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- #61
but knowing you, staying sober is prolly harder then winning from me xD
but knowing you, staying sober is prolly harder then winning from me xD
Originally posted by Sharp Thing
but imo scouts are better archers, uber defence, good (decent, or whatever) mellee and leet bow dmg (prolly bc most rangers spec 40bow ><)
Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
No idea, I just got ganked by some lame ass retarded NS grouping with another lame ass retarded ns...
Names started with Cyclone or something, and the last month of the year...
cyclodia and prisma;o;o;o
srry christel;o
Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
You only duo so Nalistah can find his way to amg - he gets lost on his own otherwise.
(And duo - normally its you, two others and two buffbots. So duo - thats an interesting definition....)
Originally posted by nalistah
Why are you talking so much fucking crap, idiot?
Who are you anyway? Can u tell me that? without any lame answer like "i said that in a previous thread", or some crap answer like that. Whats the name of your infil?
i already know that i wont get any answer anyway.... u come here and talk so much crap so its redicolous, and you dont even dare to tell who you are in game, why is that?
Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
Hmmmmm - why, why, why....
Partly because it really really really annoys you.
Anyone want to take bets on whether nalistah can find amg unaccompanied?
Originally posted by nalistah
hahah, you are just as sad as i presumed, you are to scared to actually say who you are.![]()
unskilled fotmn00b is what you are.
Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
That must be it.
Still bugging you though isn't it.
10gold says nalistah gets lost between mmg and amg without Jaond to hold his ickle hand.
Originally posted by nalistah
Just beacuse you dont know how to find mmg from amg, doesnt mean I dont. And why do u think that i dont find amg? Im not as stupid as you, soz![]()
Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
Hmmmmm - why, why, why....
Partly because it really really really annoys you.
Anyone want to take bets on whether nalistah can find amg unaccompanied?
Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
Hehe - every time a bite.
RG - is he this dense and gullible ingame?
Originally posted by lorric
you like acting like a tosser with no chance of anyone thnking bad of your inf.
Originally posted by nalistah
haha, you are just soooo scared that people would think bad of your inf in game... pretty sad, a man(or?) who dont stand for what he sais. Loosers like you are teh horrible. Beacuse you know that you would be flamed in-game if you said who you are.
Pathetic, tbfh
Originally posted by lorric
you like acting like a tosser with no chance of anyone thnking bad of your inf.
Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
BINGO! Give that man a ceeegar.
Now would you be kind enough to go and explain it to nali? He's a bit slow on the uptake.
Originally posted by nalistah
I dont even find words for it.
You just confirmed that you are a fucking brainless retard who dont stand for what you say, and just keep on puking crap over these boards. Cant you do everyone a favour and just get fo from these boards?
Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
And still he returns....
Interestingly, both times I've asked RG if Nali is a bit dense ingame, none of them have leapt to his defense. Hmmm.
So is the 'Nalistah Orienteering Challenge' now open? Can Nalistah find amg without the aid of someone holding his hand? Does his mother still dress him funny? Will anyone notice? Will anyone care?
Tune in next week to watch Nalistah get even more spluttery and overexcitable.
Originally posted by nalistah
just look at your sad replys.... i feel sorry for u man![]()
Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
Awww - he cares. He really really cares. I'm touched. In fact I think I'l find a quiet corner for a little sniffle.
Originally posted by -RG-Jaond
Maybe answer Nalistah's question insteed of just behave like a kid.
Damn to much underage ppl playing this game, now fo with your fotminfil and get the hell out of here
Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
Edit 2:
I notice none of RG have leapt to Nalis defense yet.....
Originally posted by Aussie-
the only sb who ever killed me with my old 31slash spec with both RAs up was jox.
I respecced to 50 slash for fun at r10 and i challenged him on irc , won with 90% left after IP..
without the hp difference (1900vs2100) , I don't think i need IP to kill an r9L3+ SB =)
PS: didnt use slam/crit, all was pure sword dmg.
PS2: any sb/hunter wants to duel? ;XXXXX
Originally posted by nalistah
hahaha, you are just sooooo stupid. Why should anyone need to defend me? And not everyone is sitting and reading BW 24/7 like you do. Now go out a bit and do something useful.
and who would that be? xDFirst of all i seen u been whooped by many sbs.
Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
How odd...
Lets see.
I get lucky, and I land my slam (no to hit bonus) and do 150hp damage. I then get even luckier, and the lame sb or ns does not have purge ready. Great, I get one free critshot (600-800hp damage). Oh, ffs, the SB has more than 1k hp left...
Great, I start hitting the SB using my thrust styles (29 thrust spec, had to go 42 shield for the slam) doing a massive 80-100hp damage every 2-3s. Oddly enough, the sb is hacking away at me for about 3 times the damage. Luckily, my IP is up, and so with the SB at around 40% hp left, I use IP. Sadly, the SB proceeds to gank the crap out of me, and leaves me dead with 20% hp left.
Story would be more or less the same for an NS really.
A ranger will gank the crap out of me in straight melee, and so will a hunter (strongest archer class in the game imho).
Offense owns defense in this game really, just look at the savages raping anything in their path (well, their advanced evade is a tad silly).
So right now, Hunters own Rangers who own Scouts under normal circumstances.
And all you idiot hib and mid stealthers do is bitch about Albs zerging while you guys do it 20 times more. Don't get near the amg and you won't get zerged by Alb stealthers...
Regards, Glottis
Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
Yup - I'm just twelve with 20 years experience.
Edit 1:
I choose not to name any of my chars for multiple reasons - why does it bug you so much?
Edit 2:
I notice none of RG have leapt to Nalis defense yet.....
Originally posted by donttouchpoopy
Oh but I am.
I'm brightening up your existance.
(PS You can download maps of emain - might help you in your quest)
(PPS - still no member of RG piping up and syaing ' No Nali is not dense and gullible ingame'. Somewhat telling I think....)
Originally posted by -RG-Jaond
Saying he don't find hes way to amg who care? when it's coming from an fotminfil afraid to say he's chars name and only know how to camp amg with 1fg+ of hes boyfriends?
Originally posted by -RG-Jaond
Saying he don't find hes way to amg who care? when it's coming from an fotminfil afraid to say he's chars name and only know how to camp amg with 1fg+ of hes boyfriends?
Nali don't need any defence we all know you just talking bs anyway.
Originally posted by Aussie-
kin you liddul muppet find me 1 sb whois gonna keel me in pure melee , i'll challenge him on IRC and post the log here ;X
and who would that be? xD