Thanks to every Alb who came to the RR!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Netcode said:
And u still sit in your wheelchair and can only do this ->:wanker:
good response i said confirms your still a wanker...ok so i am in a wheelchair belive me not by choice...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Bubble said:
Didn't the mid hit the alb relics on the day Glast was released anyway?

Yes, with more Mids in the frontier than there were level 50's on Albion.

Was nicely done by them.

Think it was the weekend after Glast, rather than the day.



Fledgling Freddie
Jul 7, 2004
Mids Dont seem to notice the fact that their frontier was being attacked heavily for 2 days allmost constantly. I would bet my bucks that there wouldnt have been any attemp on the relics if someone from the Midgard had arranged Blendrake Retake BG with coordinated and swift attack, But no one did it, atleast not soon enough.. If peeps wont take back a keep in frontier that has relics in it, Bad things will happen in the end, atleast if the enemies are willing to siege(Like albs seemed to do this time). Shame that it went to the morning hours again, But long siege just seems to be the only way to get something done. I was one of those who were willing to siege thru night, normally I dont play that long, long live holiday.

Btw there was 2 bg:s. 1 BG was coordinated and had 2fg:s (Gingy calling the shots with kirennitic?) . Other BG was uncoordinated general BG, with idea of attacking fens(shared this bg:s joys and misfortunes). so it wasnt all planned and coordinated, but 2bg:s gave the attacks a feeling of coordination, since albs could strike on 2 places at once.

Grz to albs ! Those albs who carry siege deserves the biggest /hugs /kisses !

Grz for mids from good defence. In the end albs just wore you out , I know it aint fun for long to defend defend defend, when things seem desperate :( .



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Tappipappi said:
Mids Dont seem to notice the fact that their frontier was being attacked heavily for 2 days allmost constantly. I would bet my bucks that there wouldnt have been any attemp on the relics if someone from the Midgard had arranged Blendrake Retake BG with coordinated and swift attack, But no one did it, atleast not soon enough.. If peeps wont take back a keep in frontier that has relics in it, Bad things will happen in the end, atleast if the enemies are willing to siege(Like albs seemed to do this time). Shame that it went to the morning hours again, But long siege just seems to be the only way to get something done. I was one of those who were willing to siege thru night, normally I dont play that long, long live holiday.

Btw there was 2 bg:s. 1 BG was coordinated and had 2fg:s (Gingy calling the shots with kirennitic?) . Other BG was uncoordinated general BG, with idea of attacking fens(shared this bg:s joys and misfortunes). so it wasnt all planned and coordinated, but 2bg:s gave the attacks a feeling of coordination, since albs could strike on 2 places at once.

Grz to albs ! Those albs who carry siege deserves the biggest /hugs /kisses !

Grz for mids from good defence. In the end albs just wore you out , I know it aint fun for long to defend defend defend, when things seem desperate :( .


i doubt you will have relics for long anyways, well thats just my point of view.:)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Anarch said:
you and youre fucking wajn about brynja.Played Us to much me thinks shike :)

haha, brynja is of doom tbh!

last time i went there it was about 20 mids camping dropoff :p then it was a bunch more camping bridge and some just ran around doing.. something :)

hilarious tbh! :D


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Netcode said:
And u still sit in your wheelchair and can only do this ->:wanker:

You're one hell of a fuckpot if you have to say something like that.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 3, 2004
Ironfalcon said:
what is your freaking problem? its not our fault that you went to bed, when you got, as you said it, steamrolled.. your're worse than bradlex.. :clap: this is what the 10th wajn thread about albs taking the relic.. Have you even bothered reading the some of the post's people have been making. if not.. do so please.. this might clear up some stuff for you..

1) cheak my sig im not a mid :twak:

2) i usually post when i work (webcafe) so i got like 8 hours sitting in the chair and doing practicly nothing so i got lots of time to read every freaking post (actually i got at least 3 more pages with forums and webpages open at the same time and reading them all) so I DO BOTHER to read them all (this is all the exitement i can get during work)

ps. i now actually bring a book with me at work cause posts aint going at same speed i want them so i have to do something to kill time and as well prepair for my uni exams ...


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 31, 2005
Shike said:
haha, brynja is of doom tbh!

last time i went there it was about 20 mids camping dropoff :p then it was a bunch more camping bridge and some just ran around doing.. something :)

hilarious tbh! :D
youre d00med shike ! xD bet you got locked last time you went there!:)


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Well not really no...

Tappipappi said:
Mids Dont seem to notice the fact that their frontier was being attacked heavily for 2 days allmost constantly. I would bet my bucks that there wouldnt have been any attemp on the relics if someone from the Midgard had arranged Blendrake Retake BG with coordinated and swift attack, But no one did it, atleast not soon enough.. If peeps wont take back a keep in frontier that has relics in it, Bad things will happen in the end, atleast if the enemies are willing to siege(Like albs seemed to do this time). Shame that it went to the morning hours again, But long siege just seems to be the only way to get something done. I was one of those who were willing to siege thru night, normally I dont play that long, long live holiday.

Btw there was 2 bg:s. 1 BG was coordinated and had 2fg:s (Gingy calling the shots with kirennitic?) . Other BG was uncoordinated general BG, with idea of attacking fens(shared this bg:s joys and misfortunes). so it wasnt all planned and coordinated, but 2bg:s gave the attacks a feeling of coordination, since albs could strike on 2 places at once.

Grz to albs ! Those albs who carry siege deserves the biggest /hugs /kisses !

Grz for mids from good defence. In the end albs just wore you out , I know it aint fun for long to defend defend defend, when things seem desperate :( .


No mid frontier wasnt under any kind of attack the days before the night time raid. It has been constantly under attack during NIGHT time...that means from about 24.00 cet to 07.00 cet...Every morning when mids woke up they retook everything and the rest of the DAY was for all realms mostly spent in albland or at brynja. (hence mids attack during daytime when people play, albs attack during nighttime to get the easy win...smarter maybe but in no way a show of great team work)

And no albs didnt wear mids out...its a matter of beeing able to play...most mids are above 20 years old meaning that most of them have to work during the daytime. Therefor they cant play all not sure whats the case with alb players but all the nighttime play that suddenly emerged during this school holliday seems to suggest things...




Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Tappipappi said:
Mids Dont seem to notice the fact that their frontier was being attacked heavily for 2 days allmost constantly.

Absolute rubbish.

I lead the Mid BG for quite a few days, we all knew Albion were going to steal the relics in the morning. Every night we were prepared for the onslaught by BlindGuardian and co, in fact the BG was set up prior to Albion attacking, it was that inevitable, one night the trebs were already set up to raze Fens t2 for when they arrived!!! That's how organised we were.

Tappipappi said:
I would bet my bucks that there wouldn’t have been any attempt on the relics if someone from the Midgard had arranged Blendrake Retake BG with coordinated and swift attack, But no one did it, at least not soon enough.

I went to bed at 5am content there was no more Alb activity, I had taken back everything alb had taken. I woke up logged on and woo hoo a level 10 heavily defended Albion Keep miraculously appeared at Blendrake, you never let the Mids defend the keep. Albion took the keep at 07:20 GMT, no mids online, in fact no mids online for some hours, giving a nice number of hours for the keep to upgrade. We didn’t take it swift enough because Albion tactics made sure we were unable to.

Tappipappi said:
If peeps wont take back a keep in frontier that has relics in it, Bad things will happen in the end, atleast if the enemies are willing to siege(Like albs seemed to do this time).

After loggng in I immediately created BG, I broke port and attacked Blendrake. The problem was unlike the original keep take by Albs us Mids were taking a heavily defended keep, something you need skill and numbers for (Albs wouldn’t know about this). We put a hole in the back, got rams up and your mates the Hibs attacked us with 2fg from outside while Albs attacked us from inside we got killed off. Reorganised, broke wall again, got wiped. Repeated three more times, it got late Mids logged.

Tappipappi said:
Shame that it went to the morning hours again, But long siege just seems to be the only way to get something done. I was one of those who were willing to siege thru night, normally I don’t play that long, long live holiday.

Lol, It “started” in the morning, Blendrake 07:20 the next keep you took a day later was 02:40 which was Hild, right next to your port. Sorry but you’re flattering yourself from 21:00 to 02:00 all alb achieved were a few towers. As usual you waited for mids to log and you went for keeps.

Tappipappi said:
In the end albs just wore you out , I know it aint fun for long to defend defend defend, when things seem desperate :(

Wore us out, lol no, you wait for mids to log, you take keeps and Relics, like you always do. Albs have more people, especially in the early morning hours; we all know CM fields a full group between 3am and 9am.

Now Tappi, The relic raid started with taking Blendrake at 07:20 GMT with no defenders. Now compare that to last night where Albs tried to take Bledmeer at Prime Time with twice mid numbers, 10% melee and power bonus and the vast majority of Mids not caring whether you took it or not (What we defending syndrome) and with an alb port in our realm ....... and albs still lost!

So I bet my bottom dollar that if Albion hadn’t took Blendrake (07:20) after I disbanded the BG at 05:00 am the relics would be where they were.


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
Netcode said:
And u still sit in your wheelchair and can only do this ->:wanker:

How very sad of you Netcode, especially for a 24 year old.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
Nevermind the school holidays are nearly over, just look at all the homework the albs will have missed due to sleep in the day and AC'ing early hours in the morning. Tut tut mum and dad arent gonna be happy are they ???:twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
Netcode said:
And u still sit in your wheelchair and can only do this ->:wanker:

Honestly, if what you wrote above is really true then I sincerely must say that I am astonished...

You and many mids with you in this conversation seem to think that every single person who pressed albion on the realm select screeen suddenly lost all skill whatsoever and also lost any sort of intelligence they had prior to making that fateful choice.

It is a game, you really should try and understand that.

Lately your whine has gone so far as to mostly consist of personal attacks.
Its actually quite sad to see that you and Mas are amongst the worst when it comes to that on this board.

I honestly hope that you live in or near Stockholm so that we can meet up sometime, you see I am really curious as to if you are as foolish in real life as your behaviour on these boards suggests.

I can imagine that you are the kind of type that behave like shit on the boards or when sitting infront of your computer in general.
But when it comes to the real world I get a feeling that you barely dare to say hi to the people who you meet on the street due to your fragile nature.

Atleast that is what my experience from people behaving like this is, alot of noise when online and then socially disturbed when they come out in the real world.

I certainly hope you people get a grip of things and start realising that this is a game.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2004
Netcode said:
And u still sit in your wheelchair and can only do this ->:wanker:

Even if this was intended as a joke, its some of the worst shit I have _EVER_ seen here on FreddysHouse. I sincerly hope you get a lifetime ban, as well as a proper slapping IRL. I, as well of alot of others, have reported you for your very personal attacks.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 22, 2004
Netcode said:
And u still sit in your wheelchair and can only do this ->:wanker:

<edits a post that would get myself banned>

Your a moron, to say the least.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
Docs said:
Lately your whine has gone so far as to mostly consist of personal attacks.
Its actually quite sad to see that you and Mas are amongst the worst when it comes to that on this board.

Show me 1 post when i have attacked someone personal, make wide ranging accusations thats full of bs wont you, thats how wars start!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2005
pjuppe said:
although this show quite well what's the biggest problem with NF, the relics. that you have to raid an entire realm with constantly big numbers way way way into the night to succeed. not that i'm tyring to diminish the albs there or anything, raiding a relic just can't be done if you don't have a big grp of people and lots of time. it's really over the top that you have to capture 3 (right?) enemy keeps until the relic gates open, and then you have to do some other shit (don't know what it is. like waiting for the relic to come down form the relic keep or? i've never done it) is just plain silly. bring back the relic keeps so we can have some real relic raids again

Well, this gonna seem somehow offtopic now with all the whines and personal attacks around (When the hell does a thread change subject from an event to an imaginary war?) I do not wish to post any personal comment due to the relic raid, shit happens, even to mids, and there has been way too many responses in this thread already to fit in my opininon as well, as it would only make me looke like a whiner/I-do-realise-we-lost-this-time-er.

I agree with pjuppe here, NF really makes relics a hard subject, I remember summer 2004, where mids once made 13 keeps in less than two hours, not having the obstacles of towers/direct portals. I was not out there in the OF myself (was an innocent happy newbie at the time, around 15-30ish ;)) But I think I get some sorta point of view out here, even tho I didn't directly have anything to do with it at the time. Too bad Mythic (or is it GOA?) didn't bring back OF with Glaston, really was hoping to find out what it was like. Still people went there "yay, classic, no f-ing TOA abilites any more! :D" was that the main reason? Exploring something new is funny, but come on :)
Ah hell, we can't have it all now, can we? ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2005

j/k :) Gratz for a succesfull raid but...

They will soon be back where they belong....


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
I am still incredibly surprised that the Albs do not have all 6 relics yet. The Hibs frontier is a mess and has been the last few days. The Albs are like Ants, there are just millions of them and they never go away once in your frontier until they have all your goodies!

I can only think Hibs and Mids are keeping them off the Hib's relics one way or another.

Keep it up, but the Albs will keep grinding and grinding you down....

See what happens in the next few days.........

Oli - Illu


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Konstantin said:
youre d00med shike ! xD bet you got locked last time you went there!:)

actually no, got myself a good laugh last time though, hunter chased me and backstunned me for his zerg as usual so I purged and ran off and rested. Next thing that happens is that an infil SLs me and we starts fighting, when hes near dead he grapples me, then a midFG runs us both down. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Netcode said:
And u still sit in your wheelchair and can only do this ->:wanker:

hmmz.. kinda shows how damaged some ppl are.. i rather be in a wheelchair then a mental retard.. but i guess ebaying gives extra coolcredit ..


Jan 22, 2005
Netcode said:
And u still sit in your wheelchair and can only do this ->

Your eBay-peen has shrunk to its lowest level. That is a sick, sick comment and the ban was well deserved.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Docs said:
Honestly, if what you wrote above is really true then I sincerely must say that I am astonished...

many albs in other conversation seem to think that every single person who pressed warlock/sm/bd/healer/shaman/zerker on the Character select screen suddenly lost all skill whatsoever and also lost any sort of intelligence they had prior to making that fateful choice.

It is a game, you really should try and understand that.

Lately albs whine has gone so far as to mostly consist of personal attacks.
Its actually quite sad to see that some albion players are amongst the worst when it comes to that on this board.

I honestly hope that they live in or near Belgium(it's very small fyi) so that we can meet up sometime, you see I am really curious as to if those albs are as foolish in real life as their behaviour on these boards suggests.

I can imagine that you are the kind of type that behave like shit on the boards or when sitting infront of your computer in general.
But when it comes to the real world I get a feeling that you barely dare to say hi to the people who you meet on the street due to your fragile nature.

Atleast that is what my experience from people behaving like this is, alot of noise when online and then socially disturbed when they come out in the real world.

I certainly hope you people get a grip of things and start realising that this is a game.

You are correct about netcode, just changed some things to give the other side of the grass.


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
and if they do meet up irl and one finds out the other is in fact a deranged sociopath....

... fava beans anyone? :)

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