Tell that to all the cretins who voted to leave the EU because they don't like Cameron....surely all they do is support the party line?
Tell that to all the cretins who voted to leave the EU because they don't like Cameron....surely all they do is support the party line?
Because she's responsible for thisplease bear in mind I have no idea who this person is. what's she done that is so terrible?
please bear in mind I have no idea who this person is. what's she done that is so terrible?
I dont think you realise that all the Leavers have just been systematically outmaneuvered and removed from the chess board. The remainers have guaranteed they stay in control and swapped Cameron out for May
Because she's responsible for this
Draft Communications Data Bill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Also, towing the party line -may- be okay, but the problem is post-Brexit the Tories have moved to a more right-wing view, and this was suspected as a result of the referendum, and is more or less confirmed by Tories and Labour potentially making an official Tory-Lite party.
I was hoping for a general election to be called.
If there is a GE do you think they will vote Corbyn or May...
It will be.
Why? When? What for?It will be.
I dont think you realise that all the Leavers have just been systematically outmaneuvered and removed from the chess board. The remainers have guaranteed they stay in control and swapped Cameron out for May
If there is a GE do you think they will vote Corbyn or May...
We have just witnessed the greatest power grab against the british public in our modern history.
This was plan B all along, Cameron makes the promise..ditch him for a remainer, quite quickly the two brexiters are pushed out of the race and the puppet is put in charge...just unfuckingbelievable.
She will bury brexit, in fact she'll do it within a week.
Why not? There is no credible opposition. Get an extra 5 years.Why? When? What for?
Because there's no election until 2020 anyway? They don't get an extra 5 years - they get an extra one. What's the fucking point in risking it?Why not? There is no credible opposition. Get an extra 5 years.
May, by a landslide.