This assassin fix ?

Dec 31, 2003
Calaclya said:
well if im in combat i get "use cant cast this for 1 sec" etc.. on PS. Bummer might jsut go battlemaster then

yah, and i make my shade stormlord then i guess, both useless ML trees now.

WTf am i gonna do with poisonspike? dot a trap a bridge camp it and then get pet agroo from FGs?

GoA can just go to hell with this hotfix - they dont hotfix important stuff like +af items not working, but this useless little fluff stealthers had is not ripped away. Unbeliviable - haha stormlord fkn hilerious.
Dec 31, 2003
Corran said:
Well if you want insta casting dot mine, i want insta casting Disso Trap and Power trap on casters :p

then i want 4 brittle gaurds and a BT that absorbs 1 magic blow each and i want to hit at 1.5 s / style without any penality from qu or toa haste/buffed haste.

How about that.
Dec 31, 2003
Hawkwind said:
I take you walk around unstealthed all the time then? If not, why bring up range. Even with MoS 5 against MoS 2 or 3 probably lucky if you get 2 shots of before an assassin is on you.

ha, how clueless can u even get nowdays.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
No reason to fret, GoA will reverse this. They cannot overhear that Grab Bag. :)
Dec 31, 2003
Corran said:
Says you, i see a portion of the stealther community saying this a good fix, i seen a large portion of the non stealther community say this a good fix... i see a few people whining.... So all in all i wouldnt say they screwed up as more people are happy then unhappy.

Tell me, how would you feel if every class you attacked turned around and hit you with a 500dmg insta nuke? Bet you would soon complain about not being able to win fights due to that and want it nerfed.

Not sure if ur sarcastic or not here mate. Tell me one class that isnt a healer that cant /face an infil, sb or nightshade and do 500 dmg?


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Azathrim said:
No reason to fret, GoA will reverse this. They cannot overhear that Grab Bag. :)

I hope they do and I hope they do it soon.

And they should give us all 100,000 RP each for stress!

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Nah, they should just give us an apology for handling this in a very bad manner.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
and maybe a free arti each or something :>
Dec 31, 2003
Can't belive the plp that thought this was a good, well thought and fair change to dotspikes.

And yeh, there is a reason to fret when rr3 scouts talking about stuff they have 0 clue about. What is OPed with a 450 dmg add over 15 seconds? - Thats right, nothing.

Then what is OPed with having 5 ways of negating a direct melee blow while having a pet that intercepts, does 400ish dmg while ml9ed, cast at 1.2 s á 450-650 dmg while beeing healed for 70% of the dmg made and moc3 on a ( is it 10 min timer? ). This is just too stupid to be true.

Any SM that can say that what stated above is not insaly overpowered? And also give good reasons to why it is not.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Then i read this :-

Q: (Insert question here on Poisonspike, changes to Poisonspike on our European servers, and so on.)

A: I'm a little fuzzy on the details of what happened there. What I do know is this: Poisonspike may presently be cast during combat, and it is presently our intention to leave that alone. I don't know if that was originally considered a bug, but if it was, it's a feature now! As with everything in the game, the team might change their collective minds. For now, however, it is not scheduled to be changed. We just had a communication breakdown with our partners in Europe, and we'll take care of it.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
/rewinds tape, puts it on /play.

Tip - put it into perspective. Assassins that have done 6 ML steps in the spymaster line get poisonspike. The way the game is, this ability is literally a required ability to play on the servers nowadays. ML6, and ML9, AE Mezz being the other most important.

The ability before the "fix" gave us a slim chance, if we were fighting on the move, against tanks/moccing casters/casters with brittles/outnumbered situations/or the evil remedy-nightshade class, where we could drop it, it would interrupt the enemy a bit and they would get hit for 500 HP loss over 15 seconds.

That works out at about 33HP per second lost, a very small crit equivalent, or the GoV poison proc or whatever. And funnily enough, that small 500HP difference over the 15 seconds seemed to even out most fights. Then they "hot-fixed" it so that it was unusable in combat.

Now back to reality, You lose 500 HP A SECOND to casters. Hell, when they have huge ML9 pets, you get clobbered for 700+ by the pet while getting nuked for 400-500+ by the caster EVERY second.

Let us have our little bit of extra damage fluff, we worked for it to get to ML6 and let us have the choice of dumping it on a bridge or using it in fight. If you are a bridgecamper, the change didn't do much to you, but if you like to roam like me (because to be honest, the assassins role in this game is really pretty poor at the moment in that you can't really join in anywhere - and I get bored standing in one place for any amount of time) it was an insta-nerf, so talk about hitting a class when you're down!
Ask anyone what are the 10 most overpowered classes and I'd be VERY surprised if shadowblades come in there.

Worry about something that is 15+ times more damaging coming from casters.

I hope they return it back to how it was asap, now that Mythic say that Goa got the change slightly wrong. Nerfing stealthers is wrong!

Oli - Illu
Dec 31, 2003
Mastade said:
illu, sneakers.. relax :p

Need strong reactions on this Mastade, we are talking about daoc - wierder stuff have happend that we r stuck with.

And to tip, get a clue.
That little fix GoA took in thier own hands was as justified as making you scouts have a cooldown timer on 10 seconds from that u have switched from weapons to bow.
Imo, that would be a good change and enchance rvr alot. Less adds, and it actually takes something of a scout that wanna kill someone at range. Why don't we make it happend? Plus why should scouts be able to kill anyone, when assassins obviously ain't ?

This is how you all clueless ppl reason, without thinking.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
no offence but if you need to use a dotmine to kill something you really should delete.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
bigchief said:
no offence but if you need to use a dotmine to kill something you really should delete.
Hi Mr. RR9 Infiltrator!

Not everyone plays easymode as you. :)
Dec 31, 2003
bigchief said:
no offence but if you need to use a dotmine to kill something you really should delete.

ooh, whats the matter BC aint u ml6? :/?? Or maybe u are a Battlemaster? That would explain ur negative position, would make all nightshades ml-less and SBs abit easier?.

Seriously 10 s disarm, 2 s out of combat to cast, that makes a useless ability that no1 with a brain would use.
You do know what happends when u camp a route and ur stupid enough to plant a dot spike there and have that fg walk all over it and get 4 pets on u?

I'm not saying that dot-mine is a critical aspec in 1v1 stealthwars but it is an utlity tool, and assassins tbh could use all utlity they can get.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
ooh, whats the matter BC aint u ml6? :/?? Or maybe u are a Battlemaster? That would explain ur negative position, would make all nightshades ml-less and SBs abit easier?.

Seriously 10 s disarm, 2 s out of combat to cast, that makes a useless ability that no1 with a brain would use.
You do know what happends when u camp a route and ur stupid enough to plant a dot spike there and have that fg walk all over it and get 4 pets on u?

I'm not saying that dot-mine is a critical aspec in 1v1 stealthwars but it is an utlity tool, and assassins tbh could use all utlity they can get.

umm, im ml10. Have been since about 2months after toa came out. Always have and probably always will be spymaster, so less talking bollocks please.

The ability always used to be 10sec disarm, does that mean noone used it before? Of course not. Its still a great ability, you just need to be careful with its use. At the end of the day a single dotmine will take off over 1/4 of my hp, and will do the same to alot of people I fight. Its a very strong ability, even if you look at it in the sense of each tick, its adding 100dmg to a mainhand+offhand+dot attack already, if you drop a mine on someone in a fight and can last till the 5 ticks are done, you only need to do 75% dmg to that person to win.

An assassins damage is not low, regardless if which one of the 3 you play (and yes I have played sub and over rr5 ns's and sb's so am aware of how they all perform), you do not need the dotmine to kill things. Its a great dmg add and can help loads, but the people whining that they can't kill anything without using it really should stop being idiots.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 21, 2004
Vipper is the evil u love it and become too much dependant, then ns RR5 and poison spike problem comes.
Dec 31, 2003
bigchief said:
umm, im ml10. Have been since about 2months after toa came out. Always have and probably always will be spymaster, so less talking bollocks please.

The ability always used to be 10sec disarm, does that mean noone used it before? Of course not. Its still a great ability, you just need to be careful with its use. At the end of the day a single dotmine will take off over 1/4 of my hp, and will do the same to alot of people I fight. Its a very strong ability, even if you look at it in the sense of each tick, its adding 100dmg to a mainhand+offhand+dot attack already, if you drop a mine on someone in a fight and can last till the 5 ticks are done, you only need to do 75% dmg to that person to win.

An assassins damage is not low, regardless if which one of the 3 you play (and yes I have played sub and over rr5 ns's and sb's so am aware of how they all perform), you do not need the dotmine to kill things. Its a great dmg add and can help loads, but the people whining that they can't kill anything without using it really should stop being idiots.

The ppl that whined the most id say is me, illu, thesa and censi - doubt no1 of us said we cant kill without a dot mine. The thing is the dot mine was working really well imo as intended and as mythic also thinks as intended. The QQ comes from PPL actually defending this misstake by GoA with the only purpose to have more easy kills.

Say BC, how will u kill a caster with 4 brittles bt, ml9 pet stunn chiken, moc3, rr5 self fkn bof without an instant castable dot that rids the brittles for a PA or atleast to have a fkn chance.

I used the dot spikes to interrupt ppl didn't think the dot was that uber vs other assassins since often the fight would been over within the 1st 3 or maybe 3-4 rounds. - And still YOU COULD PURGE IT.
But vs visuals the dot spike is needed to have a slight chance vs a rr5 ToA ml10 BL mercenary using malice in fight and DT and all othr crap they have.

Have no idea why you would think its juste if ( if and i say if , since it all seems to be a misstake ) this change was actually going to stay. Simply can't see it.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
The ppl that whined the most id say is me, illu, thesa and censi - doubt no1 of us said we cant kill without a dot mine. The thing is the dot mine was working really well imo as intended and as mythic also thinks as intended. The QQ comes from PPL actually defending this misstake by GoA with the only purpose to have more easy kills.

Say BC, how will u kill a caster with 4 brittles bt, ml9 pet stunn chiken, moc3, rr5 self fkn bof without an instant castable dot that rids the brittles for a PA or atleast to have a fkn chance.

I used the dot spikes to interrupt ppl didn't think the dot was that uber vs other assassins since often the fight would been over within the 1st 3 or maybe 3-4 rounds. - And still YOU COULD PURGE IT.
But vs visuals the dot spike is needed to have a slight chance vs a rr5 ToA ml10 BL mercenary using malice in fight and DT and all othr crap they have.

Have no idea why you would think its juste if ( if and i say if , since it all seems to be a misstake ) this change was actually going to stay. Simply can't see it.

Well why even touch a caster with 4bts, a pet that prob is on aggresive, moc, ml9, etc etc etc. The moment they step on your poisonspike u have the pet on u and he procceeds to kill u.

And fyi, in US u have to drop weapons aswell before casting poisonspike.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
Say BC, how will u kill a caster with 4 brittles bt, ml9 pet stunn chiken, moc3, rr5 self fkn bof without an instant castable dot that rids the brittles for a PA or atleast to have a fkn chance.

Poisonspike does nothing rlly against them if they got all stuff up. Better ask for a ML9 removal in PvP-combat, life returned component gone when MOC is used and PA/BS going through brittles. Poisonspike does very little against that really.

But vs visuals the dot spike is needed to have a slight chance vs a rr5 ToA ml10 BL mercenary using malice in fight and DT and all othr crap they have.

You dont win versus a banespiking dirty-tricking RR5 mercenary?!?!? OMG!!! Serious tho, if someone 'dumps on you', what makes you think you should win? And you always got the option to use Vanish, and if he's daft enough to hang around kill him 30 secs later. If he moves on, its a draw, he dumped and didnt get RP's, you used Vanish and didnt get RP's. Pretty good outcome for a stealther then, Vanish never gives RP's in the end :O

Have no idea why you would think its juste if ( if and i say if , since it all seems to be a misstake ) this change was actually going to stay. Simply can't see it.

DoT-mine aint really the solution against the scenario's you describe, basically need some assassin-love versus brittles, a ML9 pet nerf in PvP and a MOC-lifetap nerf. Also Vanish should clear ALL pet-aggro even when the caster gets damaged the next round by a bleed or DoT.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Theseus said:
All these ppl with their anti-stealther attitude are in need off a break imo. It's a bit sad if you need to go all hostile vs a class that is basically underpowered compared to the visual classes but can win due to the element off surprise...

Just the fact that you can't have that element pisses ppl off and I
understand why , but c'mon.

Let the people play their classes without telling them they are dicks for doing so as the grass always seems greener on the other side.

Theseus, piss off with your OP class pretty pls.
Regards, Glottis


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
xxManiacxx said:
And fyi, in US u have to drop weapons aswell before casting poisonspike.

Nope. That part of the EU and US game was the same until GOA screwed up and introduced a bug on the European servers. A bug they will remove.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Puppet said:
DoT-mine aint really the solution against the scenario's you describe, basically need some assassin-love versus brittles, a ML9 pet nerf in PvP and a MOC-lifetap nerf. Also Vanish should clear ALL pet-aggro even when the caster gets damaged the next round by a bleed or DoT.

As Vilna, the SM TL said, the dot mine is a crutch to go by. A crutch that holds the assassin classes up. Hopefully until Mythic gets around to define the classes a role in RvR.

For GOA to go solo and introduce a class balancing change (nerf or bug fix depending on your point of view), is just unheard of.

Notice how the E&E's did not raise alarm to GOA as they saw this fit for personal reasons. Notice how GOA did not listen to it's players and remove the bug they introduced.

Instead Sanya had to put GOA in place publicly in a grab bag.

Shame on GOA!


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Azathrim said:
Instead Sanya had to put GOA in place publicly in a grab bag.
Shame on GOA!

Just so everyone know what he means here.

Q: (Insert question here on Poisonspike, changes to Poisonspike on our European servers, and so on.)

A: I'm a little fuzzy on the details of what happened there. What I do know is this: Poisonspike may presently be cast during combat, and it is presently our intention to leave that alone. I don't know if that was originally considered a bug, but if it was, it's a feature now! As with everything in the game, the team might change their collective minds. For now, however, it is not scheduled to be changed. We just had a communication breakdown with our partners in Europe, and we'll take care of it.
Dec 31, 2003
Well puppet, u got a shade urself, if u don't see how usefull dot spikes r when dealing with brittles then i donno what ur doing wrong. Often i can drop a dot spike then BANG PA that ickle wizard/RM/Sorc that runs around, that is my only chance to kill them when brittles are up. Ofc i can get lucky and ice storm him ( if he do not face me and QC root,stunn,mezz ).

Dot spikes gave my shade utility - we all asssassins know we aint got that mutch of utlity compared to other classes. And if i'm not misstaken it would be pritty amusing if stealthers all of sudden wasnt meant to be able to kill casters on a regular basis.

For ur statement that u cant kill lighttanks using a dot spike ur wrong. I proved this many times.


Pa+cd+ss drop dot spike, and lifebane + viper3 ticks. Then garrote once and sprint, let the shit tick - he runs after u and u kite some - /use end pot /face battler charge and kill him. If he DT he would donce it instantly and u can easily kite him for 20 seconds.

The tank have two choices to counter, either he stops chasing, or purges. both valid options and makes the "omgooolz free 500 dmg dot" less of a problem. If they don't wanna invest in RA's that are nice in solo situations then they have themsel to blame and not to QQ about assassins ML line.

My cents.

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