Student Top-Up Fees



Yes. I'm thinking not to take advise from you.


Originally posted by loxleyhood
Yes. I'm thinking not to take advise from you.

Hey, no need to be so harsh. Any advise is good advise, remember?

Not sure where I heard that actually.

Atomic Rammer

Top up fees are bollox. If Uni actually guaranteed you a good job then maybe. I got 3 A grades a A level in maths physics and chemistry and did engineering in London at very decent Uni. Didnt find a proper job after.
Got myself further in debt to live off of and pay for another course at another uni and am finally on my feet. What happens to the people that pay loads for expensive unis and get a good grade but still no job? Theyre fucked over big time. The tax system is better since you earn more you pay more back to government, and fuck people that work overseas I am talking on average people will pay more back. Have a higher tax band for graduates of British unis and give grants I say.


Originally posted by Atomic Rammer
Top up fees are bollox. If Uni actually guaranteed you a good job then maybe. I got 3 A grades a A level in maths physics and chemistry and did engineering in London at very decent Uni. Didnt find a proper job after.

and i give you....... living proof ladies and gents. living proof.


Originally posted by --Random--
and i give you....... living proof ladies and gents. living proof.

Of morons living amoungst us?

Atomic Rammer

Yes I agree with you random to a point. I did jobs since graduating I could have got at 18 and paid an 18 yr old's wage but ended up applying for jobs higher up the company and beating people purely because I had an unrelated higher qualification.


See what I was saying?

Qualifications just to compete. :/


The difference between Random and a Uni graduate is when they're both 50 Random will still be at his 18 y o job while the uni man will be doing higher things.


Just because you are all failures no need to tell the rest of us we can't do anything with our lives either. :p


Originally posted by loxleyhood
The difference between Random and a Uni graduate is when they're both 50 Random will still be at his 18 y o job while the uni man will be doing higher things.

why would i still be in the same job when im 50? even if i was, i'd be on a dam good wage purely through the amount of pay increases i'd have gotten lol. i'd be on about 40k a year if i stayed in the same job that long. there is actually a guy whos been working where i work for 20 years, since he was 25 or so, now 45. .he's now on about 30k a year, and he's never changed jobs.

Atomic Rammer

I am not a failure I dinged 2 plat the other day


Good plumbers and electricians are amazingly well paid actually. My cousin left school after GCSE and got an apprenticeship as an electrician, he now (at 25) earns more a year than either of my parents ever did as teachers, one of whom studied at Cambridge…

As for Atomic, did you do a course with a year in industry? Like 90% of those on my course all went to work for the companies that they spent their year in industry with. Engineering courses are some of the most vocational degrees you can study. Did you do a BEng or an MEng by the way? You'd have to become a chartered engineer before the real money started to kick in, and that’s pretty much instant if you did an MEng, it its a BEng you have to have worked as an engineer for like 10 years...

That is all.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

I refuse to believe that Random is being serious. Nobody this retarded could possibly grasp the concepts of using a computer and posting drivel like this on a forum. He is just flame baiting like his predecessors.


i am being serious sissyfoo. you might not like it, but i talk only the truth. at the end of the day, im part of a very decent company, im earning decent enough wages for my age, and i've got an excellent chance of promotion, alot of career opportunities lie ahead. plus, the fact is i've been working here for a couple of years, and in the future, employers are gonna like the fact i've held a steady job for a number of years and have been given a good reference from them. infact if anything, i reckon there would be some companies that'd hire me over a freshly finished uni graduate, simply because they'd know im reliable and willing to work, also i've earned some priceless experience in the field, customer services.. databases etc etc, i've had hands on experience of it all. whereas a newly graduated student would have no hands on experience with work atall, maybe a couple of little summer jobs working in sainsburies or whatever, but nothing decent.


"oh look hes held a steady job and has a good refence, lets make him a Doctor!"

...Erm no :p


im not talking about uni students that study worthwhile courses and are actually serious about what they're doing. im talking about people that study media studies, or art.

fair enough i'll never be a surgeon, thats true, and obviously people with the relevant education will be. but im talking about people that are wasting they're own time and tax payers money doing poxey crapper courses just for a doss, that will end up comming out of uni struggling to find a job and i'll be better off than them.


and btw, just to let u know.. just coz you have a degree wont guarantee you a good job in the field you've studied. example: a friend of mine finished his computing degree, got a first, from imperial university london, one of the best universities in the country.. and he's been unemployed for a year and a half and is basically almost unemployable now. true partly because he's lazy, but also because he found the interviews he was having to go for extremely difficult.

and theres me, with my few GCSE's, gnvq in business, and im doing better than he is.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

And what exactly are you basing this 'truth' on? So far you have claimed that all students are dossers based on the lives of the few friends you have in Uni who probably only make up 0.0000001% of the total student population of the UK. I grant you that some employees prefer experience over a newbie fresh out of uni but if you were to apply for a job and the competition was in the form of someone with a similar amount of experience as you AND had a masters or bachelors degree then 9 out of 10 times the job would go to the graduate.

I am currently sitting in one of the offices in the world bank, in the HR department and from what I have gathered they won't touch anyone who hasn't got a university education. People will even have a hard time qualifying for a job if they do not possess a masters diploma in some random subject.

Uni students are also able to take advantage of work placements and internships over their summer holidays or take a year out of uni to join a major company and gain experience that way which would put them in a far better position to get a job when they leave Uni.

You may be happy with whatever you are doing but I can guarentee you that if a Uni graduate has enough ambition and motivation he/she will do far better than you could ever hope to accomplish without a degree. Experience isn't everything at the end of the day and employers will want to know that you are intelligent, determined and motivated and they can usually guage this by looking at your record of education. Students need, to some extent, to be able to work and motivate themselves in their final years and especially during their thesis months because their proffessors generally won't be there to prod them along at every step, unlike the teachers at school.


Originally posted by Cap'n Sissyfoo
And what exactly are you basing this 'truth' on? So far you have claimed that all students are dossers based on the lives of the few friends you have in Uni who probably only make up 0.0000001% of the total student population of the UK. I grant you that some employees prefer experience over a newbie fresh out of uni but if you were to apply for a job and the competition was in the form of someone with a similar amount of experience as you AND had a masters or bachelors degree then 9 out of 10 times the job would go to the graduate.

I am currently sitting in one of the offices in the world bank, in the HR department and from what I have gathered they won't touch anyone who hasn't got a university education. People will even have a hard time qualifying for a job if they do not possess a masters diploma in some random subject.

Uni students are also able to take advantage of work placements and internships over their summer holidays or take a year out of uni to join a major company and gain experience that way which would put them in a far better position to get a job when they leave Uni.

You may be happy with whatever you are doing but I can guarentee you that if a Uni graduate has enough ambition and motivation he/she will do far better than you could ever hope to accomplish without a degree. Experience isn't everything at the end of the day and employers will want to know that you are intelligent, determined and motivated and they can usually guage this by looking at your record of education. Students need, to some extent, to be able to work and motivate themselves in their final years and especially during their thesis months because their proffessors generally won't be there to prod them along at every step, unlike the teachers at school.

ok thats bollocks for starters. the second i read the bit about 'a unit student will always do better if they have ambition', thats bull shit, utter bull shit. as someone said earlier in this thread, there is ALOT of money to be made in things such as plumbing and carpentry. if you have the ambition, you dont need a degree, you can simply go do an apprentiship in something. you DONT need a degree to become a millionaire, anyone can, its just a matter of ambition and motivation.

to be honest, and yes im basing this on a few students, prolly about 20-30 i know of, most end up almost regretting they're degree. they come out with 10,000 quid debt, they havnt got anything they can offer anyone that other people dont have, and they end up going into a shite job.


Originally posted by Cap'n Sissyfoo

You may be happy with whatever you are doing but I can guarentee you that if a Uni graduate has enough ambition and motivation he/she will do far better than you could ever hope to accomplish without a degree.

I disagree with that, I'm very against the view that people who go to Uni are better than those who dont, some people just arent academically motivated but are amazingly skilled at things that I could never learn to do as well as them.

However I do agree that the world of work prefers graduates, but then that really goes without saying.


to summerise:

imo universities are overcrowded. you'll struggle to find a person at school that doesnt plan on going to university nowerdays, no one does apprentiships anymore, no one does any hands on work. people go to university because its the 'in' thing to do, much like getting half your hair shaved off and looking like a ****.

im telling the truth here, out of everyone i know from my school, only 3 didnt go to university, the other.. 50 odd all went. and most of them have dropped out into crap jobs already. it IS the cool thing to do, people want the social life.. they dont want the education, they go to university for the wrong reasons.

imo there should be an aptitude test for uni, you should have to do a week long test.. proving how likely you are to actually work when you are at university. it should be like SAS selection, only the truley elite get through.

im telling you now, in 100 years time we're gonna be buggered, we'll have people running around knowing everything there is to know about hair dressing and film studies.. all looking for someone to screw in a lightbulb.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Originally posted by --Random--
ok thats bollocks for starters. the second i read the bit about 'a unit student will always do better if they have ambition', thats bull shit, utter bull shit. as someone said earlier in this thread, there is ALOT of money to be made in things such as plumbing and carpentry. if you have the ambition, you dont need a degree, you can simply go do an apprentiship in something. you DONT need a degree to become a millionaire, anyone can, its just a matter of ambition and motivation.

to be honest, and yes im basing this on a few students, prolly about 20-30 i know of, most end up almost regretting they're degree. they come out with 10,000 quid debt, they havnt got anything they can offer anyone that other people dont have, and they end up going into a shite job.

I think you misunderstood me. When I said 'if a Uni graduate has enough ambition and motivation he/she will do far better than you could ever hope to accomplish without a degree' I meant you specifically. ;) There are lots of people without degrees who have gone onto become multimillionaires.


Originally posted by Cap'n Sissyfoo
I think you misunderstood me. When I said 'if a Uni graduate has enough ambition and motivation he/she will do far better than you could ever hope to accomplish without a degree' I meant you specifically. ;) There are lots of people without degrees who have gone onto become multimillionaires.

why me specifically? if i went out tomorrow and looked for an apprentiship in plumbing, i could be on 50k a year within 10 years.


Being a graduate doesn't make you good at a job.



Originally posted by --Random--
to summerise:

imo universities are overcrowded. you'll struggle to find a person at school that doesnt plan on going to university nowerdays, no one does apprentiships anymore, no one does any hands on work. people go to university because its the 'in' thing to do, much like getting half your hair shaved off and looking like a ****.

im telling the truth here, out of everyone i know from my school, only 3 didnt go to university, the other.. 50 odd all went. and most of them have dropped out into crap jobs already. it IS the cool thing to do, people want the social life.. they dont want the education, they go to university for the wrong reasons.

imo there should be an aptitude test for uni, you should have to do a week long test.. proving how likely you are to actually work when you are at university. it should be like SAS selection, only the truley elite get through.

im telling you now, in 100 years time we're gonna be buggered, we'll have people running around knowing everything there is to know about hair dressing and film studies.. all looking for someone to screw in a lightbulb.

Top up fees will not solve this.

Debt discourages rational people.. rational people without a huge amount of money.. exactly the sort of people who know how to screw in a lightbulb.

In 100 years time, lightbulbs are unlikely to require screwing in.

Also on a slightly bizzare sidenote in 100 years time we may all still be alive...."it is comming"

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