SB rant again, thx buffbots.



Originally posted by Pin
It's not a case that it was only needed for Berzerkers. It was needed for anyone with high LA. It's true that Zerks have hugely disproportionate damage, but it's also true of SZ (or high RR 5-specs).

Really, if you were specced with 39CS and 39LA, which styles would you be using for damage?

Doublefrost or Garotte for a high damage, high endurance, anytime?

Anyway, I'll meet with Runolas at the weekend and give some controlled-test numbers rather than bickering over random RvR numbers that depend on so many variables.

Are u gonna do some tests???

Im up this weekend, just tell me hour n place, so i can also test Obscure, n Shadow Edge+Penumbra


Originally posted by Vasconcelos
Infil hitting you for 240??? U cannot inflict that damage to a sb with Tran+Wyv, nor even with Garrote+Ach. None of those styles hits for more than 140 (once again buffedvs.buffed or unbuffvs.unbuff), n im being top optimistic assuming infils hit sbs for 140 with Achilles.

Compare that with an average DoubleFrost from a sb (as Runolaz said, on a biasis around 220-290). Now, u can say: "Yes, but u have DF stun". Heh, i can post u some pics of sbs DFed just to see how before the 1st Hamstring hit he purged n obliterated me with DFrost. Or even more laughable, a sb purging the CD stun n outdamaging an infil.

sb's hit slower than infils tho... and our offhand will hit u for about 40dmg or so..


Not that much slower, your left hits all the time for 40-50. Our left hits a lot less for 50-60. Very very little difference tbh.


Originally posted by Karlo
Not that much slower, your left hits all the time for 40-50. Our left hits a lot less for 50-60. Very very little difference tbh.

okok, but when i'm debuffed an infil will prob do lil more dmg over time than me, even tho i'm sz-specced...with 10 in cs while infils get PA "for free"....
Thats why leftaxe imo should do little more dmg than your styles..

Carlos Bananos

Originally posted by ulke

Thats why leftaxe imo should do little more dmg than your styles..

It does, now and after the patch.


Originally posted by Carlos Bananos
It does, now and after the patch.
Carlos, did u also think about the endurence cost and otther bonuses. As I've seen it just do more dmg than axe style Havoc. Which cost less end aae.

As it's in the test patch LA will suck so hard that it's almost a useless style line.

perhaps u should change yer signature to Dragon Fang 4 the win hehe


Originally posted by Pin

Really, if you were specced with 39CS and 39LA, which styles would you be using for damage?

Doublefrost or Garotte for a high damage, high endurance, anytime?

Yes i would use DFrost.

What would you use if you evade? Hamstring or DF?

Left Axe does more damage indeed. There no arguing there.

The above screenshots at for example zarzuk getting killed are extreme, it has happened to me a few times i strike that hard. Then they have been lowbies or wearing no armor and then also the infils would strike hard :)

Infils have DF(most of them atleast), they strike in 9/10 faster than sb, they have 2,5 specc points, and they have vanish.'

SB have 105% HP, they strike harder IF they dont choose to be fast in which case they just strike a little bit harder and they have they sucky RA shadowrun...

Atm id say sb><inf. They are quite equal, maybe a small nerf on LA would nerf the "overpowered" SZ.


Originally posted by ulke
okok, but when i'm debuffed an infil will prob do lil more dmg over time than me, even tho i'm sz-specced...with 10 in cs while infils get PA "for free"....
Thats why leftaxe imo should do little more dmg than your styles..

PA for free? You try to pa a Sb 'for free' lol

And yes it shoudl do a little more dmg, thats why its getting nerfed. SO it doesn't do a LOT more damage :p


Originally posted by Karlo
PA for free? You try to pa a Sb 'for free' lol

And yes it shoudl do a little more dmg, thats why its getting nerfed. SO it doesn't do a LOT more damage :p

I'm talkin about infils gettin more speccpoints than sb's, and therefor can specc high in all5 specs without really sacrificing anything..... didnt mean infils always get in PA at me^^

I still think sb's and infils are equal atm...the reason for all the whine is that we have the relics ....


I like this new patch, and i truly hope sbs will be unplayabel,
since less than 1 % of them play fair.

How does it feel with ur 2 buffbots and rr7+ to get gimped Jox ?

Omg i simply love this :)


Originally posted by kinadold
I like this new patch, and i truly hope sbs will be unplayabel,
since less than 1 % of them play fair.

How does it feel with ur 2 buffbots and rr7+ to get gimped Jox ?

Omg i simply love this :)

according to this logic infils imo should be nerfed aswell, hell every daoc player probably :p. Most people uses exploits and buffbots are just one of the so many exploits (off course its a big one) ;). Besides infils just uses buffbots just as much as shadowblades do, think solo archers are on same percentage if not more aswell:p.


what do the spec points have to do with anything? .. i think the whole thing is pointless.. if you wanna test the inf vs sbs. just bring some rr3 to rr5 5spec sbs to duel our rr7+++ infs i am sure you ll find your answer there


according to this logic infils imo should be nerfed aswell, hell every daoc player probably . Most people uses exploits and buffbots are just one of the so many exploits (off course its a big one) . Besides infils just uses buffbots just as much as shadowblades do, think solo archers are on same percentage if not more aswell.

Im rr7+ scout, who got most my rp solo, unbuffed and against
yellow con in emain.

Playing a stealther class you should rely on skill and patience,
not bufbots and mistakes from Mythic.

Get som skill noobs


Originally posted by jua-cosmos-jua
what do the spec points have to do with anything? .. i think the whole thing is pointless.. if you wanna test the inf vs sbs. just bring some rr3 to rr5 5spec sbs to duel our rr7+++ infs i am sure you ll find your answer there

The point is - Leftaxe is overpowered :) and yet infils kill sb's without landing PA etc :) and this is with us having +20%meleedmg :)

Nerf leftaxe :)


Originally posted by kinadold

Playing a stealther class you should rely on skill and patience,
not bufbots and mistakes from Mythic.

Get som skill noobs

so 80% off this servers is a noob?:) Because I know 80% off this server wont have the patience to play the scout unbuffed and also you still didnt say i was wrong that everyone should stop using buffbots. I know censi uses a buffbot and I know glottis claims his scout aswell and i think most archers solo use it aswell, because unbuffed vs buffed isnt a fair fight. So more and more people join the buffbot group.

Besides You still gotta explain to me why SB's need to be nerfed, because they use exploits and everyother class where 60% uses exploits doesnt..

ow and jua-cosmos-jua more spec points means same evenom same cs same stealth same dual wield lvl(LA for midgard) but higher wpn spec. Which would lead to an advantage for infils, so yes higher specs are important, but if you want to prove your right go do some testing with a sb yourself?


I seen buffed sbs, who cannot be found, take down 2
alb tanks in straight melee. Imo they should not be able
to take down 1 unless the tank made a mistake. Same
problem as archers just after beta hitting casters for 1000+

Better to tone down solo abilities for stealther classes, and give
them group abilities, only allowing them to solo with patience.

Stealth = immunity.
Stealth + buffs + sb dam = ability to kill any class anytime solo, or even take down small groups = simply too much.

Try play an archer these days and you will understand. What it feels like when ur enemy allways gets first attack. What its feels
like that ontop of the surprise, he can debuff and poison. Not to mention doing 3000 melee damage in a matter of seconds.

If a class can chose when to attack it should only be able to win
when its victim is at a disadvantage. Its not like this today, and
it makes the game quite unbalanced.

Think archers more balanced as soloers these days, if u screw up
ur dead. Thats not necessary the case with assasins. Only noobs
think its fair they cannot be found, and is able to win allways.


Originally posted by ulke
The point is - Leftaxe is overpowered :) and yet infils kill sb's without landing PA etc :) and this is with us having +20%meleedmg :)

Nerf leftaxe :)

Pookha aren't you unbuffed most of the time mate? Infils win >30% of the fights. And the ones that we do win often enolve us getting the crit in.

As much as people whine, having to rely on DF to win a fight sucks. Sb's have high weapon skill so its not like we evade a lot. And when we do we then have to land the thing. And theres little chance of this unless enervating as landed. Which can be resisted or purged easily.


Bout time sbs use some skills and pull the styles.. what the test shows is that you ll just need the la just for the comeback and the stun as we use our thrust for just the dragonfang

ulke which inf kills sbs with all sbs ra's up?I cant recall anyone to tell you the truth..... and which sb cannot win an inf when infs have relics?


Originally posted by jua-cosmos-jua
Bout time sbs use some skills and pull the styles.. what the test shows is that you ll just need the la just for the comeback and the stun as we use our thrust for just the dragonfang

ulke which inf kills sbs with all sbs ra's up?I cant recall anyone to tell you the truth..... and which sb cannot win an inf when infs have relics?

got ebay?


Originally posted by Vasconcelos
Infil hitting you for 240??? U cannot inflict that damage to a sb with Tran+Wyv, nor even with Garrote+Ach. None of those styles hits for more than 140 (once again buffedvs.buffed or unbuffvs.unbuff), n im being top optimistic assuming infils hit sbs for 140 with Achilles.

Compare that with an average DoubleFrost from a sb (as Runolaz said, on a biasis around 220-290). Now, u can say: "Yes, but u have DF stun". Heh, i can post u some pics of sbs DFed just to see how before the 1st Hamstring hit he purged n obliterated me with DFrost. Or even more laughable, a sb purging the CD stun n outdamaging an infil.

So, you complain that you get beat when sb's use a 30min recast 10rsp cost ability?


Read that article on Safehouse Forums yesterday. Although it provides some more hints about the "famous" DW/CD/LA article, Aurra´s one is based on the fact main hand weapon ALLWAYS hits, n that make the test a little biased. Anyways, it proves that unstyled, DW/CD > LA, and, to be honest, the edge of almost every fight comes with styled hits (paraphrasing a US assasin: if i run out of end in a fight i know im wiped), and sbs got the advantage there.


That article just takes a biased view from the other end.

It only looks at unstyled damage, assumes the mainhand always hits, but the offhand sometimes (or always) doesn't.

If you are fighting unstyled, the mainhand has exactly the same chance to hit/miss as the offhand, so for an unbiased view, that article should have used taken the chance to hit of both hands to be the same, and for argument's sake, taken 50% chance.

This would have shown that unstyled, both types would give the same damage - the concludion of Pete Waterman's document.

Going off Pete Waterman's document, when styled LA pulls ahead in damage due to haste (even before using double style bonuses) - this was ignored in Aurra's document.

More realistically, he should have looked at hasted, styled damage, and taken e.g. 75% chance to hit on mainhand and 50% chance to hit with offhand and then compared.

I believe this would have shown DW to be higher damage when low-specced, but LA higher damage when high-specced - assuming that the style bonus was similar between both lines.

Of course, the style bonus damage is NOT similar. Before the nerf, LA is double DW, and after the nerf it's still ~20% higher.

Shame no-one truly unbiased is about to write a document to reveal all ;)


Originally posted by Vasconcelos
Read that article on Safehouse Forums yesterday. Although it provides some more hints about the "famous" DW/CD/LA article, Aurra´s one is based on the fact main hand weapon ALLWAYS hits, n that make the test a little biased. Anyways, it proves that unstyled, DW/CD > LA, and, to be honest, the edge of almost every fight comes with styled hits (paraphrasing a US assasin: if i run out of end in a fight i know im wiped), and sbs got the advantage there.

The thing is that the article has many flaws IMHO. It does not say anything about END use at all. It does not look into styles like Dragonfang/Diamondback and effects produced by them. For a solo SB the END use on DF is huge 4-5 blows and your OOE. I have swapped DF with Snowblind because of this. I agree that vs an INF, cuz of the fast and brutal nature of the figths DF is probably best, but I need a viable anytime-style with low END-use for all classes. That makes Snowblind the best choice.

Anyway Pin/Ochan and I did some testing in HW last nigth, will come back with some data on that later.

EDIT: I mean you lol

What I like to comment is that Dragonfang >> LA. I have read page up and page down about purging it, but the fact still remains that this is 30 min timer ability that is used for all types of effects like stun/mez/root/ etc. A Dragonfang = 40%+ HP loss on a max Thrust resist SB with 1850+HP, if purge is down it mean that Dragonfang = auto-victory at least if you meet a decent INF. Any time Dragonfang doesn't mean a victory is if a unbuffed INF meets a buffed SB. The 6-sec on NS Diamondback is not as brutal as the Dragonfang, but combined with the best RA's NS are on top of the food chain. This is fun when most NS never have + from relics.


Btw Ochan and Pin what are your comments on the test that we did last nigth?

I need to get back home to study them more closly.

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