This assassin fix ?


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004

The style that sometimes does less damage on a caster then a greycon tank.



Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
yea good old defenders magic shielding, dont u just luv it :).

Ye olde winged helm.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Well the US People on vnboards are now aware of the possible change to poisonspike, so hopefully there will be some information given soon as to what is going on.

Hopefully the US can cause enough of a stink to get this reversed, or to at least make it semi-usable in combat again (attack, drop weaps, use poisonspike, fight) instead of the unusable (attack, drop weaps, use poisonspike, /sit as you are now disarmed for a very long time).

IF this is going to be fixed on the US Servers in this exact manner, why implement this nerf BEFORE the US have? Literally several months before we even get to 1.81. Something just doesn't add up.

The future of DAOC. Lots of OP casters, Warlocks, Nightshades and Vamps. Are these the only fun classes left to play?

Oli - Illu


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 7, 2004
are europlayers betatesting fixes before they have even been announced on (pendragon patchnotes)? sure glad I retired before that nerf :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Fenderon said:
are europlayers betatesting fixes before they have even been announced on (pendragon patchnotes)? sure glad I retired before that nerf :p

Would appear as if. I still hope that GoA just misinterpreted another patch note and implemented this by accident. Only 1.81 patch notes will tell though.

One possible problem scenario though:

1.81 contains this nerf as GoA claims, but also contains general assassin improvements. That means we end up with with half a year having the nerf but not the improvements.

That seems... unfair, at best. :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Right - I pretty much suicided on Feathers the archer + pals at a keep to see the extent of how bad the poisonspike nerf is, when using it in combat.

I've tried to highlight the important bits

[20:57:58] Feathers attacks you with his shield!
[20:57:58] You are no longer hidden!
[20:57:58] Feathers hits you for 122 damage.
[20:57:58] Feathers does 14 extra damage to you!
[20:57:58] Feathers hits you for 14 damage.
[20:57:58] You are stunned!
[20:57:58] You hit Feathers for 3 extra damage!
[20:57:59] You target [Illusb] <-Good targetting there by me :>
[20:57:59] You examine Illusb. He is a member of the Shadowblade class in your realm.
[20:58:00] You cast a Purge Spell!
[20:58:00] You recover from the stun.
[20:58:01] You target [Feathers-Prydwen]
[20:58:01] You examine Feathers. He is a member of an enemy realm!
[20:58:02] You enter combat mode and target [Feathers-Prydwen]
[20:58:02] You prepare to perform a Perforate Artery! <-attack with wrong style while unstealthed - but hey, I was looking to get the chat log file started :>
[20:58:02] Feathers is too far away to attack!
[20:58:02] Slirre-Prydwen was just killed in Lautus Woods by Halduran-Prydwen!
[20:58:02] You auto-stick Briton.
[20:58:03] Feathers attacks you with his rapier!
[20:58:03] Feathers hits you for 87 damage.
[20:58:03] Feathers does 16 extra damage to you!
[20:58:03] Feathers hits you for 16 damage.
[20:58:03] You hit Feathers for 4 extra damage!
[20:58:04] You attack Feathers with your sword and hit for 83 (-32) damage!
[20:58:04] You hit Feathers for 10 extra damage!
[20:58:04] Feathers is poisoned!
[20:58:04] You hit Feathers for 74 damage!
[20:58:04] Feathers blocks your attack!
[20:58:04] You must perform the Perforate Artery style before this one!
[20:58:04] Feathers attacks you with his rapier!
[20:58:04] Feathers hits you for 109 damage.
[20:58:04] Feathers does 13 extra damage to you!
[20:58:04] Feathers hits you for 13 damage.
[20:58:04] You hit Feathers for 5 extra damage!
[20:58:05] You must wait 1 seconds to use this ability! In combat, the poisonspike takes 2 seconds to drop, AFTER you have come out of combat
[20:58:05] You attack Feathers with your sword and hit for 102 (-40) damage!
[20:58:05] You hit Feathers for 11 extra damage!
[20:58:05] You attack Feathers with your axe and hit for 83 (-32) damage!
[20:58:05] You hit Feathers for 10 extra damage!
[20:58:05] Feathers looks weaker!
[20:58:06] Gwal-Prydwen was just killed in Hadrian's Wall by Furiosito-Prydwen!
[20:58:06] You must wait 2 seconds to use this ability!
[20:58:06] The Scout hits your torso for 349 (-188) damage!
[20:58:07] Feathers begins to gasp for air!
[20:58:07] The Scout attacks you and misses!
[20:58:07] Feathers attacks you with his rapier!
[20:58:07] Feathers hits you for 124 damage.
[20:58:07] Feathers does 14 extra damage to you!
[20:58:07] Feathers hits you for 14 damage.
[20:58:07] You hit Feathers for 5 extra damage!
[20:58:07] Feathers blocks your attack!
[20:58:07] You attack Feathers with your axe and hit for 79 (-31) damage!
[20:58:07] You hit Feathers for 7 extra damage!
[20:58:08] Feathers is poisoned!
[20:58:08] You hit Feathers for 73 damage!
[20:58:08] You must wait 2 seconds to use this ability! <-I put weapons away
[20:58:09] Stonee-Prydwen was just killed in Hadrian's Wall by Halduran-Prydwen!
[20:58:09] You must wait 1 seconds to use this ability!
[20:58:09] Feathers attacks you with his rapier!
[20:58:09] You evade Feathers's attack!
[20:58:09] Vhash shoots you with his bow!
[20:58:09] Vhash hits you for 121 damage.

[20:58:09] You cast a Poisonspike Spell! Ok it is cast!

[20:58:09] You inscribe a rune on the ground!
[20:58:10] You must wait 10 seconds to use this ability!
[20:58:11] Feathers attacks you with his rapier!
[20:58:11] Feathers hits you for 87 damage.
[20:58:11] Feathers does 15 extra damage to you!
[20:58:11] Feathers hits you for 15 damage.
[20:58:11] You hit Feathers for 4 extra damage!
[20:58:11] You enter combat mode and target [Feathers-Prydwen]
[20:58:11] You must perform the Perforate Artery style before this one!
[20:58:11] You hit Feathers for 98 damage! Poisonspike tick1, Disarmed
[20:58:12] Feathers is poisoned!
[20:58:12] You hit Feathers for 76 damage!
[20:58:12] You attempt to use the arcanium Mighty Lithic Longsword.
[20:58:12] You sheathe the Battler from your right hand.
[20:58:12] Your Constitution has decreased.
[20:58:12] Your hits have decreased.
[20:58:12] Your Crush resistance has decreased.
[20:58:12] Your Slash resistance has decreased.
[20:58:12] Your Thrust resistance has decreased.
[20:58:12] You wield the arcanium Mighty Lithic Longsword in your right hand.
[20:58:12] The magic of the arcanium Mighty Lithic Longsword flows through you.
[20:58:12] Your Matter resistance increased.
[20:58:12] Your Spirit resistance increased.
[20:58:12] You enter combat mode and target [Feathers-Prydwen]
[20:58:12] You prepare to perform a Comeback!
[20:58:12] You are now preparing to perform a Doublefrost style as a backup for Comeback!
[20:58:12] Vhash shoots you with his bow! <-leeching scum! :>
[20:58:12] Vhash hits you for 116 damage.
[20:58:12] Dwarf-Excalibur was just killed in Agramon by Mugblood-Excalibur!
[20:58:14] Feathers attacks you with his rapier!
[20:58:14] You evade Feathers's attack!
[20:58:14] Vhash shoots you with his bow!
[20:58:14] Vhash misses! <-mwhaha :>
[20:58:14] You have already selected your styles for this round!
[20:58:15] You have already selected your styles for this round!
[20:58:15] Healpac-Excalibur was just killed in Caer Benowyc Guardtower by Duracellus-Prydwen!
[20:58:15] You hit Feathers for 101 damage! Poisonspike tick2
[20:58:15] Feathers attacks you with his rapier!
[20:58:15] You evade Feathers's attack!
[20:58:15] Vhash shoots you with his bow!
[20:58:15] Vhash hits you for 158 damage.
[20:58:16] Feathers is poisoned!
[20:58:16] You hit Feathers for 67 damage!
[20:58:17] You have already selected your styles for this round!
[20:58:17] You have already selected your styles for this round!
[20:58:17] The Scout hits your torso for 310 (-126) damage!
[20:58:17] Feathers attacks you with his rapier!
[20:58:17] You evade Feathers's attack!
[20:58:17] The Scout attacks you and misses!
[20:58:17] Vhash shoots you with his bow!
[20:58:17] Vhash hits you for 200 damage.
[20:58:19] You have already selected your styles for this round!
[20:58:19] You have already selected your styles for this round!
[20:58:19] You hit Feathers for 119 damage! Poisonspike tick3
[20:58:19] Vhash shoots you with his bow!
[20:58:19] Vhash hits you for 113 damage.

[20:58:19] You perform your Comeback perfectly. (+81) FINALLY able to attack again, 10 SECONDS after dropping poisonspike
[20:58:19] You attack Feathers with your sword and hit for 168 (-42) damage!
[20:58:19] You critical hit for an additional 68 damage!
[20:58:19] You hit Feathers for 10 extra damage!
[20:58:19] Feathers is poisoned!
[20:58:19] You hit Feathers for 69 damage!
[20:58:19] You attack Feathers with your axe and hit for 86 (-34) damage!
[20:58:19] You critical hit for an additional 13 damage!
[20:58:19] You hit Feathers for 9 extra damage!
[20:58:20] Feathers attacks you with his rapier!
[20:58:20] You evade Feathers's attack!
[20:58:20] Whitelights-Excalibur was just killed in Upper Suspiro River by Dopi-Prydwen!
[20:58:20] You prepare to perform a Comeback!
[20:58:20] Vhash shoots you with his bow!
[20:58:20] Vhash hits you for 122 damage.
[20:58:20] You are now preparing to perform a Doublefrost style as a backup for Comeback!
[20:58:21] The Armsman hits your torso for 181 (-30) damage!
[20:58:21] Illusb was just killed by Armsman! <- :(

So basically you sacrifice 4 rounds of attacking to drop the poisonspike, which is 10 SECONDS of being disarmed, which against 1 attacker, might be ok, but against 2 or more, you might as well just /sit. If your AE Mezz doesn't land / gets resisted or they purge, there is NOTHING you can do to harm both players that are attacking you before you are dead.

This is basically a soloer assassin nerf. Good going Mythic/GOA.

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2004
Still not convinced it's a Mythic nerf and not some overzealous GoA decision maker (very possibly with a mincer or archer main ;) - because face it this affects stealth wars the most) thinking - "oh cool poisonspike fix in future Mythic patch - that bit of code is easy to work with lets just see what we can do to it from our end"* and gets it changed to something completely different to what Mythic had intended with the tanglesnare+poisonspike cast time change. I mean nothing coming from Mythic about it, not on live servers not on test servers, and it seems the only time GoA gets new information from Mythic is when there are are bugs in GoA's implementation of a patch or when there's new stuff coming like an expansion. How likely is it that Mythic came up to GoA and said - "hey there nice fellows, we're planning on nerfing poisonspike to hell and back, want to test it out for us?"**

* - not an actual GoA employee though process - I think
** - not an actual Mythic quote - almost certain


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 4, 2004
Looks like i will have even more chance of beating an Assasin now then!
It might be fun to suddenly see an Assasin come out of combat as all ill do is Phaseshift... move back a tad then engage in combat again! Atleast now Assasins wont have a free 400+ dmg dot on us straight away!
I think most Archers who actually move away from the towers and play more of a stealther Hunter role will enjoy the new change!! It should atleast make them live ''alittle'' longer before they die ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
illu said:
So basically you sacrifice 4 rounds of attacking to drop the poisonspike, which is 10 SECONDS of being disarmed, which against 1 attacker, might be ok, but against 2 or more, you might as well just /sit. If your AE Mezz doesn't land / gets resisted or they purge, there is NOTHING you can do to harm both players that are attacking you before you are dead.

This is basically a soloer assassin nerf. Good going Mythic/GOA.

Oli - Illu

it always used to be a 10sec disarm, was retarded that it was removed in the 1st place.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
As an assassin, it just gets harder and harder to kill people.

Apart from other stealthers, and very low RR casters (1-3), there's not much left that we can attack.

With the extra poisonspike damage in-fight, we could give vamps/ns's/tanks a good fight, and interrupt/damage casters. The 400-500 damage was exactly what assassins needed, and we didn't get it for free, we slaved 6 ML levels to get the damn ability :/ Some Mythic/GOA Employee obviously has a sick sense of humour.
Employee1 - hey let's nerf something, it's been quiet recently
Employee2 - hmmmm warlocks? Casters with ml9 pets? vamps?
Employee 1 - what about stealthers? Everyone hates them anyway
Employee 2 - Good idea Batman. Let's do it!

This seems to be the current food chain:

Casters+Pets >> Casters >> Visibles >> Stealthers >> SB's and Rangers

I feel sorry for low Rank SB's. My toon is pretty much fully decked out in ToA gear and ML10 and I struggle. What is it like for a fresh new SB ML0? Must be hell.

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
its not easy at all :'( but its better after u share ur haste love to all off mid ^^


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
omg mates i have to think before i attack something!!! at least you get the choice which fights you have (most of the time) stop whining because you lost your insta dot, it was not intended to be used the way it has been it was intended as a mine, and now thats what it is.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 25, 2004
straight out SB nerf tbh, of the game worlds 3 assasin class's the only ones really not bothered about it are the ones that can dish out damage perfectly well without it, in a perfect game SB's wouldnt care either but thats clearly not the case.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Either Mythic announces this fix on Pendragon soon - in which case they have released a class balancing fix on European servers undermining their TL program.

Or, Mythic doesn't release it, in which case GoA have implemented class balancing changes on their own.

If the second is the case, I have a good list of class balancing changes I would like them to implement on their own as well.

Either case, GoA and Mythic screwed up on this one.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004

So Mythics chain-nerfing of assassins aint enough, now Goa have started also, lol :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
It will be introduced on the US aswell, and it aint a nerf, its a fix. Current implementation, with disarm and not useable in combat, is how it was intended in the first place.

thats what I understood from GOA when I asked them about it.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Azathrim said:
Either Mythic announces this fix on Pendragon soon - in which case they have released a class balancing fix on European servers undermining their TL program.

Or, Mythic doesn't release it, in which case GoA have implemented class balancing changes on their own.

If the second is the case, I have a good list of class balancing changes I would like them to implement on their own as well.

Either case, GoA and Mythic screwed up on this one.

Says you, i see a portion of the stealther community saying this a good fix, i seen a large portion of the non stealther community say this a good fix... i see a few people whining.... So all in all i wouldnt say they screwed up as more people are happy then unhappy.

Tell me, how would you feel if every class you attacked turned around and hit you with a 500dmg insta nuke? Bet you would soon complain about not being able to win fights due to that and want it nerfed.


Fledgling Freddie
May 17, 2004
I find it funny how everyone keeps claiming its a 500 dmg insta hit. Its not, its dmg over time, greatly reduced by resists and such (and yes, improved by viper 3, gogo 30 RA points).

The only use I had for the dot mine, was to gain back a bit of balance after I got hit out of my stealth first, or if I finally found a solo caster with 4 brittles up. It made me able to finally attack the pesky casters, running around with no trouble in the world.

Now, they are once again safe from the one class in the game that should be their death. We are assassins, the sole role of an assassin is to eliminate the dangerous opponent from the shades, because you have no chance in the open.

Its a plain nerfing of the weaker one of the stealthers (archer can dmg from range, IP, FZ etc etc).

One thing Id like to know is this, if its a mine, which now people claim is back to their true role. Then why can pets still find the assassin that casted it. If you really wanna fix this damn thing. Then also remove that part, which is obviously wrong, and the main reason why assassins cannot use the dot-mine in the way apparently they now say its supposed to be use. Drop a mine, get a pet or two on you so your out off stealth and die.

Way to go and nerf a few of the players that still try to solo.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Corran said:
Says you, i see a portion of the stealther community saying this a good fix, i seen a large portion of the non stealther community say this a good fix... i see a few people whining.... So all in all i wouldnt say they screwed up as more people are happy then unhappy.

Tell me, how would you feel if every class you attacked turned around and hit you with a 500dmg insta nuke? Bet you would soon complain about not being able to win fights due to that and want it nerfed.

Have you honestly thought about what you typed? The stealthers that say it is a good fix are the ones it was used against - who now are better off each fight. The non-stealthers again, realise this is a stealther nerf and are laughing at even easier RPs from stealthers now.

And every caster class DOES hit us for 500dmg instanuke every BLOODY second, not 500 damage as this was over 15ish seconds. We get mezzed, we purge, we get stunned, Nuke Nuke Nuke Dead.

Bloody ridiculous. No one cares because their class is better off. I hate whining, but when a class that is already struggling gets nerfed even more, frankly - it's beyond a joke.

It was the only good thing to use against Remedy Nightshades and against zerging stealthers of 2 or more, because it gave you a chance, albeit a slim one, to win the fight. Now this has gone, just where the hell are we meant to find the extra damage from, that was making the classes pretty much balanced??

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
illu said:
And every caster class DOES hit us for 500dmg instanuke every BLOODY second, not 500 damage as this was over 15ish seconds. We get mezzed, we purge, we get stunned, Nuke Nuke Nuke Dead.

Says the warlock!!!!!!!!!!

jk Illu :cheers:


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004

All I want is some sb kobbie loving :>

Oli - Illu


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Wish my theurg had a insta which caused dmg then.. i must be missing that so will have to appeal to GoA to fix my toon :p

And as far as i seen stealthers are still casting the mine to kill my brittles then getting into melee instantly (aka 1 second or so from when my brittle gets hit). This is in the open field so cant see how it stopping you attacking casters in the same way, unless it only lets it happen now and again. Stopped playing stealthers as found it boring all time.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
seeen this on the herald grab bag :

Q: (Insert question here on Poisonspike, changes to Poisonspike on our European servers, and so on.)

A: I'm a little fuzzy on the details of what happened there. What I do know is this: Poisonspike may presently be cast during combat, and it is presently our intention to leave that alone. I don't know if that was originally considered a bug, but if it was, it's a feature now! As with everything in the game, the team might change their collective minds. For now, however, it is not scheduled to be changed. We just had a communication breakdown with our partners in Europe, and we'll take care of it.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Puppet said:
It will be introduced on the US aswell, and it aint a nerf, its a fix. Current implementation, with disarm and not useable in combat, is how it was intended in the first place.

thats what I understood from GOA when I asked them about it.

GOA and their loopsided biased E&E's owned by Mythic!

I look forward to see the bug they introduced on the European servers reversed first thing monday. :)

Shame on GoA on this one. :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
The problem with Poison Spike was the way it was being used. All too often in a 1v1 vs an assasin, I get spiked because its on a 5min timer. Yay for 500 HP loss for no good reason. (On top of the 500 hp already from debuff, and 400-600 hp from dot depending on spec).

So now the DoT mine has to be used as exactly that, a mine. Great fix.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
No, now GOA have to revert the bug they introduced on the European servers. ;)


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Ethild said:
The problem with Poison Spike was the way it was being used. All too often in a 1v1 vs an assasin, I get spiked because its on a 5min timer. Yay for 500 HP loss for no good reason. (On top of the 500 hp already from debuff, and 400-600 hp from dot depending on spec).

So now the DoT mine has to be used as exactly that, a mine. Great fix.

It's 500 HP loss over 15 seconds.

You lose 500 HP A SECOND to casters.

Let us have our little bit of extra damage fluff, and worry about something that is 15 times more damaging coming from casters.

I hope they return it back to how it was asap - nerfing stealthers is wrong! Gonna get that printed as a t-shirt :>

Oli - Illu

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