The amount of hate I've been getting is ridiculous! Haha.saw your fb post, told some friends who raged because they didnt have it
tempted to buy it
Bought saved eight quid.SAVE20-NOVEMB-GAMING at to save 20%
RockPaperShotgun said:In any case, I’d be moaning about that stuff a whole lot less if the shooting wasn’t, well, bobbins. I said earlier that Fallout 4’s presentation finally escapes the woodenness of past Bethesda games, but in combat the geriatric Gamebryo roots reveal themselves. Despite clear attempts to be a better shooter (with Destiny cited as an inspiration), masses of enemies moving around quickly sees them revert to that oddly weightless, puppety scuttle so familiar from Oblivion and onwards. They don’t feel quite… there, even though the game’s working overtime to appear as though it’s a full-blown shooter. The weapons are a big improvement over Fallout 3, feeling more tangible in addition to looking more interesting and offering more variety, but combat still comes down to gradually carving away health bars rather than twitchy headshot precision.
I know this is nebulous, and refers to everything from animation to physics to sound effects, but the shooting simply doesn’t feel quite right – it’s unsatisfying and repetitive, and the enemies more obstacle than threat. It’s certainly not disastrous, but is stuck in even more of a halfway house between RPG and shooter than Fallout 3 was
Well no wonder I couldn't see a difference then.Nvidia can still fuck off with their proprietary Gameworks shite though. It's doing nothing for the advancement of the industry.
Cant turn off depth of field only high or lowActually that comparison link is broken, it's not producing the right visuals. It should be -
So it definitely has a visual effect but one I'll turn off since I personally don't like it. Similar for Depth of Field, I hate that.
Anyway, it's essentially the same Skyrim engine it's based on so there are countless tweaks and settings that people will play around with in the next few weeks. Just compare vanilla Skyrim to a modded version to see the difference.
I always go by the reviews ... Not. There have been loads ofreviews that have given games mediocre scores and i still enjoyed them.I may play New Vegas now that this is out. It's probably stable and it's bound to have some hi-res texture pack that doesn't fuck it over.
@Raven - what's good in terms of making it still look like fallout but not like blocky console turd?
I may play New Vegas now that this is out. It's probably stable and it's bound to have some hi-res texture pack that doesn't fuck it over.
@Raven - what's good in terms of making it still look like fallout but not like blocky console turd?
Actually, our links are different (and not broken). Mine compared "low" to "ultra" (no apparent difference despite a 30 FPS hit) and yours compares "off" to "ultra". You can change the URL as you see fit but it looks like there's a lot more going on than just Godrays (it seems to affect most of the lighting so perhaps that would've been a better name for it).Actually that comparison link is broken, it's not producing the right visuals. It should be -
I hated the combat in the earlier games - as stated earlier in the thread. All the reviews of this game say that the combat is the same - i.e. shit. Not fixed.I always go by the reviews ... Not. There have been loads ofreviews that have given games mediocre scores and i still enjoyed them.
Dont be such a media pussy
With regards to the quote about the combat being repetitive and unsatisfying, I've got to at least half disagree. Sure it is kinda clunky but that's where the VATS come in.Bird really wants me to get this, so she can watch me playing it.
But, looking at reviews, it appears I was right on the money again:
Meh. VATS. It's kinda nice to blow people's legs off and the like but gets dull quickly. But it's not just that - it's the whole thing.With regards to the quote about the combat being repetitive and unsatisfying, I've got to at least half disagree. Sure it is kinda clunky but that's where the VATS come in.
Meh. VATS. It's kinda nice to blow people's legs off and the like but gets dull quickly. But it's not just that - it's the whole thing.
The AI is awful. AWFUL. Movement is jerky stick figures running around like headless chickens with no purpose and with no sense of their own self preservation, or running into fences, rocks, etc. - like they barely know they're there. Just so stupid.
And the feel of movement, weapons, etc. etc. There's a massive disconnect, it in no way feels natural.
Yup just like the rest of the series and its still goodSo just like every other Bethesda / Fallout game then and that never stops them being popular.
The little time I've spent so far it still has the expectedly awful facial & body animations, the terrible static hair choices, the movement bugs - literally (I've seen several roaches fall through the ground!). However the guns actually feel better to me this time, for example the shotgun gives a sense of real weight behind it.
Who cares what the masses think? It's all about me, dontcha know?So just like every other Bethesda / Fallout game then and that never stops them being popular.