Impressed So Starcraft 2...


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
Was the quality of the picture/sound ok?

I only had the sound on for a little while but it seemed fine. The picture quality was decent and ran smooth. Perhaps add the option to increase/decrease the quality for people with crappy internet or those that want HD?

Do you commentate on your games much? I think that's the best way to encourage people to watch you.


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
I could have a go at commentating. I've always found when I try to chat on skype while playing I end up playing like shit, but it might just be because I'm paying attention to what other people say. Also gotta get a new mic.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yeah commenting and playing will mess your game up, its a given, but also can't count out entertainment value.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
I tried to install the launcher (the one where you can launch all blizzard games and get a nice ui to go with), gave me at least two disconnect before game start losses. Uninstalled and it worked again, just a heads up :/


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
Just had the Lol'est game vs toss.
He proxy gated me, had me contained like a bitch. Kept denying my expand and I was barely earning enough to keep up to supply. Thought the inevitable push was going to come at any point. Thought might as well drop him and see what I can see. turns out, after 15 mins of having me contained, he hadn't expanded once. Dropped his main and boom. Insta quit. HAH!


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
Nah everyone knows the protoss motto is "When behind: Dark Shrine!"


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
Is it not more like: "Protoss behind? Hahahahaahahahahahahah!"

Stop slagging my race off :D

Everyone seems to think Protoss is OP atm. I think void rays might be a bit strong against Zerg. I'm not sure what Terrans moan for though. What has really changed in the match up in recent times? The Warp Prism buff has hardly made a difference.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Stop slagging my race off :D

Everyone seems to think Protoss is OP atm. I think void rays might be a bit strong against Zerg. I'm not sure what Terrans moan for though. What has really changed in the match up in recent times? The Warp Prism buff has hardly made a difference.

Uhm, Mothership core? Denies any terran aggressiveness in the start, allows protoss to play greedy as fuck without risk, as opposed to terran which has to take every precaution to not get caught off guard by the ENDLESS protoss cheesebuilds and lethal aggressive opening/timings that instant kills you. Even if you SEE something coming, like 4gate blink on some maps it's incredible hard to hold off, and protoss can easily take an exp behind it even if it doesnt straight out kill you and come out miles ahead.

TvP is really broken, unless you are a korean terran that is.


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
Uhm, Mothership core? Denies any terran aggressiveness in the start, allows protoss to play greedy as fuck without risk, as opposed to terran which has to take every precaution to not get caught off guard by the ENDLESS protoss cheesebuilds and lethal aggressive opening/timings that instant kills you. Even if you SEE something coming, like 4gate blink on some maps it's incredible hard to hold off, and protoss can easily take an exp behind it even if it doesnt straight out kill you and come out miles ahead.

TvP is really broken, unless you are a korean terran that is.

I thought you started playing after HoTS came out for some reason. Yes the mothership allows the Protoss to play greedy at the start. All Terran has to do is fast expand behind a bunker to match it.

If you want I can do some cheeses against you and you can practice holding them off? I think the key is knowing when to scout (scans/reapers) and then reacting accordingly. Energy saved on the nexus tells you (SCV scout) a 4 gate is coming. Two pylons in the main at 22 ish supply (reaper scout) with double gas tells you it's a proxy stargate. I'm not sure about 4 gate blink because I never do it. Your first scan should tell you it's coming though surely. It's an absolute all-in unless you are only one one base yourself. Widow mines or marauders would completely shut it down and if you survive until stimpack is up it's GG.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
If "all terran has to do" was FE behind a bunker to match it, a ton of my games would be alot different to put it that way. I am perfectly aware of the things you are pointing out such as number of pylons and scouting intel, but it's not only those basic cheese I'm talking about. There are so many other timings that you need to be aware of and that can be ambiguous to scout, especially with the erratic playstyle in lower league. It's not even the openings that are the worst, its not as if it gets easier to beat protoss the longer the game goes, feels like the clock is ticking against you all the time as terran. These are also hard to hold, because if you commit too much you can still end up behind even if holding.

It's not absolute all-in, you only need to contain or do minor damage if you decide to take an expansion instead. Takes nothing to make terran overreact, because if you don't you flat out lose. I think you underestimate the way the matchup works.


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
Do you not fast expand vs Protoss? If they go blink 4 gate it's clearly an all in (unless it's some dodgy 2 base thing which would be easy to hold anyway). If you do minor damage and expand you will just die to a Stim push. You can't contain either unless you break the natural but you aren't (well you shouldn't) be able to do that with blink stalkers.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Do you not fast expand vs Protoss? If they go blink 4 gate it's clearly an all in (unless it's some dodgy 2 base thing which would be easy to hold anyway). If you do minor damage and expand you will just die to a Stim push. You can't contain either unless you break the natural but you aren't (well you shouldn't) be able to do that with blink stalkers.

What do you mean by fast expand? Rax/reaper FE? I do CC first sometimes into 2 rax. As for being an all-in, it depends. If you do enough damage or just prevent mining from second base long enough you can easily go back to macro behind it and be ahead/even. It's one base, but it really is easy to take an exp and defend it behind it. I'm not sure on what level of play you base this on, but I see alot of streams of top level play also where terran players have problems defending the various attacks. Immortal sentry can be pain in the ass if they ff your bunker(s) correctly.


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
The proposed changes for Oracle and DT are just incredible. Decrease cost for a great early game harassment option when Toss have so many good choices already, and increase speed for DT?
Where do they think of this stuff. I like the WM nerf, however, I'm a big proponent of tanks!


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
I don't care about the oracle buff much since they kinda suck in PvZ and the DT buff will be a minor annoyance but I know terrans' gon be mad. The roach burrow speed buff will be naice though. I'm not looking forward to everyone going mech;I've only just got the hang of dealing with bio/mine T_T_T_T


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
I love mech vs zerg, but I still go bio/mine because it's more fluid and fast paced games. Mech games you always have to turtle up to perfect sky terran army and every game lasts like 50min+, moving out as mech terran always seems so risky. However, if you reach the lategame skyterran you most often win.

Saw Naama do an interesting more ground based build vs Minato in one of those team leagues recently, was pretty fun to watch.


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
I'm on a run of playing like absolute shit atm. It's so frustrating. My favorite mistake seems to be forgetting to hotkey my observers and forgetting where they are.


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
I think if you get stuck in a rut the best thing to do is change something up. Learn a new build or play a bit of off race or maybe just change vetoed maps or something. Alternatively make a list of the stupid things you keep doing wrong and just go into the game with the mindset that you 'win' if you remember to do those things right even if you actually lose. Focus entirely on getting them right for a bunch of games and then once you're comfortable go back to trying to play normally.

Or just flame your opponents and complain about balance; that's what most people do!


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Just don't start trying to inventing new builds or do random frustration tactics, was exactly what I did in my darkest TvP hours (dropping to 29% TvP winrate) and it only added to the frustration. I reset, went back to basic, got better and now I'm starting to gain ground again thankfully!

Also got promoted back to diamond :)


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
nice grats!

Yeah when I say learn a new build I don't mean make up some stupid all in. Download some recent pro replays and find a cool style that's different from what you've been doing and copy it.


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
Don't you just hate it when someone GGs you early. I was tempted to pause the game and put the rocky theme music on. That motherfucker.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
I just accept it as an invitation to liftoff and lamebuild.

Not that I would need any most of the times xD


Part of the furniture
Jul 26, 2007
Haha yes, if I could lift off I would.

What's your SC2 battletag thingy btw Coldbeard? I don't think I have you as a friend in game.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004

im in the FH grp, but there are never anyone in chat.

Been enjoying offracing as zerg on NA lately also, so not played too much :)

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