Shocked and didn't see this coming :(


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Spot on about compromise. Sometimes the decision is made before you can suggest that :(


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
A lot of you are hard-hearted bastards, aren't you?

If Amphrax truly thought she was "The One" and been with her for some time, he's going to suffer grief from the loss. You don't just pull yourself up, dust yourself down and get on with life from that. He needs to come to terms with it, get it straight in his own head and THEN move on and get on with his life. The key point is that it takes however long Amphrax needs, not the timescale some of you are suggesting

If my wife pulled that line on me, my sense of loss would be almost the same as if she'd died. No joke, no exaggeration.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
A lot of you are hard-hearted bastards, aren't you?

If Amphrax truly thought she was "The One" and been with her for some time, he's going to suffer grief from the loss. You don't just pull yourself up, dust yourself down and get on with life from that. He needs to come to terms with it, get it straight in his own head and THEN move on and get on with his life. The key point is that it takes however long Amphrax needs, not the timescale some of you are suggesting

If my wife pulled that line on me, my sense of loss would be almost the same as if she'd died. No joke, no exaggeration.
Yet some of us have been there at least once and did exactly that, pulled ourselves up, dusted down and moved on.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004

Not gonna happen!

A: She's fit, why advertise that to a bunch of horny FH's
B: She ugly, why admit wanting to keep that to a bunch of FH-Trolls
C: She's really a He - see B

On a seriouse note:
Hope the best for you mate, I could not imagine living without my gf and kids. - fantasize? Yes!


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
I like gay men. My big, tall, hard as nails mate is gay. He loves a good bum with a man. I'm happy for him, not sure I'm happy about how much hugging he likes to do when he's drunk.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
you take her for granted

If it's love you should be able to. And she should be able to take you for granted to.

Take for granted doesn't mean "not care about", tho.

And it's certainly not the case here - look at the previous thread with the really gay letter. He's soppy as fuck. Over-demonstrative. Made me think it'd never last anyway tbfh...

Edit: Again, I know that's harsh - but it's fair as it's what I thought at the time.


Part of the furniture
Apr 9, 2005
Take a break is a cowards way of dumping you. Don't contact her, fuck some random slags, drink beer with your bro's, move on to better times.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
I have had 2 major (I think I am in love relationships) the first ended because she cheated the second ended because there was no love we stayed with each other because it was easy. I have experienced both ends of the spectrum. My inability to date women i don't know means I have heard a few break ups from both sides and the differences in reasons is staggering. I know one guy who got dumped with his Son because the woman decided she did not want a family after all. So they rushed into marriage they had a kid just like all her friends did. She got bored and walked out I saw her out drinking and her attitude was well this life suites me better. Women are just like us some of them are dirty dogs.


Dec 26, 2003
I think when its over its over - best to make a clean break - not easiest mind but certainly the best thing you can do for your own sanity.

One door closes another door opens.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
A lot of you are hard-hearted bastards, aren't you?

If Amphrax truly thought she was "The One" and been with her for some time, he's going to suffer grief from the loss. You don't just pull yourself up, dust yourself down and get on with life from that. He needs to come to terms with it, get it straight in his own head and THEN move on and get on with his life. The key point is that it takes however long Amphrax needs, not the timescale some of you are suggesting

If my wife pulled that line on me, my sense of loss would be almost the same as if she'd died. No joke, no exaggeration.

Some of us have been there on one side or the other, i know i have and i think we are just being realistic


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Some of us have been there on one side or the other, i know i have and i think we are just being realistic

And partly making the one annoying mistake i hate about people; applying previous experiences to all things.

Especially when talking about people who are different in so many ways.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
When I got dumped with a similar excuse. I also thought she was the only one for me.

A few years later I met someone else that I eventually married and much happier than I was then.

at the time of being dumped and quite a long time after I didn't think I would find anyone I'd love more. But I did.

Do what you think is best but I reckon you are better off leaving the whole mess behind you and starting again.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
A lot of people, if not the vast majority of people will go through grief like that.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
And partly making the one annoying mistake i hate about people; applying previous experiences to all things.

Especially when talking about people who are different in so many ways.

Previous experience is the only kind of experience you wally


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Previous experience is the only kind of experience you wally

Yes, but it's a failure when you apply it to things that don't have the same variables. It's like saying a banana will taste awful because i had a bad experience with an apple, just because they're both fruits. Just to keep the gay theme going.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Yes, but it's a failure when you apply it to things that don't have the same variables. It's like saying a banana will taste awful because i had a bad experience with an apple, just because they're both fruits. Just to keep the gay theme going.

You are making zero sense toht and of course as usual excelling in it.

I was on both sides of that situation and pretty much us humans are all the same, there are exceptions ofcourse but generally the same rules apply


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
You are making zero sense toht and of course as usual excelling in it.

I was on both sides of that situation and pretty much us humans are all the same, there are exceptions ofcourse but generally the same rules apply

He is Finnish, they are always blind drunk and often don't make sense. ;) :p :D


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
You are making zero sense toht and of course as usual excelling in it.

I was on both sides of that situation and pretty much us humans are all the same, there are exceptions ofcourse but generally the same rules apply

I simply disagree with that. You can't apply, say, a break up with woman A to a break up with a woman B like that. People are different, if you believe otherwise then it's a limited view of things. Especially if you're making decisions towards your partner towards your new partner. You needing to use rely on "as usual blah di blah" to counter that is just ridiculous.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I didn't see yonis post as feminist drum beating I thought it was pretty objective, I also don't see a huge amount of venom.
Objective post is objective, so now the obligatory Men -v- Women bullshit has come and gone:

Amphrax, take a step back from all this. Don't bother running off and banging the next chick and also don't bang the suddenly ex chick either.
she basically said i need a break to sort my head out and i'll call you at 'some point, maybe'
Don't wait your life away waiting for someone who may no longer give a shit about you at all.
we have 95% in common and we get on fantastic, or atleast i thought we did
Forget everything you thought you knew, this shit is done.

My advice is to stabilise your situation as a starting point. If you're living together, figure out how to get shot of her/move out yourself. Get all her stuff out of your face and away from you, i.e. her number out of your phone, her clothes out of your place, etc, etc. Break away from this bullshit cleanly and give yourself a chance to get over it.


Part of the furniture
Jul 14, 2007
Thanks for the messages...

I never thought it would affect me as much as it has... The last couple days have been a nightmare...

Monday when we split up i broke down and didnt really know what i was doing.
Tuesday - i broke down a few times during the day and i needed to get out to my local pool club and the bar staff asked if i was ok and i said not really and broke down in their too.

Wedneday - because im pretty much on my own and got no1 really to talk to aprt from her mum and nan. I had a panic attack today and needed to phone somone up just to chat and while im trying to contact them ive gone again but really bad today... Rocking back and forth not knowing what im really doing...

People saying get over it and be a man etc easier said than done. Obviously i know what the situation is like and i understand you guys can only go by what i put... My head is messed up badly at the mo and i dont really know what im doing.

This is how im thinking at this present time...

Im thinking we ate getting back together but im also thinking its the end ofc quite obviouse... Little suttle things that stick in my head... Facebook status... She hasnt changed the engaged to single which makes me think she still loves me and dont really want to break up.

I just hate not being able to do anything and not knowing whats going on.

I read pne of her emails to a friend pretty much saying this... We have split up and i do love him but im not sure if im in love with him and i need to clear my head and work things out.

You can call me an asshole for reading that but i am going out of my mind not knowing what to do.

My brother said i could move there with him. But he only there once a week. This is not ideal for me because i need to be around people i know and not feel alone like i am at the moment... I am very depressed and not sure how to deal with thos situation...


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
My brother said i could move there with him. But he only there once a week. This is not ideal for me because i need to be around people i know and not feel alone like i am at the moment... I am very depressed and not sure how to deal with thos situation...

He's right. Move in with him and get away from your ex - and stop looking into desparate things like facebook account statuses.

It'll be hard at first but will get easier. But yep - it's going to be fucking hard at first.

I feel for you, but cut yourself off. Like I said earlier - she's not going to miss you if you're there and waiting on her every word - you can't miss what won't leave you alone.

Take the opportunity of your free time to read some good books in the evening and go out for games of pool with your mates etc - but try not to talk about the ex. Try to talk about anything else. It'll get easier.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
As hard as it is right now and im sure its a fucking nightmare, it WILL get better, even if you think it never will. If it is definitely over, cut her out of your life completely. Im talking, getting rid of everything that reminds you of her, from pictures, to the aftershave she used to like you wearing, to clothes she bought you. Get rid of it all. This will help your grief no end and WILL help you move on. If you ever have to converse with her or see her, make sure you show no signs of upset. Walk tall, hold your head up high and exchange pleasantries. Show her that you dont care. Well of course, you do care, you are cut up, but she doesnt need to know that. As far as she is concerned, you are getting on with your life and what ever you do, do not agree to be friends right now. In the future sure, but the worst thing you can do for getting over someone you love is to remain friends in the short term as it will put your healing back no end.

Right now you need your mates. Go out, get drunk and without doubt, SHAG ABOUT. There is nothing better than helping mend a broken heart than being in the arms of another woman. It will give you the confidence to see its her loss, which in turn will help the grieving process. After all, a bad break up is just like any other hard loss. You will go through the 5 stages of grief before you come out the other end, but you WILL, come out the other end.

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