Was the quality of the picture/sound ok?
Is it not more like: "Protoss behind? Hahahahaahahahahahahah!"
Stop slagging my race off
Everyone seems to think Protoss is OP atm. I think void rays might be a bit strong against Zerg. I'm not sure what Terrans moan for though. What has really changed in the match up in recent times? The Warp Prism buff has hardly made a difference.
Uhm, Mothership core? Denies any terran aggressiveness in the start, allows protoss to play greedy as fuck without risk, as opposed to terran which has to take every precaution to not get caught off guard by the ENDLESS protoss cheesebuilds and lethal aggressive opening/timings that instant kills you. Even if you SEE something coming, like 4gate blink on some maps it's incredible hard to hold off, and protoss can easily take an exp behind it even if it doesnt straight out kill you and come out miles ahead.
TvP is really broken, unless you are a korean terran that is.
Nah everyone knows the protoss motto is "When behind: Dark Shrine!"
Do you not fast expand vs Protoss? If they go blink 4 gate it's clearly an all in (unless it's some dodgy 2 base thing which would be easy to hold anyway). If you do minor damage and expand you will just die to a Stim push. You can't contain either unless you break the natural but you aren't (well you shouldn't) be able to do that with blink stalkers.