Fenderon said:are europlayers betatesting fixes before they have even been announced on camelotherald.com (pendragon patchnotes)? sure glad I retired before that nerf![]()
illu said:So basically you sacrifice 4 rounds of attacking to drop the poisonspike, which is 10 SECONDS of being disarmed, which against 1 attacker, might be ok, but against 2 or more, you might as well just /sit. If your AE Mezz doesn't land / gets resisted or they purge, there is NOTHING you can do to harm both players that are attacking you before you are dead.
This is basically a soloer assassin nerf. Good going Mythic/GOA.
Oli - Illu
Azathrim said:Either Mythic announces this fix on Pendragon soon - in which case they have released a class balancing fix on European servers undermining their TL program.
Or, Mythic doesn't release it, in which case GoA have implemented class balancing changes on their own.
If the second is the case, I have a good list of class balancing changes I would like them to implement on their own as well.
Either case, GoA and Mythic screwed up on this one.
Corran said:Says you, i see a portion of the stealther community saying this a good fix, i seen a large portion of the non stealther community say this a good fix... i see a few people whining.... So all in all i wouldnt say they screwed up as more people are happy then unhappy.
Tell me, how would you feel if every class you attacked turned around and hit you with a 500dmg insta nuke? Bet you would soon complain about not being able to win fights due to that and want it nerfed.
illu said:And every caster class DOES hit us for 500dmg instanuke every BLOODY second, not 500 damage as this was over 15ish seconds. We get mezzed, we purge, we get stunned, Nuke Nuke Nuke Dead.
Puppet said:It will be introduced on the US aswell, and it aint a nerf, its a fix. Current implementation, with disarm and not useable in combat, is how it was intended in the first place.
thats what I understood from GOA when I asked them about it.
Ethild said:The problem with Poison Spike was the way it was being used. All too often in a 1v1 vs an assasin, I get spiked because its on a 5min timer. Yay for 500 HP loss for no good reason. (On top of the 500 hp already from debuff, and 400-600 hp from dot depending on spec).
So now the DoT mine has to be used as exactly that, a mine. Great fix.