This assassin fix ?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
The ppl that whined the most id say is me, illu, thesa and censi - doubt no1 of us said we cant kill without a dot mine. The thing is the dot mine was working really well imo as intended and as mythic also thinks as intended. The QQ comes from PPL actually defending this misstake by GoA with the only purpose to have more easy kills.
And it worked really well before they removed the 10sec disarm the 1st time. As it stands (how you want it) its a bit of a joke, and just used as a free damage add.

O and how does me (an assassin) saying its retarded that it can be used in combat, constitute as me wanting more easy kills? Oo

Say BC, how will u kill a caster with 4 brittles bt, ml9 pet stunn chiken, moc3, rr5 self fkn bof without an instant castable dot that rids the brittles for a PA or atleast to have a fkn chance.
I don't and at no point do I think I should be able to Oo

There are times when a caster is extremely weak to an assassin. The whole point of playing an assassin instead of a tank is with stealth you have the option of when to attack. Attacking a sorc with ml9 up, 4 brittles etc is suicide. Attacking a sitting sorc with no brittles is extremely easy rps. You can decide when you want to attack the sorc, for that you lose some dps. Accept it.

But vs visuals the dot spike is needed to have a slight chance vs a rr5 ToA ml10 BL mercenary using malice in fight and DT and all othr crap they have.
Again, at what point did you start to think you should win vs a fully toa'd rr5+ lighttank with all tricks up? You have the choice of attack or not in most cases, if you jump it and lose, don't cry about it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
bigchief said:
An assassins damage is not low, regardless if which one of the 3 you play

You must be clinically braindead, donate all your organs to science.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Don´t see melee dmg are bad on any assassin. Ofc if u compare to a lighttank then our dmg sucks but cmón...

Sure PA/BS dmg RNG is all over the place and need to be brought up to date with todays game.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
bigchief said:
And it worked really well before they removed the 10sec disarm the 1st time. As it stands (how you want it) its a bit of a joke, and just used as a free damage add.
O and how does me (an assassin) saying its retarded that it can be used in combat, constitute as me wanting more easy kills? Oo
I don't and at no point do I think I should be able to Oo
There are times when a caster is extremely weak to an assassin. The whole point of playing an assassin instead of a tank is with stealth you have the option of when to attack. Attacking a sorc with ml9 up, 4 brittles etc is suicide. Attacking a sitting sorc with no brittles is extremely easy rps. You can decide when you want to attack the sorc, for that you lose some dps. Accept it.
Again, at what point did you start to think you should win vs a fully toa'd rr5+ lighttank with all tricks up? You have the choice of attack or not in most cases, if you jump it and lose, don't cry about it.

Bigchief - you are just picking holes in Sneakers arguement, as we all could. I don't expect to be SuperShadowblade and instakill all in 1 PA. I also don't expect to be able to kill Mercs, Casters with all their tools up etc..

BUT I also don't expect Goa to make our lives harder by taking away a useful tool we have, without Mythic justifying the change, and then us getting time to adjust to the nerfing (by either redoing templates/RAs whatever).

Being a high RR infil, I imagine you hit pretty damn hard anyway, and I don't know how often you used the ability, I don't know if you solo, but if you are fighting 2 or more people that have jumped you, at least this ability gave you the slim chance of getting some RPs by maybe killing 1 if you are lucky. Without it, 2on1 without AE Mezz (hell even WITH AE Mezz) is very very hard work.

Of course shadowblades can kill stealthers without poisonspike, or visibles, but the window of what you can attack gets a lot smaller, and you tend to have to rely on other things like battler2 / malice2.

At the end of the day, assassins really don't need nerfing as we are at the bottom of the food chain, and all this leads to is assassins grouping up because they can't kill anything, which is no good for all soloers.

Anyway, enough of this whine, Goa get on the case and change things back to how they were, leave us assassins alone!

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Jox said:
You must be clinically braindead, donate all your organs to science.

You must be a chronic whiner, please delete now and see a doctor irl.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Azathrim said:
Notice how the E&E's did not raise alarm to GOA as they saw this fit for personal reasons. Notice how GOA did not listen to it's players and remove the bug they introduced.

Instead of always assuming get to the facts:

* As E&E's we where NOT informed of this change before you heard about. I got it from the Friday News, as did you

* I actually DID ask a Gamemaster why it got changed:

Q: People wonder why GOA changed the DoT-mine on Spymaster-ML path to non-useable in combat + disarm

A: Because that's how it supposed to be. It's how it was in the beginning and how it's designed to work.

Q: But US still has the insta-incombat useable, correct?

A: Yes, Mythic will be fixing it soon themselves, as its not intended

Q: So basically its fixed, because its non intended and US will fix it soon aswell?

A: Correct. It was intended to not be useable in combat, we fixed it so it wasnt.

(log taken from MSN on my other PC)

Anyhow, it's whine about a change in the game which was introduced as a BUG and now its FIXED. Not only is it a fair fix as it was a free 600 DMG (on top of the -400HP on a typical class with enervating if you do enervating first and then the DoT-mine) but this also means while YOU can't use it in combat, neither will your enemy be able to drop it in combat.

I have a Nightshade, Im perfectly able to kill without the DoT-mine, and its nice from my PoV I dont have to insta-counter the enemies DoT-mine with my own.

Well puppet, u got a shade urself, if u don't see how usefull dot spikes r when dealing with brittles then i donno what ur doing wrong. Often i can drop a dot spike then BANG PA that ickle wizard/RM/Sorc that runs around, that is my only chance to kill them when brittles are up. Ofc i can get lucky and ice storm him ( if he do not face me and QC root,stunn,mezz ).

So you see a caster coming (on speed?) and got time to both line up PA aswell as dot-mine + restealth, hope the DoT-mine will sweep all brittles? Well, it might proof useful to that at times, but its quite risky from my PoV. Pets might aggro, might miss a brittle etc etc.

About the merc scenario, if you cant kill a merc without the DoT-mine and you got Viper3, just delete. The DoT-mine is doing nothing but speeding the process. If merc is stupid enough not to Purge and just Charge, well then you can kite forever with garottes and reapplying lifebane. Also, if you think he needs RA's to counter you, how about you spec Vanish to counter the dumping of Banespike/DT/Battler/Malice and what more?

Justifying 600 free damage in a fight... FGS you can spec already for a passive ability giving your DoT's a 100% damage-increase, and you want more? Why not go argue Warlocks are balanced aswell?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Puppet said:
Instead of always assuming get to the facts:

* As E&E's we where NOT informed of this change before you heard about. I got it from the Friday News, as did you

* I actually DID ask a Gamemaster why it got changed:

Q: People wonder why GOA changed the DoT-mine on Spymaster-ML path to non-useable in combat + disarm

A: Because that's how it supposed to be. It's how it was in the beginning and how it's designed to work.

Q: But US still has the insta-incombat useable, correct?

A: Yes, Mythic will be fixing it soon themselves, as its not intended

Q: So basically its fixed, because its non intended and US will fix it soon aswell?

A: Correct. It was intended to not be useable in combat, we fixed it so it wasnt.

(log taken from MSN on my other PC)

Contrary to apparently common belief I don't intercept your MSN talks Puppet. Seeing the log you have transcribed I miss a few essential questions:

Forinstance, I find it peculiar you weren't the slightly alarmed by the fact this chance was not even on Pendragon. That the American TL's were baffled to even hear about this, commenting it's new to them (meaning it's not on the US internal boards).

Would that not have been a hint this was something GOA did on their own?

Puppet said:
Anyhow, it's whine about a change in the game which was introduced as a BUG and now its FIXED. Not only is it a fair fix as it was a free 600 DMG (on top of the -400HP on a typical class with enervating if you do enervating first and then the DoT-mine) but this also means while YOU can't use it in combat, neither will your enemy be able to drop it in combat.

No, It's a whine about GOA going out on a limb introducing a BUG to REMOVE A FEATURE in the game. Sanya clearly stated this is a feature. But in your zeal you found this change good. So instead of being the slightest critical, you accepted the easy answers GOA provided, not one bit worried so many obvious signs pointed to this being GOAs own doing, not supported by Mythic.

Thank god Mythic decides these things, and not GOA.

Now we just await GOA reverting the bug they introduced.

Their own fault for not listening to common sense and now ending up in a situation where they were put publicly in place by Mythic.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Azathrim said:
Forinstance, I find it peculiar you weren't the slightly alarmed by the fact this chance was not even on Pendragon. That the American TL's were baffled to even hear about this, commenting it's new to them (meaning it's not on the US internal boards).

Would that not have been a hint this was something GOA did on their own?
Bug fixes generally don't go on Pendragon, they just happen. Especially if it's between patches. See any number of recent hotfix notes for examples. If an ability is not working as intended and the fix is a simple change in a couple of database fields, they don't need to test it extensively to put it back to how it should be.

Azathrim said:
No, It's a whine about GOA going out on a limb introducing a BUG to REMOVE A FEATURE in the game. Sanya clearly stated this is a feature. But in your zeal you found this change good. So instead of being the slightest critical, you accepted the easy answers GOA provided, not one bit worried so many obvious signs pointed to this being GOAs own doing, not supported by Mythic.

Thank god Mythic decides these things, and not GOA.

Now we just await GOA reverting the bug they introduced.

Their own fault for not listening to common sense and now ending up in a situation where they were put publicly in place by Mythic.
We didn't introduce a bug and neither did we make any changes on our own initiative - as we aren't allowed to. The fact that you could drop these abilities in combat was reported to us as a bug. We checked documentation and found that, as designed, they weren't supposed to work that way. We double checked with Mythic who confirmed it - we never make changes like that without reference to Mythic as it's their game. Apparently there was some confusion regarding the check, perhaps they misunderstood our query, perhaps we misunderstood their response.

As you can have no idea whatsoever about any communication between us and Mythic I find it extraordinary that you can speak with such authority regarding whether or not we checked with Mythic or that we just randomly decided to nerf an ability one day. Assumptions don't make a good basis to argue from.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Azathrim said:
Contrary to apparently common belief I don't intercept your MSN talks Puppet. Seeing the log you have transcribed I miss a few essential questions:

Forinstance, I find it peculiar you weren't the slightly alarmed by the fact this chance was not even on Pendragon. That the American TL's were baffled to even hear about this, commenting it's new to them (meaning it's not on the US internal boards).

Would that not have been a hint this was something GOA did on their own?

No, It's a whine about GOA going out on a limb introducing a BUG to REMOVE A FEATURE in the game. Sanya clearly stated this is a feature. But in your zeal you found this change good. So instead of being the slightest critical, you accepted the easy answers GOA provided, not one bit worried so many obvious signs pointed to this being GOAs own doing, not supported by Mythic.

Thank god Mythic decides these things, and not GOA.

Now we just await GOA reverting the bug they introduced.

Their own fault for not listening to common sense and now ending up in a situation where they were put publicly in place by Mythic.

Sanya also clearly stated that it WAS considered as a bug but because they didnt feel like fixing it it is now a feature.

And why shouldn´t an E&E accept what GOA is telling them as explanation? They are not TLs who are suppossed to question every change that happens.

Bug fixes don´t end up on Pendagron 90% of the time but hotfixed.

Looks more like Mythic said it was a bug then changed their mind without notifying GOA about it.

Imo give back the 10s disarm timer.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Requiel said:
Bug fixes generally don't go on Pendragon, they just happen. Especially if it's between patches. See any number of recent hotfix notes for examples. If an ability is not working as intended and the fix is a simple change in a couple of database fields, they don't need to test it extensively to put it back to how it should be.

We didn't introduce a bug and neither did we make any changes on our own initiative - as we aren't allowed to. The fact that you could drop these abilities in combat was reported to us as a bug. We checked documentation and found that, as designed, they weren't supposed to work that way. We double checked with Mythic who confirmed it - we never make changes like that without reference to Mythic as it's their game. Apparently there was some confusion regarding the check, perhaps they misunderstood our query, perhaps we misunderstood their response.
So after this experience, you have done the obvious chance in your policies, right? The obvious being, that you will not introduce any bug fixes until they are announced on the Herald. I fail to understand why that wasn't the case in the first case, but you about that I guess.

Requiel said:
As you can have no idea whatsoever about any communication between us and Mythic I find it extraordinary that you can speak with such authority regarding whether or not we checked with Mythic or that we just randomly decided to nerf an ability one day. Assumptions don't make a good basis to argue from.
Yes, that is peculiar, innit? I don't speak with much authority apparently, as I just refer what you told me as a reply in a RightNow. I asked what the source of these changes were and the answer were your techies.

xxManiacxx said:
Sanya also clearly stated that it WAS considered as a bug but because they didnt feel like fixing it it is now a feature.
Grab Bag said:
[FONT=Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I don't know if that was originally considered a bug, but if it was, it's a feature now!
If you call that clearly...

xxManiacxx said:
And why shouldn´t an E&E accept what GOA is telling them as explanation? They are not TLs who are suppossed to question every change that happens.

Bug fixes don´t end up on Pendagron 90% of the time but hotfixed.
Because the players were saying GOA introduced a bug, giving good arguments as to why. They were more focused on agreeing with this being introduced though, and thus didn't feel like actually pursuing the subject. It was much easier glancing over the easy answers GOA provided, as Puppet so clearly demonstrated.

xxManiacxx said:
Looks more like Mythic said it was a bug then changed their mind without notifying GOA about it.
Which is excactly why GOA should change their policy to only introduce bugfixes when they are announced on the Herald.

xxManiacxx said:
Imo give back the 10s disarm timer.
Which reminds me, now that we have your attention Requiel. When will the bug you introduced be reverted?


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
How can it be a bug if the people that they confirmed with provided them with the ability to change it? As requiel stated they arent allowed to do it theirself.

It was purposely put in therefore it cant be a bug, rather it is now a feature. And if Mythic are hotfixing it on their servers it doesnt matter if it was put in before or after that point.

Basically you may as well drop it as you wont be changing GoA's mind, and if i was Requiel i wouldnt bother posting here again as you really dont care what they said.... all you are saying is "im right your wrong, gimme gimme gimme"


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Corran said:
It was purposely put in therefore it cant be a bug, rather it is now a feature. And if Mythic are hotfixing it on their servers it doesnt matter if it was put in before or after that point.
Mythic are not hotfixing anything. GoA are reverting the bug they introduced, soon. Read the latest Grab Bag.

Corran said:
Basically you may as well drop it as you wont be changing GoA's mind, and if i was Requiel i wouldnt bother posting here again as you really dont care what they said.... all you are saying is "im right your wrong, gimme gimme gimme"
I have no high thoughts about me changing GOA's mind. I am pretty confident that Mythic will, or already have, done it though. Again, read the latest Grab Bag.

In other words, Im just saying "Told you so!". :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2004
Corran said:
How can it be a bug if the people that they confirmed with provided them with the ability to change it? As requiel stated they arent allowed to do it theirself.

It was purposely put in therefore it cant be a bug, rather it is now a feature. And if Mythic are hotfixing it on their servers it doesnt matter if it was put in before or after that point.

Basically you may as well drop it as you wont be changing GoA's mind, and if i was Requiel i wouldnt bother posting here again as you really dont care what they said.... all you are saying is "im right your wrong, gimme gimme gimme"

Looks like people are coming to the last page not having read the rest of the thread and not really understanding whats happened. Here is a short summary of whats happened based on my completely unbiased opinion (;) ) from following the issue so far (Mythic and GoA representatives feel free to make corrections as you see fit, or anyone else on their behalf):

1. Someone (not been disclosed who) reports to GoA that poisonspike is bugged and that it can be used in combat when it shouldn't be.
2. GoA initiate investigation by looking at documentation (I'd have to assume from somewhere other than the official camelotherald masterlevel site because that stuff is quite vague and not very descriptive). GoA decides that according to the documentation poisonspike should not be useable in combat.
3. Someone at GoA contacts someone at Mythic to ask if poisonspike being useable in combat is a bug and should they fix it. (Now here is where the problem occurs - it seems that some kind of miscommunication occurred where GoA thinks Mythic confirmed that poisonspike should not be useable in combat, wheras in the last Sanya's Grab Bag, Sanya indicated that poisonspike being useable in combat was a working as intended feature right now, and that there probably had been a miscommunication).
4. GoA decide that this should be changed with a hotfix because they have the ability to do so (apparently the code change is not a difficult or risky one) This is also where I have a problem, not because GoA decide to hotfix a bug, but because they decide to hotfix a bug that hadn't been officially raised as one, hadn't been discussed visibly in forums, hadn't been raised as an important game breaking issue to my knowledge (not like bainshee's blasting through walls, or warlocks insta killing all classes left right and centre :p ) But thats just my bias talking. My impartiality :twak: My bias.
5. GoA implement the code change and assassins on euro servers are effectively worse off than they were before the the change (ML6 ones anyway - oh and those that did use it in combat, because some didn't and did like to lay it down as a trap anyway even though if you stayed near it to finish off whoever stepped on it you would be in danger of an fg running over it and any pets that got hit chasing you down even if stealthed)
6. Euro assassins get a little peeved and raise a stink about it. Mainly Illusb and Azathrim (good job guys :) ) raise it on VN forums and get the US assassin community worried about it, enough to have the question about it being changed come up in the latest Grab Bag.
7. Sanya's Grab Bag says that the implementation on the US servers is the correct one and that GoA's bug fix isn't actually one (a bug fix that is) most likely because of a miscommunication, and implies that Mythic will do something to have GoA change it back (not directly said but implied and no timeframe given which is fair enough because it is the weekend after all).

And thats it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Mythic's Grab Bag said:
Q: (Insert question here on Poisonspike, changes to Poisonspike on our European servers, and so on.)

A: I'm a little fuzzy on the details of what happened there. What I do know is this: Poisonspike may presently be cast during combat, and it is presently our intention to leave that alone. I don't know if that was originally considered a bug, but if it was, it's a feature now! As with everything in the game, the team might change their collective minds. For now, however, it is not scheduled to be changed. We just had a communication breakdown with our partners in Europe, and we'll take care of it.

yea, lols at Grab Bag and GOA....

Either Sanya need to update her fuzzyness or GOA will present a hotfix! STAY TUNED! :m00:


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Puppet said:
Instead of always assuming get to the facts:
I have a Nightshade, Im perfectly able to kill without the DoT-mine, and its nice from my PoV I dont have to insta-counter the enemies DoT-mine with my own.
Justifying 600 free damage in a fight... FGS you can spec already for a passive ability giving your DoT's a 100% damage-increase, and you want more? Why not go argue Warlocks are balanced aswell?

Hi Puppet, what are you talking about?!
The fact that you have a nightshade that is a class that is at the top of the assassin foodchain, and if you are over RR5 have a free remedy ability that stops all poisons/procs even /malice2/battler2 effects on you (I think) and the only thing that can hurt you is poisonspike, I am not surprised at you being happy at the Goa change.

Thankfully - they are going to change it back, according to Mythics Grab Bag reply (I hope, and I hope soon).

And the extra damage is useful yes, over 15 seconds, but it is also the AE Effect of the poisonspike and the interrupt that is useful too.

And why should I waste some RA points in ViperI, II or III (up to 30RPs) to try and get some of that damage back, on an ability that Remedy Nightshades can completely negate?!

Anyway, please GoA revert the poisonspike changes back soon, it would be nice to put this whine thread to bed, and if anyone else wants to comment, read ALL the posts please - but there is a nice summary by Isunder :>

Oli - Illu


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Thing is, everyone jumping to assumptions to what Sanya specifically means.

Castable in combat? Well it is, when your being attacked your classed in combat and you can still cast it. Just you cant have weapons drawn.

No mention on if the disarm should be applied, so you cant assume that is incorrect.

And Sanya has not even got the full details- hence being "fuzzy" on the issue.

So at this point you are just clutching at straws and hoping that GoA change it back again.

And yes i read the whole arguement from the start more then once, i just see people complaining over nothing. And to be honest if they change it back then there other things need changing back. For instances an undocumented fix on Heretic which means that once you land the stun style you cant start to focus nuke instantly! Tic issue wont be fixed, it a big nerf to the caster spec'd ones as they cant melee for shit. But hey, keep on clutching!


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
It's pointless, Corran. Depending on the argue'ers side either GOA, Mythic or Sanya is 'The Authority'.. or even worse, Teamleads are.. Even tho in the past we've seen multiple examples of Teamleads being Clueless2K5.

All that aside, it becomes a personal opinion whether the fix/nerf was a fair one. From my PoV I dont think the 600 extra damage in the form of the dotmine wasnt something assassins needed. I'm a Nightshade, eventho I benefit from the DoTmine (Im ML10 Spymaster on my NS) I dont think it should be useable in combat. From the PoV of non-assassins I cant even understand how assassins dare to justify it. DoT-mine + Viper3 is a complete piss-take in fights against hybrids and archers and has I-win written all over it.
Dec 31, 2003
bigchief said:
There are times when a caster is extremely weak to an assassin. The whole point of playing an assassin instead of a tank is with stealth you have the option of when to attack. Attacking a sorc with ml9 up, 4 brittles etc is suicide. Attacking a sitting sorc with no brittles is extremely easy rps. You can decide when you want to attack the sorc, for that you lose some dps. Accept it.

Again, at what point did you start to think you should win vs a fully toa'd rr5+ lighttank with all tricks up? You have the choice of attack or not in most cases, if you jump it and lose, don't cry about it.

Okej, since no caster comes out solo without ml9/rr5, pets, moc, brittles ill never be able to kill a caster, OK.

Aha, i shouldn't be able to kill any light tank of equal rr. K guess killing heavy tanks isn't gonna work either then.
Support never solo.
And the average stealther never solo.

Whats left that I'm as a class is supposed to have an advantage over ? I don't get why u positioned urself like u have.
Atm assassins are underpowered and IF they had actually let the dot-spike change stay as current then yes, it would've been a nerf.
And why should they nerf a already quiet balanced/abit underpowered/low utlity class?

B4 you start to OMG newbie asssassins aint inderpowered bla bla, let me ask YOU how u aer supposed to kill people in full groups that have DI, spreadheals, buffs and others crap.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
Okej, since no caster comes out solo without ml9/rr5, pets, moc, brittles ill never be able to kill a caster, OK.

Aha, i shouldn't be able to kill any light tank of equal rr. K guess killing heavy tanks isn't gonna work either then.
Support never solo.
And the average stealther never solo.

Whats left that I'm as a class is supposed to have an advantage over ? I don't get why u positioned urself like u have.
Atm assassins are underpowered and IF they had actually let the dot-spike change stay as current then yes, it would've been a nerf.
And why should they nerf a already quiet balanced/abit underpowered/low utlity class?

B4 you start to OMG newbie asssassins aint inderpowered bla bla, let me ask YOU how u aer supposed to kill people in full groups that have DI, spreadheals, buffs and others crap.

I die if an assassin as much as looks at me, gogog RM's!!11
Dec 31, 2003
Puppet said:
About the merc scenario, if you cant kill a merc without the DoT-mine and you got Viper3, just delete. The DoT-mine is doing nothing but speeding the process. If merc is stupid enough not to Purge and just Charge, well then you can kite forever with garottes and reapplying lifebane. Also, if you think he needs RA's to counter you, how about you spec Vanish to counter the dumping of Banespike/DT/Battler/Malice and what more?

Justifying 600 free damage in a fight... FGS you can spec already for a passive ability giving your DoT's a 100% damage-increase, and you want more? Why not go argue Warlocks are balanced aswell?

Puppet said:
Again, at what point did you start to think you should win vs a fully toa'd rr5+ lighttank with all tricks up?

Hmm, a few posts ago you asked me in a sarcastic way "since when are NS expcted to kill fully buffed, toaed rr5+ crush mercs"

And now I'm supposed to delete my shade b/c I recon instant-dot-spike is a valid, juste and fair advantage in the game and helps shades fight the hard light/heavy/ tanks? ( and some casters )

Id like too see you kill a rr8 merc crush spec buffed, BL ml10 witouth using viper3 LB+dotspike to kite him with. Tbh ur argument are getting dodgy.
Dec 31, 2003
remi said:
I die if an assassin as much as looks at me, gogog RM's!!11

Mate ur never solo. All you do is 8v8 and gank solo duos. So why would an assassin even bother to attack ur OPed brittle 4 and BT behind :) ?
Dec 31, 2003
Puppet said:
From the PoV of non-assassins I cant even understand how assassins dare to justify it. DoT-mine + Viper3 is a complete piss-take in fights against hybrids and archers and has I-win written all over it.


and viper3 costs like 25 points, purge3 on 5 min timer costs 25 points. If archers wanna kill assassins they have to OPT for it. If they wanna stand in towers with 10/10/10 in archer bonuses they can do that also but should sure as hell not expect to be anything else then asssassin free kills.

I got a rr3 lurikeen ranger and i whipe the floor with 80% of the assasssin community already. Id say in 200k rps i got dot spiked 2-3 times and i still won since its 100 dmg every 3 seconds or something, its like nothing with IP+purge.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
Id like too see you kill a rr8 merc crush spec buffed, BL ml10 witouth using viper3 LB+dotspike to kite him with. Tbh ur argument are getting dodgy.
the point is you dont have to attack him, he wont attack you because he wont see you, you (stealthers) can pick and choose your fights, you can even escape (vanish in the case of assasins) if its not going your way. if i solo on my hero i have to fight everything i see no matter what class it is. its part of soloing, you cannot kill everything you see.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
Mate ur never solo. All you do is 8v8 and gank solo duos. So why would an assassin even bother to attack ur OPed brittle 4 and BT behind :) ?

On my theurg im lucky if i have 2 brittles up at a time. Log on get brittle up, buff port and go out solo. Get ganked by duo's trios fg's. Release, cure rs, buff and go again. Now it quite possible i be running around for 3minutes without a brittle. I dont wait on them, i dont wait on RA's. I just go out and play with what i got up at the time. And while i do this i often die to stealthers, casters or light tanks.

Just because you choose to "Solo" on an agramon bridge where the fg's have to pass aint our fault. I pick to solo around bold, surs, ren, eras, enemy poc area now and again to challange the people on way to poc (not often it a solo person so it a challenge), and then if there is nothing abuot i will go up to agramon. This way im normally on 7k/hr+ whilst solo if there is action about. I die just as much as i win because i dont sit waiting on abilities and all in all i have a laugh. I cant pick my fights so i die alot more then i would if i was a stealther, as a stealther you get to choose when to fight most the time (if you not a camping idiot) and so you should have less travel time even if you have less fights. And picking your fights should allow you to win the majority of them.

edit: Check your RA figures for costs, cant take people overly seriously if they cant even support their answers with actual facts and just throw in random numbers!


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
B4 you start to OMG newbie asssassins aint inderpowered bla bla, let me ask YOU how u aer supposed to kill people in full groups that have DI, spreadheals, buffs and others crap.

group up with other stealthers? I dunno.
I must say when i played my skald solo a while ago, most stealthers were "free-rp" if I had everything up tho i lost plenty of fights, they should boost them a bit, not too much.
Dec 31, 2003
Corran said:
On my theurg im lucky if i have 2 brittles up at a time. Log on get brittle up, buff port and go out solo. Get ganked by duo's trios fg's. Release, cure rs, buff and go again. Now it quite possible i be running around for 3minutes without a brittle. I dont wait on them, i dont wait on RA's. I just go out and play with what i got up at the time. And while i do this i often die to stealthers, casters or light tanks.

Just because you choose to "Solo" on an agramon bridge where the fg's have to pass aint our fault. I pick to solo around bold, surs, ren, eras, enemy poc area now and again to challange the people on way to poc (not often it a solo person so it a challenge), and then if there is nothing abuot i will go up to agramon. This way im normally on 7k/hr+ whilst solo if there is action about. I die just as much as i win because i dont sit waiting on abilities and all in all i have a laugh. I cant pick my fights so i die alot more then i would if i was a stealther, as a stealther you get to choose when to fight most the time (if you not a camping idiot) and so you should have less travel time even if you have less fights. And picking your fights should allow you to win the majority of them.

edit: Check your RA figures for costs, cant take people overly seriously if they cant even support their answers with actual facts and just throw in random numbers!

What u dont seem to get with stealthers is that even tho we can pick our fights since we are stealthed (duh). But lighttanks r very hard to kill, heavy tanks are a no go often. Casters with moc, ml9 pets, stunn pets, rr5 self bof, self speed chants, QC mezz, root and doing 500-650 baseline LT/Nuke dmg. Hybrids with like thanes, champions, paladins have gotten extremely more utlity ad fluff since ToA and NF. A solo stealther cannot kill those on a regular basis - So the classes that are left to kill is low rr ppl in epics/rogs without buffs and thats bullshit.

And for saying that I can travel around and hunt, thats a joke. Where should i travel around and search for solo kills? Anyone serious about his stealther and isn't just here to troll will know walking around stealthed in middle of nowhere is pointless. DAOC got no traveling routes anymore since everything is instant port. Whats left is camping bridges wich is quiet sucky since no1 that passes a bridge is truly solo since they all are in add range of eachother.
Dec 31, 2003
Calo said:
group up with other stealthers? I dunno.
I must say when i played my skald solo a while ago, most stealthers were "free-rp" if I had everything up tho i lost plenty of fights, they should boost them a bit, not too much.

And by boosting them abit, i guess you don't mean for GoA to go on its own nerfing an assassin utlity ability?... :p

And ur right we r forced to group up to kill visuals many times, visuals that aint gimped. Crush skalds hit my shade for 550-700 dmg / hit, mind u you, the good ones. I do 120-150 dmg back maybe, i needed that dot spike, malice charge and lots of evades and possibly a PA to have a chance.
Dec 31, 2003
Corran said:
edit: Check your RA figures for costs, cant take people overly seriously if they cant even support their answers with actual facts and just throw in random numbers!

99% sure Viper3 and Purge3 cost as mutch, if not 25 points then its



Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
Hmm, a few posts ago you asked me in a sarcastic way "since when are NS expcted to kill fully buffed, toaed rr5+ crush mercs"

And now I'm supposed to delete my shade b/c I recon instant-dot-spike is a valid, juste and fair advantage in the game and helps shades fight the hard light/heavy/ tanks? ( and some casters )

Id like too see you kill a rr8 merc crush spec buffed, BL ml10 witouth using viper3 LB+dotspike to kite him with. Tbh ur argument are getting dodgy.

I didnt say you should delete your Nightshade. And as I said, I think the DoT-mine is up to personal opinions, you think its a fair thing, I consider it unfair.

I dont consider a RR8 Crush-merc with banespike a valid target. Perhaps you need to step off your believe you should 'Kill all because Im an assassin specced in 1vs1'. You're an assassin, you can avoid fights and pick em carefully (against the majority of classes).

Not to mention a *GOOD* RR8 Crush-merc would still kill you with or without the DoT-mine. If you're able to kite him, he's not a *GOOD* RR8 merc. And if he allows you to kite him, he's a dumb fuck and will die without the DoT-mine aswell (!).

Also I dont see how I would kill without Viper3 a RR8 merc, most likely because he's a way better tank then I am, and should therefore have a much better chance in killing me then the other way around? The advantage I have is the fact he cannot pick a fight with me unless I decide I want the fight (in a pure 1vs1 that is)

The fact your RR3 Ranger kills 80% of the assassin-community says alot about the enemies you fight. I think I got 'abit' more experience then you when playing a ranger, and almost all assassins dotspiked me for another free 600 damage.

You are aware Garrote with enervating mainhand and lifebane offhand + Dotmine is approximatly 80-90% of a 2K HP target without anything else?

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