hahahahaha omg at this thread lol
the exact same people who a few months are go where saying jajja its irvr meight are now complaining about adds in an irvr zone. you should expect it to be a free for all there and if you are there lets face it you are there to farm rps
what staj is trying to say is that we in the fg scene used to have to arrange our fights away from people as to not get distubed and not bother anyone else ........ now he has come back to this server, there is no fg scene for him as there are no players on this server he wants to group with, so he joins the free for all and finds challenge in surviving and killing as many as possible. fgs of old were always pushed out into there own areas, by many of the people whining here now..... roam the irvr area but expect adds, if you want to meet away from the zerg for a guarenteed fg v fg fight when both teams will be ready then use #agramon.rvr
if some random wizard went adding on fights in irvr you will have expected it, cept its staj and he gets 4 threads lol
Hi Brite/Vinters (same category of perma banned FH noob creating new accounts).
hahahahaha omg at this thread lol
the exact same people who a few months are go where saying jajja its irvr meight are now complaining about adds in an irvr zone. you should expect it to be a free for all there and if you are there lets face it you are there to farm rps
what staj is trying to say is that we in the fg scene used to have to arrange our fights away from people as to not get distubed and not bother anyone else ........ now he has come back to this server, there is no fg scene for him as there are no players on this server he wants to group with, so he joins the free for all and finds challenge in surviving and killing as many as possible. fgs of old were always pushed out into there own areas, by many of the people whining here now..... roam the irvr area but expect adds, if you want to meet away from the zerg for a guarenteed fg v fg fight when both teams will be ready then use #agramon.rvr
if some random wizard went adding on fights in irvr you will have expected it, cept its staj and he gets 4 threads lol
To Staj, notorious former 8vs8 player or not.
If you believe in clean fights and not adding, but decide that if the places these fights take place doesn't suit you and thus you're allowed to add then in my eyes you've lost all kind of respect.
Saying xxx added some time in 2003 or in general is a bad player also justifies you adding is also in my opinion wrong, all that makes you is a hypocrit.
If you believe in not adding or the clean 8vs8 fg fights be consequent, of course there's personal exceptions but saying half of HW is a legitimate adding zone makes me question how much you really believe in fg vs fg fights, regardless of how good or bad you were at them.
If Dyvet doesn't suit you, and in general is filled with adding skillles players then perhaps kindly go back to avalon and stay there.
no need, its only me that is back... thanks for the warm welcome.
Ok. Call me slow or whatever, but... you're actually acussing a member of one of the best groups in daoc of being rp hungry? Talk about irony. Even about trying to equate staj with horner is showing that your perception is close so close to the moronic state that it's scary.
Obviously now everyone's 8v8 expert and wants clean fights, however you all roam around the i-rvr area.
id say no groups have mercy or respect for soloers nowdays.. who ever they are
Well tbh more ppl should use IRC #agramon.rvr so thouse who wanted to play fg vs fg knew who was willing to play alongWell, not everyone uses irc, and in TC as can be read in some other thread, only Perly/Caeli does, and he doesn't take a clue apparently. And I think Staj created most of the threads himself anyway. If you want to play like you suggest, go play wow or something where they now have arenas for that type of fight. I would agree with you if it was two years ago though, but we all know most fg's would rather go zerg farming then as the zergs were more plentiful. Wouldn't excactly call it challenging sniping out support of an engaged fg with rr12 caster anyway. There's a very old term for that, called adding/leeching. Horner wannabe.
Saying xxx added some time in 2003 or in general is a bad player also justifies you adding is also in my opinion wrong, all that makes you is a hypocrit.
I make my own exceptions.. for those lost souls I do not belive will be restored from the years of zerging and adding, I care not.
Well tbh more ppl should use IRC #agramon.rvr so thouse who wanted to play fg vs fg knew who was willing to play alongand tbh we ran like a pug on sunday i think it was and there was some set / semi set grps out (TC, AE-pug?, Golden Ages, Prodicals grp, some blueish alb grp and marsh horde? and 1 or 2 more)
So thouse grps are up for fg rvr they should try to get on IRC or roam the Eras side of the waters when Irvr in berk cause its impossible to fight a clean fight around berk (only saw prodicals grp roamming the eras side of the water). Theres still potential of nice fg rvr maybe not as much as there has been, but if new grps even thou its only known zergers in the grp then it would still be nice to get "fixed" zone not saying it should be agramon but a place where ppl know theres fg fights... and again IRC is nice for arengeing thouse kinds of things
@Staj - it's a little bit lame adding on obviously full group fights no matter what the area in the current climate - well it is if you're or have been a fg player yourself and understand the frustration it causes.
@Everyone having a go at Staj - However, remember the overall rule that has worked for the community - if you are in the zerg areas, expect to get added on, and dont complain about it. If you want a much better chance of uninterupted fg fights, get on the agramon.rvr channel, and say you'll be patrolling the full group areas.
It really is good to see that some of the people who liked the zerg play (nowt wrong with that I hasten to add!) are trying the full group stuff and finding how much fun it can be, but also how frustrating it is to have a fair full group fight added on, even if it means your opponents are the ones getting butt fucked.
Great thread by the way, real old style FH stuff. There is life in the old dog yet.
There you go again, your punishing those who in your eyes deserve it???
I understand the basic concept of what your striving to achieve, but doing it by FORCE is not the way to realise your goal. You will piss off more people than you convince. FUther more you attacking the people who CAN raise a competitive FG and. This is very unlikely to have the desired effect you want, more than liekely they will just look for you to add and kill you on sight.
To Staj, notorious former 8vs8 player or not.
If you believe in clean fights and not adding, but decide that if the places these fights take place doesn't suit you and thus you're allowed to add then in my eyes you've lost all kind of respect.
Saying xxx added some time in 2003 or in general is a bad player also justifies you adding is also in my opinion wrong, all that makes you is a hypocrit.
If Dyvet doesn't suit you, and in general is filled with adding skillles players then perhaps kindly go back to avalon and stay there.
well ofcourse it will have a negative impact, and it will be both on myself (the greater part) and for the others actully deserving it..
i guess I deserve it to, but someones gotta make a stand no? not trying to sound to jesus out of myself.
Ofc, he is Staj! He is LEGEND!
then again, Hitler is a legend aswell.
Its funny how the current groups out there are such hypocrits, "hell yeah we are out for fg fights" stil they train down every single soloer there is in the area..
all this whine because you cant deal with one caster add.....lol
As usual Brite you miss the point
Sunday night Staj was roaming around WATCHING fights and didnt add on any of the few fights he watched us in then Monday he does the same watching but also randomly (it seems) starts nuking away on either side.
As is our usual stance of not adding on solo ppl we left him alone thinking he would do the same as Sunday.
An expected add you can easily deal with but one thats been watching and you have left alone then at some point starts nuking on a specific target can easily bugger up the fight.
then Monday he does the same watching but also randomly (it seems) starts nuking away on either side.
stated before, pillars and across river, south of the southern berk tower you are free.. I might run there to check out fights, nothing more nothing less
manisch, cynith, bluesky, kinetix, gingy, nadiah and all these other infamous zergers whining about adding xD
people coming back for 8 days will think somthing is wrong!