Sidi raid Sat 16th Aug



Re: Re: Re: Sidi raid Sat 16th Aug

Originally posted by old.krane
or u just bought/ebayed the account?

if u dont like the rules than DO NOT attend to the raids...whining here wont change anything..

haha ebayed, you're a funny man.

Whining here might well change the minds of some of the other 130 people on the raid - since not all of them will notice that little clause at first. And I won't be attending, you're quite right.


Let me reword it without any inflammable words...

What this contends is that someone who has ran around Emain for longer than someone else is more entitled to drops on a raid.

I buy more cheese than you - give me your Mercedes.


id prefer weapons from apoc to go to rr5 people,

makes other players improve their *MAIN* instead of making loads of 50s and getting some flashy weapons which aren't going to be used (imo) properly.

Im still rr4 atm...


1. FYI i didnt mention any names in the part where i said noobs..didnt say particulary u are one...if u tought the comment is adressed to u..maybe u should think about that..

*You* replied directly to *my* post by saying that you´re playing since beta and, hence,you´re not a noob. So apparently you felt the urge to let people know that you´re on old skool dude and you know what your´re talking about and what not.
Stop turning facts around and arrange them like you need them.

2. Damages the community of albion ffs?? What the feck u want to use an apoc weapon for as an rr2? dont u think the community is not only your roleplaying guild?

Hell, YES open your eyes and SEE. You´re damaging the community by constantly repeating that you´re something better and that you deserve better equipment than anybody else. That´s a two class society you´re trying to create. And the logical solution for any sub rr5 player next time Albion relics are under attack would be to say that "well, it´s you uber guys with your maximum effectivity weapon who can go out and defend the realm. I`m gonna stay at home with my epic and 99% crafted gear and go play some more zerg in Emain. Maybe some sunny day I`m gonna be like you." Note,that´s not what *I* say, but that´s what you´re creating.

3. Yes, u have EVERY right to do WHATEVER u want in your daoc time of course...u pay for the subs...
But your decisions ingame affect your daoc time...1 decision u took is that u dont do lots of rvr..and u roleplay instead....
thats 100% up to you...
but than why should u get a high RR apoc weapon? just to be l33t in duels?

I don´t roleplay at all and I duel very rarely.
And again, it´s not *ME* who said *I* want a better chance to get my hands on that weapon, it´s *YOU* who keeps spamming this by repeating your selfish, hypocrite arguments.
I`m doing a fair share of RvR but that´s completely beside the point. What you fail to see is, that rr doesn´t have anything to do with drop distribution in PvE. If you don´t like that, go make your own raids, as you already said.
But do not expect people to come along and carry your valuable rr5+ ass all the way to apoc so you can kill him and skim the cream.


Originally posted by yurka_polearm
id prefer weapons from apoc to go to rr5 people,

makes other players improve their *MAIN* instead of making loads of 50s and getting some flashy weapons which aren't going to be used (imo) properly.

Im still rr4 atm...

well said...very good point...

guess not everyone is a retard like u film?


Originally posted by old.krane
well said...very good point...

guess not everyone is a retard like u film?

Ahh we've resorted to name calling :rolleyes:

Guess I win the argument ;)


think its a fair compromise

Whats the difference between an apoc 100% qual, 16.5 dps weapon and a normal sidi 100% qual, 16.5 dps weapon, except from the fact it drops off the end mob?

Some slightly better stats.

Yet they all have the same dps, which means they all have the same effectiveness no matter who holds. A sub rr5 could hold an apoc weapon and get 16.2 dps just as they could hold a non-apoc weapon and get 16.2 dps. There is no difference what-so-ever.

The raids started off good, but the rules seem to be changing for the worse. How long before realm rank does have a bearing on the lotto? I know, I know, you havnt decided yet, but looking at it, it cant be far away.

Keep making decisions like the above, and the numbers will drop more and more.

But good luck on the raids. The more decent weapons and items everyone gets, the better the realm will be.

Edit: Oh and krane, please come up with a better argument, your just making yourself look like a fool atm.


realm rank will NOT have any bearing on lotto, i have no plan for this ever, i just changed the apoc weapons, because of there unique quality in there speed, it makes them VERY useful for rvr.

Flimgoblin i dunno what your problem is but u find fault with everything, so just shut up please u have had ya say, if i said U should get all drops u prolly would still find fault...


Originally posted by Falcor
realm rank will NOT have any bearing on lotto, i have no plan for this ever, i just changed the apoc weapons, because of there unique quality in there speed, it makes them VERY useful for rvr.

Flimgoblin i dunno what your problem is but u find fault with everything, so just shut up please u have had ya say, if i said U should get all drops u prolly would still find fault...

Falcor - I'll point to the many posts I've been giving constructive suggestions to your raids. Note the constructive word there not "you suck"

You started off doing sidi raids on a "no preclaim! Falcor for the people" and now it's "I might preclaim, and only apoc drops to the RR5+ crowd"

You'll excuse me for being disappointed.

Now as far as I know Apocalypse drops absolutely nothing I'd ever use (last I knew the rapiers dropped from the Crypt Lord mostly?) except maybe a necklace which I'd not be able to use anyway...

So where you get "I want all the drops" from I've no idea.

I had no problems with your lotto rules before.


u have always found fault....

A lot of you ppl can just sit there typing ya whines and flames that u think i suck and im doing things wrong etc etc, however what u forget is, i gotta keep everyone happy, and that is hard to do....and this is why i gotta make compromises


Originally posted by Falcor
u have always found fault....

I disagreed with the way you pushed Aligro out of the way - was somewhat tactless and vicious.

I had no problems with your actual raids (I just find zergy ones a bit boring - that's a personal taste thing, not a fault on your raids - as far as zerg raids go they're really quite efficient)

I find fault in your preclaiming and your Apoc-drop RR5-only clause.

(edit: I'd actually agree with falcor claiming a drop after all these raids - but all the mud he flung aligro's way for it makes him look dodgy)


Originally posted by Falcor
u have always found fault....

A lot of you ppl can just sit there typing ya whines and flames that u think i suck and im doing things wrong etc etc, however what u forget is, i gotta keep everyone happy, and that is hard to do....and this is why i gotta make compromises

How many more people is this RR5 people making angry than appeasing?

Take a poll on it :) if your regulars are all happy to go with the RR5 on apoc then I'd say go with it...

Edit: but I'd doubt you'd get that response...


Just let all the RR5+ people kill apoc, while the rest of us sit and watch :)


Originally posted by kronus
Just let all the RR5+ people kill apoc, while the rest of us sit and watch :)

ooh! you're tempting me to go now. nothing better then to watch a few l33t d3wds get plastered all over Sidi :D


Originally posted by old.krane
]fyi muppetmistresss..

1. i wasnt referring to myself on the mincer part since i wasnt even on raid..[/b]

Neither was I and neither was I referring to your minstrel. Was a general comment.

2. 300k and 2-6 million rps is NOT Just a few more tickets..

Yes it is. Perhaps a few thousands more tickets, but in the end tickets. Or you tell me we RvR in Hadrians Wall nowadays? OR do you get RP for killing pygme-goblins? No, you get RP for killling RvR-enemies, normally in Odins or Emain.

3. yes he did the same effort...but the guy getting rr6+ made a bit more effort to get the high RR..and its a bit frustrating to c a 2h palading gimp (no personal offense meant..but they are the thanes of albion) running around with an uber sidi weapon...

Why does someone with a higher RR more entitled to a PvE-event drop ? Surely the one RR6 does fine in RvR, he don't need better equipment, right ?

Just explain to me why someone spending more time, spending more effort in a game has more right to get a Sidi-drop, gained from a hunt where both participated in.

4. maybe all u do is zerg in emain...not everyone does

I know BF doesn't only zerg in Emain. If you had shown any interest in Albion as a realm you would have known The Brethren does neither.


Originally posted by Falcor
realm rank will NOT have any bearing on lotto, i have no plan for this ever, i just changed the apoc weapons, because of there unique quality in there speed, it makes them VERY useful for rvr.

So realmrank already has a bearing on the lotto, because sub-RR5 people cannot lotto for it.

Besides: When you think about it: Those people who can lotto (RR5+) already prooven to be useful in RvR. Do they need another weapon to be more useful? And therefore artifically increasing the gab between casual non-RR5 players and hardcode RR5+ players?

Does someone who's RR5 do more during the Sidi-hunt then a sub-RR5 person? Would your last Sidi-hunts been as succesfull if you didn't have all those RR5- people helping you?

All helped to get Apoc down and those RR5+ guys had an equal chance off winning just as they did an equal share in bringing Apoc down.

Why do you need to penalize sub-RR5 players? To keep those RR5+ players happy?

What is next: All Apoc-weapons go to RR5+ and all the rest go to RR5- ?

Or is the trophy of buying enough Emain/Odins-tickets to be able to participate in all lotto's and having a better chance of winning then someone who didn't ?

P.S. I am RR5 by the way, this is not a whine about me having no chance to get an Apoc-weapon/stuff. Just dissapointed by this narrowminded decision to keep some 1337-players with a big mouth happy imo.


I'd rather see diversity in the same classes among players rather than the uber-specced-cookie-cut that most would go for, just because they're being different doesn't mean they're any less entitled to some nice gear.

Yet they all have the same dps, which means they all have the same effectiveness no matter who holds. A sub rr5 could hold an apoc weapon and get 16.2 dps just as they could hold a non-apoc weapon and get 16.2 dps. There is no difference what-so-ever.


This remains a bad idea.

A sidi weapon is no more effective (and most cases less effective) than a crafted weapon.

The reason people want them is because they look cool.

I also just checked the drop list for the speed on these weapons they don't seem to have a speed any slower than craftables. Am I reading the drop list wrong, or is just that the drop list is incomplete and some high delay weapons exist but aren't listed?

Also, when we say say weapons, just to be clear, I understand it to mean you are are only claiming weapons with the name warlord in the title for the emain community, is that correct? You aren't claiming warlord armour or non-warlord weapons that apoc happens to drop. Right?


yea i mean weapons

for start check the slash pole, 6.0 speed means ya can insta kill chanters


like ive said, it sonly an idea so dont get too stressed over it plz ppl :)

plz try and understand i havto find a compromise tho


Originally posted by Falcor
yea i mean weapons

for start check the slash pole, 6.0 speed means ya can insta kill chanters

In my very limited experience of 14 levels as a slash pole armsmen, all slash poles I came across were 6.0 spd.


Originally posted by Falcor
like ive said, it sonly an idea so dont get too stressed over it plz ppl :)

plz try and understand i havto find a compromise tho

From what I've gathered from talking to other people - the problem isn't RR5 people wanting the drops because they're RR5

it's that some players have been going along on raids again and again and winning nothing, and losing out to people who've only came along for the one raid.

The fact that they're lower RR is just something they fixate on.

A list system is probably the best way to solve it but it's a silly amount of work - anyone fancy writing a raid organiser system?

Anyone who wants to lotto for an alt, or wants to add points for the raid needs to register there :)
They join a raid for a week, the raid organiser can award points by clicking a button (alt-tab out and do it).

Registration interface.

Add a raid (date, name)
join a raid (someone who's registered)
add points for a raid? (tick names of people who've registered as being on the raid)
Flag that you're lottoing for an alt (should have to put alts in as you register)
flag as a "winner" on a raid (which removes any bonus points they have)
flag as "banned" from raids (for spoofing or whatever)

heck you could get a list of all the sidi drops and put it next to whoever wins it ;) keeping a record of all the drops ever. Maybe going a bit OTT there :)



seeing ppl rely on items to be g00d plz, ultra nubs 4 the win, DAOC IS PURE IRL SKILL, GOGOGO just look at gunz and me


legion soul splitter is 5.0 other sidi one is 5.5 crafted is 5,5 5.8 :)


Originally posted by Falcor
yea i mean weapons

for start check the slash pole, 6.0 speed means ya can insta kill chanters

Like it matters what speed you got if you're in the assist-tagteam.

And if you 'solo' the chanter you will not one-shot him with a 6.0 pole. PBT and you need a good crit. Your 6.0 pole will not hit base 1300 excl crits.

While I agree that some weapons are very good for RvR because of speed (slow or fast) I just don't agree why a RR5 has unlimited more rights to it then a RR2 (or RR4L8).

You NEED those RR2 (RR4L8) to be successfull.

The +10 lottolist-system is a better way to ensure those drops going to the people who need it IF they participate often enough.

It just isn't fair to the MAJORITY of the people (the majority of the participants is RR5-)

Then why agree with the minority (a few RR5+) and make such a rule which doesn't make sense at all?


Originally posted by Falcor
legion soul splitter is 5.0 other sidi one is 5.5 crafted is 5,5 5.8 :)

So you are seriously telling us that 5.8spd + customised stats is significantly less good than 6.0spd + fixed stats?

And less good in a way that is significantly more important in emain than anywhere else?


Re: likewise

Originally posted by elyand
seeing ppl rely on items to be g00d plz, ultra nubs 4 the win, DAOC IS PURE IRL SKILL, GOGOGO just look at gunz and me

u rock ely i wish i could be as great as u !

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