Suspended 15 Days Funny Convo Here


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Ingafgrinn Macabre said:
A third party program is by definition a program that has been made by another company, thus any program created by mythic cannot be a third party.
Then again, Windows IS a third party program, seeing it from that way playing daoc is illegal once you start it, cos you'll need a third party program to run it :clap:

Does it not say in the manual that some programs are required to run the game. As some requirement are stated by Mythic to be able to run the game your statement is invalid.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Farbaute2 said:
Ok, thanks then it is official that Goa Europe supports multiple account using. Thanks alot for that information.


Get a grip please... :kissit:


Dark Age of Camelot

Version 1.60 Release Notes



- (SI Only) You can now run multiple instances of the client on the same computer simultaneously. You may not log into the same server on two different realms (except for Co-op and PVP servers). PLEASE BE AWARE that running two instances of Camelot on one computer is not recommended and will work with only the most advanced computer systems. You will be able to run two versions of Camelot simultaneously only if you have 512megs or more of system RAM. If you run into any problems with running two Camelot instances on the same computer, exit both of them and relog with just one client before calling customer support.

Click here for some really old information from GOA


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
haha ididnt know goa was so frank about their greed. i played swg when si was released so i hadnt read that. a pity swg fastly became even more screwed up than daoc is at the moment, otherwise i would have played that instead.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Farbaute2 said:
haha ididnt know goa was so frank about their greed. i played swg when si was released so i hadnt read that. a pity swg fastly became even more screwed up than daoc is at the moment, otherwise i would have played that instead.

how can satisfying customer beeing greedy?

people asked for it to be windowed mode and got it... some didn't like it but I think far more people like it windowed then full screen...


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Aarween said:
how can satisfying customer beeing greedy?

people asked for it to be windowed mode and got it... some didn't like it but I think far more people like it windowed then full screen...

im far from satisfied costumer since i selected sb as my main character at start after beta. What i hear now officially from goa is that if i want to play my character on same terms as other players i have to pay for 2 more accounts, a haste bot and a buffbot. The game is not designed for me anylonger, i have to pay 3 times as much as when i bought it to enjoy it full, i also have to buy " the most advanced computer systems. " to compete, according to patchnotes. and of course, i have to buy all the expansions. this short viewed greed from Goa disgusts me as costumer. in the long run, it is financial suiside for Goa and Mythic of course and i hope they will realise that because it was a really great game, and still is in some ways.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Farbaute2 said:
im far from satisfied costumer since i selected sb as my main character at start after beta. What i hear now officially from goa is that if i want to play my character on same terms as other players i have to pay for 2 more accounts, a haste bot and a buffbot. The game is not designed for me anylonger, i have to pay 3 times as much as when i bought it to enjoy it full, i also have to buy " the most advanced computer systems. " to compete, according to patchnotes. and of course, i have to buy all the expansions. this short viewed greed from Goa disgusts me as costumer. in the long run, it is financial suiside for Goa and Mythic of course and i hope they will realise that because it was a really great game, and still is in some ways.

well... _YOU_ aren't satisfied with daoc the way it is... "you" is far from the same as "the customers"... everyone playing daoc are a customer, not matter what realm, class, level and so....

if you compare what all the customers would say about windowed mode I would guess that 95% would think it's good... 5% think it's bad...

if you would compare what the customers think about having buffbots I would guess on about 60% would think it's good 40% would think it's bad...

if we would imagine that the figures I guessed at was correct then removing buffbots from the game would be one of the worst things a company ever could do to their customers... unplease 60% to please 40%... everyone of them paying as much as the other one...

I don't like buffbots myself but I'm against their removal... it's not just about the extra money... it's about how to please their customers... the mistake they did imo was that they should have made something in the beginning when there was like 5-10 buffbots / realm or something... but then people didn't care about it since it wasn't a big problem... then it became a bigger problem since more and more started to use them... no one wants their buffbot to be useless after all the time it took to level it... so too many people thought that buffbots should be a part of daoc...

Mythic doesn't make daoc to any other purpose then to offer a product that the customers want... unfortinute the customers wants buffbots... so that's what mythic gives them...


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
I know im no good representant of the typical cosumer, not even for 1% of the cosumers, im just sad over how my own situation became after all patches, of course, and i wish the game had been developed before it was released, so i could have chosen another way to play. Im sure mythic and Goas employees tries to do their best, they probably have short economic guidelines to follow from their superiors etc and the situation could probably been alot worse. Those who designed the game at start are clearly not the same people that is running mythic now.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 25, 2003
Farbaute2 said:
using multiple accounts at same time is against coc. rvr in areas to gain rp when using irc or voicechat is technically also against coc. so maybe we should all start ban eachother so new players could start play and have fun in rvr.

Hmm just read the CoC... need glasses.. couldn't find anything about it being illegal to run 2 accounts. Please show us where it's written.
EDIT: heh oops didn't read he was a bit behind -> :kissit:

However do people really want to draw the CoC into a thread like this? While reading the CoC I found multiple phrases, where on a normal day in DAoC, you'd see those rules be violated over and over again. Go read it yourself.. it's actually quite fun to see how many people you know that violate those very rules that we press "accept" to each and every time we log on. I think it's pretty safe to say that there's a very big chance that 99% of the people posting in this thread has violated the CoC at least once... the remaining 1% that don't swear/use foul language against other players and haven't done so ever. It may only be mentioned in the Rules of Good Conduct, but it's still there.

So if we have to get technical we're all abusers here :clap:

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Nausilus^^ said:
the remaining 1% that don't swear/use foul language against other players and haven't done so ever. It may only be mentioned in the Rules of Good Conduct, but it's still there.

So if we have to get technical we're all abusers here :clap:

Holy fuck!!! erm... oops... I mean... ohw dear! :p


Resident Freddy
Dec 30, 2003
nice one m8, you just posted what a twat you are on a public forum :wij: :flame: :wij: :bazbeer:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 2, 2004
used rightnow, got a fast reply, it IS NOT illegal to run 2 accounts :p (sorry if i said i thought it might be earlier :p)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
lol,threads like this is what make me check these boards once in a while. :D
(and what keeps me away from the game too :p)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
if they cut out buffbots now mythic/goa would loose almost 50% of their accounts (since almost everyone has a bot these days)

i admit i had a bot before SI (before end regen even :p ) but that was more to do with circumstance than actually trying to get a bot (i didnt even know what a bot was at the time :p ), both me and brother wanted to play at same time, and i had already gotten ormorof to 34ish and so thought i might as well use him abit :D

though i wouldnt complain if they made buffs ranged (like end is now) since it screws things over in RvR and makes it so hard to compete without one :(

Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Deadman:Reloaded said:
Ingafgrinn Macabre said:
Antiquis temporibus, nati tibi similes in rupibus ventosissimis exponebantur ad necem.
lol take it thats not a very nice thing in latin or some other funny speak. idicus maximous aragantious noobidious is about all the latin i can think of <cheers WB for all those Roadrunner artoons - educated me well>
well.. it's not the best you can say to someone.. though it's not that superbad :p translation:
In the good old days, children like you were left to perish on windswept crags.
:clap: :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 28, 2004
Gotta say, that is funny. You should have just ignored him, just to piss him off :x


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Master Pimp said:
dont tell me what dyslexia is you prick i know what it is and ive had it all my life i just to be in specal needs class when i was younger so dont tell what it is if u looked it up proply u see that it has different forms for different ppl and wai are u just thick ? i said i wasnt expecting sympathy

cba to read past this considering u have dyslexia thats some pretty good spelling there.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 21, 2004
Just want to pay my respect to Requiel for actually staying calm under those insults and doing his job.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 13, 2004
mate you need to calm down Cross realming is one thing but insulting/swearing at the guys is another im suprrised he didnt totaly ban you your lucky :eek2:


Loyal Freddie
Dec 30, 2003

could you please the grapple and bodyguard ability from hibernia class's please ;p that should make RvR "fair" for albs ;p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 3, 2004
Hehe, only just noticed this thread.

Gimmly, what a muppet. All you've done is ruin whatever reputation you might have (if any) and shown that GOA GMs do their job properly.

Funny though, I get asked by Mid players to give whereabouts of Albs at times and also to pass messages. With the exception of a "Well done" type thing they universally get told to bugger off and not always so politely :D

You'd laugh your ass off if I told you who the worst for this is, but I'll keep that to myself I think.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
anyone noticed this?

Master Pimp
Banned from FreddysHouse!
Rank: Lower than pondlife

thats gimmly's status in fh now too i wonder what game/forum he is trying to ruin now.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Oro said:
Hehe, only just noticed this thread.

Gimmly, what a muppet. All you've done is ruin whatever reputation you might have (if any) and shown that GOA GMs do their job properly.

No mate, all he did was boost his reputation :p


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
This thread is comedy gold...I have saved those screenshots of Gimmly getting totally self-owned for posterity.


Ingafgrinn Macabre

Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Mandor said:
anyone noticed this?

Master Pimp
Banned from FreddysHouse!
Rank: Lower than pondlife

thats gimmly's status in fh now too i wonder what game/forum he is trying to ruin now.
This forum, check the user Gimmly2 :s


May 14, 2004
Ardrias said:
You can be in special needs class without dyslexia too. Just have to be retarded.
i was in special class for reading a bit slow, so lick my balls and get the fuck out of there dickhead

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