Fixed.Stay classy, coppers.
Fixed correctlyFixed.
Same things for cops the world over, who are *all* under orders from the state.Fixed correctly
Stay classy, coppers under orders from the government.
Why would we send the cops to crush a legal independence vote?
I notice we didn't just fuck about with plod, but also sent the army in when the Irish got all uppity and started illegally demanding their independence tho eh?
Why would we send the cops to crush a legal independence vote?
I notice we didn't just fuck about with plod, but also sent the army in when the Irish got all uppity and started illegally demanding their independence tho eh?
Must admit if UK Police had tried that during Indyref it would have converted me straight to a Yes, no matter how daft an idea it seemed. What happened to the usual European trick of holding referendums and just ignoring the result?
Also, isn't there something in the EU Constitution about member states using violence on their own people?