team FH taking silver league 3v3 by storm
top 8 silver league 3v3
Sky is the limit!
NP mate, you can't play SC2 when you're tired. I think you're right about unranked vs ranked. I thought they were separate.
FINALLY out of plat and into diamond. Not sure why it took me so long. I've either gotten a lot worse or the people that play the game this long after HoTS are generally better than before.
Nathanias is such a good caster. He was great at Dreamhack a while ago and is killing it here.
Naniwa's micro is flawless.
This is really nerdy but does anyone watch the Rollplay stuff that JP does? I started watching it last week and quite like it. I didn't have a clue what they were doing at the start but it's actually quite funny at times and I'm starting to get into it.
In SC2 we have a proud tradition of awkward award ceremonies. Couldn't have the usual champagne fail since life is 16 I guess so I guess something had to happen