Thanks GoA!! (Story Inside)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Oh really... anyone with half a brain would work out that comment is directed to any, and everyone who is saying that GoA made a mistake. So kindly go forth and multiply.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
Sentimos said:
They wouldn't be saying that sort of shit to English people if they were based in England because some one would get that angry and go strangle the twat.

Anybody who feels the need to strangle somebody over a game needs serious help if you ask me.


Oct 23, 2005
stupeh said:
Oh really... anyone with half a brain would work out that comment is directed to any, and everyone who is saying that GoA made a mistake. So kindly go forth and multiply.
He's saying Sentimos and Gimmly could be the same person which is not defending him, is it?

Can you stop making examples of my posts now? Let someone else show there intelligence and make a tit of them self’s.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Kadayn said:
By looking reading this, it looks like they don’t. And I agree GoA are worthless pieces of shit.
Oh hi there Mr GoA have no evidence. ;/


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
i as an E&e would love to see the reason why the person was banned and the proof provided by goa. However i beleive they are under a customer confidentiallity clause.

So if they said " we banned xxx because they were caught cheating please click link to show then radarding around (With benny hill theme music playing in the background) " then the person getting banned could go "hey i didnt want you posting what i did online here eat lawsuit mofos"

So because the dude in question who got banned has come here first and said "hey my account got bannzored for cheating" looking for some sympathy ie WAHHHH!

tis a shame that someone got banned for cheating in that it may have been his ass master brother who got him banned in which case i would seriously open a can of whoopass on brother and probbly break his fingers.

But then again thats life and it sooks but wel done for goa to ban a cheating f**k muffin.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Actually I retract what I said earlier, after someone showing me a screeny of the page of the guy selling the cheats with the same username I have to agree with banning.

And this is something that might not be PC, but even if goa has no real paper evidence to show its good that they can use their judgement and that its obvious (which it is) that the owner of the accounts is the one providing the cheats then he should be banned. I prefare to play daoc with less cheaters, and if banning this guy is a way of doing it then im glad.

Sentimos if your reading this, the 4 or 5 times I spoke to you in the last 2 weeks you seemed like a pretty decent funny guy, its a shame that you got yourself into this but I have to agree with GOA. I dont know your brother but he was a bit silly ;P


Jan 22, 2005
A bit of a shame that it has to come to this but theres no doubting that banning Sentimos was a good move by GoA. Have fun irl


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2005
I hope goa by fault bans all accounts, and cant reverse it, everything deleted.

the sit back and laugh while FH servers burn from the overload of spam


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
stupeh said:
Stop being an idiot by trying to defend Sentimos. It's been a long time coming, and i'm very sure the majority of the community will be pleased with the decision.

fuck off im defending him... hes a knobjockey, end of :D lol


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
First i would have to say its nice to c goa doing something good ;) but if they banned him because someone with same nickname as him was selling cheats on ebay i have to get worried because everybody could make an ebay acc with the name eeben if someone did not like me (not like that ever gonna happen :p)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 5, 2004
tbh, i think i've seen goa bannquite a few account's... some for obvious reason's... other's (like Ciliviel rr10Lx SB?) :twak: for having a "thought" that the person MIGHT be cheating, witch i find lame, if GoA want's to bann someone they should atleast listen to ppl's expelenation's and try check what really happend instead of write * Blabla, we gna close your accy co's we think your brother's son's girlfriend's dad cheated*

Bring evidence before perma-banning accy's tbh :puke:

But then again, i also think you should'a said something to your brother if you knew he sold cheat's for Daoc on Ebay!
that way i think maybe goa would have looked abit easier on you instead of them now banning your account co's you gave them a doubt about your account being a 3'rd party of some cheating sold over ebay.

it's late, you spell it right plz


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
really good to hear goa cracking down on cheats :), good job guys :cheers:

good ridance

basing my judgement from reading Gimlis post btw


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 2, 2004
Sentimos said:
Well yesterday I went to log on and found out both of my accounts are banned Sentimos and my BB. I had no e-mails from GoA or right now tickets so I waited for my brother Gimmly to get home and check his stuff. He was suspended 15 days ago for 15 days for saying the word fuck in chat and it was ment to of been lifted yesterday. His was banned also and had received this e-mail


We have investigated an incident of third party program abuse and found your account to be involved. The specifics are:

Accounts: Gimmly's Account Login, Sentimos, My BBs.
Details of the offence: Once again, despite an earlier warning and a termination of your main account for the same offence we find that you are selling cheat guides on eBay.
Consequences for the accounts: All accounts which you either own or regularly use are permanently terminated. You will not be welcome to create new ones, should we find any new accounts operated by you then they too will be summarily and instantly terminated.

When starting the game on the European servers of Dark Age of Camelot, you agreed to the terms of the End User License Agreement (EULA) and the rules established by the Code of Conduct.

- Article in the EULA:

6. Hacks, Modifications and/or Changes to the Game
You may not use any third party software to modify the Game to change Game play. You may not use intellectual property rights contained in the Game or the Software to create or provide any other means through which the Game may be played by others, as through server emulators. You may not take any action which imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure.

- Article in the Rules of Conduct

No illegal activity is permitted within the Dark Age of Camelot, on its site or more generally in the environment connected with the game. The encouragement of such activities or the supply of means by which such activities could be practised will not be tolerated.
It is forbidden to supply the means of access to software of an illegal and/or harmful nature (such as viruses or hacking/pirating programs).

- Article in the General Conditions:

GOA reserves the right to temporarily suspend or definitively terminate your subscription, effective immediately, in the event of:
- insolvability or expiry of your credit card. GOA wishes to point out that your account may be suspended or closed if we are unable to invoice your card if it has expired on the date you renew your subscription,;
- inability of GOA to check or authenticate the information provided at the time of subscription ;
- failure to meet any of your obligations under the present general subscription conditions;
- breach of intellectual property rights; In this respect, you acknowledge that the DAOC game contains elements protected by intellectual property rights and that GOA and/or any other supplier of its content remain the full owners of the relevant contents of the DAOC game and that you do not become the owner of these rights by downloading DAOC or by accessing your Player Account ;
- failure to respect the provisions of the DAOC Behaviour Charter, available to consult at the address
- and more generally in the event of behaviour that GOA, at its entire discretion, judges harmful to its interests or to those of DAOC users.
In the event of the suspension of your Player Account or in the event of termination of the account by GOA for one of the reasons stated above, you lose the right to access your Player Account and the data contained in it and you will not be entitled to any reimbursement, in whole or in part.

Cheating is NOT tolerated in an online game and is not accepted on the servers of Dark Age of Camelot.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager.

He replied saying wtf are you doing basically and they replied with:

Hello again,
I am afraid that given your previous record that I do not believe your protestations of innocence. All accounts that we know to be used by you have been terminated and will not be reopened under any circumstances. This is entirely within our rights as agreed by you every time you logged into the game and when you created your account.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

This is fucking ridiculous not only has he not been involved in that shit since his ban on his main account, me and him don't own an Ebay account. You ask for evidence / proof of these bans and they don't give it to you because they have nothing to give you, but hate. It took them over 12 hours to reply and they replied with this ballocks:

Your accounts have been permanently terminated following a series of incidents in which the owner of the account Gimmly has continually breached our rules despite multiple warnngs. As a result all accounts to which this individual has access to have been terminated. We remind you that you are entirely responsible for any actions performed by your account even if you are not playing it at the time and that account sharing is not permitted under any circumstances.
None of these accounts will be reopened and any new ones created will be instantly closed by us.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

And the reply, after I replied saying its not me:

at the time and that account sharing is not permitted under any circumstances.
None of these accounts will be reopened and any new ones created will be instantly closed by us.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

So what are GoA saying if one person gets banned that plays in a net cafe the rest of the net cafe gets banned? I can't play with the same address as someone else? Not only have they banned us but I have done nothing at all wrong and neither has Gimmly. I have had one suspension on Sentimos account in 4 years for bug pulling mobs in PoC for arti exp with 5 other people. And the sarcasm in the replies they send which is basically trying to wind you up is fucking stupid. They wouldn't be saying that sort of shit to English people if they were based in England because some one would get that angry and go strangle the twat. Not like you can do anything when their in France.

So I guess that’s good bye from me, I didn't really want to play glast anyway was about to get are set group out when glast started and everyone jumped to glast from pryd. I enjoyed my valk, very strong class I was highest in Europe with several periods of inactivity until a month ago when some French or germens over took me.

I can only pry that GoA go bankrupt or get sued and the game is hosted by another company instead of these frog eating tits.

Sentimos :cheers:

Sad you got perm banned sentimos ;(, was allways nice fighting you. take care IRL ;) / PS it was deserved that your brother got banned/ ,

allso have to agree with you at the point about goa.. they DO SUCK! , and they've allways done and they allways will. . end of story.

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Moral of the story:

Don't rock the boat when it's barely floating to begin with.

With that I mean basically this: Gimmly/Sentimos/etc have caused problems quite a few times before. They've received warnings, bans lasting a few days, bans lasting a week. They've been caught selling cheats before, and were on the 'We're watching you, so don't cause any trouble list'. (Which means GOA's been amazingly lenient on their asses so far.)

Remember what I posted half a dozen times about borrowing accounts and then 'rocking the boat'? (As in needing help from GM, having problems ingame) - GOA will help you out as long as you play by the rules. The moment you break them, they can ban your ass if they feel you're more trouble than you're worth.

GOA's far from perfect, though. They should have finished the item-recovery proces months ago, but in this case they were entirely within their right to kick him out. There's no way GOA can be 100% sure that there's indeed two brothers there. They only have each other to blame for it. It's called 'Taking responsibility'. I'm sure Brother A will have some words with Brother B regarding the banned accounts.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
how can they proove that the ebay account belonged to him?
they arent allowed to have access to his cc details nor his name and address under the data protection act without a court order.
im not saying its a bad thing he was banned for it, im just curious what real proof GOA actually had :p
or if they banned him "because they felt like it", or of course he was simply a moron who decided to give links in game ><


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Chronictank said:
how can they proove that the ebay account belonged to him?
they arent allowed to have access to his cc details nor his name and address under the data protection act without a court order.
im not saying its a bad thing he was banned for it, im just curious what real proof GOA actually had :p
or if they banned him "because they felt like it", or of course he was simply a moron who decided to give links in game ><

he used the same email adrress to subscribe to daoc as he used for ebay?

he used the same name and address registered to daoc as to ebay...

or he said check out this stuff i am selling on ebay.... in daoc chat....



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
scorge said:
he used the same email adrress to subscribe to daoc as he used for ebay?

he used the same name and address registered to daoc as to ebay...

or he said check out this stuff i am selling on ebay.... in daoc chat....


what a n00b. :m00:


Oct 23, 2005
scorge said:
he used the same email adrress to subscribe to daoc as he used for ebay?

he used the same name and address registered to daoc as to ebay...

or he said check out this stuff i am selling on ebay.... in daoc chat....

How do you know that? GoA can't check that information, data protection act m8.

If I have read the two threads right, Gimmly said that in game last time Gimmly got banned, what does that have to do with banning him now and his innocent brother? Yes none, GoA don't have evidence they ban who ever they like.

And thinking about it GoA probably gave Gimmly a 15 day ban for saying "fuck" in a battle group to stick this ban on him and his brother.

One day GoA are going to fuck up and get screwed over, it is only a matter of time.

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