
The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I find it bonkers that in your head everyone that you do not agree with is some how sinister and has an evil agenda.

Yet all the people that you love (Trump, Farage) are amazing men of the people which will fix the planet.
There is the problem you and many others on this forum read my posts and slot them into your pre arranged discrimination in your head.
You pick out key words and conclude an agenda based on your own prejudice.
Thats what Im complaining about Liberals and right wingers want the same thing..its just the Libs sugar coat it for home consumption.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
There is the problem you and many others on this forum read my posts and slot them into your pre arranged discrimination in your head.
You pick out key words and conclude an agenda based on your own prejudice.
Thats what Im complaining about Liberals and right wingers want the same thing..its just the Libs sugar coat it for home consumption.

And again as posted by me and many others, you misunderstand what these 'liberals' are saying.

Right-wingers, racists, retards and people like you don't want immigrants because you're scared of people that are not of your own ethnicity and therefore consider them as inferior and do not want them near you.

Whereas 'Liberals' or the very fucking people that you have repeatedly posted don't really give a shit about immigration - they only raise these points as a reminder that poor nations need heavy investment to reeducate them that the growth of population will have a negative effect on the planet, and suggests that immigration is not good for the planet, not for bullshit lines drawn in sand.

You can keep arguing the same point, but it just proves your dumbness.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I simply fear for my culture because we are a tiny minority in a sea of humanity, the numbers are overwhelming and to watch us melt in to a world pot of monoculture depresses me.
In 200 years time we will be a curiosity in a vitual zoo.
Many seem happy with that...I'm not, so I call liberals and progressive socialists destructive.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I simply fear for my culture because we are a tiny minority in a sea of humanity, the numbers are overwhelming and to watch us melt in to a world pot of monoculture depresses me.
In 200 years time we will be a curiosity in a vitual zoo.
Many seem happy with that...I'm not, so I call liberals and progressive socialists destructive.

But you're posting links saying that liberals are saying immigration is bad. Which they are, but for the opposite reason why you are calling it bad.

Also as Orm said, what culture?

Interesting thought - I walked past a house the other day that was flying about 6 union flags...

In America people fly the stars and stripes and it's a part of their culture etc.

However in the UK (in my point of view) People that fly the union flag (apart from state building etc) 9/10 they're those racist people that say stuff like 'omg don't get offended by me flying my flag' IE - they're flying their flag to make a point with their faux patriotism rather than being a patriot without an agenda...



The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The favourite response of what culture...which gives away a persons distaste for their own history.
If we decided destroy Islamic culture...would 'what culture' be a reasonable response from me?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
People who think our flag is racist are actual retards. Can we all agree in that?


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
The favourite response of what culture...which gives away a persons distaste for their own history.

As a history teacher I find this hilarious.

The main reason why I ask 'what culture' is so that it's measurable - when will something that is important to you start to disappear?

'If WE decided...'

So you're arguing an active destruction of another culture because yours is under threat, but you can't argue which elements are under threat.



Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
People who think our flag is racist are actual retards. Can we all agree in that?

Yes, however, it has kinda been hijacked over the years by the NF/BNP etc which explains the reluctance to fly the flag - however, unlike the US, flying our flag has never been a part of our culture, it's just not something we do.

I don't buy into this idea that liberals or the left or what ever is responsible for the fall of 'patriotism' when it was the hard-rights fault for not adopting another flag, like the Nazis so kindly did for Germany.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Actually it was part of our culture, like having a picture of the monarch on the wall was.

It just isn't any more.

However it is still all over the place in one form or another. Fasion, sport, art etc

Our culture is fluid, has been since pre Roman times, probably one of the most fluid cultures on the planet. Some people, like job, don't like that but then they aren't particularly British.

Edit. I would actually say that wanting to freeze our culture at one point or another is less British than a new 'thing' being brought into our culture.
Last edited:


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I simply fear for my culture because we are a tiny minority in a sea of humanity, the numbers are overwhelming and to watch us melt in to a world pot of monoculture depresses me.
In 200 years time we will be a curiosity in a vitual zoo.
Many seem happy with that...I'm not, so I call liberals and progressive socialists destructive.

Our culture is unrecognisable in comparison to 200 years ago and will be even less recognisable 200 years in the future, and you’ll be far too dead to care anyway. No matter what you think about “protecting your culture” in the here and now is utterly, utterly irrelevant.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
As a history teacher I find this hilarious.

The main reason why I ask 'what culture' is so that it's measurable - when will something that is important to you start to disappear?

'If WE decided...'

So you're arguing an active destruction of another culture because yours is under threat, but you can't argue which elements are under threat.

Talk about twisting an argument.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Actually it was part of our culture, like having a picture of the monarch on the wall was.

It just isn't any more.

However it is still all over the place in one form or another. Fasion, sport, art etc

Our culture is fluid, has been since pre Roman times, probably one of the most fluid cultures on the planet. Some people, like job, don't like that but then they aren't particularly British.

Edit. I would actually say that wanting to freeze our culture at one point or another is less British than a new 'thing' being brought into our culture.
Its a SLOWLY evolving culture that is being swamped by the fastest mass immigration in recorded history...all anyone on the brexit is asking for is to slow it down.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I hardly think a 1000yr culture can be decribed in a forum post.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I hardly think a 1000yr culture can be decribed in a forum post.’s asking that. What do you want to protect now, and what do you want to be around 200 years from now, since that seems to be of some importance to you.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
And not to you it seems, in fact you deride anyone who has such aspirations, one would be tempted to conclude you would enjoy dancing on the rubble of a culture torn apart in decades that took a thousand years to grow.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
And not to you it seems, in fact you deride anyone who has such aspirations, one would be tempted to conclude you would enjoy dancing on the rubble of a culture torn apart in decades that took a thousand years to grow.

A thousand years to grow? As if like we've reached the pinnacle of our culture?

Culture gets destroyed all the fucking time by other cultures - as I say, most of 'British' culture was destroyed by the Americans thanks to World War 1 & 2.

I find it hilarious that you think that the UK will turn into a caliphate.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
And not to you it seems, in fact you deride anyone who has such aspirations, one would be tempted to conclude you would enjoy dancing on the rubble of a culture torn apart in decades that took a thousand years to grow.

Like what? You keep talking about stuff from a 1000 years ago, but what exactly?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Yes..lets take your hiding from the issue of the argument like a ten year old to the limit shall we.
Describe the universe..we cant discuss any part of it until wev've established exactly what it is.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Yes..lets take your hiding from the issue of the argument like a ten year old to the limit shall we.
Describe the universe..we cant discuss any part of it until wev've established exactly what it is.

You're fucking amazing.

Name ONE part of British culture which is under threat.

I'm not asking you to write an essay on what British culture is, I want a single example.

Also I don't agree with your 'issue' that's kind of what an opinion is.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I wouldnt mind if it was a two way street, talking to the father in law who was an RAF observer in various places around the middle East, based in Cyprus, he was flown all over to witness the aftermath of violent events.
He said it was nearly always genocide of non muslims or muslim sects they didnt approve of, we are talking babies to 90yr olds, slaughtered, every single living thing.
That is still going on now, the cult of Mohammed alive and strong, just as racist..just as genocidal and xenophobic, meanwhile we open up our tiny country to its belief, encourage and protect its places of worship and put in place draconian punishments on any criticism of its status.
All through liberal guilt, the sheer panic we might re enact the horrors of WW2, but instead they are setting us up for it.
Just look at the closet Nazi we have in Austra now.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
You're fucking amazing.

Name ONE part of British culture which is under threat.

I'm not asking you to write an essay on what British culture is, I want a single example.

Also I don't agree with your 'issue' that's kind of what an opinion is.
Ok..soft leather on hard wood.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
The favourite response of what culture...which gives away a persons distaste for their own history.
If we decided destroy Islamic culture...would 'what culture' be a reasonable response from me?

Did not mean it as "you dont have a culture" but as a legitimate question, which parts of your culture are you seeing dissapearing?


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Yes..lets take your hiding from the issue of the argument like a ten year old to the limit shall we.
Describe the universe..we cant discuss any part of it until wev've established exactly what it is.

Copout. Total, total copout. Basically you've come up with some utter bollocks to try to justify being a racist cunt and when you're called on specifics you've got nothing. I'd actually have more respect for a bit of honest racism than this bullshit. You'd still be a racist prick, but I wouldn't have to read fatuous bollocks about protecting a culture you can't even articulate.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Culture is fluid and always has been subject to change, the only thing is it changes even faster now although none of what has changed will truly be forgotten so that would never be my issue with immigration.

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