Film The General Film Thread


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I do find it fascinating that Warner Brothers film execs seem to literally have no idea how to make a comic book movie. Since the last of the Nolan Batmans they've literally managed to fuck up an entire comic book universe. Four films, all terrible. And yet at exactly the same time the TV shows show how its done. Weird.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Just watched London Has Fallen.

Typical snackbar movie but ok in an fx pop corn type of way.

Makes a change to see london blown up rather than another american city.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
I saw Suicide Squad last night, it's not nearly as bad as the critics made out - it's rather average, the plot is pretty "eh.. uh, what.." but to me it was "just another average comic book thingy" and not much worse than some of the other average ones. I think the trailers made it look a lot more stylish and polished than it ended up being - it could have been a lot better. Wait for DVD.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I saw Suicide Squad last night, it's not nearly as bad as the critics made out - it's rather average, the plot is pretty "eh.. uh, what.." but to me it was "just another average comic book thingy" and not much worse than some of the other average ones. I think the trailers made it look a lot more stylish and polished than it ended up being - it could have been a lot better. Wait for DVD.

dammit, I had such high hopes :(


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
saw it tonight, not as polished as the marvel films but still enjoyed it.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
dammit, I had such high hopes :(

Thing is dude, two of my mates are comic book nuts - they generally love everything superhero related. One of them really liked it, the other one thought it was steaming turds. Give it a watch for sure, perhaps you'll really enjoy it.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I like Man of Steel, but Batman vs Superman was several hours of confusing tosh (I watched it at home due to poor reviews). I won't be seeing Suicide Squad. I wish more people would pay attention to reviews, that way films like this wouldn't turn a profit.


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
I quite liked BvS, i watched the extended 3 hour version at home, not the cinema version, (simply because at the time i just never got the chance to get to the cinema) so i don't know what was added to flesh it out. I didn't think it was 'that' bad, and its made it money back to date. I sometimes feel that too many people let the critics make their mind up for them instead of finding things out for themselves

I don't listen to reviews that much tbh, i like to make my own mind up. @russell and i went to see The BFG last week with the kids and we thought it was great, and that's been hammered by the critics.

Its all down to personnel opinion at the end of the day. The fanboys are always going to be disappointed as films like this never follow the true course of the comic book universe, but as @Big G said hes got one mate who loved it and one who didn't, and they're comic book nuts


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I quite liked BvS, i watched the extended 3 hour version at home, not the cinema version, (simply because at the time i just never got the chance to get to the cinema) so i don't know what was added to flesh it out. I didn't think it was 'that' bad, and its made it money back to date. I sometimes feel that too many people let the critics make their mind up for them instead of finding things out for themselves

I don't listen to reviews that much tbh, i like to make my own mind up. @russell and i went to see The BFG last week with the kids and we thought it was great, and that's been hammered by the critics.

Its all down to personnel opinion at the end of the day. The fanboys are always going to be disappointed as films like this never follow the true course of the comic book universe, but as @Big G said hes got one mate who loved it and one who didn't, and they're comic book nuts

There's "not following the comics" (which pretty much covers every comic movie ever) and then there's creating something that's entirely at odds with 80 years of history, which is why people have a problem with the current DC movie universe, hence the derisory "murderverse" tag.


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
I've never read the DC stuff, so I watch them as films, and enjoy them (and don't listen to critics, I make my own mind up)

It seems a percentage of the bad reviews are just fanboys getting their knickers in a twist, which is the always the way when a beloved character or story is transferred to the big or small screen


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I never read any of them either so can only base on content etc rather than authenticity


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I kind of thought "Superman doesn't murder people" was one of those things people knew whether they read the comics or not, like "Robin Hood robs the rich and gives to the poor"


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Watched Xmen Apocolypse ..the first 5 mins was like watching a Doctor Who, the acting was all sixth form school play, I was waiting for one of the extras to look at the camera.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I kind of thought "Superman doesn't murder people" was one of those things people knew whether they read the comics or not, like "Robin Hood robs the rich and gives to the poor"
Yeah but im not stuck on the comic book narative. I dont have anything invested in it.

Its sounds strange for super vs bat cause they supposed to be good. But if you can suspend belief that a man can fly and comes from a different planet then i can suspend that he might be a bit naughty in this film


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Watched Xmen Apocolypse ..the first 5 mins was like watching a Doctor Who, the acting was all sixth form school play, I was waiting for one of the extras to look at the camera.

Is that an X-Men Apocalypse rip off?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Could be...checks spelling


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I didn't think it was 'that' bad, and its made it money back to date.
What praise!

If I'm paying for it then it'd better be pretty good. Otherwise something else gets my limited funds.

(I thought it was absolutely shite btw - but then Zac Snyder's only ever done passable)


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
What praise!

If I'm paying for it then it'd better be pretty good. Otherwise something else gets my limited funds.

(I thought it was absolutely shite btw - but then Zac Snyder's only ever done passable)
And your entitled to your opinion.

What I meant by that was usually if a film is that bad it bombs financially as well as critically, but BvS didn't, it's done very well. Just because other people think it's shit, doesn't mean I have to be a sheep and think that too. I'm not 5yrs old, I can make my own mind up as obviously lots of other people did. Everyone is slagging off SS without even watching it, why, because some critic has said so? I'll make my own mind up when I go and see it. It's all popcorn stuff at the end of the day, it's hardly Shakespeare is it


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
usually if a film is that bad it bombs financially as well as critically, but BvS didn't
I agree about a lot of what you said but the above I don't.

It did well financially not because people thought the film was good - it's because it was Batman vs Superman and people wanted to see it.

Lots of people came out of that thinking "what a waste of cash". Just like some people who bought Daikatana thought the fact that John Romero's "masterpiece" was tanking critically wasn't enough of a reason to not to buy it - and they weren't going to fall for all this fanboi-ism and that they'd make their own damn mind up*...

*yes, apparently that tanked commercially too. But still... Commercial success isn't any measure of quality :\


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
Haven't a clue what that is I'm afraid, but I enjoyed BvS so I was a happy bunny at end of the day, and If I think SS is shite then I have no problem putting my hands up and saying so either


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Feel free to make your own mind up Edmond, but the studio has your money and doesn't care what your opinion is. They have your money. And because lots of people hold the same views, more of the same old shite gets made.

I tend to listen to Mark Kermode - if he says a film is shit, it's shit. Although I disagree with him about London Has Fallen, which was enjoyable rubbish.


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
But that is what its all about isn't it, I'm free to make my own mind up, if I enjoy a film that other people, be it my friends or a film critic says is shit, then that's my choice. Just because you think something stinks doesn't mean everyone has to agree, and people getting pissed because others want to make there own mind up is silly

If I'm entertained by something then that's what matters. If I'm looking forward to a film that gets slatted, I'm still going to go and see it and make my own mind up. I've seen lots of films that are praised to the heavens that I think are terrible, and vice versa


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I rarely goto to the cinema. In fact never since indie jones crystal skull cause i cant cope with the sound visual stimulous.

Had to leave half way through but liked the movie when i watched it at home

Daikatana was an epic fail. A bit like water world i guess in movies.

Like tom i found london has fallen ok. Havent watched s v b

But i prefer to make up my own mind rather than be sheep

Sure if you like someone to tell you what to like go for it. But im of a mind to make me own mind up.

Watched the big short tonight. Banker wankers hehe. Good film


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
But i prefer to make up my own mind rather than be sheep
Watching / listening to people who's very job relies on them being a good source of information doesn't make you a sheep - it just gives you more information to make your purchasing decision on.

I'm with Tom on Mark Kermode - he's consistent in his views but if I really want to go and see a film and he hates it I'm free to ignore him and go anyway.

But if there's a couple of films on offer that are both equally appealing and Mr Kermode has reviewed them and said "watch this one" I'm happy to roll with that as I trust his opinion on films and only have so much cash to burn.

Conscientious consumption of media right there. Theres only so much of my life I want to burn up on chod.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
You can only tell so much from reviews however - for instance, I don't know of anywhere that gave Sharknado a good write up, and it got 3/10 on IMDB.

Yet you watch it and realise that yes, yes it's awful. But absolutely brilliant at exactly the same time.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The name Sharknado tells you all you need to know.

It's only ever going to be absolutely brilliant if you're in that sort of mood - and that's the sort of mood I mostly stopped having when I was a teenager. Not for a second would I ever spend actual real money on it and it'll be no great loss to my life if I never see it.

I watched the youtube clip a few years ago. Job done. Don't need to watch the film. :)

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