Thanks to every Alb who came to the RR!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
(Why not just upgrade all guards/keeps horribly at lowpopulation times and days. Making it virtually impossible to take anything important at those times)

Because there are people from all parts of EU playing here and some from outside EU countries? And maybe because obviously some people want to play at those hours?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Dam albs do relics raids at reasonable times. :twak:

Not that losing relics will bother me, just means il be boating to hib rather than alb now.:)

Check my image on signature. It's our last memory of our lost relic.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2004
brad said:
Dam albs do relics raids at reasonable times. :twak:

Not that losing relics will bother me, just means il be boating to hib rather than alb now.:)

actually now more albz will come out to play (everytime albz get hands on relic/or any other realm more ppl coming out to rvr to use those bonuses)


Loyal Freddie
Nov 12, 2004
so............. any albs still confused why both hibs and mids prefer to attack you rather than each other?


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 8, 2004
To all the AC mud-flingers..

It amazes me how some people just can't seem to comprehend the world outside their own front door.

I'm hearing a lot of people (you know who you are) moaning constantly about 'alarm clock' this and 'alarm clock' that.

Well, here's a little wake up call for you all....

DAOC does NOT revolve about Greenwich Mean Time.

DAOC does NOT revolve about 'evening play'.

DAOC does NOT revolve about 'school hours/holidays'.

DAOC does NOT revolve about 9 till 5 jobs.

and finally, DAOC does NOT revolve about YOU. :twak:

To anyone who is still delusioned enough to think having to defend a keep at 3 in the morning is 'unfair' (the whole GAME is unfair to someone at sometime), I suggest you move to Australia... then you'll have a whole day to help secure your keep.

In the meantime, let those who are able to play the game at hours that don't suit you get on with it.

Maybe if you stopped moaning like kids, more Australians would want to play the game with you, and you wouldn't have lost the relics:clap:

Well done everyone who took part.. relic raids like this is a GOOD thing for EVERYONE on the cluster!


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2004
Lamont said:
Well done everyone who took part.. relic raids like this is a GOOD thing for EVERYONE on the cluster!

roflmao NO Comment!!!


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Its indeed a good thing and it was a good raid from albion! (yea i'm playing alb now so its good they have relics!)

Now the action moves to alb frontier, with hibs & mids trying to get relics.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2004
elbeek said:
Spaznet relpies with no comment!

Elbexyiek? u taking this at personal level? ok im in let the war commence

ps. soz about your name but i think its better this way:eek7:

ps.2 there the way u made my nickname is very offencive word (colse to what u wrote where i come from btw)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
there the way u made my nickname is very offencive word



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 27, 2004
30 albs + 3 relics in one night = priceless

thanks for everyone who attended..

+1 xrystofer for dropping the relic, because he tried to dive..

and to those who say bla bla bla alarm clock raids.. this raid started about 10 pm gmt.. mids did a damn good job defending..

See you at the retake..

30 albs??? Mabey right at the end I agree but during the majority of the riad there were far far more albs than 30. There were 30 albs just taking one tower at one stage.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
I feel sorry for all the SMs and warlocks, I rly do... especially the freedom fighters camping brynja all day long.


Albs have a history of making raids at all times, it really isnt a surprise. But.. as said, I really feel sorry for all the warlocks and SMs.


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Can take towers/other rvr...?

Thorwyn[B&Q] said:
Because there are people from all parts of EU playing here and some from outside EU countries? And maybe because obviously some people want to play at those hours?

Well its a minority of the players that do play at those hours...
They would still be able to play around with towers etc and lay the groundwork for the different raids ?


ps. If you cant satisfy all concentrate on the majority ? ds.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2004
QQ mids and hibs :) always the same, regardless of what realm takes the relics.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2004
Jimmi said:
QQ mids and hibs :) always the same, regardless of what realm takes the relics.

poor albies all world is agains them ... let me gif u a hug :fluffle:

and albies never QQ never !!!


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
I wasnt moaning I was mearly pointing out...

Lamont said:
It amazes me how some people just can't seem to comprehend the world outside their own front door.

Well Im guessing you werent talking about me since I wasnt moaning, I was merly point out that it wasnt any kind of uber teamwork and great raidingskills that brought on this sudden change of relics. (As I interpreted the threadstarters remark to some degree too mean!:)

But rather good (or bad depending on whos view you are seeing it from:) timing from albs.



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 26, 2004
Ironfalcon said:

30 albs + 3 relics in one night = priceless

thanks for everyone who attended..

+1 xrystofer for dropping the relic, because he tried to dive..

and to those who say bla bla bla alarm clock raids.. this raid started about 10 pm gmt.. mids did a damn good job defending..

See you at the retake..

gratz well done


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
charmangle said:
Well Im guessing you werent talking about me since I wasnt moaning, I was merly point out that it wasnt any kind of uber teamwork and great raidingskills that brought on this sudden change of relics. (As I interpreted the threadstarters remark to some degree too mean!:)

But rather good (or bad depending on whos view you are seeing it from:) timing from albs.


I disagree - we had two independent bg's working together well to control the mids by forcing them to make defensive decisions. Imo that IS a good relic raiding tactic. If you can control (to a certain degree) where the enemy is then you have the advantage. It may have looked to the mids like it was bad luck that as one bg sieged a relic keep other important keeps were being taken but it was not. Afaik it wasnt planned but evolved s the night went on. Most credit should goto Tappi for his work in keeping the pressure on fens all night with his BG. Its a very very hard thing to do to keep a bg intact after 2 big wipes as any one who has lead a BG will know. I'll agree that the albs has some luck with regards to timing but in any conflict luck favors the bold.


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Ofc you are right!:)

Ging said:
I disagree - we had two independent bg's working together well to control the mids by forcing them to make defensive decisions. Imo that IS a good relic raiding tactic. If you can control (to a certain degree) where the enemy is then you have the advantage. It may have looked to the mids like it was bad luck that as one bg sieged a relic keep other important keeps were being taken but it was not. Afaik it wasnt planned but evolved s the night went on. Most credit should goto Tappi for his work in keeping the pressure on fens all night with his BG. Its a very very hard thing to do to keep a bg intact after 2 big wipes as any one who has lead a BG will know. I'll agree that the albs has some luck with regards to timing but in any conflict luck favors the bold.

Oh ofc you are right...I might have overstated abit there...If you arent serging 100 to 1 then there basically has to be decent raidleading for any relic attemt to succed. So ofc you prolly had nice raidleading during the raid itself, but the thing that made you get the relic wasnt the great raidleading...(if that had been the case you would just go and take it any day at 20.00). But the decicive factor was the time of the raid. (And ofc luck has nothing to do with that, you noticed the defence was weak and you could take a keep, and just keept going. Like anyone would have done no matter how much they moan about alarm clock raids etc) (And yes that goes for me too:). Its just that since GOA usurped the Cluster by creating classic, the night time playing mids has gone down to rediculous numbers, meaning that its not really a challenge for Albs to take the relic like they did yesterday. The great relicraiding skills doesnt shine through because its really not needed, since you have no real opposition at those hours.

So in short...more inhouse glory to the raidleaders that pulls any relic raid off...but you really cant expect the other side to consider it a good raid when you attack them at their weakest and not when they have the numbers to fight back properly.


Ps. I wonder what the odds are for someone to only read to 100 to 1 and stop there and mindlessly write a: "We were no where near those numbers...balblalba"...just to make it clear, I meant that as opposed to this nights events...:) ds.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Spetsnaz said:
poor albies all world is agains them ... let me gif u a hug :fluffle:

and albies never QQ never !!!

Hmm did you even read further than to the word "QQ"? :p
You seem to have missed his point altogether...

Although I believe relics should be removed from the game, there's nothing wrong with trying to take them at any time

People who go "ffs! wah!" are amusing, and even more so are their "arguments"

Congrats to albs, and yes indeed there are always sore ppl flaming the grats threads after a RR, no matter what realm got the relics :p


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2004
Fellavader said:
Hmm did you even read further than to the word "QQ"? :p
You seem to have missed his point altogether...

Although I believe relics should be removed from the game, there's nothing wrong with trying to take them at any time

People who go "ffs! wah!" are amusing, and even more so are their "arguments"

Congrats to albs, and yes indeed there are always sore ppl flaming the grats threads after a RR, no matter what realm got the relics :p

ok see ur point now and agree with u, soz but english aint my native language so i can be excused


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
charmangle said:
Oh ofc you are right.... <lots of relavent txt>

But you are discounting the albs from any tactical, strategic and organisational skills?

Surely its harder to take 3 relics from mids than it is a piss up in a brewery the simplist of all forms of organisation?

Lets be honest at 01:00 (ish) mids wipe the fens bg and had a count of 75. By 03:00mids were down to about 40-50 of which a majority were siege specalist classes. Is it entirely possible that due to some organisation and planning (on the spot) the albs managed to beat you? Or do you put it down to blind luck and numbers? You know there is a thing call psycology(sp) and the demoralisaion of the mid spirit may have counted largely for the decline in defenders. That MAY well have been a ploy of the albs. To crush the spirit of the opposition and gain advantage is a good thing in combat. If the tables were turned i would have been severly pissed off and probably logged.


Dec 23, 2003
when did you actually take the relics? 5am? shut the fuck up then its at a stupid time, i myself didnt bother defending as it was just clueless people running around with no organisation and would only delay the time at which they where taken.

most people playing classic and its christmas time and the server is pretty dead and messed up because of that atm and you still have to take them at 5am and you expect us to go WOW grats great raid? welcome to reality, you couldnt take them properly you had to wait until it was virtually PvE, who cares what time you started

oh and maybe you will grow some balls and leave albion bridge now so you can be farmed with more ease


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Im said that you had to have decent raidleading...

Ging said:
But you are discounting the albs from any tactical, strategic and organisational skills?

Surely its harder to take 3 relics from mids than it is a piss up in a brewery the simplist of all forms of organisation?

Lets be honest at 01:00 (ish) mids wipe the fens bg and had a count of 75. By 03:00mids were down to about 40-50 of which a majority were siege specalist classes. Is it entirely possible that due to some organisation and planning (on the spot) the albs managed to beat you? Or do you put it down to blind luck and numbers? You know there is a thing call psycology(sp) and the demoralisaion of the mid spirit may have counted largely for the decline in defenders. That MAY well have been a ploy of the albs. To crush the spirit of the opposition and gain advantage is a good thing in combat. If the tables were turned i would have been severly pissed off and probably logged.

Well I said you have to have decent raidleading to pull any raid off...that means you prolly had it...its just that you didnt really need it at that time a night. I logged on at 04.00 CET (Might have been 3.30 too not sure) and at that time there were 56 mids in total logged on...mids in frontier there cant have been more than 20 active beeing bbs or not in frontiers...

Albs had atleast 2 probably 3 times that number out...

So no it was not superior organization that led to the relics beeing on your side...even though you prolly had great raidleading (judging from your comments etc) it just didnt make any difference this time because you would have gotten the relics anyway.

But if the same people, same raidleader etc had tried to do the exact same thing at 18.00 CET most surly wouldnt have had any relics in hand at 24.00 (same timeframe). The time was what made you succeed not the raidleading skills (even though ofc both helps).

If you pull off a 20.00 CET relic raid on hibs and succeed at getting both their relics Ill take my hat of and applaude the best raidleader ever to set his foot on this server!:) (If you arent 20 to 1 ofc in numbers!:)



Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Ironfalcon said:
30 albs + 3 relics in one night = priceless
30? You were playing on some other cluster, perhaps. I should have screenshotted it, but at 0400 exactly /who showed 49 Mids in the frontier. And 500 online.

mids did a damn good job defending
Yes, we did, given what we had to work with...i.e. about 1/6th of your numbers at the very most, down to what looked to be 1/8th by the end. Last night's display of Alb numbers was genuinely depressing and off-putting to Mids players. When it gets so bad you are instilling a real sense of futility into the players of a whole realm, then you should step back and look at the state of the game (a case in point being the dire straits Midgard is in on every US server).

Our realm has never been able to just steamroll an entire realm at will like that, especially not at that time of the morning. It got to the point where you had to log in disgust because it was absolutely pointless even trying to do anything as there were - quite apart from the multiple FGs at the keeps - roaming FGs or more of Albs everywhere, even at 0520 when I logged because of the bad taste it was leaving in my mouth. Try to run from Svas to Fens? Instaganked by Albs. Try to run anywhere after jumping off the boat from Arv to yet another red-stained tower? Instaganked by Albs. Swim up to a Bled tower? Instaganked by Albs.

I hope you enjoy having all those relics, but please don't tell yourself you got them by skill (I'm not saying Albs have no skill, I'm just saying what happened last night had nothing whatsoever to do with skill). Don't tell yourself you got them by tactics. Don't tell yourself it was an honourable victory. Don't tell yourself in fact that it was anything other than an obscene numbers advantage (aided by some overpowered ranged abilities) that won them for you.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 21, 2004
Brite said:
when did you actually take the relics? 5am? shut the fuck up then its at a stupid time, i myself didnt bother defending as it was just clueless people running around with no organisation and would only delay the time at which they where taken.

most people playing classic and its christmas time and the server is pretty dead and messed up because of that atm and you still have to take them at 5am and you expect us to go WOW grats great raid? welcome to reality, you couldnt take them properly you had to wait until it was virtually PvE, who cares what time you started

oh and maybe you will grow some balls and leave albion bridge now so you can be farmed with more ease
Its simpel really.. Those that paly albs are mostly childrens that are 13-15 year old and cant sleep and then there are the roleplayers that want those relics... its really pathetic to log on at 12.30 CET and see that our frontir is bustet.. totaly razed.. sukz really


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
balkeriz said:
Those that paly albs are mostly childrens that are 13-15 year old
Odin knows I have no love whatsoever for Albion, but that's a silly generalisation.
Its really pathetic to log on at 12.30 CET and see that our frontir is bustet.. totaly razed.. sukz really


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Brite said:
when did you actually take the relics? 5am? shut the fuck up then its at a stupid time, i myself didnt bother defending as it was just clueless people running around with no organisation and would only delay the time at which they where taken.

most people playing classic and its christmas time and the server is pretty dead and messed up because of that atm and you still have to take them at 5am and you expect us to go WOW grats great raid? welcome to reality, you couldnt take them properly you had to wait until it was virtually PvE, who cares what time you started

oh and maybe you will grow some balls and leave albion bridge now so you can be farmed with more ease
Best rant so far:clap: i won't even start to point out parts of your inane drivel,thanks for the best laugh i've had here for a while.

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