- Thread starter
- #121
The people of King's Landing gather at the square, all houses, lords and nobles present.
The atmosphere is one of tensiouse silence. A unanimous decision was collectively reached
and thus matters of the realm must proceed.
Cerb now in simple rags and a baige cloth over his shoulder, stripped of his house's colours is lead
out to the platform, constructed for the occasion. Cerb, displaying an almost eerie calm, seems to
have come to terms with, or at least surrendered to, the inevitable. Cerb kneels, places his head on
the tree stump, turns his head and as the axe falls, he sends one last, almost forgiving glance at those
that brought his life to an end.
Night time
The atmosphere is one of tensiouse silence. A unanimous decision was collectively reached
and thus matters of the realm must proceed.
Cerb now in simple rags and a baige cloth over his shoulder, stripped of his house's colours is lead
out to the platform, constructed for the occasion. Cerb, displaying an almost eerie calm, seems to
have come to terms with, or at least surrendered to, the inevitable. Cerb kneels, places his head on
the tree stump, turns his head and as the axe falls, he sends one last, almost forgiving glance at those
that brought his life to an end.

Night time