Why? because I said the people would demand a general election if Boris became an unelected PM, yes, I get it, it was Tories people voted for, did you really think this much into what I said, I feel kind of sorry for you if you've genuinely sat there thinking about this for THAT long? people will demand a general election, doesn't mean they'll get one.. but they will demand one.
Err. For a start you dont elect a pm, you elect an mp, that mp belongs to a political party who choose a leader, who if they gain a majority becomes pm. This is not America. Second, people can demand an election all they like, it wont change who is the tory leader, if anything, the only thing it will do is give the tories an even bigger majority.
Yeah so you will admit to having absolutely no clue how UK political parties actually work then.
I didn't say that, stop be a presumptive prat. If you want a civil conversation, be more civil, if you want cuntish responses, continue being a cunt.
Said the man who puntuates with idiocy.
Puntuates?Said the man who puntuates with idiocy.
Sorry, I dont spend my entire life in front of a keyboard...
It would be quite uncomfortable sitting on a computer all day, they've got pointy corners....
Unfortunate timing while criticising someones grammer! Mines because my index finger is wonky at the end.
It should be spelled with an E, I refuse to use an A
I missed you had agoraphobia, I remember now from some time back, are they undetstanding down at the benefit cutting office..probably not.It's not a case of cherry picking (well, I mean yes obviously they've stuck the worse there) it's the reactions of these people and the fact they've voted based on what they've said that's more worrying. The chav mother for example, by her own admittance hasn't even bothered looking for work and she's complaining about people stealing her job... which she hasn't even applied for? that's what fucks me off the most, before agoraphobia set in I worked my arse off, something I'd kill to do again because being on state handouts is not remotely fun and cunts like her are sat there with no intention of looking for work complaining about people stealing her imaginary job? THATS what pisses me off.
I missed you had agoraphobia, I remember now from some time back, are they undetstanding down at the benefit cutting office..probably not.
I cant help but think that fear of open spaces just doesn't even begin to describe it.
I have noticed my phobias, though minor seem to get worse as I get older....I can't get in the back of a two door car now.
Had that for a while when i went through my massive anxiety phase. Got the shakes and felt sick before i got to the corner of the street. Only place i felt calm was in my house particularly laying on my bed. Was very hard for a while specially living alone at the time and having to go to the supermarket on valium. Rushing round as fast as possible feeling ill all the time.I have 2 children, I haven't been out of the house once with either of them since they were born, so yea, you could say it doesn't even begin to describe it.
Had that for a while when i went through my massive anxiety phase. Got the shakes and felt sick before i got to the corner of the street. Only place i felt calm was in my house particularly laying on my bed. Was very hard for a while specially living alone at the time and having to go to the supermarket on valium. Rushing round as fast as possible feeling ill all the time.
Hope you manage to find something that helps you.
Was also on and still am stemetil for the nausea and citalopram for the anxiety and depression.I'm on 30mg Mirtazapine at the moment, makes me sleep... a lot.
Was also on and still am stemetil for the nausea and citalopram for the anxiety and depression.
I was litterally having a break down about going to the shrink who couldnt prescribe me anything without seeing. Had to get my mum to virtually hold my hand there. Not a very manly thing to have to do at 36 or so.