


Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
Because SBs are the longstanding kings of the fotm zerg?

Come to Midgard - home of stealthzerguild (tm).

Gjeez just shut up.... seems like you know jack all about stealth zerging.

Yes mids does stealth zerg but so does albs maybe more since we do have an advantage in numbers, now if you can't cut it just don't go. easy as that


Originally posted by Aussie-
why don't you go and finish your english course first m8
didn't i write "with both RA's UP" in fat? do you have a hard time to understand or are you a liddul retarded?

oh so if someone has the same spec he will always perform as good as the other one. keke, newsflash m8. there is "sum" skill involved in this game xD

What skill involved in pressing as+ds ?
You think Lath dont know which key is what ?


Originally posted by kin
What skill involved in pressing as+ds ?
You think Lath dont know which key is what ?

what skill is involved pressing <incert the bottons you use>?


go ask how our duel ended kin. plz. one of us had ±85%, the other one had ±10%.


Originally posted by Aybabtu
Gjeez just shut up.... seems like you know jack all about stealth zerging.

Yes mids does stealth zerg but so does albs maybe more since we do have an advantage in numbers, now if you can't cut it just don't go. easy as that

I know - flippant comment.

Albs tend to zerg at low rrs, then the groups get smaller as they become more experienced. Its just SB/hunters tend to get to amg and then wonder why its full of infils and automatically assume a group.

Now if those who are jumping to conclusions could see the emain cg - a number of evenings there have been requests from stealthers to form/join groups which have been refused. Alb stealthers are mostly solo/duos/trios - but they congregate to purge the odd shadowzerg that comes their way.


Originally posted by Aussie-
go ask how our duel ended kin. plz. one of us had ±85%, the other one had ±10%.

1v1's aer of teh random


Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
I know - flippant comment.

Albs tend to zerg at low rrs, then the groups get smaller as they become more experienced. Its just SB/hunters tend to get to amg and then wonder why its full of infils and automatically assume a group.

Now if those who are jumping to conclusions could see the emain cg - a number of evenings there have been requests from stealthers to form/join groups which have been refused. Alb stealthers are mostly solo/duos/trios - but they congregate to purge the odd shadowzerg that comes their way.

the stealthers at amg might not be grouped but they do attack same target which is just as good, instead of thinking "ok, his kill i'll just keep waiting" they generaly thinks "wtf Rp's .....must....leech....".

again, they are hunting in far greater numbers than their prey which zerging pretty much is.


Originally posted by Aybabtu
the stealthers at amg might not be grouped but they do attack same target which is just as good, instead of thinking "ok, his kill i'll just keep waiting" they generaly thinks "wtf Rp's .....must....leech....".

again, they are hunting in far greater numbers than their prey which zerging pretty much is.

But isn't that the point of an infil - an ambush predator, whether single or multiple.

And I'd rather have others join in than die, wait an indeterminate time for a rez (this is Alb after all and rezzing is optional), then lurk rezsick for a while etc.

In the frontier I work by the maxim 'red name=fair target'.


Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
I know - flippant comment.

Albs tend to zerg at low rrs, then the groups get smaller as they become more experienced. Its just SB/hunters tend to get to amg and then wonder why its full of infils and automatically assume a group.

Now if those who are jumping to conclusions could see the emain cg - a number of evenings there have been requests from stealthers to form/join groups which have been refused. Alb stealthers are mostly solo/duos/trios - but they congregate to purge the odd shadowzerg that comes their way.

Mid stealthers are mostly solo/duo/trios to like me and my 2 friends, but the difference is that we move around avoiding the other mids, but everytime we get close amg i see the same clueless albstealthers "solo" but very close with the other clueless infils... ;)


Originally posted by -RG-Jaond
Mid stealthers are mostly solo/duo/trios to like me and my 2 friends, but the difference is that we move around avoiding the other mids, but everytime we get close amg i see the same clueless albstealthers "solo" but very close with the other clueless infils... ;)

Safety in numbers - fundamental strategy.


Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
But isn't that the point of an infil - an ambush predator, whether single or multiple.

And I'd rather have others join in than die, wait an indeterminate time for a rez (this is Alb after all and rezzing is optional), then lurk rezsick for a while etc.

In the frontier I work by the maxim 'red name=fair target'.

Ok, so your one of the adds hanging around Amg, fair enough.

But unlike you i'd rather die in a fair 1 on 1 then to have my enemy zerged, i encurage(sp?) solo'ing and if you did that aswell you would not add up on others fight.


Originally posted by Aybabtu
Ok, so your one of the adds hanging around Amg, fair enough.

But unlike you i'd rather die in a fair 1 on 1 then to have my enemy zerged, i encurage(sp?) solo'ing and if you did that aswell you would not add up on others fight.

I'm soloing/ duoing/trioing far more now - haven't been in a larger group for weeks. Tricky solo as 90%of the time I'm unbuffed. Plus most mid stealthers aren't that bright - they just come right up to amg and get ganked - makes them easier to find.

But fairness? Doesn't exist - its a concept invented to shut up children. There's no 'fairness' in this game.


The duel with Aussie was quite interesting thou I cant remember everything. The only thing I can say in my defense is; I didnt had my hastebuff(17% at the moment), did I stun you with frosty? did I work with poisons(keeping you debuffed and lifebaned all the time)?, are you realy sure I was maxbuffed(except from my haste ofc)? I only have sword 39/laxe 39(while you prolly have sword 50/shield 42), guess a high rr sz would have had a bigger chance and besides what can you expect? ofc it will be a big difference in damage-output(+20%), going from thrust to slash(but the drawback is obvious; ns>slash>sbs).
Then I also noticed that you had some sort of damageadd :p I didnt, I just used RoA I. And I guess you had the ac-buff that we mid stealthers miss.

But the tragic fact is that I would prolly have lost anyway, and this with 2 relics, imagine what will happen if Aussie had +10% instead. But, whatever, we should try a couple of more duels me thinks, perhaps this weekend, if it suits you.


Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
I'm soloing/ duoing/trioing far more now - haven't been in a larger group for weeks. Tricky solo as 90%of the time I'm unbuffed. Plus most mid stealthers aren't that bright - they just come right up to amg and get ganked - makes them easier to find.

But fairness? Doesn't exist - its a concept invented to shut up children. There's no 'fairness' in this game.

Just cos your not fair doesn't mean others can't be.

And as long as you zerg you can't really complain about others doing it so


Originally posted by Aybabtu
Just cos your not fair doesn't mean others can't be.

And as long as you zerg you can't really complain about others doing it so

I don't complain - never have. When the shadowzerg appears, infils form up for vermin removal.

And my point is there's no such thing as fair. If it was 'fair' everyone would win, no-one would lose and we'd all end up having a picnic with cookies in emain.

I think what you're driving at is 'open' - a balanced combat where the 'skill' of the individual determines outcome.


Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
I don't complain - never have. When the shadowzerg appears, infils form up for vermin removal.

And my point is there's no such thing as fair. If it was 'fair' everyone would win, no-one would lose and we'd all end up having a picnic with cookies in emain.

I think what you're driving at is 'open' - a balanced combat where the 'skill' of the individual determines outcome.

Fair isn't equal, fair isn't when a 1 fight 2 or more - fair as in even numbers, fair as in evenly buffed, maybe you don't know but you play agaist other people so maybe show some form of fairness instead of trying to wtfpwn everything that moves with your 1337 skillz0rs in form of 4 other infils


Originally posted by Aybabtu
Fair isn't equal, fair isn't when a 1 fight 2 or more - fair as in even numbers, fair as in evenly buffed, maybe you don't know but you play agaist other people so maybe show some form of fairness instead of trying to wtfpwn everything that moves with your 1337 skillz0rs in form of 4 other infils

Actually I only join in in large scale combats and when the outcome of the fight is uncertain. If its a forgone conclusion I let the guy finish him off. Some people do this, some don't - never bothers me when others add.

But I must admit I do enjoy the sight of a fg(s) mids/hibs charging the Albs at amg, then popping out with other stelthers behind them to drop their support. I know is pisses them off, and it is a crude strategy, but let me get my jollies where I can.


Originally posted by Aybabtu
Fair isn't equal, fair isn't when a 1 fight 2 or more - fair as in even numbers, fair as in evenly buffed, maybe you don't know but you play agaist other people so maybe show some form of fairness instead of trying to wtfpwn everything that moves with your 1337 skillz0rs in form of 4 other infils



Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
I'm soloing/ duoing/trioing far more now - haven't been in a larger group for weeks. Tricky solo as 90%of the time I'm unbuffed. Plus most mid stealthers aren't that bright - they just come right up to amg and get ganked - makes them easier to find.

But fairness? Doesn't exist - its a concept invented to shut up children. There's no 'fairness' in this game.

so your soloing at amg?


Originally posted by lorric
so your soloing at amg?

If I am not grouped then I am solo. I have no influence over those I am not grouped with, nor quick communication. If other soloers at amg are stealthed then I also cannot tell who is there, where they are or how many there are.

So if I'm not grouped and I'm at amg, I am acting independantly.


i consider myself a rather skilled stealther.
but 2nite (as many other nites) was fucking
impossible 2 play..gonna really consider
changing realm/class now. cuz this shit sux..
TS/hunter pets/zergs/stealth zergs/DF u name
it, getting 2 upset about it.


Originally posted by december_rain
i consider myself a rather skilled stealther.
but 2nite (as many other nites) was fucking
impossible 2 play..gonna really consider
changing realm/class now. cuz this shit sux..
TS/hunter pets/zergs/stealth zergs/DF u name
it, getting 2 upset about it.

Who's to blame?


avoid pain and viper on the nightshades are frustrating aswell :p. TS is in every realm so whatever realm you are in as long as you play a stealther you will face TS.
Hunter pets are annoying, but its not like you are unable to counter the kite tactic (and in pure melee fight you will probably out damage the hunter+pet). So I think your frustrations will just change when you change realm. When you go mid you will be frustrated about NS's and DF of infil and probably loads of other stuff. Go albion and you will have hunter pet, NS'es and loads of other stuff. So I dont think changing realm will help you much, will just change what you are frustrated about ;).
Allthough going to thrust infil might be slightly helpful as they seem to be the most powerful assassin around. So you might win more fights and have less to be frustrated about :p. However that is if they are more powerful than your RR6 NS.


Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
If I am not grouped then I am solo. I have no influence over those I am not grouped with, nor quick communication. If other soloers at amg are stealthed then I also cannot tell who is there, where they are or how many there are.

So if I'm not grouped and I'm at amg, I am acting independantly.

Nice stealthzerg at amg Jook teh fun really :great:

2fg+ or was it only 1.5 ?

Well just to /quit no more rp's from me, have fun fighting cliff beetles or something

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