
Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
It is not a matter for the EU, it is a matter for the Spanish government. All the EU can do is "have a word" re the violence. Which would certainly be in private. They only discuss trade negotiations in public.

As already pointed out, numerous times.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Of course its a matter for the EU and as soon as it gets difficult they pull playground level politics.
They should have enormous influence, but have none.
They didnt listen to us..in other words..we know what we want but if it happens its not our fault...because we are not supposed to interfere..but we did, and they didnt take any notice..but if they do, we said fuk all.
They are nothing more than an EU media centre atm.
They should have total soft influence over tge EU countries..but have non...a political dream with no balls.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Word soup. Slow down

Think about what you want to say before sharting it out all over your keyboard.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Of course its a matter for the EU and as soon as it gets difficult they pull playground level politics.
They should have enormous influence, but have none.
They didnt listen to us..in other words..we know what we want but if it happens its not our fault...because we are not supposed to interfere..but we did, and they didnt take any notice..but if they do, we said fuk all.
They are nothing more than an EU media centre atm.
They should have total soft influence over tge EU countries..but have non...a political dream with no balls.



The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Who are we actually dealing with...this is a massive turning point in European relations and the entire this is being handled by the EU, it really is time to take stock of its importance, talks are descending into childish spats, are the countries of Europe happy to let an overgrown commitee be their voice.
If the other countries are happy for the EU to sort it out, why dont we just let our MEPs sort it out, Merkel and Macron just make sound bites, while our senior politicians are in the thick of it.
It seems to be us against the EU while the real Europe stays quiet.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Who are we actually dealing with...this is a massive turning point in European relations and the entire this is being handled by the EU, it really is time to take stock of its importance, talks are descending into childish spats, are the countries of Europe happy to let an overgrown commitee be their voice.
If the other countries are happy for the EU to sort it out, why dont we just let our MEPs sort it out, Merkel and Macron just make sound bites, while our senior politicians are in the thick of it.
It seems to be us against the EU while the real Europe stays quiet.

Britain is negotiating with the EU not an individual member, appointing experienced negotiaters vs dumbass politicians seems smart to me


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Christ the latest May vs EU talks have been a fucking joke, does she honestly think the UK has that much pull vs the EU? she's fucking delusional if she thinks we have more power than they do... they dictate what or trade is going to be like outside of the EU, if she thinks she can topple that she wants pushing down a fucking hole and shitting on.

Get her out of power and give someone else a go.. anyone would be better than the shit show shes playing at the moment.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
they dictate what or trade is going to be like outside of the EU,

Completely and utterly wrong I am afraid. We will be free to trade with whoever we like, it will be between us and (whoever) to organise any trade deals, the EU will have as much say in them as, say, Russia.

And while the EU as a whole might be bigger, single countries, Germany, France will want a workable trade deal with the UK as it is in their interest to do so, as well as ours.

Germany are a NET exporter to the UK, a wank trade deal would hurt them far more than us. I mean, sure, the EU could try and play Billy big balls but it will blow up in their face if they do.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Completely and utterly wrong I am afraid. We will be free to trade with whoever we like, it will be between us and (whoever) to organise any trade deals, the EU will have as much say in them as, say, Russia.

And while the EU as a whole might be bigger, single countries, Germany, France will want a workable trade deal with the UK as it is in their interest to do so, as well as ours.

Germany are a NET exporter to the UK, a wank trade deal would hurt them far more than us. I mean, sure, the EU could try and play Billy big balls but it will blow up in their face if they do.

If say, Russia have the choice of a trade deal with the EU or the UK, which do you think they will spend the time and effort on? There seems to be this consistent propaganda from the Tories that trade deals are a piece of piss and everyone will want to have one with the UK. It won't be like that. Quick trade deals will be a bad for the British people (do you honestly think a US deal will be good in any shape or form with the current incumbent of the White House?) and slow trade deals, which are inevitable as a. Britain doesn't have the skills (clearly) and b. isn't anyone's top priority; will erode the British economy as WTO rules nibble away at the economy, which is also bad for the British people. There are no upsides for years (except for insiders and speculators), decades probably.

As for whether Germany and France want deals with the UK; irrelevant, the EU lives and dies as a block, and no a "wank trade deal" will not hurt the Germans far more than it hurts us; do the fucking maths; WTO rules aren't a trade embargo, the costs will simply be passed on to the British who will pay more for their BMWs, and put inflationary pressure on the economy, but because Britain no longer makes cars unless you want to buy a Nissan*, UK consumers will have no choice other than to take the hit on price. The only EU country that really does have something to lose from no deal is Ireland. Thanks. The Germans can absorb the damage until the cows come home.

(*I know there are other car manufacturers in Britain, but it doesn't matter as the imported content of those cars will raise their prices as well).


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yes, costs will be forwarded onto the consumer, what usually happens when that happens? Oh right, yes, less people buy the product. There is far more to Germany than BMWs and VWs, German industrial equipment is huge, machinery and components. People will go elsewhere if they can get the same for cheaper.

lol, cars, There is far more to imports/exports.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Yes, costs will be forwarded onto the consumer, what usually happens when that happens? Oh right, yes, less people buy the product. There is far more to Germany than BMWs and VWs, German industrial equipment is huge, machinery and components. People will go elsewhere if they can get the same for cheaper.

lol, cars, There is far more to imports/exports.

And if the UK is on WTO rules everywhere else, because they have no skills at making trade deals, where are they going to get "the same for cheaper"? Is there another place that makes BMWs? And yes, in practical terms its all about cars (and car parts) which are about 30% of German exports to the UK. A lot of industrial components will be part of integrated support deals as well, where there is no plan B. Ten years down the line Britain might not rely on EU imports so much, but for now, the UK has a shitload more to lose than the EU does.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
No deal = no supply-chain. Chinese freight often lands in super-ports like Zeebrugge and is then trunked to the UK. No deal means there is no legal basis for this to happen. Having to ship directly to UK ports will also increase cost and where is the capacity to do this coming from?

It would be a car-crash.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003


Germany to impose 200k cap on refugees.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The simple fact is no one has a clue how it will play out...it is a leap into the dark, the world befire the EU has gone, the one thing we have is flexibility.
It wouldnt surprise me to see immigration go up, we just need to get rid of ghettoisation, it will destroy the UK.
I dont give a fuk where you came from, just get stuck in and forget your stupid shit from your last culture and join in with our stupid shit.
It should be on the form...act like the locals knobhead...is it too much to ask.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
act like the local knobheads


And I don't see what you want them to do differently. They all get up > eat > work > pay taxes > come home > look after their kids. What more can you want from people?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
To show a little enthusiasm for the country they are benefitting from..its simple good manners, would improve their acceptance 100%...but many chose to stick to their own kind, isolating themselves and their families by enforcing their own cultural norms for employment opportunity.
Ghettos...the UK is a cesspit of them.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
To show a little enthusiasm for the country they are benefitting from..its simple good manners, would improve their acceptance 100%...but many chose to stick to their own kind, isolating themselves and their families by enforcing their own cultural norms for employment opportunity.
Ghettos...the UK is a cesspit of them.

I show no enthusiasm for this for this country.

Are you going to kick me out?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Don't you think their enthusiasm for living here is proved by them living here?

We've been through the ghetto thing before too - they're functions of poverty. Migrants are poor - so they live in poor areas.

Rich migrants buy property in Kensington and Chelsea - hardly ghettos (well ghettos full of rich). You don't accuse them of lacking enthusiasm - although they act in whatever cultural manner they like.

As do I. Which'll be way different from you. And I echo @Gwadien's sentiment...


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
It isn't a cesspit for ghettos round here. I guess if you go looking for them you will find them.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Don't you think their enthusiasm for living here is proved by them living here?

We've been through the ghetto thing before too - they're functions of poverty. Migrants are poor - so they live in poor areas.

Rich migrants buy property in Kensington and Chelsea - hardly ghettos (well ghettos full of rich). You don't accuse them of lacking enthusiasm - although they act in whatever cultural manner they like.

As do I. Which'll be way different from you. And I echo @Gwadien's sentiment...
It isnt poverty..they do very well for themselves by supporting each other and the safety factor that is the ridiculous result of ghettoing yourself is people are wary of you and are more likely to be hostile, its a circle of problems.
London is basically s collection of huge ghettos...just look at the population ethnicity.
Somalians..Pakistani..Indian..Jew..East Europeans...they have all carved out their bit.
In the day everyone gies...'oh look multicutural melting pot'...no it fucking isnt, they rarely mix and retreat to their own tribes every night.

Money smoothes over cultural differences very well...The Somalian heart surgeon is welcome in a rich white area for all the obvious reasons.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
..they do very well for themselves by supporting each other..

How is that a bad thing?

I know you city folk hate each other but quite a few communities support each other. Part of being a functioning human being.

As for the rest of your drivel, 1983 called, they want their headspace back.

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