
Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Phew, glad it will all be OK!


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
It will..the money overlords will make sure of that..the only way to get real change is a big mob with pitchforks and start beheading politicians and bankers.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Do you actually read what I write or see migrant and auto bang out agenda..bigot..daily mail.
The consequences socially for a migrant murderer are hugely increased, instead of discussion..it is ignored and then festers in the minds of the right....you know exactly how we ended up in brexit.
I'm not suggesting they cause more crime..just that each one is amplified by the political turmoil surrounding it...statistically priests are no more likely to molest than the general public...but still we freak out vecause of the context.

When you post contributing things I'm happy to read them. Re the above, UNODC says there are about 22000 murders in Europe every year. Since I didn't see 21999 other posts from you on EU murders it speaks volumes you've chosen this one for a reason. Its cool you really want your reasons to become truth. I don't think any less of you. The behaviour has all kinds of psychological underpinning, no worries.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
According to an Italian at work his mistake was making the vote all about parties and supporting individuals, so it became a referendum on whether he should stay or not rather than the issue at hand (reform for senate to attempt to reduce cronyism and party politics blocking all legislation)

He was quite disturbed by the five star party crowd, it seems to be following same path as the fascists did back in the day

I don't think it will get that far straight away but it may well end up meaning an already delicate financial situation gets a hell of a lot worse. When you add to that the fact that they have virtually no control over their currency, it will cause problems, not only for them but for the rest of the Eurozone. If the banks start to fail they are fucked, if the EU has to bail them out then they are fucked because they become another thrall, like Greece.

It is a dangerous game being played by the Germans, watching countries fail and then essentially buying them. This time it is not a fringe country but a huge one, both population and economy, or at least economic dependence. If Italy goes the way of Greece then an EU membership referendum could end up on the cards. Not that it will really matter because they will still essentially be owned by the EU, rather than part of the EU...or Germany, depending on how you look at it.

Next target for German acquisition, Spain.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
The italian opposition want a referendum on leaving the euro, not the eu.
On the back of todays vote they could win.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yes, I know, hence "If Italy goes the way of Greece then an EU membership referendum could end up on the cards.". But if the EU screw the Italians it will not be long before the people and therefore the parties start calling for a referendum on membership.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I think I have explained the reason to everyone's satisfaction except yours.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Yes, I know, hence "If Italy goes the way of Greece then an EU membership referendum could end up on the cards.". But if the EU screw the Italians it will not be long before the people and therefore the parties start calling for a referendum on membership.
The Italians are very pro EU, can't see them ever voting out..unless the EU starts banning reverse gear.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Everyone is pro EU until their taxes go through the roof.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I used to say it will all end in disaster...well the disaster has started...the US went right wing after watching Europe liberalise itself up shit creek.
Just look at the political landscape across Europe now.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Do you actually read what I write or see migrant and auto bang out agenda..bigot..daily mail.
The consequences socially for a migrant murderer are hugely increased, instead of discussion..it is ignored and then festers in the minds of the right....you know exactly how we ended up in brexit.
I'm not suggesting they cause more crime..just that each one is amplified by the political turmoil surrounding it...statistically priests are no more likely to molest than the general public...but still we freak out vecause of the context.

It's a bit of a chicken and egg situation isn't it?

Youre arguing that the left ignores this kind of stuff and therefore it generates support for the right.

I argue that it's unfair and unrealistic journalism which cherry picks out events which suit their own agenda which then creates the above.

Youre missing my argument really. You think it IS a problem and I am saying it is NOT a problem statistically so therefore why should we entertain it?

Take out any kind of migrant out of that equation and put in another specific minority; why do you not post about things like that?

To me, it's propaganda and it's evil.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Actually it's negative propaganda because it stirs up hatred by it's omission.
You have to address peoples concerns..swiping them aside with..shit happens all the time, what's the difference?
That feeds the right...and quite simply the 'intellectual' liberals have been doing that for years..you are doing it to me, condescending, association my opinion with low awareness...it's a bigotry of it's own..and now we have Trump.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
No.... no one is swatting it aside, you're just point blank igoring the other side and repeating yourself. That's what stops it being a debate, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result ;).

It should be ignored as much as any other non news murder is ignored. the only reason this is news is because he's afghani, that makes it propaganda and fear mongering by nature. if you read the paper every day and you see 30 murders reported a year, and 5 of them are white European and the rest aren't that instantly gives the average person (who will not research it further) the impression that imigrants are more dangerous and more likely to commit atrocities. which in turn leads to fear, hate and brexit. and trump


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Jesus christ on a bike.
Read my posts..think about it and look again at your replies.
You are fucking telling me what I have pointed out, the bit where you fail is the classic shoot the messenger.
People find out the stories and then feel they are being denied the truth, so the anger deepens.
Dismissing the stories as non events is not engaging with peoples fears, imagine the country is a huge self help group, the leader doesn't say to someone..oh fuck off, there's nothing wrong with you.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
Then they need to report all murders..... people can feel how they like. better to know that they are "being denied the truth" (all truth of all murders) than only being fed the information that in their eyes confirms their fears......

We are not in our current prediciment because the media has been hushing up migrant relates crime. so I don't really know what your point is....

You're basically saying we want to hate migrants so let the media give us a reason to justify it?

You're point litrally makes no sense. I'm not misunderstanding it, it's just wrong.... you seem to be of the opinion that people are angry with the government, media and by extention migrants because we don't know what they're up to and no one will tell us. when the reality is that the criminal element among them are brought to light far more often than home grown criminals which creates the same fear.... because now we do know what they're up to and like 60% if them are murderers and the rest want to be


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Jesus christ on a bike.
Read my posts..think about it and look again at your replies.
You are fucking telling me what I have pointed out, the bit where you fail is the classic shoot the messenger.
People find out the stories and then feel they are being denied the truth, so the anger deepens.
Dismissing the stories as non events is not engaging with peoples fears, imagine the country is a huge self help group, the leader doesn't say to someone..oh fuck off, there's nothing wrong with you.

So... don't ignore the story, and don't dismiss it as statistically irrelevant in the scheme of things when the press pick it up, even though it is. So what exactly is one supposed to do with this information then?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Teenage daughter of EU diplomat raped and drowned by Afghan immigrant in October,who they caught yesterday.
Only appears in the Express and Mail so far.
OK. Thanks for the link. It's a thing. But then murder is. I don't see why you want this one singled out for special attention.

Especially since migration has no causal impact on violent crime. Says the London School of Economics.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
So... don't ignore the story, and don't dismiss it as statistically irrelevant in the scheme of things when the press pick it up, even though it is. So what exactly is one supposed to do with this information then?
Shit yourself and vote for trump


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Shit yourself and vote for trump

Which is exactly what idiots (including my own mother) do. So Job is basically confirming what we already knew; the world is about feelings not facts, opinion but not expertise, careful packaging not truth.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
Not sure who that's even aimed at, but looking at facts objectively doesn't make you perfect. just informed.... ignoring facts and coming to false conclusions makes you idiotic. those are just basic truths in any walk of life, academic, political, professional etc....

If there is a correlation between the way people that believe the media without a second thought vote, and those that question everythong vote then that should speak volumes. But if no one is listening it doesn't matter how loud it is.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Wanker. Grow up.

You sit there on the sidelines sniping away with snidey comments because you're too thick to frame a coherent argument and we're supposed to put up with it because...fuck knows, because you have a leather jacket? You're a tool. You've always been a tool, but I've been polite about it because it's cruel to point out the mentally deficient, but not any more, so fuck you and fuck your stupid motorbike.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Show us on the doll where they touched you.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
You sit there on the sidelines sniping away with snidey comments because you're too thick to frame a coherent argument and we're supposed to put up with it because...fuck knows, because you have a leather jacket? You're a tool. You've always been a tool, but I've been polite about it because it's cruel to point out the mentally deficient, but not any more, so fuck you and fuck your stupid motorbike.

Did you google that answer?

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