/salute hibs&mids teamwork ;/




Need I remind you of themany times that Albion and Hibernia both went on joint relic raids a few months ago when Midgard had all the relics and we were trying to take them back? Like when Albs would attack keep and we would try and hold the mids inside their realm...

Didn't see you albs complaining then :)


Tbh it wasn't arranged at all or so....but it was the best thing we could do atm... And it wasn't cooperating, just that you can hardly expect Mids to fight of Hibs in an Alb relic keep, no? We decided to take with us what we came for, and so did the Hibs.

Gratz at the hibs btw :clap:

Uncle Sick(tm)

Weeeeee!! We have the power relic back! :D

Well done!!


yeah well done hibernia, you deserve it. now stop zerging ;P


So those people that were telling us last night in our /cg that we should attack hibies when we saw em, 'coz if not, we will be accused of crossrealming were right after all.

Luckily, folks listened to those who kept saying that we should concentrate on the task at hand and worry about this 'political mumbo-jumbo' later :)

As far as I can say, none of this was coordinated between hibies and mids, but it probably helped both Midgard and Hibernia to go after the relics at the same time.

Not that I've really seen how the attacks developed themselves, since I've lost contact with main group during 2nd run from our PK and I ended up getting killed by some agro mobs whilst trying to catch up :) But I've stayed in /cg group long enough after that to be certain that none of this was organized in cooperation with hibies, it was just a lucky break for us all.




At least no more running backwards and forwards from one keep to another now.

Until next Sunday anyway. ;)

j000 d000d

What do you expect?

If you have all relics from both realms, you can expect 2 realms attacking you, and there was nothing planned together with mids, when we were gathering our relic force mid started taking keeps.

Good job everyone :) Mid has 2 power relics too again :)


Originally posted by old.Teador
What do you expect?

If you have all relics from both realms, you can expect 2 realms attacking you, and there was nothing planned together with mids, when we were gathering our relic force mid started taking keeps.

Good job everyone :) Mid has 2 power relics too again :)

lol i suppose the picture he posted of the hib and norse in the relic room shows no working together. :)

Well gratz to both - morning raids and inter realm teamwork, least we had the numbers to do it ourselves last week. What was it last week about it being totally sad to do morning raids i can't quite remember ?

j000 d000d

Originally posted by Krillin.

lol i suppose the picture he posted of the hib and norse in the relic room shows no working together. :)

Well gratz to both - morning raids and inter realm teamwork, least we had the numbers to do it ourselves last week. What was it last week about it being totally sad to do morning raids i can't quite remember ?

Yes, we might be working together, but i just said that we didn't plan on working together, it was just luck that mids attacked at the same time, and killing mids would only be in the favour of the albs :)


Morning raid ??

We started taking your keeps at...what was it....00:30 or so.(not 100% sure but near this time). Wouldnt call that a morning raid hey?
Then the hibs attack powerrelic 1st....whack through 1st and 2nd door....then theyre wiped.
Just about when hibs fall we start on excal. Get through 1st and hurt 2nd. Wiped....
I am pretty sure you had like 60+ defenders.
You had plenty of ppl defending the 1st time around and you dont have to be a genious to understand that we will be back when powerkeep is busted open all the way to the sanctum.
My point being: You PLANNED a sunday morning relicraid......while we went taking keeps and were astonished by the fact that they werent retaken THEN we decided to go for relic.

Brannor McThife

Well, when we saw Mid SB's inside Benowyc, which was held by Hib...I guess that's enough proof of R&RvR. Pity you couldn't convince the guards not to attack you eh?

Glad you got your relic Hib. Sad that you had to team with Midgard of all realms... ;)



forgot the interrealm matter

When we are at powerrelic the hibs show up....since they had busted most of the keep we decided to let them have their relic.
We dont really need it and they sure had done the most of the job on the keep in the 1st place.
Would have been quite stupid to fight them too and risk not getting anything.
The way I see it the hibs notice with the same astonishment as us that the keeps in your frontier arent retaken then they decide to go for it...OR, as some previous posts imply, they were in the process of going anyway and got lucky that we were taking keeps. Either way we hadnt PLANNED anything of this........


OMG Mid SB's inside beno

Well, when we saw Mid SB's inside Benowyc, which was held by Hib...I guess that's enough proof of R&RvR

Is this true? Did you see it? DAMN.....secret Mid<--->Hib pact uncovered.


I'm finding all these co-incidences to be slightly lame. Both mids and hibs in alb frontier in same time - believeable ish . Both hibs and mids in alb frontier at 8am sunday morning - dodgy ish. Hibs and mids not bumping into each other en route to keeps and killing each other before it was clear it was a relic raid - hmm ok :) . Hibs and mids spotted inside relic keep together - whatever.

Like i said gratz to getting the Relics back and i mean that but don't give us this rubbish about all these things happening by accident as its taking the mick a bit.


We feel honoured you guys need to cooperate to beat us. :p

Enjoy the relics while you still can. ;)


Originally posted by Krillin.

Like i said gratz to getting the Relics back and i mean that but don't give us this rubbish about all these things happening by accident as its taking the mick a bit.



They had to co-operate because they are both too weak to take them on their own. Be nice to the poor relatives and let them play with their toys a little while longer.

Besides if it was spontaneous it means that everything is allright.

Level 50 Infiltrator
Saracen Gryphon Knight
Servants of The Lake
"The Peoples Gimp"

j000 d000d

For your information, the relic wasnt taken at 8am, it was taken at about 4am i think. the raids started at 24:00 so its not a morning raid, and there was nothing planned with midgard.

And albs shouldnt whine, organising a raid at 7am with all your 8 alliances. :)


Love it when relics are taken, gives something to defend/take (Not that i can right now with a level 11 keen :()

Well done both.


I absolutely loved the plan of spamming /as with mindless blabber all night to confuse the alb spies.. worked great :) (obviously the more clever hib spies understood the plan).

As for teamworking with the hibs, i'd much rather teamwork with them than with the albs.


I guess albi... oh, I mean SoTL will take the relics back at 06.30 tomorrow or something.
And to all mids on the relicraid... u suxx0r... I wanted all 3 powerrelics but got only 2... how lame isnt that? :flame:


The think that all Realms did well last night.

The Mids did well to get a decent force together, to recapture all their keeps, then all the alb keeps and then go for the Relics. All in about 6 or 7 hours.

The Hibs did well by reacting to the fact that the Mids had a big force in the Alb lands and taking advantage of this to decide to get their relic back. Who can blame them?

The Albs did well as we managed to stop massive attacks on both Myrddin and Excalibur at virtually the same time. As soon as Myrddin was safe, all the Albs there ran to Excalibur. Excalibur was safe before we arrived.

I logged at 3am, with both Relic Keeps safe, but the doors destroyed. I guess it was inevitable that the Mids and Hibs would come back to finish the job, but I aint staying up past 3am for a game....and I guess not many others did too.



Was gonna rest my case but here it goes:

1. Some guildies(and others) go albfrontier to take Beno. It falls. I meet them there and we decide to keep going since Emain was booring anyway. We take all but Hurbury without any opposition.

2. Enroute to Hurbury we get reports of a large hibforce going through hmgH. Our spies report that they seem to be going to Hurbury. Obviously we stop and ponder the situation. Meaning we avoid meeting the hibforce since we had like 20 ppl keeptaking and the hibforce was bigger(cant remember how big but ought to be in the 40+).
3. Thinking the hibs probably can go for relic some frenetic activity ensues. We start recruiting ppl by every means available to us. We all meet up at Beno. In the meantime albs retake Renaris, Berk and Surs.
4. Our scouts at powerelic report that it still is going well for hibs.
5. Unfortunately the hibs are wiped about at the same time as we get to strrelic.(60+ albs did it)
6 We manage to break down 1st door and hurt 2nd when the albs from powerrelic arrive. We get wiped by 60+ albs.
7 We hurry back since now Alb is hurting bad. Retake Surs and stop albs taking Eras. Our initial plan was to go for Excal again but when we are at Surs (after retake) we decide to go for Myrddin since it is hurt the most and the hibs don't seem to show up.
8 While taking relic at Myrddin hibs show up. We decide to let them have their relic. Right or wrong? I really dont care.
9 Relic home. I go to bed. I think Mids went to Excal and tried. Seems they failed.


Originally posted by Jenna.
I guess albi... oh, I mean SoTL will take the relics back at 06.30 tomorrow or something.
And to all mids on the relicraid... u suxx0r... I wanted all 3 powerrelics but got only 2... how lame isnt that? :flame:

SotL, not SoTL... Please, learn that one, cutie, will ya?


Grats to all, makes thngs a bit more interesting again.

Laga, if you don't care, stop contradicting yourself by posting varied and long explanations /wink.




Originally posted by old.Teador
For your information, the relic wasnt taken at 8am, it was taken at about 4am i think. the raids started at 24:00 so its not a morning raid, and there was nothing planned with midgard.

And albs shouldnt whine, organising a raid at 7am with all your 8 alliances. :)

Firstly, we our morning raid set-off between 8.30-9, and didn't get to your power relic keep until about 9-9.30
Secondly....the clock says AM at midnight for a reason ;)

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