
Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I don't understand why people on this forum think that leaving the EU would improve rights for workers, when they vote Tory.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I voted Tory because they were least shit, nothing more.



Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I voted Tory because they were least shit, nothing more.



Brexit wins, Cameron & Osbourne resign, best case scenario there's another election with Johnson vs Corbyn, Johnson wins, do you think he'll push for your workers rights?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003

Brexit wins, Cameron & Osbourne resign, best case scenario there's another election with Johnson vs Corbyn, Johnson wins, do you think he'll push for your workers rights?

Sorry but the reality is no one knows what the actual result would be if we left, nor do I feel much is truly known about the future of staying now.

The argument over the rich is a pointless one, they exist on both sides and generally it is all self interest that drives their decision.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I'll also be honest and say if there was a general election tomorrow I probably wouldn't vote for any one at the moment.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Sorry but the reality is no one knows what the actual result would be if we left, nor do I feel much is truly known about the future of staying now.

The argument over the rich is a pointless one, they exist on both sides and generally it is all self interest that drives their decision.

No, if Brexit wins, Cameron WILL resign - it's politics.

Johnson will take over, since he 'won' Brexit.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
No, if Brexit wins, Cameron WILL resign - it's politics.

Johnson will take over, since he 'won' Brexit.

I feel like we'd end up needing a general election if brexit wins. But yeah I think Boris beats Gove for the leadership ( although by a small margin ). Osbourne has been laying the groundwork as well for ages, but I think brexit would kill his chances.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I feel like we'd end up needing a general election if brexit wins. But yeah I think Boris beats Gove for the leadership ( although by a small margin ). Osbourne has been laying the groundwork as well for ages, but I think brexit would kill his chances.

This is why there's a lot of hard-lefties (they exist) who are refusing to vote Brexit even though it agrees with their politics but because the Government won't promise an Election if it's a 'Brexit' win, they're voting in.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
My point was yours and so many peoples predictions that you keep trying to state as if they are facts, such as your comment regarding workers rights is all unknown which is why even people people dislike the EU they are still likely to vote remain although as I stated that will probably be voting for the slightly less unknown.


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
My point was yours and so many peoples predictions that you keep trying to state as if they are facts, such as your comment regarding workers rights is all unknown which is why even people people dislike the EU they are still likely to vote remain although as I stated that will probably be voting for the slightly less unknown.


Cameron resigning if brexit wins is factual, I mean, it's pretty much definite - there is speculation on the prospect of him resigning even if Remain wins, if the vote is close anyway.

The Leave campaign is filled with the more right wing Tories whereas the Remain campaign is more centre ground - You can't really argue against that.

Since Leave is successful, it'll most likely hold the next leader of the Tories in it - most likely Boris Johnson.

If Boris Johnson then does the thing that they should do, and call an election - Johnson would win vs Corbyn anyway.

Which brings me back to my original question - would you trust Boris Johnson and the Leave campaign to rise wages and stuff - I think the people forget is that the Leave/Remain campaign can chat absolute shite about it and make up figures, it will marginally damage the party which they belong to.

What I'm saying is, Boris Johnson can get the workers voting by telling them that they'll be better off in Brexit, but he won't be obliged to carry through that prospect in a general election.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Fucking lol at those who think there'll be a GE.

The tories have a majority. They can do what they like. They're in power. Does anyone honestly think they're going to give that up? Power is their whole reason for being there - no matter how badly they use it.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Fucking lol at those who think there'll be a GE.

The tories have a majority. They can do what they like. They're in power. Does anyone honestly think they're going to give that up? Power is their whole reason for being there - no matter how badly they use it.

Who was that then?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Who was that then?
Nobody has said it explicitly, but there's a lot of fucking pointless waffle about something we *know* isn't going to happen - so I figured I'd point out how much cotton wool there was around here atm :)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
There always is a lot of pointless waffle around, although quite a bit of it from the same people :p

Personally my GE reference was simply my utter disdain for politicians and political parties at the moment which has never been higher.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Fucking lol at those who think there'll be a GE.

The tories have a majority. They can do what they like. They're in power. Does anyone honestly think they're going to give that up? Power is their whole reason for being there - no matter how badly they use it.

Hopefully they dont call a GE. Shit needs time to get organised. 3 years will do.

Turn out will be higher and more representation will happen.

Viva la revolution.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Like a house? How is anyone on average wage or less supposed to buy a house?

Its the simplest of economics, keep pouring in demand with the same amount of supply and the price explodes. The simplest answer is to either cut off demand or increase supply. Nobody is increasing supply and nobody has plans to. Therefore the is only one option left.

If you think house prices will become affordable for everyone because we are no longer part of the EU...




The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
@Job Exactly what do you expect will happen if UK leaves?

Make a list for me please, as detailed as you can....
Not a lot, they will kick most into the long grass..migration will continue, they'll keep building houses because that's all there is left to expand the economy.
The intrinsic value of the UK won't change, trade deals will just be they will write a different name on the folder, lawyers will make bazullions and hold the entire process up in the courts, everything bad will be blamed on brexit...we will go back to the price of beer and house prices as can see it here...selling our souls to a superstate??..fuck that, how much will my house be worth.
It is entirely symbolic and that is also it's most powerful effect, if we leave..and we won't, then the entire world will for one moment have the whiff of revolution wafted under their nostrils...those Brits, they are crazy, look at them heading off into the woods..'you'll be eaten by bears you idiots.'


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
So, please would you explain to me in clear and understandable terms, how leaving the EU would make this situation change.


Er... Point missed. Nobody gives a fuck. Read previous posts.

But in simple terms, on just house prices. Less demamd = prices lower = more affordable housing.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
If nobody gives a fuck then why not stay as we are??? Your point makes no sense.

And...there won't be less your equation is flawed


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Why stay as we are when it doesn't work?

Why not try something new?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Lulz :)

The bottom 5 are in order:

It's definitely an idiots "revolt".

But that doesn't mean idiots don't get a say. You expect the under-qualified and low (or no) skilled and poorly educated to be most effected by globalisation. They're the ones who've lost their shitty non-jobs to harder working poles and other eastern europeans (who'll work for less)**.

However, because they're knuckle dragging retards they've fallen for those who'd fuck them over even further. The opportunistic chancers that prey on the idiot weak.

The sun/mail/ukip lot, they've suffered. More than most. But they don't have the intellectual capacity to understand why, so they're raging.

If they win, they may indeed get a bigger say - and will rage even harder as they get fucked over even more - and they'll turn to more and more extreme politicians in an attempt to save them. The poor stupid fucked-over retards.

And people who can grasp it? They'll get saddled with Trumps. Or worse.

**Edit: You know, the ones @Raven sees as either feckless and undeserving idiots who don't deserve their social security and DSS - or the heroic poor, revolting against "elites" in an intellectual struggle for their own self-determination, depending on which argument he's having at the time :)
Last edited:


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
To put it in dead simple terms, for those that struggle...

Johnny wants to buy a house.

Johnny earns national average wage (around 25k)

Johnny has been in a long term relationship with Jenny, who also earns national average (around 25k)

Together Johnny and Jenny earn a fairly decent 50k a year, (bit of luck neither are nurses, teachers or police!)

Johnny and Jenny decide they want to get married, buy a house etc.

Johnny and Jenny go to the bank. Johnny and Jenny get told by meany Mr bank manager that the most they can afford to borrow is 200k, but they also need to come up with a 20k deposit.

Johnny and Jenny are sad. Their parent's aren't rich, they have had their pension funds and their savings raped by the banks, they can't borrow 20k (even if they could, it would effect their eligibility for a mortgage as its counted as borrowing)

Johnny and Jenny have a quick look at the houses for sale and (boo hoo, chums) find they can't actually afford anything, at all, even if they could magic a deposit out of their arse.

Johnny and Jenny face up to facts and decide the only way they can live together is to rent and hope to scrape together a deposit for later in life, who knows, one of them might make it and start earning a bit more?! right?!

OH NOES! Johnny and Jenny are now stuck paying 1K a month rent on some shitty flat.

OH NOES! Johnny and Jenny are stuck in the rental cycle while house prices become ever more out of reach. Due partly to cheap foreign labour, wages have stagnated, falling behind inflation, completely dropping off the scale compared to house prices.

Johnny and Jenny have sad faces.

Johnny and Jenny get asked if they want to continue in this never ending cycle of bullshit.

Johnny and Jenny see that the talking heads are having a competition...its the general election!

Johnny and Jenny see that both sides are peddling the same old bullshit but one man is less of a douchebag than the other.

Johnny and Jenny vote for the one that can eat a pork products without pulling a funny face.

Johnny and Jenny later find out that the man they picked likes to pull funny faces over pork products all along.

Johnny and Jenny are completely despondent with the entire system, what is the point to any of it?!

Johnny and Jenny hear that the man that likes to fuck pigs has promised them a vote, good times!

Johnny and Jenny hear that the banks that have refused to offer them money to buy a house and would quite happily see them stuck in a system that suits them for the rest of their meaningless lives, are now desperate for them to help them out by keeping the status quo.

Johnny and Jenny hear that by removing the single biggest growth factor on our population will drive down house prices because simple economics dictate that by reducing demand you reduce cost.

Johnny and Jenny say fuck you.

Johnny and Jenny would rather see the whole sorry mess burn than continue being cashcows for the rich.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Lulz :)

The bottom 5 are in order:

It's definitely an idiots "revolt".

But that doesn't mean idiots don't get a say. You expect the under-qualified and low (or no) skilled and poorly educated to be most effected by globalisation. They're the ones who've lost their shitty non-jobs to harder working poles and other eastern europeans (who'll work for less)**.

However, because they're knuckle dragging retards they've fallen for those who'd fuck them over even further. The opportunistic chancers that prey on the idiot weak.

The sun/mail/ukip lot, they've suffered. More than most. But they don't have the intellectual capacity to understand why, so they're raging.

If they win, they may indeed get a bigger say - and will rage even harder as they get fucked over even more - and they'll turn to more and more extreme politicians in an attempt to save them. The poor stupid fucked-over retards.

And people who can grasp it? They'll get saddled with Trumps. Or worse.

**Edit: You know, the ones @Raven sees as either feckless and undeserving idiots who don't deserve their social security and DSS - or the heroic poor, revolting against "elites" in an intellectual struggle for their own self-determination, depending on which argument he's having at the time :)

My god, you really are a despicable, middle class thunder cunt aren't you? Do you have no apathy at all for the less privileged?

You do realise that the plebs will beat you down at every turn, right? You and your fellow cunts are doomed. Enjoy!


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yes, right. Idiocy in full flight. Carry on. Enjoy Friday :D

There is a difference between those that simply cannot afford to do anything and those that simply don't care and those that have given up.

You're actually too stupid to understand 50 years of social history, we get that.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Actually, I was hoping you were going to have a Jonny and Jenny rant at students, or some other group who likes to educate themselves. I do like it when you do that. Please @Raven. Pleeease!

But either way, I like your Jonny and Jenny stories. They have the same sort of political insight as the Peter and Jane novels you're ripping off, and I daresay the same target audience.

Keep it simple stupid, eh?* I get it :)

*even if it isn't.

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