items for each class is mind boggling. i was still seeing items i'd not come across before at lvl 45.

daoc IS just a small, dull 1 off mmorpg, it has no potential to be a great game, and it will never be a great game, no matter how much they tweak it with patches. infact if anything it'll only get worse with more patching.

I played UO and EQ and this game also and like them all.
You say EQ has no PvP what crap is that ?

I got a dwarf on one of the many PvP servers for EQ.

UO is just to old for me played it for 2 years then went to EQ a few months after they scraped the development of UO.WO.
If you are fed up with playing a level 50 character then make up a new type of race/class and try that out.
Or change realms . I doubt I will get tired with Midgard and to get to level 50 well I can't wait. I got 3 more characters ready to play with and level up once I am done.


As every online game there will be patches changes and stuff and as now for DAoC as for UO there is a expansion on it's way new classes and races... (ands UO have had LOTS of expansion and addons)

So i agree with that the game gets boring after a while but just do as ppl say and play an alt or just take a break or something... as u say u can not lvl more then to 50 so u wont get behind ur friends (else then in RP's).
I took a 6 week break and when i got back on, it was more fun to play.... but if they had no end to lvl's there would be ppl that did nothing but XP and never enjoyed the game... cuz the game has lots of quests and OTDs and now we have some events and stuff...


Originally posted by Olgark

I played UO and EQ and this game also and like them all.
You say EQ has no PvP what crap is that ?

I got a dwarf on one of the many PvP servers for EQ.

UO is just to old for me played it for 2 years then went to EQ a few months after they scraped the development of UO.WO.
If you are fed up with playing a level 50 character then make up a new type of race/class and try that out.
Or change realms . I doubt I will get tired with Midgard and to get to level 50 well I can't wait. I got 3 more characters ready to play with and level up once I am done.

i've got 3 alt chars, im bored of playing all of them. one is lvl 21, one is 15, the other is 5 i think. once you've hit 50 once, theres no need to do it again, no matter what class its with. its all the same game, and its all boring. its okay for the first time, because its all new and fresh, but for the 2nd time its just no longer even slightly fun.

why do you think so many people have been quitting lately? i think 3-4 people have left over the past week or so, these all being lvl 50 people. why? because the game is BORING!

seriously tho, when i was lvl 40 odd, and people told me, it gets really boring at 50 and theres nothing to do, i always said, i'll just start an alt, or rvr all the time. doesnt work like that.


Originally posted by Slipurson
As every online game there will be patches changes and stuff and as now for DAoC as for UO there is a expansion on it's way new classes and races... (ands UO have had LOTS of expansion and addons)

So i agree with that the game gets boring after a while but just do as ppl say and play an alt or just take a break or something... as u say u can not lvl more then to 50 so u wont get behind ur friends (else then in RP's).
I took a 6 week break and when i got back on, it was more fun to play.... but if they had no end to lvl's there would be ppl that did nothing but XP and never enjoyed the game... cuz the game has lots of quests and OTDs and now we have some events and stuff...

but thats what i've been saying for the whole thread. the core of the game is boring. therefore anything mythic add to it wont make it any more fun in the long run. sure in the short term having epic armours and new dungeons will be fun, but after a week or so it'll all become repetetive and boring. even when they bring out new races/classes, it wil STILL continue to be boring. because it will STILL be based on the same dull idea. 3 realms, u lvl up, then go to rvr.

UO catered for every player, people who wanted to kill players could become pvpers, people who wanted to kill monsters or item hunt could become campers, people who wanted to talk and socialise could become bank sitters, people who wanted to become rich could become crafters, and people who wanted looooooads of fame could become tamers. what does daoc have? people who want to lvl and rvr, or people who want to lvl and rvr. theres no choice in the game, its too repetetive and theres just not enough freedom. crafting in this game is a joke, its boring as hell and not atall rewarding. at least in UO it was boring, but extremely rewarding in the long run.


hmm maybe peopl who are 50 and arent leaving should all make a thread about it? then maybe you could see what an ass you are being.

4 people leaving, many more are not

there are many things you can do when you hit 50. if you don't want to do any of them, please fuck off.

the game to you is rubbish, sucks to be you. i and a lot of 50s still get a lot of enjoyment from it.


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