The inside story of GOA's problem!!! *MUST SEE*



Ah well

All should end well, at the very least for the ussers (payign players) who GOA are reimbursing by offering them with 150-200% of the time they have not been able to play.

No users should be out of pocket by this, only GOA.

And if Justice is truly done, guilty parties will be taken to court, sued and rinsed for all they are worth.

Only way I was personally effected by this was that I couldnt cancel the autorenew of my 2nd account, and so I may have been forced to pay an extra months subs when I didn't want to.

So realistically, Laroma and her MrX friend have potentially caused me a loss of about £8. not the end of the world, but on a principle, they HAVE caused SOME people some form of discomfort either financially or otherwise, to deny so is pure ignorance.

That said, every cloud has a silevr lining imo.

Look on the bright side, many players who have been unable to log on have gone on to spend more tiem in the real world, chattign with real friends in the flesh, doing physically exertign activities and all round living outside the Monitor :D

THAT has to be a good thing.

Regardless of good or bad, no sympathy from me.

An illegal act was carried out KNOWLINGLY and should be punished accordingly by the appropriate authorities


GOA and Laroma this goes to both of u

GOA for being the shittiest publisher i ever saw in my entire mmorpg career (and dont come with quit the game instead of whine - i play DAoC coz of my mates and not of GOA being so good)

and for Laroma for being such a sad twat to first abuse GM tools and then after fooling around dragging everyone down the sink with him - i would never invite u to a coup - coz u simply not able to keep it together



btw does anyone else have problems of mincing their ***ing endings? I keep typing ***ign by accident, subconscious WhineGN Troll in me coming thru? :D


Originally posted by old.Laryssa
Yeah, what a nice person who was pissed at GOA and spawned random epics all over the place.

12y old?

well... I'm sure there is a limit in every person when everyone thinks it's enough... don't tell me that there is no one here that haven't done something your parents didn't allow... some people can be really pissed and walk out of the room slamming the door at the age of 40...

if the puropse for the spawning of several epic mobs in Emain was to make people unable to play for 2 weeks then I will be supriced...

I more think it was the excitement of doing something forbidden... when most people drink alcohol for the first time in their lives they don't drink it because they think it taste good but because it's "forbidden"... I know many people that became drunk for the first time in their lives at the age of 12-13... they didn't drink it because of the taste... but because it was that forbidden bottle...

however... this doens't mean that these persons were 12 years old... if someone insult you at your local bar you might punch him in the face... this punch can make you spend the rest of the night in the basement of a policestation... but you do it anyway... the anger of the moment make you do it...


yeah soz for stlong language ;)

but it was needed imho :D


Originally posted by Aarweenie
... but because it was that forbidden bottle...

no baddie in this - but after u took a gulp and got away with it wouldn't u be pissed if someone u trusted stabs u in the back and sends the cavalery after u so he can cover that he took a gulp himself?


btw... I want to add that I do not in any way support the actions Laroma and MrX did... just that I think that some of you judge Laroma too hard...

what she did was wrong yes... the punishment was a ban from the servers... this is a fair punishment imo...

she however say that she neogatied to get her account restored in exchange for some info or what it was... as I understood it... this is something I wouldn't have agreed to if I was GOA... but they did, and therefore she should get her account restored if she handed over the info she agreed to hand over...

I don't think she is innocent... but she was able neogatied away her punishment... and therefore she shouldn't get punished ;p

I blame GOA for agreeing with Laroma on giving back the account in exchange to get the info...


I think it's quite pathetic that he/she/whoever actually made a thread and showed everyone what they did. Blatent attention whore just wants everyone to be talking about them on the forums, obviously it has worked but it is still fucking pathetic.


Originally posted by Aarweenie
she however say that she neogatied to get her account restored in exchange for some info or what it was...

next time i steal something too and then negotiate to get something in return if i may return it :)

btw, i bet she/he still got the GM Tools and stuff Mr.X got out of it :D


Originally posted by old.Zarff
to me it seems Laro didn't do any of the hacking just using the information MrX told him, that can't be illegal can it? (Illegal like irl not ingame ofc)

To say that she didnt do anything illegal is plain wrong mate. No matter how nice the person is, she was breaking CoC, she didnt come clean right away, now shes trying to make a public case out of it... to feel better about herself. Imo breaking the CoC and on top of that aknowledging the fact that at some point she gave GM access to one of MrXs chars, that does make her , in effect, an accomplice.

The way i see it, though i may be totally wrong :
- got tempted by the gm tools
- had fun with it
- effect of fun drifts away as she realizes what the punishment may be
- comes clean in order to have at least one positive fact to her case

end of story.

Hope Goa can afford to make a good case of it and people responsible are made example of.

PS: you'r still a fatty :p

Bleri McThrust

Im no expert but Im under the impression that a lot of so called "Hacks" are never prosecuted or publicised and in fact the "Hackers" actually share the information for that immunity. resulting in the "Hacked" side being able to close there loopholes.

Because of the high-profile of the recent events that was never going to happen here. If what Laroma says is true then Im kinda glad that GoA didnt keep to there agreement. It resulted in the information becoming public..


Originally posted by Bleri McThrust
Im no expert but Im under the impression that a lot of so called "Hacks" are never prosecuted or publicised and in fact the "Hackers" actually share the information for that immunity. resulting in the "Hacked" side being able to close there loopholes.

Off-topic : Actually, i believe, thats the way hackers advertise for a job :) /emote watches IBM headhunters zoom past....


People who do bad things are bad people, mmmk? :D

Seriously, there is no excuse for it, temptation is most certainly not one. Whether they are nice people or not, they committed a crime.

'Hey officer, I just shot this person but it's ok cos I'm a nice guy - and hey, I did tell you that I did it, so hows about you just let me off?'

Errrr, no.


Originally posted by Vell
People who do bad things are bad people, mmmk? :D

Seriously, there is no excuse for it, temptation is most certainly not one. Whether they are nice people or not, they committed a crime.

'Hey officer, I just shot this person but it's ok cos I'm a nice guy - and hey, I did tell you that I did it, so hows about you just let me off?'

Errrr, no.

No, there isn't any excuse for it... it's stupid really and should be punished... just like shoting somone on the street...

BUT... if you speak to a procecutor and say "if I say that I shot this person could I trade that info for not punishing me?"

if the procecutor is that stupid and say "yes, ofc"... then the person shouldn't be punished...

just because you've shot someone doesn't mean you are a blood thursty monster that hates everything and everyone and would kill everyone in sight if he just got a weapon...


No, if the persecutor is cunning enough to convince the perpetrator that all will be forgiven if he shares the details when they have committed a major offence, then the perpetrator is stupid.


Originally posted by Vell
People who do bad things are bad people, mmmk? :D

Seriously, there is no excuse for it, temptation is most certainly not one. Whether they are nice people or not, they committed a crime.

'Hey officer, I just shot this person but it's ok cos I'm a nice guy - and hey, I did tell you that I did it, so hows about you just let me off?'

Errrr, no.

There is a lot of nice ppl in this world who have done bad things. And what Laroma did was bad and wrong. But compare it to murder and terorism (who other have done not you Vell) is way out of line. some who was and are affected by this put themself on so high standards that it makes me laugh. The one who cause the downs on all the services was MrX and he's companions if he had any. What Laroma did was more like:

'Hey officer, I just downloaded some stolen movies from a site on the internet and me and some friend watched it and I even gave a copy to my working mates."

It's illegal yes but there is no death penalty for it.

I do not taking Laroma's side on this but ppl take it for what it is and do not cry like it is the end of the world.


Originally posted by Shaki/Aeis
Is it only for me the Link/Page is not working?
No mate the site's been taken down however someone posted the entire text from that page earlier on in this thread.


cba reading this thread all the way through but has anyone considered this

IF laroma had reported MrX straight away the 2nd time to, GOA would STILL have to do what they have done and they would have done it in the middle of the industry vacation (at least in DK) ruining my vacation for one ;)

YES he should have reported him right away
NO he shouldn´t have used the tools provided to him by X
YES he did do wrong (and he knows it)
NO the downtime is NOT his fault, it would have occured anyways, just 3 weeks sooner... access to GM account or not, he didn´t made GOA fuck up their mailing lists and sending wrong PW´s etc....

NO I am not defending his actions, I think he should have reported it straight away, I don´t know him and tbh I think his actions marks him as a "not nice" person, NOT the abuse of the GM account but the fact that he didn´t report it sooner.


Tbh what has happened I think will show Goa UP; for those who have ever been "hacked" themselves and try change your accounts sub info and goa turn around and say its our own problem if we get hacked ... and wont change the pass .
Well well they got hacked so stfu everyones not 100% secure watever they do .


Originally posted by vivacelilp
Tbh what has happened I think will show Goa UP; for those who have ever been "hacked" themselves and try change your accounts sub info and goa turn around and say its our own problem if we get hacked ... and wont change the pass .
Well well they got hacked so stfu everyones not 100% secure watever they do .

I really don't see what this has to do with the topic at hand.


Topis is and i quote " The inside story of GOA's problem!!! *MUST SEE**"

I just showed u a problem goa had


Your computer security is not Goa's responsibility, Goa's security is. Don't see what your point is Vivacelilp.


Aye I know its not their responsability, it's ours ... So if we ever get our computer hacked and some infomation un-willingly taken off .. Goa just reply when you submit for a pass change ... cba no (simple terms) .

They're view is we can keep our info 100% secure... but as shown nothing is . Just linking with a company that should be 10x times more secure that "home" computers, and they get hacked.. and they're rule is they will never change sub passwords, even if anyone gets hacks or what ever the reason.

I suppose only the ones who experienced this will understand.


its all bullshit these 2 clowns couldnt hack a fence with a hacksaw! its just fluff to make em seem big.

None of this story actually ties in with ANYTHING.

2 sad little kids wanting attention.

None of this story actually tells you ANYTHING you dont already know...BULLSHEEEET LITTLE CHILDREN go tell your bedtime stories to your mates...oh wait u dont have any.


Originally posted by vivacelilp
They're view is we can keep our info 100% secure...

of course you can, take it down on a piece of paper and delete any .txt files on your comp holding the info, and you´ve 100% secured your account from hacking. only way for a person to gain your password/login is to use a "sniffer" to grab the data while it´s being send to GOA, in which case when you write goa telling them the data wasn´t stored on your PC but on a piece of paper they WILL restore whatever their logs shown you have lost.


Aye aye I do that now, but still people who have any data on their comp .. EMAIL account ... that cannot be 100% .


All you people that express you admiration and sends hugs and kisses to these _EXPLOITERS_ almost made me puke irl. This has to be the best case where people show their true identities and once again proves that people that don't actually want to interfere with the games, exploit, cheat, hack or bugabuse are a minority. Someone said "it's a known fact 70% of the european daoc-community share the same brain" and after reading all the wubbly understanding for this deed I can't blame one for saying so.
Instead of just taking the information to GoA again and again until it's fixed and refusing to actually exploit their knowledge to the fullest they do just that which shows extremely poor character. I for one hope to never play a mmorpg (or any game) in the same scene as such individuals and I can't understand why anyone would.
Here's a guy confessing that he only comes clean after his characters were stripped, would we have heard anything if they were not and what in god's name makes anyone believe this did _NOT_ make things worse for GoA/The European DaOC-community that some of us still feel where people can't play together. If it didn't make things worse, please explain how you find it improving anything in a manner a normal person would do just tell the guys in charge and actually leaving it alone and additionally not consorting with hackers/exploiters and call them your friend...
If these guys who many of you "wub" and "will miss" are so good friends how did you not know of this and how do any of you this letter is the actual truth, is there anywhere a statement from GoA they were informed of these incidents at all? Or was it just something to soften the blow when they had to come clean before someone openly accused them of it which would have seemed alot worse...
He already explains that he lied before in the letter, why wouldn't the letter itself contain lies to what actually happened and who in their right state of mind would trust anything a person with such poor ethics would say..

Bah, Umilard said it best..

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