/salute hibs&mids teamwork ;/



Re: Re: hahahha

Originally posted by old.Revz
Getting dissed by the guys from Excal now aren't you, whatever next :) Maybe our Hibs and Mids should shape up and stop embarrassing the server.

lolol@revz!!1 hahaha mid + hibs r gay!! u suxz! rofllol!!!!

Oops, sorry, been playing my Excalibur alt today. Anyway, you Hibs and Mids should really think about that. Let me make it clear; Excalibur people are a higher breed. Infact they r0xz.

(You know, I just had to edit my idiot-speak... does that make me even more of an idiot, per chance?)


I wonder if the hibs have joined the dole que:)



Albs think you are the best realm don't you?


Outnumbering a keep defence about 3:1 and you still fail to take the keep?

And why? Because you, unlike the mids, still haven't learned to not go near the lord room when you know there are some of the lvl 50 hib paboe'ers there.

Sorry, but that's just pure dumb. "pbaoe? pah! we can take them, we will zerg the lord!"

Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zedorf!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zedorf!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zedorf!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zedorf!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zedorf!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zedorf!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zedorf!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zedorf!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zedorf!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zedorf!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zedorf!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zedorf!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!

Need I say more?

Seriously, how many times does it take for you guys to learn not to zerg the lord room with hibs defending it?

It just gives us more RA's like Serenity 2 :)

The mids, at least, have been trying to find ways around it, which nearly worked...


Originally posted by vidx

Albs think you are the best realm don't you?


Outnumbering a keep defence about 3:1 and you still fail to take the keep?

And why? Because you, unlike the mids, still haven't learned to not go near the lord room when you know there are some of the lvl 50 hib paboe'ers there.

Sorry, but that's just pure dumb. "pbaoe? pah! we can take them, we will zerg the lord!"

Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zedorf!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zedorf!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zedorf!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zedorf!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zedorf!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zedorf!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zedorf!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zedorf!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zedorf!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zedorf!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zedorf!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zedorf!
Silly Albion was just killed by Usp!
Silly Albion was just killed by Zellrond!

Need I say more?

Seriously, how many times does it take for you guys to learn not to zerg the lord room with hibs defending it?

It just gives us more RA's like Serenity 2 :)

The mids, at least, have been trying to find ways around it, which nearly worked...

Yes but you wait until we hit your silly little weak casters in melee next time:rolleyes:

Oh and usp how was those 2 nukes at myddrin?:D


Oh, btw, I love it when people get into melee with me, I just hit MoC and pbaoe them away.

Think it takes more than 3 in melee with me to kill me before I kill them.

CC not included of course :)


kiss good bye to hib lord room camping next patch, can i say gtaoe ;)


Yes but you havent met many crush using melee classes yet have you:)


Only most of midgard :)

Besides, cloth is neutral to all physical damage types. And I have 5% cruch resist :)

And 1400hp buffed.

Also, gtaoe works both ways: eldies will just gtaoe the gate when people try to get in...

Though truthfully, gtaoe will just kill keep raids, no need for catapults anymore.


Originally posted by Ardwan

OMG.....I am UBER!!!!!!!!!...

so, when do these new uber changes to Paladins come into effect then?? can't wait for them :)

Just out of curiosity Jenna..have you ever actaully played all the Albion, or Hibernia classes, because if I had to make a judgement from that post, i would say you know precisely jack shit...if that.

I kinda rofl at you irl too :flame:


Re: Re: hahahha

Originally posted by old.Revz

Getting dissed by the guys from Excal now aren't you, whatever next :) Maybe our Hibs and Mids should shape up and stop embarrassing the server.

Lol, I seem to remember Albs being in situations where you could have been seen as having an alliance with the hibs (and were in fact accused of it) a good number of times. So I guess all of our realms better shape up and stop embarrassing the server then, right? ;)


Never had such fun, lots of hibs and albs. And i had no idea what i was doin, was so drunk at the moment just logged in after getting home from the pub.


Originally posted by Krillin.
I'm finding all these co-incidences to be slightly lame. Both mids and hibs in alb frontier in same time - believeable ish.

With Mids keepraiding in the albion frontier every night how is that avoidable? I want whatever you have been drinking please. ;)

Originally posted by Krillin.
Both hibs and mids in alb frontier at 8am sunday morning - dodgy ish.

We started at midnight and ended at nighttime. At least you albs have the numbers to do a relic raid primetime, yet you havn't pulled one of successfully. Please at least try. ;)



Our 3% population advantage obviously makes the difference. If you didn't forget we have successfully relic raided primetime as well, in fact we did it before you.

Uncle Sick(tm)

You are such a grump, Revz.

Lighten up and play with Mr. Scruffles a bit. He can even do your taxes.


Oh my, this thread was so entertaining that I forgot I was working :p

Well done all!

BarrysWorld whine is sooo entertaining, especially the "after_successfull_relic_raid" whines :p


Originally posted by Kernum
And then Minstrel...Minstrel, Minstrel...
Oh dear...How any resonable Alb can look at that class and NOT say its quite silly i dont know...
Try playing one. Damnit I want some debuffs for my damage type like mages!

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Dannyn

Try playing one. Damnit I want some debuffs for my damage type like mages!

Another SotL whiner! Back in TEH BOX!! :D

Uncle Sick(tm)

Not fair!! That is cross realm teaming!
Jexa's box is... Midgardian! ;)


lol nerf noffin! pbaoe it, kill all albs and mids at once :)


Thanks for reminding me...

Nerf Enchanters!

Anything else? :p


Originally posted by Hufner
Thanks for reminding me...

Nerf Enchanters!

Anything else? :p
Don't worry, my inside source at Mythic has slipped me this info:

Enchanter pets have been reduced to 75% of caster level in line with Druid pets. Also due to issues with some of the summoned pets, Enchanters can now only summon pure tank pets.
Enchanter/Eldritch PBAE changed to 4 sec casting time, base damage reduced to 235 (at 48 spec) and radius reduced to 200. Power cost will remain the same.
There was a bug with Hibernia magician classes giving them more power for their intelligence points than they should have been receiving, this has been fixed.
Hibernia magician classes baseline stun moved to the light spec line instead of base line.


nerf little ol' me? But why? I'm harmless, no threat to anyone.... in Hibs :)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Enchanters... nerfed?*gasps*
Time to cancel my account! ;)


/runs off to delete his own enchanter...

Funny though, on the PvP servers I hear enchanters are the prime targets for ganking-squads - out of fear for letting them get powerful :p


It's because chanters on PvP get their pet to chain nuke people through walls while they're trying to use merchants and the like. Hence they have a bad rep. ;)


idiots! One of these realms could have taken all powerrelics, but instead, they shared!! and why? soon the other realm will be charging the others relic keep to take the other relic(s) aswell, why not done it earlier when you had the chance? what a logic...

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