Politics The General Election 2015

Who will you vote for?!

  • Green Party

    Votes: 7 11.1%
  • Monster Raving Loony Party

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • Conservative Party

    Votes: 21 33.3%
  • Labour Party

    Votes: 6 9.5%
  • United Kingdom Independence Party

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • British National Party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Liberal Democrats Party

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • None

    Votes: 10 15.9%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 5 7.9%

  • Total voters


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I wonder how many of the rioters spoiled their ballots as a protest or didn't vote at all...


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
They probably borrowed dadies credit card to get home to vote green.


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
Maybe I'm starting to get old but I can't really understand or relate to the people who are protesting. It made a lot more sense when I was a student and people were protesting about the increase in student fees. This time it just seems like people are mad because the conservatives won an election. If we "get the tories out" after they've just won a fair election then we might as well be living in Egypt.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The trouble is, die hard socialists just don't understand or want democracy.


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Oh hipsters, stick to posting on tumblr and drinking exotic tea.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Yes it is because you are getting old and optimism is replaced by pessimism as you realise the truth behind the bullshit on both sides, it seems to have happened to Russell Brand in one week, who is now trying to trademark his 'love' ution so he can sell trinkets.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I've got to admit I'm amazed by some of the wailing and gnashing of teeth by people I know on FB about the election; real end-of-the-world stuff, coupled with lots of its-not-fair FPTP is teh evuls stuff (despite the fact the Tories would still have won under PR). It makes me a bit uncomfortable tbh; I thought these people were fairly normal and they've gone right off the deep end.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Putting numbers together i can see why people want pr. But really doesnt work unless you take all the votes for the country together and then calculate who would get what and say to each party you have c number of mps go pick them. Which wouldnt give you local representation.

Im quite happy that fptp lead to ukip only getting one mp.

Other way to do it would be to split the country up via population so each ward has the same number of people give or take. That way scotland would have less wards to get mps from.

View: https://youtu.be/l8XOZJkozfI


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
Well the dice has been rolled so lets see how the next five years go but please those who voted conservatives dont even think about whining when your robbed and there is no police to help, your house is on fire and there is no firebrigade to help, your hurt and there is no nurses to help or when you see a child in need and there is no social services to help. Life will be better for those working in the private sector but just pray you do not need support from the public sector :(


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Well crime has fallen in the last 5 years. There's no evidence of fires getting more frequent, or more serious due to cuts. There have been more nurses appointed, and the promise of many more, plus I can afford private medical insurance because Tory policies have helped my business, and we're going through the process of becoming foster carers, because tory policies have made it possible for private fostering agencies to make it an economic possibility for us.

Apart from that what have the Tories ever done for us!?


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Well crime has fallen in the last 5 years. There's no evidence of fires getting more frequent, or more serious due to cuts. There have been more nurses appointed, and the promise of many more, plus I can afford private medical insurance because Tory policies have helped my business, and we're going through the process of becoming foster carers, because tory policies have made it possible for private fostering agencies to make it an economic possibility for us.

Apart from that what have the Tories ever done for us!?

Precisely, because the Tories have made your situation better.

@Talivar isn't a screaming socialist mate, he's just unfortunate enough to be working in the public sector under a Tory majority.


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
Part of the reason you havent noticed any decline is those of us left have had to work twice as hard to cover those that left so we have maintained a status quo, but how long before we all burn out or more cuts come and we just cant maintain the pace?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Those of us in the private sector have been working twice as hard for 15+ years since Labour started moving leftwards. We just didn't moan about it, we got our heads down, got on with it and waited for the country to come to it's senses and boot the socialists out. You forget that Labour only got in initially because they represented Tory Lite.

The Tories have managed a rebalancing of a bloated sector which Labour created to ensure their permanence. It just didn't work out for Labour too well did it?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Anyway, there's not much point banging on about it really. If the government pays your wages you're pretty likely going to be a Labour supporter, if you have to rely on business for your paycheque you're more than likely not going to be Labour supporter. In between you're likely to float.

If I end up, in the future, working in Local Government, I'll probably end up a Labour voter. I don't blame people for it, you're bound to want to protect your interests.

HAHAhaha!!! of course I wouldn't. Labour are always a disaster for this country, you're deluded if you think otherwise.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Anyway, there's not much point banging on about it really. If the government pays your wages you're pretty likely going to be a Labour supporter, if you have to rely on business for your paycheque you're more than likely not going to be Labour supporter. In between you're likely to float.

If I end up, in the future, working in Local Government, I'll probably end up a Labour voter. I don't blame people for it, you're bound to want to protect your interests.

HAHAhaha!!! of course I wouldn't. Labour are always a disaster for this country, you're deluded if you think otherwise.

No, but if your business goes bust, and you end up in a shit ton of debt, and the safety nets aren't there anymore which a Labour Government would usually provide, I highly doubt you'd remain a Tory voter.

You even said earlier, you pretty much don't give a shit about the NHS, cos your business is doing well, meaning you can pay for private health.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Well crime has fallen in the last 5 years. There's no evidence of fires getting more frequent, or more serious due to cuts. There have been more nurses appointed, and the promise of many more, plus I can afford private medical insurance because Tory policies have helped my business, and we're going through the process of becoming foster carers, because tory policies have made it possible for private fostering agencies to make it an economic possibility for us.

Apart from that what have the Tories ever done for us!?

With respect, this leaves a bit of a bad taste in my mouth. It actually suits me that Dave's in power, I've never been so much better off and my private health care means the NHS is a bit of a non issue for me personally. But as someone who comes from a poor socialist background, I like to see it with a pair of eyes that means I can look at my fellow Scots who don't have it as good as me that will never get a chance to be "working twice as hard" as you put it, who will never have private health care and are fully reliant on a good NHS. When Labour and Conservative suck through their teeth on the NHS but blow billions on warmongering, I don't think about how good I've got it, I think about the billions pissed up the wall instead of making a difference for those who aren't so privileged.

Hence, fuck the pair of them.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Part of the reason you havent noticed any decline is those of us left have had to work twice as hard to cover those that left so we have maintained a status quo, but how long before we all burn out or more cuts come and we just cant maintain the pace?

While I sympathise with those in the public sector that might be looking over their shoulder regarding staff cuts and what not, most people in the private sector spent years doing the same under labour. I got made redundant as a direct result of Labour. I worked for an employment company that had to close down offices due to there not being enough jobs around.

As for staff efficiency, get used to it, the private sector has been cut to the bone for years.


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
For me if i do my job well i keep my job until the next cuts then fight with my friends over the remaining places, i do my job bad and children potentially die or families break up and i lose my job for sure with a black mark against my name. No matter how HARD i work i wont increase my income to allow me to go private healthcare so comparing public and private is not really fair, especially if you own a business and actually get the business profit yourself if it increases.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
For me if i do my job well i keep my job until the next cuts then fight with my friends over the remaining places, i do my job bad and children potentially die or families break up and i lose my job for sure with a black mark against my name. No matter how HARD i work i wont increase my income to allow me to go private healthcare so comparing public and private is not really fair, especially if you own a business and actually get the business profit yourself if it increases.

^ This

The thing is though @Raven when you're running a conventional business it's easy for the guy/s at the top to say, right, he's shit, sack him 'But sir, he's the manager, he's on 100k!'

In the public sector, it's more like 'Punish the people at the bottom because they're easy to get rid of, and they don't kick up as much as a fuss and can't protect their back like middle management'

Which of course is ironic since the public sector is Labours stomping ground which doesn't really promote socialism.

If the Tories promised to do more about the middle management in the public sector, I'm sure they'd get more working class votes, but as a result they'd lose those middle management votes, so why risk stable votes for potiental votes?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
During the Labour governments and possibly before we as a country employed more civil servants than we could afford. This is why the spending was out of control. That and th benefits system has made it so hard to balance the books. Yes you could say the wars as well. But those were entered into before the last parliament as well. And the help against isis and lybia were no were near as expensive as the prolonged occupation of iraq and afgan.

So the benefits need to be cut and the over staffed civil servants need to be thinned. And as @Gumbo said. Since the banking crisis the private sector has been very careful with its money. Lack of payrises. Not replacing staff who leave. Redundancies. All have been there but because its private sector there are no big rallies or strikes about pay or conditions because they would jus sack us and hire other people.

In the sixteen year i worked for my last company i maybe got a payrise every three or four years on average. More at the beginning less towards the end. With the culling of our final salary pension and loss or degradation of the benefits the company gave us.

So i dont listen to th bleating of those poor civil servants. Because its the same everywhere


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
^ This

The thing is though @Raven when you're running a conventional business it's easy for the guy/s at the top to say, right, he's shit, sack him 'But sir, he's the manager, he's on 100k!'

In the public sector, it's more like 'Punish the people at the bottom because they're easy to get rid of, and they don't kick up as much as a fuss and can't protect their back like middle management'

Which of course is ironic since the public sector is Labours stomping ground which doesn't really promote socialism.

If the Tories promised to do more about the middle management in the public sector, I'm sure they'd get more working class votes, but as a result they'd lose those middle management votes, so why risk stable votes for potiental votes?

Actually, you have to jump through a huge amount of hoops to get rid of anyone in the public sector. Even if people don't bother turning up for work there are lengthy procedures to get rid of them. Then add the unions and the arseache they cause.

A mate of mine was one of the HR guys for Birmingham City council and he told me some horror stories of useless staff and the crap they had to get through just to get rid of them.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Honestly, the truth is, whichever party is in power no one will ever be 100% happy apart from the party in power.

If Labour had won this time how does anyone know that they would of made anything any better? They sure as hell didn't last time or the time before that did they? Maybe if it were your relatives left dead with no one to bury them because the Labour backed unions went on strike in the 70's you would feel differently now? You know, like how the miners feel about the Tories now?

Horses for courses and all that, every leader is a liar, it's how they get there but the one that sticks in my mind is Blair and for as long as I live I will never vote Labour because of that man and what he did.

Hey it's ok at least we have our gold reserves to fall back on :/

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