Werewolf Themed Mafia #The Hand's Tourney 1


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
The people of King's Landing gather at the square, all houses, lords and nobles present.
The atmosphere is one of tensiouse silence. A unanimous decision was collectively reached
and thus matters of the realm must proceed.

Cerb now in simple rags and a baige cloth over his shoulder, stripped of his house's colours is lead
out to the platform, constructed for the occasion. Cerb, displaying an almost eerie calm, seems to
have come to terms with, or at least surrendered to, the inevitable. Cerb kneels, places his head on
the tree stump, turns his head and as the axe falls, he sends one last, almost forgiving glance at those
that brought his life to an end.


Night time


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Coincidental with what? No deaths equal suspicion of murder these days?

That's clearcut vote to get Ch3t and Calaen to hop on.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
My point was you said your weapon of choice would be a blade and Scouse died to a blade. You seem awfully quick to point the blame Toh, when the decision we made was based on something that atleast at the time resembled a lead.

I don't know whether Cerb was a murderer or an innocent victim I was simply passing on the information that I gained through my wenches. My fine ladies looked after Mabs last night, and there wasn't a murder coincidence? Or is the real killer simply playing with us.

Based on the basis of my previous votes I'd like to vote Mabs, however, I'm starting to become concerned that it's only non Lannisters who are dying so I'll see what other people have to say about their night time activities before I pass my final judgement.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
This might be a long rant, but est get it out of the way;

I wasn't pointing blame. I made a seemingly foolish comment about "we still need to find who burned poah to death", which Ch3tan immediately turned towards me. It's your classic interrogation method taught to me when i first started training with the old house lannister champion, act stupid and see who bites. That's why i was, yes perhaps blaming, ch3tan about the foolishnes. Might have tried to do something above my mental capacities there.

In any case, we are at the final stretches as people seem to be dying left and right, so it's best lay all cards on the table. Here's what i know and think of the situation;

I've been protecting my master Raven near all nights, it's my job to do so as champion.
I aquired what i believe is a dragon stone, or a dragon egg, from someone non-important last night, and i did not wish to touch it further. I'm guessing Poag met his faith with one of these stones as the burning and oval object point to that.
I don't know if Poag killed himself messing with it, or if someone planted it, but my best guess is he just played with forces he doesn't know anything about. If someone used one, it could be anyone if even a lackey can aquire one from some non-noble.
Mabs and TdC seem to be runnign things from the shadows, only poking in now and then to comment this, or stir the pot. That's what it looks like.
Calaen is clear, in my books, no question there.
Ch3tan, no idea, he has amnesia now and then so i don't know if he knows what he is doing here.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
/throws names in a bag. /draws out TDCs name

Vote TDC


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
So last night I was looking for toht, to find out what he was up to. Add I approached his chambers, night ended and day began.... time was in a flux.there are dark powers at play here.. vote tdc


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
So last night I was looking for toht, to find out what he was up to. Add I approached his chambers, night ended and day began.... time was in a flux.there are dark powers at play here.. vote tdc

wait, what ? Oo


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I was in my chambers with nothing special happening outside the dragon thing on my table, sleeping off whatever aled me; Wenches, wine and war.

My lords voting seems whimsical at best, but i must follow; vote: TdC


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
as we are all cards on the table at this point, i sent my ch3t minion to dispose of toht , and now this ^ has happened.. coincidence ?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
So you have a minion who can kill? We were going by some random vote by Raven, but this is just plain old admittance to murder or there planning of.

Unvote: tdc

Vote: Mabs


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
<ot> sorry gents was out of things for a bit </ot>

magical votes for me? how rude!

Let's recap:
Chet the minion goes to check what Toh the minion is doing in the dark watches of the night, is thwarted, and suddenly votes for a completely different person?
Lord Calaen has still to tell us his true intents and allegences.
Chet the minion has still to tell us his true intents and allegences.
Toh the minion is a deliverer of death threats and somehow can not be checked on by others.
Chet -surprisingly- told the truth about me, eg not a provider of wenches.
There is still a distinct lack of kings to be had in these parts.

Lord Mabs seems reasonable, but only because he seems to question Toh the same way I do, so take my word for this...or not!
Raven was blinded by boobs which someone helpfully provided. Frankly I currently believe our magical whore provider is Lord Calaen.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
I may have threatened a few people who started to get on my nerves, but Mabs clearly stated that Ch3t is his minion and that he -did- try and kill me.

How is it reasonable to send someone in the cover of the night to kill others?


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
I may have threatened a few people who started to get on my nerves, but Mabs clearly stated that Ch3t is his minion and that he -did- try and kill me.

How is it reasonable to send someone in the cover of the night to kill others?

im not excusing my actions, im wondering why my minion seems to have bounced off you and not be doing what hes told...


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
It might be prudent to tell just what other orders you've given Ch3tan. Did you order him to kill Scouse too, or do you have different jobs for him for different nights?


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
The gods would remind us that what actions we take, and when we part-take in said actions, are ofcosre of our own choosing and design.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
TDC I can't tell you anymore than I have already, my allegiance is to myself, I'm a very self serving man. Who is in charge is of little concern to me as long as I can run my business in peace.

Toh and Raven are accounted for, Ch3t and Mabs have now shown a bond the only person who could be responsible for this magic malarky is TDC. I can't think of anyone else who would have been able to get their hands on this egg shaped relic!

Vote TDC


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Both me and mabs are voting for eachother and one of us has to vote off anyway, so might as well follow the lead of people i do trust.

Unvote: mabs
Vote: tdc

Though i don't like my chances during night if mabs and ch3tan already tried to get to me.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I believe we have bigger problems than the petty power games of lords toht, whilst my master may have commanded me to kill you,I also know that your master could do the same. Regardless, you are still alive and I do not yet have blood on my hands. Cal is clearly a whore master, mabs and raven lords and the two of us pawns. Tdc is a sneaky unknown who whispers in corridors and I do not trust him.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Both me and mabs are voting for eachother and one of us has to vote off anyway

says who? and also you solve this by voting for me, and not the person who is questioning your actions? and additionally, you dodge an -allegedly, by word of Lord Mabs- trained killer with ease?

that's good enough for me tbh.

Vote: old.Tohtori


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Ch3tan i do believe you're right, matters not, die is cast and TdC will soon join the others. Tomorrow will be an interesting day, if we survive that long.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
The guards are ordered to sieze TDC and escort him to the dungeons.
it would seem that his fate is sealed.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
As dusk aproaches, the people of King's Landing gather once more to witness another execution.
Branded as a King Slayer, a Spy, whispere and hellish magician, TDC is lead to the gallows to meet his end.....

Unlike his predesecor, TDC clearly aware of the inevertable fate that awaits him, refuses to bow to
his tourmentors, defiantly stopping after every push from the guards forcing him towards the stage.
You're all fools! Puppets of the agressors, spineless imps! We had a chance, a chance to once and
for all rid ourselves of these tyrants and tormentors, and you all quivered and hid, pathetic!

It seems nothing has changed in Westeros? I would say that let my death stand as beacon of injustice,
but sadly what would be the point?those that might have had the courage to fight for our vison have long
since been disposed off and who ever remains seem to spineless to act. Indeed you deserve to be ruled by
selfish tyrants...I hope every one of you dies horribly.

At the gallow, a cage hanging where the noose would be, a man dressed in munklike ceremonial clothing waits fro TDC
at the cage, and as the crowd cheers for his end, Stripped of his clothing and colours, a bag placed over his head TDC
receives a quick stab from a knife laced with poison, almost as an example to all that would defy, left to slowly die, TDC finally relaxes and embraces the inevertable unkown that awaits him.


Night time
Last edited:


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
As warm and gentle beams of sunlight dance across his face, Tohtori greets the new day with inspirered optimism:
Oh, Birds chirping on the trees, fresh air swirling around me. sun shining brighter than ever before, rays of sun bringers of hope and fortune.
The world so different today, surely some luck is coming my way, I want to dance in the dew around, and tune up to mornings song.


- 5 alive 3 for majority


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Well ain't this something, at least no one died during the night. This day might turn into a really long one though, we have two houses and a neutral party with a swingvote.

As i see it if either house loses a member, then the other house will have an upper hand and rid the kingdom of the rest.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Well ain't this something, at least no one died during the night. This day might turn into a really long one though, we have two houses and a neutral party with a swingvote.

As i see it if either house loses a member, then the other house will have an upper hand and rid the kingdom of the rest.


Eh..right..sorry, ignore the drunk....carry on ;)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Dear friends, I come here have survived and attempt on my life but by a whisker. Luckily I used my minion Toht and his ability of protection last night. I don't know for sure who the attempted murderer is but Ch3tan has admitted to being a low down dirty murderer acting under the orders of (A Another)

Vote: Ch3tan


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
It was certainly an interesting night!

One of my girls discovered a dragons egg, I'm assuming it came from Toh, as I sent my ladies to ease his mind. After reading an inscription on the relic out loud I slipped into a deep sleep. The last thing I remember before going under was a feeling of being perfectly safe.

Interesting evening for you as well then Raven.

Toh did you leave your egg on purpose? Did you actually see my girls ?

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