Thanks to every Alb who came to the RR!

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
noaim said:
You whine about something in every post you make, and most of the time its warlocks, sm´s, bd´s, pretty much like Glottis, most likely because you get farmed over and over by people playing those classes. Maybe you should change the record.

Less assumptions, more clue. Maybe something you should aim for 2006.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
Less assumptions, more clue. Maybe something you should aim for 2006.

So the reason you whine about said classes is that they provide you with rp´s and never kill you? Wow, thats an original reason to whine about something I guess.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
noaim said:
So the reason you whine about said classes is that they provide you with rp´s and never kill you? Wow, thats an original reason to whine about something I guess.

Where do I whine about the classes? Please quote me? And even if I do, who are you to critisize me? Just fuck off.

Most of the SMs, BDs and WLs played on the server are played by players who stop on inc and press one button over and over again, they are no threat, there is hardly a reason to whine about them. I have no problem with them being solo or in a group, so maybe you need to work your reading comprehension skills or something or just look up the word whine or irony, I don't know. The only thing I've been whining about is baseline stun on casters, but this has been partly resolved with new determination changes and caster vs caster the one with the jump wins mostly anyway, *shrug*.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
Most of the SMs, BDs and WLs played on the server are played by players who stop on inc and press one button over and over again, IQUOTE]

Thats you isn't it manisch?

And btw can albs maybe leave mid fronteir or stop trying to take the towers back that we have just taken.

Like whats the point you got your relics so piss of.

Don't you realise whats going to happen? albs will piss mids of so much when trying to attempt trying to take blend back that they just wont bother anymore. Like today mids tried several times to take it back, but in the end all you do is camp in groups of 30 and people just log.

Mids will just bum of the classic server seeing theres no point trying to rvr with albs stilll zerging mid fronteir.

Welcome to the now dead server. I did /who nf today a 6:30 and was 37 mids online in fronteirs, and thats includding BB's. Out of around 500-600 people on the server. And imo it will only get worse as i can see this going on for a heck of a long time.

Will be just like times before clustre occured but worse.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 27, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
Where do I whine about the classes? Please quote me? And even if I do, who are you to critisize me? Just fuck off.

Most of the SMs, BDs and WLs played on the server are played by players who stop on inc and press one button over and over again, they are no threat, there is hardly a reason to whine about them. I have no problem with them being solo or in a group, so maybe you need to work your reading comprehension skills or something or just look up the word whine or irony, I don't know. The only thing I've been whining about is baseline stun on casters, but this has been partly resolved with new determination changes and caster vs caster the one with the jump wins mostly anyway, *shrug*.

I really find it amusing, Shirely, how an overpowered sorc dares to complain about other classes.

Move along, Sarah, and enjoy the new year. I think girl Manisch Depressiv needs some helpin.
Apr 20, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
Where do I whine about the classes? Please quote me? And even if I do, who are you to critisize me? Just fuck off.

Most of the SMs, BDs and WLs played on the server are played by players who stop on inc and press one button over and over again, they are no threat, there is hardly a reason to whine about them. I have no problem with them being solo or in a group, so maybe you need to work your reading comprehension skills or something or just look up the word whine or irony, I don't know. The only thing I've been whining about is baseline stun on casters, but this has been partly resolved with new determination changes and caster vs caster the one with the jump wins mostly anyway, *shrug*.

you missed Sorcs off there ¬_¬ i'd say cabs aswell but they debuff before spamming 1 button xd... but anyway theres alot of "1 button spamming" classes ingame :/ people play them for fun... shame people like you winge over it.. let the epeen die abit and live the "game" like its suppose to be
Apr 20, 2004
brad said:
Manisch Depressiv said:
Most of the SMs, BDs and WLs played on the server are played by players who stop on inc and press one button over and over again, IQUOTE]

Thats you isn't it manisch?

And btw can albs maybe leave mid fronteir or stop trying to take the towers back that we have just taken.

Like whats the point you got your relics so piss of.

Don't you realise whats going to happen? albs will piss mids of so much when trying to attempt trying to take blend back that they just wont bother anymore. Like today mids tried several times to take it back, but in the end all you do is camp in groups of 30 and people just log.

Mids will just bum of the classic server seeing theres no point trying to rvr with albs stilll zerging mid fronteir.

Welcome to the now dead server. I did /who nf today a 6:30 and was 37 mids online in fronteirs, and thats includding BB's. Out of around 500-600 people on the server. And imo it will only get worse as i can see this going on for a heck of a long time.

Will be just like times before clustre occured but worse.

Well... end of the day brad mids never had the numbers alb does ;/ isnt enough kiddie classes to keep mid populated ^_^ population will rise abit when 1.81 hits brad :p easymode toa then


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
GrisomWarshadow said:
Well... end of the day brad mids never had the numbers alb does ;/ isnt enough kiddie classes to keep mid populated ^_^

you joking? :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
Where do I whine about the classes? Please quote me? And even if I do, who are you to critisize me? Just fuck off.

Most of the SMs, BDs and WLs played on the server are played by players who stop on inc and press one button over and over again, they are no threat, there is hardly a reason to whine about them. I have no problem with them being solo or in a group, so maybe you need to work your reading comprehension skills or something or just look up the word whine or irony, I don't know. The only thing I've been whining about is baseline stun on casters, but this has been partly resolved with new determination changes and caster vs caster the one with the jump wins mostly anyway, *shrug*.

Thats true, 95% or more of replacement sm´s and bd´s we used in grp has been pretty shit, get nothing done and take alot of damage, but I can assure you, the same goes for most sorcs and cabbys that you run into aswell. I am pretty sure its about the same for any op´d class, it will attract lots of people, but not many will be able to play em decently. Now I cba to look through posts to find whine from you etc, but I am pretty sure I seen you whine about wl´s, sm´s and bd´s at more than 1 occasion, but maybe that was just irony and not real whine then.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Wholdar said:
Ye, the shaman with DI3! =)

And funny how you MOC when you don´t even have the RA. You rock Manisch. =)

Actually, Albs would probably have failed if you joined up, since you would probably try to convince them of all the uber-RA´s and specs all the midgard classes can have. :p


Like the thrust specced SB? :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Svartmetall said:
Our realm has never been able to just steamroll an entire realm at will like that, especially not at that time of the morning.

You have a short memory there Svart. Perhaps you weren't playing back in OF era, when, after a period of not having relics for a whole month, WR alliance organised a true alarm clock raid that drew over 100 middies (I think it was circa 150), starting at 4am. Or perhaps you were playing, but just choose to forget what isn't convenient.


Loyal Freddie
Mar 10, 2004
Alarm Clock Raid : A raid performed at the dead of night by a set group of people meeting at a preordained time where they get out of bed due to an alarmclock

War of Attrition : Attrition warfare is a strategic concept that to win a war, one's enemy must be worn down to the point of collapse by continuous losses in personnel and materiel. The war will eventually be won by the side with greater such reserves.
Apr 20, 2004
delete said:
fear the thrust specced SB! :D

btw; great job killing the almost dead server albs :p

pop will go back up upon easy mode toa man :p everyone will roll casters! because they don't have to sit through modded grps to get erinys or js anymore xD "why am i sitting reading fh on new years eve you might ask?" because i'm staying in tonight xD


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
so much whine and bitching, 10pm is decent enough well done Albs. This has been waiting to happen for a long time now. I am surprised it just didn't happen to Hibernia. Hib is next.

I ain't been online for nearly 2 weeks in the frontier but the writing is on the wall for Hibernia.

When it happens all sit down and go figure out that the Classic servers are the real factor here.

- give 1.81 patch asap imo.

and no I ain't going to fecking classic I want my 1.81 patch dammit.
Apr 20, 2004
Sharkith said:
so much whine and bitching, 10pm is decent enough well done Albs. This has been waiting to happen for a long time now. I am surprised it just didn't happen to Hibernia. Hib is next.

I ain't been online for nearly 2 weeks in the frontier but the writing is on the wall for Hibernia.

When it happens all sit down and go figure out that the Classic servers are the real factor here.

- give 1.81 patch asap imo.

and no I ain't going to fecking classic I want my 1.81 patch dammit.

albs take hibs relics the same thing will just happen like it did last time they took all 6.... mids+hibs will just arse rape them and take every single one :p and last time alb had its full defence and still lost ^_^ remember that day... funny indeed.. anyway matters not to me they still die the same ¬_¬


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2004
charmangle said:
Ofc it does its a relic raid starting from 17.00 GMT and end it at the latest by 01.00 GMT. If you havent succeded by then you have failed and the defenders beat you.

Why is this the case then ? Well you cant claim a well done/good relic raid after the defenders go to sleep. If you want to hear that it was a good raid and skillfull execution/leadership etc, you do it while there are decent amounts of defenders. (like mids have done a couple of tries the last month or so). Starting the raid at 18.00 GMT calling it quits at 23.00 GMT.

This raid basically just shows how the game is NOT supposed to be played but is possible to play because of the low population and stupidness off Mythic. (Why not just upgrade all guards/keeps horribly at lowpopulation times and days. Making it virtually impossible to take anything important at those times)

If there were 500 people on each server 24/7 we wouldnt have this problem. But since GOA (quite poinlessly) clustered the english servers to get higher population and then counters that by creating a new english server to drain the population again, we will just have to live with this kind of game destructive events.

Having a raid that starts at 22.00 and goes on till 06.00 might not be an alarm clock raid in words byt certainly is in all other essential parts. And only to make it worse, doing this during the hollidays, just makes it plainly boring.

I congratulate albs on getting the relics, but you didnt do it in a decent manner, nor do you deserv to be congratulated on a job well done etc. Lets call it as it is...You noticed an easy way off getting your relic back and took advandage of hard feelings.



Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Gordonax said:
You have a short memory there Svart. Perhaps you weren't playing back in OF era, when, after a period of not having relics for a whole month, WR alliance organised a true alarm clock raid that drew over 100 middies (I think it was circa 150), starting at 4am. Or perhaps you were playing, but just choose to forget what isn't convenient.
I've been playing since August 2002, actually. And 100-150 Mids at 0400? Doesn't hold a candle to the number of Albs that were around at 0500 this morning. And if that WR raid was an organised raid, then serious effort had to be made to mount it; you just randomly (if the "we never planned an RR in advance" people here are to be believed) threw double or more that amount together...
I say again: Albion has always had a massive numbers advantage, and you had an obscene numbers advantage this morning*. Show me a time when Albion has ever been an underpopulated realm, anywhere? On US servers, Midgard has now become the underpopulated realm on every server; it's almost a 2-realm game in some places. And what happens on US servers has a habit of happening over here a few months later.

*And some overpowered classes, especially so in situations where range is a factor. Yes, really. I know Albs think they are terribly hard-done-by and have to work so hard to get anywhere, but there actually are some seriously overpowered classes in Albion**. The difference being that Midgard's overpowered classes get nerfed, usually very heavily, and yours don't. Maybe that's why you don't realise or are unable to accept how overpowered they are.

**It's OK. I don't expect you to admit it in public.


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
*And some overpowered classes, especially so in situations where range is a factor. Yes, really. I know Albs think they are terribly hard-done-by and have to work so hard to get anywhere, but there actually are some seriously overpowered classes in Albion**. The difference being that Midgard's overpowered classes get nerfed, usually very heavily, and yours don't. Maybe that's why you don't realise or are unable to accept how overpowered they are.

Too much babycham is bad.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
someone find me some care, i am all out.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
lol @ the whine about this, server aint dead, far from it, im pretty sure mids can rally up enough numbers to at least claim back their own relics soon enough, its just a matter of time. That mean mids do have to leave brynja though, which can be hard I guess.
Apr 20, 2004
Shike said:
lol @ the whine about this, server aint dead, far from it, im pretty sure mids can rally up enough numbers to at least claim back their own relics soon enough, its just a matter of time. That mean mids do have to leave brynja though, which can be hard I guess.

rally the numbers? what numbers lol :p the only time i EVER see 70+ mids in 1 place is ML raids :x and even then sometimes its under 50 :x rally the numbers my arse alb has the numbers to defend 24/7 just admit it.. the only way mids gonna get there own relics back is if they organize it all perfectly... which won't happen due to no1 listening+low numbers


Nov 20, 2005
Svartmetall said:
seriously overpowered classes in Albion**

since a picture says more then a thousand words:

the overpoweredness of albion.


and let me quote a mid who played all 3 realms
I was sooo wrong ... 11/12/05 3:36 AM
I have played both Mid and Hib since release (more Mid than Hib). Now during that time, I have always thought, "Dam, I must be pretty good". I thought this because I would greater than not come on top with most of my solo battles or even group battles against either realm, butmore against the Albs.

I decided to go to ALB Gareth (minimal bots for r v r) and what an eye opener this was (and still is).

To revert back to mid, My skald did very well in the BGs and NF (back in the day was emain... lol). My SB rocked, my Zerker rocked, My Runie rocked, (no hunter) my savage rocked and even my warrior did fairly well, then my BD dominated bg's then fairly well in NF, (never did do a WL past 44 (but dominated in BGs) and all of these are not botted.

After Mid, I moved to hib Percival where my chanter dominated, My NS dominated, my Ranger Dominated and my Vamp (when it was first out) in the bgs (never got to 50), My animist was so easy in r v r it wasnt even funny. none of these where botted either.

Now here goes my Alb side. .. lol, (remember this is in Classic server) My scout truely sucks balls. As a matter a fact my average hit is about 2/3 or what my ranger did and what rangers do to me now My necro truely sucks in r v r. My Cabalist does "OK" and i like playing my Thurg, however I still rate him "high" "ok"

Now from my experience from all the realms, I never realized how devistating the Baseline stun was or why my vamp could just charge into a full group and still take 1-2 with me, or more :) I did realize how hard the shrooms hit during a tower/ck/keep take and remember grouping with 3-4 Animist before I was never on the recieving end of a BD instant cast (or castable spell along with instant) before. As for the WLs, instant death for me if they target me and dump.

Well I was wrong, and am not as good as I thought I was. I was just OPed in comparison to majority of the Albs. So fogive me for all of the /rudes /laugh /salutes i gave you from the other end after i killed you as a Mid/Hib, I was jsut ignorant to the power I had and didnt even realize it. Again so sorry.
Apr 20, 2004
Crocky said:
since a picture says more then a thousand words:

the overpoweredness of albion.


and let me quote a mid who played all 3 realms

can't say vamps are that op tbh :x... unbuffed merc took fully toa'd vamp capped sists down to 35% before he died... mincer killed vamp quite easily... friar beat vamp down.... ^_^ 2500 hp... +135 to str/con/dex +90 to quick... ability to fumble debuff people... dd.... hot.... end tap... self haste etc etc... yet it gets pissed on by so much :d wheres the overpoweredness there? and before you reply with "played by good people they're op" thing had that before :p and its bs vamps are overrated.... if vamps were as op as people said they'd have nps at all with mincers nps at all with unbuffed merc and no trouble at all with friars... all very well saying "but they hit hard 1handed!"... hard aye.. with the follow up to starter...


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 30, 2004
So that Mid player that player all 3 realms :eek6: never ever meet a hib when he played Mid and never ever meet a Mid when he played hib Sorry full of shit nice to know some of you dont know what a troll is.

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