Sooo Fallout 4 anyone?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
just nabbed all the fallouts for €20 in a bundle deal, keep me busy until mods fix Fallout 4 :D


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I keep promising myself that I will stop soon and wait for mods but then I find a new building to empty.

It fits perfectly with my "must collect everything" OCD


Identifies as a horologist.
Dec 11, 2003
I keep promising myself that I will stop soon and wait for mods but then I find a new building to empty.

It fits perfectly with my "must collect everything" OCD

You know you've been playing the game too much when you get far too excited finding a microscope or typewriter.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I lost Nick Valentine because of a quest trigger for a quest that I wasn't tracking. I was gutted but then got him back later on, can't believe how happy I was.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I've got 10k caps, purified water seems to be a bit of a cheat.

Oh, and that factory where they make toys, toys are going to be expensive kids.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I am up to about 15k now, I even rinse a vendors ammo and fusion cores plus take all their caps. Its a little easy to make money and (so far) I have not found anything worth buying apart from ammo and cores on any vendors. Hoping there is a super vendor somewhere that sells high end guns like in other fallout games, though I tended to find them early on so not sure.

Good tip for making money is stealing the core out of any brotherhood of steal knights suit. Once that is done they get out so you can then rob the armour too.


Identifies as a horologist.
Dec 11, 2003
Good tip for making money is stealing the core out of any brotherhood of steal knights suit. Once that is done they get out so you can then rob the armour too.

Yeah I've read about that trick but it seems too much like cheating to me and makes using a power armour 100% of the time possible and hence the game far far too easy.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I've not used the power armour yet apart from killing the Deathclaw at the start.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Infact, I mini gunned all the bandits down in the power armour, saw the deathclaw and thought fuck this, its too easy, so I jumped down without the power armour and mini gun, he hit me to 5% in one swing, so i ran back for the armour :p


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
Played on hardest difficulty and had my ass handed to me a couple of times before i got it, by the Deathclaw that is.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Getting really attached to Nick Valentine... going to have an Aeris moment if he dies.

One thing this has over previous fallouts is the character development, brilliant.

He is useless as fuck in a fight and spends half his time walking into your sites just as you fire but I just love him.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Getting really attached to Nick Valentine... going to have an Aeris moment if he dies.

One thing this has over previous fallouts is the character development, brilliant.

He is useless as fuck in a fight and spends half his time walking into your sites just as you fire but I just love him.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Well that ruined the mood a little bit.


Identifies as a horologist.
Dec 11, 2003
One thing this has over previous fallouts is the character development, brilliant.

Nick Valentine is useless as fuck in a fight and spends half his time walking into your sites just as you fire but I just love him.

The newspaper chick Piper seems to be my go-to sidekick at the moment. Her VA is really good and she's pretty handy with a pistol. The unscripted event where while clearing out a building she picked up the minigun from a fallen enemy and proceeded to take out an entire room of Super Mutants in the style of the Terminator kind of sold me on her :D

The main storyline has been pretty standard so far but some of the side quests have been excellent.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I'm a lone wolf, I keep picking up companions and stuff, but I got the Lone Wolf perk very early on, thinking the dog didn't count (lol@me) but turns out he did, so that was it, me and the open road.

I do miss meatshields though :(

I had an epic time earlier, I found another Mirelurk Queen, I kited it around for ever, found a Behemoth to fight it, watched their duel in anticipation, but the Queen absolutely annihilated the poor sod, so I continued to take her a bit further, where I found some Super Mutants having a bit of a battle with some Raiders, so they all fought the Queen as a common enemy, but failure was the result.

Then the Brotherhood came flying over, being shot down in the process crashing to the ground, but from the fiery wreck stepped forward a powersuit dude, who fought the Queen valiantly, and was deemed victorious, I have now dedicated my time playing this game to following this individual and documenting it for posterity.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I'm a lone wolf, I keep picking up companions and stuff, but I got the Lone Wolf perk very early on, thinking the dog didn't count (lol@me) but turns out he did, so that was it, me and the open road.

I do miss meatshields though :(

I had an epic time earlier, I found another Mirelurk Queen, I kited it around for ever, found a Behemoth to fight it, watched their duel in anticipation, but the Queen absolutely annihilated the poor sod, so I continued to take her a bit further, where I found some Super Mutants having a bit of a battle with some Raiders, so they all fought the Queen as a common enemy, but failure was the result.

Then the Brotherhood came flying over, being shot down in the process crashing to the ground, but from the fiery wreck stepped forward a powersuit dude, who fought the Queen valiantly, and was deemed victorious, I have now dedicated my time playing this game to following this individual and documenting it for posterity.

I only really take a follower to carry more stuff, they are all equally useless in a fight but it seems each has a quest, just finished Nick Valentines, had a nice bit of exploration and a bit of a side story. Sent him back to base and taking someone else (That I have forgotten the name of)

Level 50 now, still enjoying it. Tooling up encampments now.


Identifies as a horologist.
Dec 11, 2003
Level 50 now, still enjoying it. Tooling up encampments now.

Why bother? Building up your settlements doesn't seem to do anything except cosmetics. I'm level 31 and so far not a single one of one of my settlements has even been attacked yet and I've barely put any defence in place.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Mine are getting attacked pretty regularly now.

I quite like the idea of all the encampments from a roleplay point of view and quite like building them, most have 10+ settlers in now, I think I have around 20 camps in total and still gaining new ones now and again.

You get quests from them too so its a good way to randomise your exploration a bit as often they will send you off to an undiscovered area which may have its own quests or special items.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Why bother? Building up your settlements doesn't seem to do anything except cosmetics. I'm level 31 and so far not a single one of one of my settlements has even been attacked yet and I've barely put any defence in place.

I personally find it fun to build new settlements. Some of the locations are very different, and it's interesting to see what kind of settlement works there.
I also find building settlements to be a nice breather after a long series of quests. It's a good way to cap off the (now seemingly always) long nights of gaming, when at least my head can't take full-on action anymore.

As for benefits, well you do get random loot and caps out of it. Plus experience building the place, although not much. Still nice you do get some exp.
Also useful to have your own vendors, pick up some specific junk or maybe even ammo. At times (currently level 26 and some 50 hours in) I still run out of some ammo, and my own vendors might carry them. Of course you have vendors elsewhere... but anyway.

Fun metagame imho, with small perks involved.

I'm a lone wolf, I keep picking up companions and stuff, but I got the Lone Wolf perk very early on, thinking the dog didn't count (lol@me) but turns out he did, so that was it, me and the open road.

Currently Dogmeat does not count as a companion when it comes to that perk. Unless they changed it within 2-3 days. Friend just mentioned it work with Dogmeat, I believe on Sunday.
Plus there are even articles on the fact that Dogmeat works with Lone Wanderer, as fresh as yesterday.
Dogmeat is hence probably by far the best companion, since you can use Lone Wanderer. IMHO at least.
However it is almost certainly a bug, there is a loading screen that says dogs do not work with Lone Wanderer.

There is a beta patch out on Steam, but I don't have beta patches enabled. Not sure if they fixed the Dogmeat + Lone Wanderer thing yet.

Only reason I haven't taken the perk, even though I have Dogmeat since the beginning until now, is that since it probably is a bug I don't want to waste that one perk point. I do want the dog after regardless.
Of course there is no level cap, so one perk point here or there doesn't really mean jack.
Friend who just finished with something over 100 hours reached over level 70, so there are quite a few perk points there. :D
Last edited:


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
As far as I am concerned, sticking with one follower, or not using one at all is a mistake. Each follower has a set of quests that open up as you travel with them which lead you to some unique locations with their own stories.

With regards to the settlements, I spent about 4 hours last night making sure every settlement was linked with a trade route and also attempting to get the benevolent leader achievement...which is a ballache and expensive and involves quite an investment in ability points and I wish I hadn't started. Level 55 now though so I have pretty much everything I need for my character as far as abilities are concerned.


Identifies as a horologist.
Dec 11, 2003
... With regards to the settlements, I spent about 4 hours last night making sure every settlement was linked with a trade route and also attempting to get the benevolent leader achievement...which is a ballache and expensive and involves quite an investment in ability points and I wish I hadn't started. Level 55 now though so I have pretty much everything I need for my character as far as abilities are concerned.

Yeah, having CHR lvl 5 with the 2 "Local Leader" perks is pretty much required to play once you have more than a few settlements.

... Fun metagame imho, with small perks involved.

I like the idea behind settlements and they are a really nice addition but I still think the settlements are a feature still waiting for some meaningful content. Whether that's planned for the DLC releases or we'll have to wait for mod's only time will tell.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
As far as I am concerned, sticking with one follower, or not using one at all is a mistake. Each follower has a set of quests that open up as you travel with them which lead you to some unique locations with their own stories.

I agree on this. Switched out Dogmeat for the first time now at a bit over 50 hours. Enjoying so far.

Yeah, having CHR lvl 5 with the 2 "Local Leader" perks is pretty much required to play once you have more than a few settlements.

I think the level 1 local leader is the only must, the second level (shops) is a bonus.
Anyway, at least the first level is totally mandatory, if you want to actually build the settlements.
I personally go about maxing every single settlement I get. Currently I have 15 settlements. Although maxing at the moment does not mean I spend tons of time there trying to hit maximum population for each, instead I keep adding stuff as people appear and slowly they all grow. Not sure if you even can somehow speed up hitting the settler cap? What I do is always have water, food, and beds around 2 points above the settler count.
Then defense for each I build at least to a level that is the total of food+water, which apparently decreases the amount of attacks a lot. Although doesn't it actually mark it as a problem, if defense is below the total of water+food? So it's not exactly a secret mechanic.
In 50 hours I've had one attack so far, that came as a quest that is. Other times an attack has started the moment I enter the settlement.

I like the idea behind settlements and they are a really nice addition but I still think the settlements are a feature still waiting for some meaningful content. Whether that's planned for the DLC releases or we'll have to wait for mod's only time will tell.

It seems like a fairly likely addition to get in DLCs, even if as a sort of extra in addition some new quest content.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I am getting pretty hacked off with settlements now. I am trying to get Sanctuary to 100 for the achievement and its a paradise, loads of food, shops, water, defence nearly 200. Loads of houses with furniture and decorations. It seems to just fluctuate around 75...

In the meantime, an absolute shit hole with not enough food or water, no decorations and just enough defence was a steady 80.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Pre warning for anyone planning on doing the main story quest.

Don't until you are satisfied you have finished all other faction missions, Brotherhood of Steel, Railroad etc. You have to choose a faction for the last set of story quests and you can no longer complete other faction quests. Really shitty feature, and pretty pointless.

As I plan on another full play through when the game of the year edition comes out it is not the end of the world but meh.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Pre warning for anyone planning on doing the main story quest.

Don't until you are satisfied you have finished all other faction missions, Brotherhood of Steel, Railroad etc. You have to choose a faction for the last set of story quests and you can no longer complete other faction quests. Really shitty feature, and pretty pointless.

As I plan on another full play through when the game of the year edition comes out it is not the end of the world but meh.

The other brotherhood missions such as;

Clear out College Square
Clear out the National Guard Barracks
Clear out College Square
Clear out the National Guard Barracks
Clear out College Square
Clear out the National Guard Barracks
Clear out College Square
Clear out the National Guard Barracks
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Clear out the National Guard Barracks
Clear out College Square
Clear out the National Guard Barracks
Clear out College Square
Clear out the National Guard Barracks
Clear out College Square
Clear out the National Guard Barracks


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The other brotherhood missions such as;

Clear out College Square
Clear out the National Guard Barracks
Clear out College Square
Clear out the National Guard Barracks
Clear out College Square
Clear out the National Guard Barracks
Clear out College Square
Clear out the National Guard Barracks
Clear out College Square
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Clear out the National Guard Barracks
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Clear out the National Guard Barracks
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Clear out the National Guard Barracks
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Clear out the National Guard Barracks
Clear out College Square
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Clear out College Square
Clear out the National Guard Barracks
Clear out College Square
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Clear out College Square
Clear out the National Guard Barracks
Clear out College Square
Clear out the National Guard Barracks
Clear out College Square
Clear out the National Guard Barracks
Clear out College Square
Clear out the National Guard Barracks
Clear out College Square
Clear out the National Guard Barracks

Nah, you get some from the Prydwen airship.

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