/salute hibs&mids teamwork ;/



The raid got started by the albs, when they took our keeps.. around 00.00 we started to take keeps back ... to get you out of our frontier we attack your keeps aswell. for some reason you did not stop us. Basicly you started the raid yourself


yeah, blame the albs for loosing their relics! :clap:


Also, middies had 50's way before alb, and as they had them earlier, they lost them earlier.

Nowadays I'd guess albs have more people turning 50 weekly (just a guess).

So albs prolly have bigger numbers (of zerg and 50's)

Just speculation tho :)


well 3% more ppl on the server is albs then mids .. but that means that there are about 8% more albs then there are mids.


Originally posted by Makwaerk
The raid got started by the albs, when they took our keeps.. around 00.00 we started to take keeps back ... to get you out of our frontier we attack your keeps aswell. for some reason you did not stop us. Basicly you started the raid yourself

That was kind of us. We at the Templars wanted to do something that evening, so we took Bledmeer and then Hild a little later. I hear that Servants of the Lake took the rest of them. What we really wanted was for you to come out and try and take Bledmeer back, which you wouldn't at first. So we took Hild. After that, we got wind of your re-taking keeps and reports said it was a big army so we buggered off back to Bledmeer to defend. We'd already fought you off once there, and we'd built 4 catapults for you by the time you were on the doors there.

We then heard about Mids going towards Excalibur so eventually defeated you and made our way there.

Saying the raid was started by us is just silly, you have to expect your keeps to be attacked, and well, if you can't take them back because we defended well dosen't mean you have to get all angry and take our Relics. <grins>

j000 d000d

When we lose relics can i come cry with my barbie doll too?


Originally posted by Turamber

Yes, your signature reveals you as one of the previous uber classes, who isn't happy at being reduced to the level of other (mainly Albion) classes ... so throws away his toys. Forgive me if that means anything else you then say is taken with a pinch of salt :p

Ahh, thats great to hear... Many albion classes are gimped just like the hunter, too bad I cant remember those gimped Albs, so maybe you can explain further which classes you're referring to and why its mainly Albs?

Otherwise I recommend you to read:
:) :) :)


Originally posted by old.Revz
Teador you just flat out suck.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Says alot about you Teador if you play with Barbie dolls as well.

:flame: :flame:


For the 'Albs started the raid themselfs' ... it's true.
There were ~20 Albs in Bledmeer, about 1 group lowbies though.
When I left the retake-'Force' it was maybe 12Mids in the cg, no rams, few healers. The usual 'I ain't interested in taking OUR keeps'-attitude :rolleyes:

Since we didn't get neough people for a Legion Raid, most went for Prince's, and when they died, to retake keeps.
At that time all our keeps were taken by SotL and Knights Templer, and Lord of England ran around in Yggdra too, so someone suggested to take keeps in Albion to scare them out.

And it wasn't a big force in Tincan-country at first ... maybe 20mids ;)

But since you didn't stop us from taking your keeps so swiftly more Mids showed up.


thats prolly cause it was a tad late and we'd all gone to bed like the senisble adults we are.


Originally posted by old.Teador

Is that all u got? :m00: :m00:

I think Revz was just trying to discuss things with you on your level and with the same relevance to the subject. :m00:


Originally posted by Jenna.

Ahh, thats great to hear... Many albion classes are gimped just like the hunter, too bad I cant remember those gimped Albs, so maybe you can explain further which classes you're referring to and why its mainly Albs?

Otherwise I recommend you to read:
:) :) :)

Ah yes. Got as far as reading how uber Paladin's are and couldn't read anymore 'cos of the tears of laughter... :D


I take that as you couldnt answer my question then :)?


Grats Hibs and Mids :)

oh, and only VN board whining can compare to BW whining :D


Originally posted by Turamber

Ah yes. Got as far as reading how uber Paladin's are and couldn't read anymore 'cos of the tears of laughter... :D

OMG.....I am UBER!!!!!!!!!...

so, when do these new uber changes to Paladins come into effect then?? can't wait for them :)

Just out of curiosity Jenna..have you ever actaully played all the Albion, or Hibernia classes, because if I had to make a judgement from that post, i would say you know precisely jack shit...if that.


Originally posted by Gaal66
...oh, and only VN board whining can compare to BW whining :D

There is no comparison - VN whining can rot your soul and destroy what little spirit you have as a free individual if you walk in unprepared :) BW whining is just entertaining :D

The VN board is one constant screaming whine that repeats over and over, fading as players go, increasing as players gain.....it has gone from a mere bits in cyberspace to a living entity of terror that in mere minutes can convince you that [class A] is uber gimped and mythic hates them......you'll just want to delete and reroll an assassin :)

Dont make such a mistake again, you're comparing apples to vicious man-eating type creatures :)

[Coming soon to a darkness falls near you : Soultorn VN Board Trolls.....] :)





Ok Jenna might or might not have played pretty much all classes in all realms...I HAVE!
<note which is prolly why i havnt reached level 50 yet :p>
I have played Hibie..okish but I will say that my level 40 shaman took down an orange con Hero in Yggdra today...one on one...ok I got a root off and my Poison hurt him alot but this guys a tank?
Played all Midie classes
Played alot of ALB.
Honest opinion..Alb all the way
Sorry to say it..ok Cabalists are crap but hey you got 3!!! <yes 3!!> other mage classes which are damn good...
Infi`s: do i have to? the best assasin in the game
Armsman: very good tank...Plate anyone? <Quote: the armour with the highest AF factor in the game>
And then Minstrel...Minstrel, Minstrel...
Oh dear...How any resonable Alb can look at that class and NOT say its quite silly i dont know...
Yes im afarid i agree Albs have it easy..
Not that im complaining..I like a challange :)


well well...

Ok, I've read almost every post now (more or less) and well:
I was personally raid leader of the Hibernia force, and all I can say, even though I know it will not convince you, is that we had absolutely nothing arranged with Midgard.
I had planned and informed about this raid since wedensday this week, it was planned to go of at midnight bst, but got postphoned about 1 hour due to alb had Crim and Bolg, and we wanted to get those back first.
We had somewhere around 100 Hibernians on the raid and once we got to Hadrian's Wall the Midgard forces had taken 2 or 3 keeps in Albion. We decided to send out scout to see if it was a relic force, or what, soon we had gathered informations on the mids, and though the raid was initially set for taking str relic at Excalibur we decided to go to Myrrdin instead, since mids was somewhere around Excalibur, then we moved straight to Hurbury leaving the mids their keep, as there would be no point in taking them, we took Hurbury on the way and went straight on for Myrrdin, where we got the 2 outer doors and the inner to 90%, then we got wiped. A small force of us decided to go back to see if we could get through the last door, we ran towards Myrdinn and had 1 scout at the rk, when we reached Hurbury the scout reported about 130 mids had come to Myrrdin and was attacking it. We decided to wait for the mids to get through and try to take our own relic. Once mids power relic turned neutral we moved near the keep from the north, just a small force of 30 hibs, a stealther of ours ran past the mids and grabbed our relic and ran like the wind. In the meantime a few of us died to the mids, but luckily they stopped attacking us at some point and a few confused hibs went inside relic keep, while a small force of me and 3 others speeded back towards hpk, we got reinforcements at hmg and made it safely home, that's about all folks, sorry for writing so much.

The point is, nothing was arranged between our forces, the mid keep taking was merely a good boost to our chances of getting the relic, so we zeiced (how do you spell that??) the opportunity and luckily the mids were reasonable when we came back and let us have our relic.

Tanks to all Hibernians on the raid, was great fun, and good work!
Grats to mids for getting the other 2 relics.
cya all in Emain in the near future

Edlina Evermorn lvl 46 (dinged today, sunday, :D) warden of Hibernia/Prydwen


Re: well well...

Originally posted by Edlina
even though I know it will not convince you,

not much point reading on then eh?? ;)



i guess you guys always cheer at each other when u are in the same relic room instead of killing each other,luckaly the hibs/mids on excal are more honorable then this
lol @ prydwen :)


HMM !!

Well first of all the group you spoted was not the relic force it was the have some fun and try new tactic on keep force..
We got our force to albland when we heard of you guys /as spam spam and mid started to port to albland!!

And man 130 mids iik im not sure how many we was but a guess is around 60-80 :)..

And 2 all out there its a game have fun. If u like to take a relic at 8.00 do it.. If u like team with hib/alb do it..

Hmm i think i got Zid in Gorge * oh a grey hmm does it mean that i cant kill him hell no die* ....


Re: hahahha

Originally posted by belgor
i guess you guys always cheer at each other when u are in the same relic room instead of killing each other,luckaly the hibs/mids on excal are more honorable then this
lol @ prydwen :)

Getting dissed by the guys from Excal now aren't you, whatever next :) Maybe our Hibs and Mids should shape up and stop embarrassing the server.

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