The inside story of GOA's problem!!! *MUST SEE*



not realy.
He didnt violate the law.
He abused a tool that he got wrongly, but break the law, no.
It was GOA who took rightnow down not him.
He didnt have the knolege to modify GOA's data, presumably Mr X had that.

The way I read that is that Laroma is not guilty and Mr X is.


The following was posted by laroma.....

Heh, you need a reality check. Like I said, my only crimes were the "exploits" I did ingame, and I accepted the files MrX provided me with. Morally I might be guilty as an accessory as I cheered MrX on at points, which I needless to say regret doing.

And in his/her orginal confession....

After being frustrated with the RightNow answer I got, I decided to grab a couple of random unused accounts from the RightNow interface and cause some havoc.

I don't see how any1 can deny breaking the law, in whatever country you live in.

If I was Laroma I would be taking down my statement that implys I was guilty of somthing.. but then i'm not and i have nothing to worry about, me, i'm just one of the victims.


Originally posted by Bagloor
Let he who is without sin cast the first rock..

That has to be the biggest load of shit anyone has ever said on these forums.

I take my hat of to you.


Originally posted by Keogh
He freely admits to putting epic mobs into emain. Now that looks like it comes under

3.—(1) A person is guilty of an offence if—
(a) he does any act which causes an unauthorised modification of the contents of any computer

I guess it depends on wheather that counts as modicication.


Originally posted by Tilda
I guess it depends on wheather that counts as modicication.

Well since there shouldn't be any epic mobs outside atk in emain I guess thats pretty close to modificationn and since he wasn't doing it with GOA's blessing I'd have a stab in the dark and say thats also unauthorised.


Originally posted by Tilda
I guess it depends on wheather that counts as modicication.

ok so how about the use of unused accounts stolen from rightnow, or lvling characters using the tools past player caps, or abusing the commands to play with epic mobs.

the 1st one is theft of documentation, no he / she never hacked anything but the tools he used where used with molitious (sp?) intent. which is just as bad.
the 2nd is definatly a modification, since lvl 70 isnt available to players.
the third one i aint too sure about.


I guess it depends on wheather that counts as modicication.

If a graffiti artist came round to your house and painted a mural on your wall .. would you say he "modified" your wall or gave your wall a free paintjob?


would it be more like "that b@as!%% has ruined my wall, phone the police"

Littel scally in court
"After being frustrated with the colour of those bricks, I decided to grab a few random spraycans from the local store and decided to cause some havoc... you honour".

After being frustrated with the RightNow answer I got, I decided to grab a couple of random unused accounts from the RightNow interface and cause some havoc.

Now whats the difference?


hmm except from fooking around with other peoples chars and accounts, i would probably have done the same, if some insider-goa thingy had fed me information about the gm accounts and servers etc..

playing around with epic mobs in emain sounds funny :D

i'm just glad, that Laroma is man enough to stand up and admit what he has done. not sure that many people have the guts to do that.
but honestly.. whining over not getting his characters back, after having spread horror in GOAhouse.. that's just pathetic..

but anyways.. i damn hope he had his fun :)
if anyone deleted or abused my account, i would ofc. be sorry, and mad and angry etc.. but i will always think that DAoC is just a game, it's not my mother he killed.. only an imaginary character from a game i've spend waaay too much time on..



Originally posted by ghillie
If a graffiti artist came round to your house and painted a mural on your wall .. would you say he "modified" your wall or gave your wall a free paintjob?


would it be more like "that b@as!%% has ruined my wall, phone the police"

Littel scally in court
"After being frustrated with the colour of those bricks, I decided to grab a few random spraycans from the local store and decided to cause some havoc... you honour".

Now whats the difference?

Im not a server person, so I dont know if spawning a mob in game counts as "modification" its not modified their code etc.


not sure if you people realise the enormity of the following statement:

After being frustrated with the RightNow answer I got, I decided to grab a couple of random unused accounts from the RightNow interface and cause some havoc.

Game PW's should not be in RightNow, ever....

GOA's Database servers may be as secure as Fort Knox, but if people can get the stuff from RN, then whats the point of having a secure db?


Originally posted by Tilda
And some nastier person could get in instead and delete everybodys charachters

It was a possibility however. Neither of us wanted to touch peoples characters.


Originally posted by freeq
ok so how about the use of unused accounts stolen from rightnow, or lvling characters using the tools past player caps, or abusing the commands to play with epic mobs.

the 1st one is theft of documentation, no he / she never hacked anything but the tools he used where used with molitious (sp?) intent. which is just as bad.
the 2nd is definatly a modification, since lvl 70 isnt available to players.
the third one i aint too sure about.

An account imo, isnt a physical thing, so you'd need to show that it can acctually be "stolen" as such.
And also Mr X stole them by the sounds of it, not Laroma
Hmm, GM's can get lvl 70, so imo he was just "using" the GM account that he had been given as opposed to modifying/hacking/etc GOA to get it.
3rd to me sounds like a bit of fun.

IMO GOA should be counting their lucky stars that the attack wasnt worse, it can access all accounts which means that they could have deleted everybodys charachters, mabey banned people. And, by the sounds of it deleted backups as it seems asthough they had a free run of GOA's systems.



Originally posted by Mid_Blejsarus
just fyi, laroma is 1 of the nicest person i meet (in game)
And i really hope she get her chars back, very nice person.
i was mentioned!! :D "Blejsarus" :D but i had my savage there tho :p and it sure was a blast that evening :)
Wondered why i had 3dragons going for me :p now i know :D

So many smilies...


Lets forget the "oh but their such a nice person" or "it's only a game" rubbish and concentrate on two facts:

1) They prevented a company from generating revenue for 3 weeks due their actions.
2) The stole customer's personal data. They may not have got the credit card details, but they certainly did get all our e-mail addresses, our real names and home addresses.

Both of these are very serious offences.
I don't know what the situation about extradition is within the EU, but this would normally carry a prison term.


Please Tilda, it's clearly modifying the game (by spawning high level mobs on areas were they are not supposed to be) and affecting the game play and causing major financial loss to GOA. You simply can not say that Laromia is not guilty of anything. Different thing is if he should be punished or not.


Originally posted by Tilda
not realy.
He didnt violate the law.
He abused a tool that he got wrongly, but break the law, no.
It was GOA who took rightnow down not him.
He didnt have the knolege to modify GOA's data, presumably Mr X had that.

The way I read that is that Laroma is not guilty and Mr X is.


Computer misuse offences

Unauthorised access to computer material.

1.—(1) A person is guilty of an offence if—
(a) he causes a computer to perform any function with intent to secure access to any program or data held in any computer;
(b) the access he intends to secure is unauthorised; and
(c) he knows at the time when he causes the computer to perform the function that that is the case.
(2) The intent a person has to have to commit an offence under this section need not be directed at—
(a) any particular program or data;
(b) a program or data of any particular kind; or
(c) a program or data held in any particular computer.
(3) A person guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale or to both.

Under A.. hes guilty.......he looked up unused A/C`s

Under B ....guilty GOA never authorised it

Under C guilty he knew

I could go on


Originally posted by Tilda
An account imo, isnt a physical thing

you got a bank account or similar? How 'physical' is that? What's the difference, from your understanding, if someone steals your money, perhaps by useing a stolen copy of the software that manages the account? Or by finding your PIN (which isn't a 'physical thing')?

Guess you woudn't mind, as none of those are a 'physical thing'(s).


"and this time he contacted me because he apparently needed a character promoted to gamemaster on Prydwen. I was busy at the time, but the day after, 17th of August, I promoted his character to gamemaster."

uhm laroma gave mrX and sharma gamemaster status that MUST be modifiying data surely? Btw how can we know this is actually true and not some story so sharma and laroma have big goodbye?

tbh I find it weird that someone can give somebody else gamemaster status and that if its possible that it isnt with a big alarm on goas side. Ow and the most harm possible is that our data is out there(which it is) and that we lost time (which we did). chars deleted can be restored as the backups are most likely not on the network and probably not even on a computer (just a disc which can contain alot of data).


Well, GM characters are created at GOA HQ i suppose and each account is given a name/password just as unto every other account, using an account with a GM status character, it is possible to enable a flag on that charcter so it basically says youres a GM char to the server and it opens up the GM commands.

So in effect, GOA account, makes a char GM on another account, that char basically has the same powers as the GM who promoted the char, so more and more GM chars are possible.


Originally posted by Sharma
Well, GM characters are created at GOA HQ i suppose and each account is given a name/password just as unto every other account, using an account with a GM status character, it is possible to enable a flag on that charcter so it basically says youres a GM char to the server and it opens up the GM commands.

So in effect, GOA account, makes a char GM on another account, that char basically has the same powers as the GM who promoted the char, so more and more GM chars are possible.

it might be possible that you did it, but it shouldnt work like that. As why would gamemasters WANT to give such access to somebody else? Just let an adminastrator do that in the code itself as you wont do it very often. So if it works this way than mythic programmers fucked up imo, this is something where you dont need to give much freedom. Better to keep the creation of every gm account at your HQ. Also if you do allow it, you should do a sweep every now and then just to be sure nothing weird happened. anyway I guess goa and mythic learned from their mistakes, IF this is true.


who the fuck cares what he did, not like its the end of the world.

the sub downtime annoys me alot more :eek:


Originally posted by Aussie-
who the fuck cares what he did, not like its the end of the world.

the sub downtime annoys me alot more :eek:

Someone kill steals and it is the end of the world and you flame like a bastard. You have more than 24 hours downtime solely because of 2 idiots and it's


The Real Redi

im gonna sulk now as the link doesnt work and i have no idea whats going on :(


Originally posted by the_smurflord
Lets forget the "oh but their such a nice person" or "it's only a game" rubbish and concentrate on two facts:

1) They prevented a company from generating revenue for 3 weeks due their actions.
2) The stole customer's personal data. They may not have got the credit card details, but they certainly did get all our e-mail addresses, our real names and home addresses.

Both of these are very serious offences.
I don't know what the situation about extradition is within the EU, but this would normally carry a prison term.

tbh its not like GoA deserve any revenue at all.

after getting a US account and using the /appeal command for the first time. I got a reply within 7 minutes and all i was asking was how to release my corpse to the main city.

Doubt GoA would even bother with that.


Originally posted by Aussie-
who the fuck cares what he did, not like its the end of the world.

the sub downtime annoys me alot more :eek:

I say fair play to him, means i havent had to pay GoA a penny for 2-3 weeks now. No daoc means i do something else, no payments needed means more beer down the pub. Im happy ;p

As for a previous comment.. I`d love to take a lvl 70 toon somewhere and solo the dragon ;p

Hell just to kill those damn infils would make me happy ;p


Is the story link dead or something because i can't read it :(


Is the story link dead or something because i can't read it :(


Wouldn't surprise me if Laroma was in on it all but are just lying so nothing bad will happen to him.. Would be fun if MR.X gave us his version and GoA aswell =)


Plz post it again here if anyones got it, the link is very very dead :(


goa must of told him to take the story off and they'll give him his chars back or something.
i do hope they'll catch that "mrx" guy though. he must be one l33t d00d

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