SB rant again, thx buffbots.



Originally posted by Pin
Unless you get lucky (i.e. they're running unstealthed, or already fighting with someone, or are asleep at the wheel) you won't land a perf on a high RR assassin. If they are low RR they won't have 50 stealth yet, so you can often see them in plenty of time to line up.

But in assassin v assassin the main deciding factor is who lands enervating

I know, that's why I threw out that suggestion aswell. To see if that could work.

Carlos Bananos

Originally posted by Pin
Unless you get lucky (i.e. they're running unstealthed, or already fighting with someone, or are asleep at the wheel) you won't land a perf on a high RR assassin. If they are low RR they won't have 50 stealth yet, so you can often see them in plenty of time to line up.

But in assassin v assassin the main deciding factor is who lands enervating

a CB who lands env on an inf will still generally have a hard time swinging so slow...

1 evade and thats a good 7-8 seconds he goes without doing dmg

as for 5spec, what sala said gives lots of options, while i can still melee like a SZ, i can PA almost to the standard of a critblade, it's not rare for my PA to 1shot mages, and 2-3 shot other classes.


Originally posted by Tranquil-
I know, that's why I threw out that suggestion aswell. To see if that could work.

Sorry. I missed any real suggestion in there...

No matter what you change, assassins will see each other at the same time (as long as they both have 50 stealth).

Currently, that detection range is _just_ outside melee range, and only a fool will try to line up perf on another guy who could be trying the same. All you end up doing is delaying your first hit with debuff on, and that is suicide.

If you see an assassin, the best thing to do is just F8, attack as fast as you can - may be called no-skillz in most other circumstances, but it's the best way to give a high success rate against other assassins.


Originally posted by mirak_naijmi

in NS case i dont really know what screen gets spammed with 5 different 50 damage thingys *10 and i die :p


Carlos Bananos

Originally posted by Pin

If you see an assassin, the best thing to do is just F8, attack as fast as you can - may be called no-skillz in most other circumstances, but it's the best way to give a high success rate against other assassins.

that attack is always PA for most im guessing, on the offchance they will be facing you (not always easy to tell).

If you do land PA, it gives u a huge advantage in the fight ;>


Originally posted by salamurhaaja

IMO playing SZ would be most boring, but it's strongest of all SB templates, but you can't perf casters.

Even with CS11 I do great dmg with BSII on mages. Unbuffed mage is very dead after BSII + Snowsquall :).

BSII = 400-600 dmg on a mage :)


Pin, i agree with you on the fact that LA needs a nerf. But honestly the ones that are badly overpowered are the Berzerkers, and there it might be qualified with a 30-40% deduction in damage. But the shadowblades suffer to much with a 30-40% nerf, loosing about 10% would be more proper dont you think?


Originally posted by salamurhaaja
Would you post screens about your damages when you are fully buffed?
I asked Remi to post his but he haven't / don't want to post any.
Also would be nice to see slash infils damage, because they are like SZ.

I still haven't seen GOOD screens about infils damage.
You blame us doing too high damage, but I haven't seen your damage anywhere.
I'm talking about rr5+ inf fully buffed.

i did post some screens in that thread. vs Unity and some others.

my anytime styles did 78(main) too 147(my highest main without crit...)

while Unity twatted me for 220-ish(main) every round.

im using the slowest main weapon there is in alb, 3.6spd(?) and hitting for 78 styled dmg ...................LA NERF IS GOOD.


yes, but I think maybe they overdid it? :>
LA SBs will just be infs with an inferior melee stun and a crap damage-type, not to mention a crap armour table. (slash-weak = teh worst)
It was necessary to nerf LA, but THIS much is just riduclous. It's like smite clerics all over again.

Just a thought btw....
LA STYLE BONUS dmg has been nerfed by 27% or so according to tests I saw by a zerker on, erm, I think it was Nimue VNboard. Could mythic merely have forgotten that LA base damage is crappy and thus made this nerf worse than intended, by doing it the 'wrong' way?

Carlos Bananos

well, the leather armour tables where rearranged to try help the assasin imbalances, now they gotta fix that ;x

Carlos Bananos

Originally posted by froler-mid
while Unity twatted me for 220-ish(main) every round.

plz note, like i said before, as you can see from the pics, you often swing 2x in the time i swing once.

if it where as simple as "unity outdamages me by far" i'd win every fight we have...right?

Being i have purge for DF, we both land env just about every time, not counting for your groupies ;>


Originally posted by Carlos Bananos
plz note, like i said before, as you can see from the pics, you often swing 2x in the time i swing once.

if it where as simple as "unity outdamages me by far" i'd win every fight we have...right?

Being i have purge for DF, we both land env just about every time, not counting for your groupies ;>

erm ...check the screenies....where do i swing 2x times faster then you? first hit yes, u reacted slow...:D

and after my dragonfang, u purged slow etc.


I still see lotsa kill messages: xxx was just killed by Remi!

And usually that xxx is SB.
How is it possible when SB should easily win all opponents whit insta win doublefrost according to all infils?


Originally posted by salamurhaaja
I still see lotsa kill messages: xxx was just killed by Remi!

And usually that xxx is SB.
How is it possible when SB should easily win all opponents whit insta win doublefrost according to all infils?

im just a lucky guy :D

edit: i gank unbuffed sbs, take buffed ones when they fall for 'teh bait' etc...

without relics i have a hard time with buffed-sc:ed-with-purge-rr3 sbs....

Carlos Bananos

Originally posted by froler-mid
im just a lucky guy :D

edit: i gank unbuffed sbs, take buffed ones when they fall for 'teh bait' etc...

without relics i have a hard time with buffed-sc:ed-with-purge-rr3 sbs....

So granted im buffed + SC'd, i should never lose to you? or any other infil for that matter !


Originally posted by ulke
That pic is vs an infil using his grandmoms old weddingdress ? with crappy resists and on top of that unbuffed.....while Unity obviously having low quick when that pic is taken to get that evil styledmg

Still a nice crit tho :)

yeye, whatever crap resist unbuffed etc. that cap and style bonus needs a nerf.

Carlos Bananos

Originally posted by ulke
That pic is vs an infil using his grandmoms old weddingdress ? with crappy resists and on top of that unbuffed.....while Unity obviously having low quick when that pic is taken to get that evil styledmg

Still a nice crit tho :)

low quick? try no quick ;>

both hits it took to kill him...i hit my cap ;x

but the fact also still remains, 2 infils attacked 1 SB, and neither of them used str debuff on me, both where DoT + Snare whores.

i got env + Dot on Laruk, and DoT, env, and snare on Sanan. (sp?)

and that dmg is the only ever time i've seen a comeback/DF that high in rvr btw ;)



SS one is unbuffed, but the rest is within what I have been hit for by Thrust INF. Your dmg goes from 160-220 when both weapons hit (Dragonfang / Sting ). With 3 relics you would be doing 192-266, and that is IMO very good considering you are speccing Thrust and having a higher PA. In addition you have a 9 sec stun off evade and hitting faster. If you take DF of 240 - 20% = 192 - 35% = 125 what fun is it when a SB using DF is hitting for 125 and you are ding 160-220 on him??


Originally posted by mirak_naijmi
Pin, i agree with you on the fact that LA needs a nerf. But honestly the ones that are badly overpowered are the Berzerkers, and there it might be qualified with a 30-40% deduction in damage. But the shadowblades suffer to much with a 30-40% nerf, loosing about 10% would be more proper dont you think?

It's not a case that it was only needed for Berzerkers. It was needed for anyone with high LA. It's true that Zerks have hugely disproportionate damage, but it's also true of SZ (or high RR 5-specs).

Really, if you were specced with 39CS and 39LA, which styles would you be using for damage?

Doublefrost or Garotte for a high damage, high endurance, anytime?

Anyway, I'll meet with Runolas at the weekend and give some controlled-test numbers rather than bickering over random RvR numbers that depend on so many variables.

Carlos Bananos

Originally posted by Pin
Anyway, I'll meet with Runolas at the weekend and give some controlled-test numbers rather than bickering over random RvR numbers that depend on so many variables.

Run is a sz?

i'd be willing to help for 5spec

try get a CB using Garrote aswell ;x

At the same time, get ghostly to show some numbers (slash specced)

and perhaps Brommix (he is 50 thrust 50 DW right?...if not Sst)


Originally posted by froler-mid
yeye, whatever crap resist unbuffed etc. that cap and style bonus needs a nerf.

Just curious, whats the cap on dragonfang with u having lowest possible quick ?


Originally posted by Carlos Bananos
Run is a sz?

i'd be willing to help for 5spec

try get a CB using Garrote aswell ;x

At the same time, get ghostly to show some numbers (slash specced)

and perhaps Brommix (he is 50 thrust 50 DW right?...if not Sst)

He said he'll bring both Run and Lesbos, and maybe some friends (hmmm... familiar? :p )

As for Slash v Thrust it does not matter if we are just looking at raw, pre-resist numbers (except for higher weaponskill on Thrust, but I can fix that by dropping items/buffs)

edit: Oh, and because DW spec doesn't raise damage (over time yes, but not per hit), you don't need a 50DW inf either ;) (except for dual shadows - the only dw style they'd touch)


Originally posted by Runolaz
SS one is unbuffed, but the rest is within what I have been hit for by Thrust INF. Your dmg goes from 160-220 when both weapons hit (Dragonfang / Sting ). With 3 relics you would be doing 192-266, and that is IMO very good considering you are speccing Thrust and having a higher PA. In addition you have a 9 sec stun off evade and hitting faster. If you take DF of 240 - 20% = 192 - 35% = 125 what fun is it when a SB using DF is hitting for 125 and you are ding 160-220 on him??

your numbers are somewhat screwed up.

i wanna see Pin vs SZ logg :D

try do some Havoc in axe styles aswell.


Originally posted by froler-mid
your numbers are somewhat screwed up.

i wanna see Pin vs SZ logg :D

something tells me I'm gonna get hurt :p


Originally posted by Carlos Bananos
Run is a sz?

i'd be willing to help for 5spec

try get a CB using Garrote aswell ;x

At the same time, get ghostly to show some numbers (slash specced)

and perhaps Brommix (he is 50 thrust 50 DW right?...if not Sst)

Brommix is something like 50CS 47DW 19thrust.

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